Causal Inference and Adequate Yearly Progress - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Causal Inference and Adequate Yearly Progress


Title: STANDARDS-BASED ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEMS: DESIGN ISSUES AND RECOMMENDATIONS Author: cse Last modified by: Derek Briggs Created Date: 11/10/1998 4:19:15 PM – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Causal Inference and Adequate Yearly Progress

Causal Inference and Adequate Yearly Progress
  • Derek Briggs

University of Colorado at Boulder National Center
for Research on Evaluation,Standards, and
Student Testing (CRESST) CRESST ConferenceLos
Angeles, CASeptember 9, 2004
  • Description and Adequacy
  • Causal Inference in the Context of NCLB-AYP
  • Causal Inference in the Context of Value-Added
    Models (VAMs)
  • Are we addressing causally meaningful questions?
  • Directions for Future Research

AYP as a Descriptive Measure
  • Two 4th grade teachers Sylvia and Susan
  • Sylvias students met AYP target in 2004 for 4th
    grade reading
  • Susans students did NOT meet AYP target in 2004
    for 4th grade reading
  • But this leads us naturally to ask WHY
  • Why did Sylvias students meet AYP targets
  • Why did Susans students fail to meet AYP target?

The Slippery Slope from Description to Causation
  • Casual comparisons inevitably initiate careless
    causal conclusions
  • --Paul Holland, 2000
  • EXAMPLES of Causal Attributions
  • Sylvias students met AYP target because state
    standards were properly emphasized.
  • Susans students did not meet AYP target because
    they lacked necessary resources.
  • Students taught by Sylvia are learning to read
    better than students taught by Susan.

Defining Causal Inferences from NCLB
  • What is the effect of Sylvias efforts to improve
    student reading ability as measured by 4th grade
    test scores?
  • Average 2004 scale score for Sylvias class
  • Average causal effect attributed to Sylvia

What is the Appropriate Counterfactual
  • Is
  • The average scale score on 4th grade reading test
    for Sylvias class in 2003?
  • or
  • The average scale score on 4th grade reading test
    for Susans class in 2004?

This choice determines how we interpret the
meaning of the causal effect. The control
defines the treatment.
The Implied NCLB Counterfactual
  • Average scale score on 4th grade reading test for
    Sylvias 2003 class
  • Teachers serve as their own historical controls
  • AYP can be viewed as an external judgment as to
    the expected size of the effect
  • Effects cant be interpreted relative to other
  • Threats to validity are numerous

An Added Wrinkle Standard Setting
  • Policy not based on
  • Instead, we focus on
  • where S(.) represents the transformation from
    scale score to meeting a given standard
  • An empirical question Do bNCLB and S(bNCLB) tell
    equivalent stories?

If you Believe the Counterfactual Substitution is
  • 60 of Sylvias students performed at the
    proficient level or higher on 4th grade reading
    test in 2003
  • AYP target is 5 increase
  • 70 of Sylvias students performed at the
    proficient level or higher on 4th grade reading
    test in 2004
  • The 10 improvement between 2003 and 2004 is
    attributed to Sylvias teaching. Sylvias effect
    gt 5, so it is considered adequate.

The Value-Added Approach
  • From repeated cross-sections to longitudinal data
  • Complex statistical models fixed effects model,
    cross-classified model, multivariate mixed
    effects (layered) model
  • Controlling for prior student performance
  • Teachers only held accountable for what students
    learn (or fail to learn)
  • Direct estimates of teacher effects(?)

Some Key Issues with VAMs
  • Inclusion of covariates
  • Impact of missing data
  • Persistence attribution of teacher effects
  • Impact of different methods of test construction,
    scaling and equating
  • Plausibility of modeling assumptions
  • Do VAM estimates of teacher effects have causally
    meaningful interpretations?

Teacher Effects in VAMs
  • What is the effect of Sylvias efforts to improve
    student reading ability as measured by 4th grade
    test scores?
  • Avg score for Sylvias 4th graders in 2004
  • Avg score for Sylvias 4th graders when they were
    3rd graders in 2003
  • Avg score for ALL 4th graders in 2004
  • Avg score for ALL 4th graders when they were 3rd
    graders in 2003
  • Sylvias average
    causal effect

VAM Teacher Effects Graphically
Source Raudenbush (2004), p. 125
t 1
t 2
Are VAM effects causally meaningful?
  • Teacher effects in VAMs are normative
  • -Effects are relative to system average
  • -Effective teacher in one school may be
    classified as ineffective in another school
  • A better term might be teacher deviations
  • The treatment is poorly defined
  • The control is ambiguous
  • Policy implications are murky

A Technical Digression Are teacher effects
random or fixed?
  • Neither a fixed-effects model nor a random
    effects model is unambiguously better. The
    statistical implications of the choice may
    influence the decision, but it is also partly
    substantive The best decisions may depend on the
    particular inferences that are considered most
  • ---(McCaffrey et al, 2003, p. 67)
  • Fixed effects models become unwieldy when
    multiple time points and cohorts are available.
    Given that fixed effect estimates have good
    properties only in special circumstances, I would
    recommend random effects as a general approach.
  • ---(Raudenbush, 2004, p. 127)

Random Effects and the Observed Data
  • The preceding quotes imply to me that the random
    effects assumption is just a statistical modeling
  • But the decision is actually an empirical
    commitment about the nature of the observed data.
  • Are teacher effects really like independent
    random draws from a population distribution? What
  • What must we assume about how our observed data
    was generated?

ltEnd of technical digressiongt

Causally interpretable? Yes Yes
Is interpretation likely to be unbiased? No Maybe
Is interpretation meaningful? No No
Does the measure describe student learning? No Maybe
Is the measure valid? ? ?
Directions for Future Research
  • Demonstrate that cross-sectional and longitudinal
    data paint different pictures about student
  • Recast VAM-AYP effects to address causally
    meaningful questions
  • -What is the effect of imposing a value-added
    accountability system on student learning?
  • -What is the effect of innovative professional
    development on teacher effectiveness?
  • Validate VAM measures of teacher effects by
    developing criterion measures of teacher quality

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  • Kupermintz, H. (2003). Teacher effects and
    teacher effectiveness a validity investigation
    of the Tennessee Value Added Assessment System.
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  • McCaffrey, D., Lockwood, J. R., Koretz, D.,
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  • Raudenbush, S. (2004). What are value-added
    models estimating and what does this imply for
    statistical practice? Journal of Educational and
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  • Reckase, M. (2004). The real world is more
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  • Rubin, D., Stuart, E., Zanutto, E. (2004). A
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    in education. Journal of Educational and
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  • Seltzer, M., Choi, K., Thum, Y. M. (2003).
    Examining relationships between where students
    start and how rapidly they progress Using new
    developments in growth modeling to gain insights
    into the distribution of achievement within
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