Chapters 9 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapters 9


Title: Ch 9: Interests, Creativity, and Nontest Indicators Author: McEwing Last modified by: College of Ed Created Date: 8/26/2005 3:32:29 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapters 9

Chapters 9 12 The time has come, theWalrus
said, To talk of many things . . . .
  • As teachers, we tend to believe
  • that how we feel affects how we
  • think . . . of course, cognitive
  • psychology tells us it is the other
  • way around . . . so, lets explore!
  • For purposes of discussion,
  • lets use the passé phrase
  • Affective Domain for this
  • important sub-surface area
  • related to achievement.
  • In this chapter we explore
  • ways to attain and analyze
  • this type of useful information.

Affective Domain Explorations . . .
  • Interest Inventories / Attitude Surveys
  • Ability and Aptitude Tests
  • Creativity Tests
  • Personality Tests
  • Non-test Indicators Unobtrusive Measures

Lets begin with a little attitude . .
.Satisfaction Surveys / Self-Assessment Reports
  • Could be used with individuals in your class,
    grade level, building or school district.
  • Organizing the survey
  • Whose is the target (students, parents, public)?
  • What questions will be asked (school climate,
  • How will it be administered (in class, sent home,
  • Typical survey statements
  • I believe I am doing well in class.
  • My childs teacher really knows my child.
  • Teachers teach me in a way that makes me want to
  • I feel my tax money is being well spent.

Thoughts on include . . . Student Self-Reports
and Self-Assessment
  • May encourage students to develop skills in
    self-awareness and self-assessment.
  • Like any self-report, honesty is an issue.
    Classroom needs to have a positive atmosphere.
    Dont use to determine a students grade
    anonymous data collection could ensure this.
    Best used for your own feedback.
  • In a nonthreatening environment, there is a
    positive correlation better self-reports of
    achievement and actual achievement measured on
    academic tests.
  • Most of assessments of this nature use a Likert
    Scale . . . lets learn a bit about this scale.

Weve got class, some classroom ideas on using .
. . Inventories/Surveys, and the Likert Scale
  • The Likert Scale is the most common method used
    in assessment for the areas in the Affective
    Domain. It is both simple and flexible. A
    Likert Scale can be created related to any topic
    on which you want to assess students interests,
    attitudes, opinions, or feelings. Simply
  • Define an affective domain topic related to your
  • Think of different facets about the topic.
  • Generate a series of favorable and unfavorable
    statements regarding the topic. These are
    sometimes called survey items and the whole
    group is often called a survey or inventory.
  • Develop the response scale for the survey.
  • Administer the survey.
  • Score the results.
  • Identify and eliminate items that fail to
    function in accord with the other items (i.e.,
    look for bad items).

Rensis Likert (19031981)(pronounced 'Lick-urt')
  • Likert, born and raised in Cheyenne, WY, was
    training to be an engineer with the Union Pacific
    Railroad when the Great Railroad Strike of 1922
    occurred. The lack of communication between the
    two parties made a profound impression on him and
    may have led him to study conflict management and
    organizational theory for most of his life.
  • In 1926, he graduated from the University of
    Michigan, Ann Arbor. He returned there in 1946 as
    professor of psychology and sociology. In
    addition to his famous Likert Scale he is noted
    for his management dictum that The greater the
    loyalty of a group toward the group, the greater
    is the motivation among the members to achieve
    the goals of the group, and the greater the
    probability that the group will achieve its

A Likert-type item may have many . . .Response
Label Variations
Creating Scores forLikert-type Items
  • Provide number values to the scale add them up
    to suggest an individuals overall attitude
    score. (See below).
  • If you have many peoples opinions, you can also
    add the numbers by opinion topic then divide by
    the number of respondents to get an average
    attitude score (See President Concerns, 2008).

Reverse Wording Option when . . .Creating and
Scoring Likert-type Items
  • To avoid having some students straight line their
    responses, state some statements in a reverse
    direction. Be sure to remember you did this when
    you total the points. (See Below)
  • Also see Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale.

