Title: Reliability
- As my grand pappy, Old Reliable,
- used to say . . .
- Who is this famous bloodhound?
- What was he noted for saying?
2What CU?
3Reliability Topics
- The Basic Notion of Reliability
- Factors Affecting Reliability
- Methods of Determining Reliability
- Methods Used by Professional Test Makers
- Method Suggested for Your Own Tests
- Standard Error of Measurement
- Confidence Bands
4Basic Notions of Reliability
- Reliability refers to the reliability of a test
score or set of test scores, not the reliability
of the test. - Reliability questions ask Are the scores
consistent? Are they stable? - Reliability is a matter of degree it is NOT
all-or-none. - Reliability is not the same as validity
validity asks Does a test measure what is
suppose to? (reliability is necessary for, but
not a sufficient condition for, validity) . - Reliability deals with unsystematic error in
assessment. Systematic error (examples, I test
well because I am test-wise or I do not test
well because English is not my first language)
will not be uncovered through tests of reliability
5Factors Affecting ReliabilitySources of
- Test Scoring
- difference between two scorers judgments
- one scorer over time (fatigue) and/or halo effect
- Test Content
- the sample of test items is too small
- the sample of test items is not evenly selected
across material - Test Administration
- noise, time limits not consistent, physical
conditions - Personal Conditions
- temporary ups and downs
- (chronic test anxiety would be a systematic error
and thus undetectable through measures of
reliability) - Note None of these factors automatically result
in unreliability, but as we build our
assessments, we hope to reduce the impact of
these factors. The extent to which these factors
may be affecting test scores is an empirical
question and we can and will address this as we
6A Bit of Theory (True/Observed)
- The perfect test would be unaffected by the
sources of unreliability and on this perfect test
each examinee should get his or her true score.
Unfortunately, we know the observed score we get
was likely affected by one or more of the sources
of unreliability. - So, our observed score is likely too high or to
low. The difference between the observed score
and the true score we call the error score and
this score can be positive or negative. - We can express this mathematically as
- True Score Obtained Score /- Error
- T O /- E (or, looking at it another way, O T
/- E) - Theory Time If we could re-administer a test to
one person an infinite number of times, what
would expect the distribution of their scores to
look like? Answer The Bell Shaped Curve. We
will return to this concept when we discuss the
standard error of measurement.
7Determining Reliability by Usingthe Concept of
- I can use my understanding of correlation (how
two things are related) to come up with a
mathematical calculation that will suggest the
strength (or lack of strength) regarding one or
more of the sources of unreliability that I have
identified. - I will be calculating what will be called the
reliability coefficient (since it is a
correlation coefficient measuring a type of
reliability). This value will range -1 to 1. - For example, lets consider rater reliability.
That is, do different scorers rate equally or,
another concern, does one scorer rate differently
over time. We express that as either - Inter-rater reliability among raters
(international many nations) - Intra-rater same rater (intramural sports
within 1 school) - Note the hyphen after inter- and intra- may not
be used by some authors - Compute using Spearman Rank Correlation
8Re-enter the Correlation Coefficient - the
calculated number that best describes the
relationship between two variables, but now we
will call it the reliability coefficient
- Reliability coefficient symbol is r
linear relationships - Range -1.00 through .00 to 1.00
- Sign indicates direction
- indicates that as one variable increases, the
other variable increases - - indicates that as one variable increases,
the other variable decreases - Number indicates strength
- Although the following table is somewhat
arbitrary, the following thinking might be useful
in interpretation - -1.0 to -0.7 strong converse association.
- -0.7 to -0.3 weak converse association.
- -0.3 to 0.3 little or no association.
- 0.3 to 0.7 weak direct association.
- 0.7 to 1.0 strong direct association.
9Some History . . . Karl Pearson (1857-1936)
- Pearson was a Galton protégé and was appointed
the first Galton Professor or Eugenics (1911) at
University College of London . - Introduced a new science "Biometrics" which
integrated statistics with evolutionary theory. - Advocated social imperialism "superior" races
and countries should produce more offspring than
those considered to be less developed. -
- In the United States, Indiana was the first to
pass a pioneering statute (1907) allowing state
officials to sterilize those deemed unfit to
breed. California enacted an even stricter
eugenics law. California made it legal for state
officials to asexualize those considered
feeble-minded, prisoners exhibiting sexual or
moral perversions, and anyone with more than
three criminal convictions.Â
10More Reliability Approaches to Consider
- Test-retest (impractical for you important in
standardized tests) - Alternate Forms (again, impractical for you but
important in standardized tests) - Internal Consistency (not appropriate for speeded
tests) - Kuder-Richardson (really a series of formulas
based on dichotomously scored items) - Coefficient alpha - Cronbachs (most widely used
as can be used with continuous item types) - Split-half odd-even w/Spearman-Brown
correction to apply to full test (easiest for you
to do and understand)
11Reliability of Your Classroom Tests
- I would recommend doing Split-Half Reliability.
- Step 1 Split your test into two parts (odd
even). - Step 2 Use Pearson Product Moment Correlation
- Ungrouped Data to determine rxy (rxy
represents the correlation between the two halves
of the scale). By doing the split-half we reduce
the number of items which we know will
automatically reduce the reliability, SO - Step 3 To estimate reliability of whole test
then use the Spearman Brown correction formula - rsb 2rxy /(1rxy)
- where rsb is the split-half reliability
12As a Teacher, What Do I Need to Know Most About
- For tests I create myself
- Increasing number of items increases reliability.
- Moderate difficulty level increases reliability.
- Having items measuring similar content increases
reliability. - For standardized tests I use
- Look for each tests published reliability data.
- Use the published reliability coefficient to
determine the Standard Error of Measurement
(abbreviated SEM) found in the data - See the following illustration
13Standard Error of Measurement
- The SEM is the standard deviation of a
hypothetically infinite number of obtained scores
around a persons true score.
14SEM and Confidence Bands
- The SEM is a standard deviation of a distribution
assumed to be normal . - So computing the SEM can help me better interpret
scores - Formula SEM SD ? 1 - r
- I can take the computed SEM and build a
Confidence Band around my score. - Confidence Band
- 68 Confidence Band /- 1 SEM
- 95 Confidence /- 1.96 SEM
- 99 Confidence /- 2.58 SEM
- I can also do percentiles (a bit harder).
- Many professional test makers give me this
15Final Thoughts Advice
- Use multiple sources of information.
- Find and Use a published tests SEM to help
interpretation. - Standard Error of Measurement is distinct from
- Standard error of mean (samples/populations)
- Standard error of estimate (prediction)
- Reliability for Criterion-referenced Items may
use techniques already covered but sometimes
require special treatment. - Worry about scorer reliability when score depends
on judgment.
16More Final Words . . .
- Reliability for Sub Scores is problematic since
small clusters are usually quite unreliable. - For important decisions, get reliability gt.90.
- Be wary of short tests. To increase reliability,
increase number of items, exercises, or
observations. - Occasionally check reliability of your classroom
tests. - Be able to distinguish between reliability and