Title: Jeopardy!
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Introduction Tissues Integumentary System Skeletal System Muscular System Potpourri
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4FINAL JEOPARDYCategory-Integration of Body
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- A method of correction where the body detects a
variation outside normal limits triggering a
response to correct the situation. - e.g. thermoregulation
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Final Jeopardy Answer- Negative Feedback
Introduction Tissues Integumentary System Skeletal System Muscular System Potpourri
Respiratory System Simple and stratified Melanocytes Axial Skeleton Cross bridge Stem Cells
Muscular System Mucous UV Radiation Appendicular Skeleton Neuromuscular junction Bursa
Integumentary System Compact and spongy bone Accessory structures Osteoblasts Rectus femoris, V intermedius, V lateralis, V medialis Inflammation and regeneration
Skeletal System Squamous, cuboidal and columnar Epidermis, Dermis, Hypodermis Synarthroidal Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Subscapularis, Teres minor Cutaneous membrane
Homeostasis Epithilial, connective, muscle, neural S. germinativum, S. spinosum, S. granulosum, S. corneum Long, flat, irregular, short Skeletal, cardiac and smooth Serous membrane
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- Body system responsible for gas exchange
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- Provides locomotion, produces heat, supports
skeleton, guards entrances and exits - back
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- Covers surface, protects deeper tissues, provides
strength, contains glands - back
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- Supports protects soft tissue, stores minerals
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17Daily Double
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- Maintaining a stable internal environment is
referred to as ________ - back
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- Description for a single cell layer and multiple
cell layers - back
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- Membrane which lines surfaces to the exterior of
the body - back
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- Types of bone tissue
- found in long bones
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- Structural classification of epithilium
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- Four major tissue types
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32Integumentary System200
- Cells which synthesize the skins pigment
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34Integumentary System400
- Has been linked to carcinomas and melanomas of
the skin - back
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36Integumentary System600
- Collectively, hair follicles, nails, sebaceous
glands and sweat glands are known as ________ - back
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38Integumentary System800
- Layers of the cutaneous membrane
- back
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40Integumentary System1000
- Layers of the epidermis (from deep to
superficial) excluding the hands and the feet - back
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42Skeletal System200
- The part of the skeleton consisting of the skull,
vertebral column, sternum, and rib cage - back
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44Skeletal System400
- The part of the skeleton consisting of the bones
of the arms, legs, pelvis and shoulders - back
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46Skeletal System600
- Cells that make new bone for growth and repair
- back
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48Daily Double
49Skeletal System800
- Type of joint found between the bones in the
skull - back
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51Skeletal System1000
- Identify the shapes of the bones in the picture
to the left - back
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53Muscular System200
- Attachment of the myosin head to the active site
on actin is called a ________ - back
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55Muscular System400
- Location where a neuron controls a skeletal
muscle fiber - back
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57Muscular System600
- Quadriceps muscle group
- back
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59Muscular System800
- Muscles of the rotator cuff
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61Muscular System1000
- Major types of muscle tissue
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- These cells continually replace
- epithilial cells
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- Small sacs filled with synovial fluid found in
joints - back
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- These two processes restore homeostasis after a
tissue is injured - back
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- Covers the body surface relatively thick usually
waterproof, and dry - back
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- Membrane lining the internal cavities delicate,
moist and very permeable - back
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