Pitfalls to Avoid. . . when creating a survey
for your classroom or school.
  • Be sure you and your students know the purpose of
    the survey and how the information will be used.
    (e.g., Will individual responses be
  • Keep it short (e.g., generally one page is
  • Beware of lingo or jargon terms (e.g., Do you
    favor inclusion?).
  • Watch out for ambiguous meaning (e.g., Which
    class is best?).
  • Do not ask more than one question at a time
    (e.g., Do you favor more homework and more
    library assignments?).
  • Avoid loaded or leading questions (e.g., Do you
    believe that it is important to treat your fellow
    students fairly?).
  • Make sure that fixed-response questions have a
    place for every possible answer (e.g., Would you
    prefer to study history or economics?).
  • Place the more sensitive questions at the end of
    the survey.
  • Run the survey by other professionals before you
    distribute it. If necessary, obtain clearance
    from your principal or school district.
  • Don't reward or punish students based on their

Interests, Attitudes and Opinion Assessment. .
. some closing questions
  • What about student faking?
  • May choose socially desirable response.
  • May try to please or shock the teacher.
  • Main remedy is non-threatening environment.
  • How stable are students interests, attitudes and
  • May depend on the topic and person.
  • We do expect to change them . . . (or do you?).
  • What about using constructed or free-response
  • Can be used.
  • Not often used in practice.

And a closing example . . .Career Interest
  • These tests attempt to match a persons
    personality and interests with a specific work
    environment and/or career.
  • Problems
  • Honesty 1 . . . Would you rather compute wages
    for payroll records or read to a blind person?
    Which is more socially acceptable?
  • Honesty 2 . . . Knowing where the questions are
    leading . . . I want Special Education so I know
    I should choose read to blind person.
  • Is there a connection between what one would like
    to do and what one would really be good at doing?
  • What about the idea of learning to like on the
    job and/or in developing new interests?
  • Widely used inventories (taking more than one is
  • Strong
  • Kuder

Mental Ability Tests . . . usual purpose of
ability testing is prediction
  • Mental ability (also called intelligence,
    aptitude, learning ability, academic potential,
    cognitive ability, ad infinitum). We have
    already discussed the IQ as a normed score . . .
    Lets look a little deeper.
  • Theories about Mental Ability
  • Unitary theory g
  • Multiple, independent abilities (about 7)
  • e.g., verbal, numerical, spatial, perceptual
  • Hierarchical theory currently dominant See
    next slide

Hierarchical Theory of Mental Ability
Individually AdministeredMental Ability Tests
  • General features
  • One-on-one administration
  • Requires advanced training for administration
  • Usually about 1 hour
  • Mixture of items
  • Examples
  • Stanford-Binet

Group AdministeredMental Ability Tests
  • General Features
  • Administered to any size group
  • Types of items content similar to individually
    administered but in multiple-choice format
  • Examples
  • Elementary/secondary
  • Others (e.g.. SAT, ACT, GRE)

Learning Disabilities
  • The basic definition is simple, to wit, there is
    a discrepancy between measured intelligence and
    measured achievement. But enter the Diagnostic
    and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
    (DSM-IV) The DSM-IV organizes each psychiatric
    diagnosis into five levels (axes) relating to
    different aspects of disorder or disability.
    Located in the Axis 1 level are developmental and
    learning disorders.
  • Common Axis I disorders include phobias,
    depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders,
    and learning disabilities (like reading disorder,
    mathematics disorder, disorder of written
    expression, ADHD) and communications disorders
    (like stuttering).
  • The DSM-IV manual states that this manual is
    produced for the completion of Federal
    legislative mandates and its use by people
    without clinical training can lead to
    inappropriate application of its contents.
    Appropriate use of the diagnostic criteria is
    said to require extensive clinical training, and
    its contents cannot simply be applied in a
    cookbook fashion.

. . . Among Professionals
  • The American Psychological Association (APA) has
    stated clearly that its diagnostic labels are
    primarily for use as a convenient shorthand
    among professionals.
  • Do you think the among professionals phrase as
    used by the APA applies to high teachers whose
    field is not Special Education? Implications?

IDEA 2004 . . .. . . children with learning
disabilities in high school.
  • The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    (IDEA) is a law ensuring services to children
    with disabilities throughout the nation. Children
    and youth (ages 3-21) receive special education
    and related services under IDEA Part B.
  • In updating the IDEA, Congress found that the
    education of children with disabilities,
    including learning disabilities (LD), can be made
    more effective by having high expectations for
    such children and ensuring their access to the
    general education curriculum in the regular
    classroom to the maximum extent possible.
  • If students with LD are going to succeed in
    school, they must have access to teachers who
    know the general curriculum, as well as support
    from teachers trained in instructional strategies
    and techniques that address their specific
    learning needs. Unfortunately, studies have shown
    that students with LD are often the victims of
    watered down curriculum and teaching approaches
    that are neither individualized nor proven to be

Creativity (aka Creative Thinking)
  • Definition? More than 60 different definitions
    of creativity can be found in the psychological
    literature. Other terms one often hears
    associated with creative thinking are divergent
    thinking, originality, ingenuity, unusualness.
  • Creative thinking is generally considered to be
    involved with the creation or generation of
    ideas, processes, experiences or objects.
    Critical thinking is concerned with their
  • In measuring creativity, we typically use
    constructed response items looking for one or
    more of the creativity characteristics. The
    format is similar to that of an essay, the
    student is given a prompt . . . except now we are
    looking for divergent thinking, not convergent

Example Prompts for creative thinking
  • General
  • All the uses for (a common object)
  • All the words beginning with (a letter)
  • Captions or titles for . . .
  • Field specific (tailored to content)
  • How would U.S. differ today if . . .
  • Different ending for a play or story
  • Diverse descriptions for a work of art

Creativity Scoring . . . a menu of five primary
ways to score responses.
  • Count sum the number of ideas or responses.
  • Count with quality rating each response has a
    quality rating (e.g. 1-3) sum the ratings.
  • Single best response scan all responses, find
    the students best response, rate only that
    response using a quality rating scale (e.g. 1-3).
  • Originality the response(s) provided is/are
    infrequently seen (you might need experience to
    determine this).
  • Different perspectives count opposing ideas the
    student generates in responding to a prompt.

Standardized Tests for Creativity
  • Nationwide, many school districts use
    standardized creativity tests for the purpose of
    screening and identifying gifted students.
  • One of the most often used is the Torrance Tests
    of Creative Thinking (TTCT). It is produced in
    two forms Thinking Creatively with Pictures
    Thinking Creatively with Words.
  • Check it out at the Scholastic Testing Service
    Gifted website.
  • http//

In the News . . Cleveland Plain Dealer, January
22, 2008, post on Gifted Education in Ohio
  • No federal law requires school districts to
    identify or serve gifted students -- unlike
    special education for children with disabilities.
    That leaves it up to the individual states, and
    only 31 of them require districts to provide
    gifted services, according to the National
    Association for Gifted Children. Ohio is not
    among them.
  • In Ohio, districts are only required to identify
    gifted students. Roughly 16 percent of the
    state's public school enrollment is classified as
    gifted. But last school year, only 26 percent of
    those students received either full or partial
    services, according to data filed with the Ohio
    Department of Education . . . . Research shows
    that while some gifted students do well without
    special services, the majority need more than the
    usual classroom experience.

As Paul Harvey might say, And now, the rest of
the story . . .
  • Teachers like to use rest of variations in
    teaching. These tasks (aka tests) are often
    called projective techniques. Students are
    asked to be creative and think about what came
    before, what might happen next, or how a story
    might end.
  • Before leaving this area, lets take a look some
    rest of tests. To the top right is an example
    of the Rorschach Ink Blot Test .
  • What do you think it measures?

The Thematic Apperception Test . . . what do you
think this test measures?
The Draw a Person Test . . . What do you think
this test measures?
Behavior Rating Scales
  • Many professionals express the need to move away
    from norm-referenced measures and recommend
    utilizing a more functional assessment approach.
    Members of the counseling field also are
    advocating for behavioral assessment alternatives
    to more formal procedures.
  • The following recommendations for educators are
    appropriate when considering implementing a
    behavior rating scale
  • Have a variety of people who know the child
    complete the scale (e.g., caregivers, parents,
  • Make sure ratings on the childs behavior is
    being collected from a number of different
  • Before using a particular rating scale, make sure
    it reflects overall goals of the assessment
  • Care should be taken so that information about
    the student is not skewed toward the negative.
  • Be aware that scales reflect perceptions about
    students and multiple informants and inter-rater
    reliability checks can corroborate or contradict
    these perceptions.

Areas often covered on a . . .Behavior Rating
  • Aggression Anger
  • Anxiety Depression
  • Hyperactivity Inattention
  • Opposition Withdrawal

Example of a simple . . .Behavior Rating Scale
  • 0 1 2 3
  • This student . . . Never Sometimes Often
  • 1. Arrives late for class 0 1
    2 3
  • 2. Daydreams 0 1 2 3
  • 3. Does sloppy work 0 1 2
  • 4. Talks inappropriately 0 1 2
  • 5. Disrespects authority 0 1 2
  • 6. Completes work late 0 1 2
  • 7. Seeks attention 0 1
    2 3
  • 8. Hits other students 0 1 2

Non-test Indicators as. . . important sources
of data on student accomplishment.
  • These indicators serve to remind us that schools
    are pursing goals other than high test scores.
  • The Ohio School Report Card includes both test
    and non-test indicators
  • Examples of Data Collected
  • Routine Record Indexes
  • Absentee rates tardiness rates graduation
    rates discipline rates athletic, club,
    volunteer participation rates, teachers who
    students took for class.
  • Destination after high school what are the
    connections among grades, test scores, routine
    records to later achievements?
  • College? Where (selective or open admission)?
    Scholarship? Stay with it or drop out?
  • Workforce? Type of Job? Pay? Fired (Why)?
  • Other? (jail, unemployed, etc.) Is school
    TEACHER . . . .

Non-test indicators include . . . Unobtrusive
  • Unobtrusive measures are those assessments that
    occur in the normal environment and that the
    persons involved are oblivious to the assessment.
  • Examples
  • Student graffiti - desktops, lockers, restrooms .
    . .
  • Library books checked out in Spanish . . .
  • Winners at YSU History Day . . .
  • Hits on class website . . .
  • The best source of unobtrusive data is gathered
    daily, in the classroom, by the teachers like
    you, as they teach.

How about . . . An unobtrusive measure for
  • Stress the Biodot . . .
  • Notice the scale differences
  • on the two cards displayed

Practical Advice
  1. Include objectives related to interests and
    attitudes in your objectives and in assessment.
  2. Identify and use a few non-test indicators of
    student accomplishment.
  3. Practice making up simple scales for measuring
    interests and attitudes using the Likert method.
    Apply concepts of reliability and validity to all
    these tests.
  4. Gain experience in developing prompts calling for
    divergent thinking and in scoring responses.

Terms Concepts to Review andStudy on Your Own (1)
  • cognitive outcomes
  • non-cognitive outcomes
  • convergent thinking
  • divergent thinking
  • faking
  • Likert method
  • non-test indicator
  • unobtrusive measure

Terms Concepts to Review andStudy on Your Own (2)
  • behavior rating scale
  • DSM-IV
  • hierarchical model
  • projective technique
  • self-report inventory
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