Title: Syllabus of HKDSE
1Syllabus of HKDSE a three-year course
- 4 papers for both core and elective modules
2Curriculum of English
- Core module will be done all the way throughout
the year - Elective modules one elective per year, and most
likely in the second-term of the year.
3Paper 1 Reading 20
- Duration 1 hr 30 minutes
- The paper is divided into 2 parts.
- Part A compulsory
- Part B Choose one section from either Section
1 or 2.
4Paper 1 (Reading) (20) Time 1hr 30
minutes Answer 2 sections only
Part A e.g., 2012 (1 text 20 questions) Compulsory
Part B (Section 1) e.g., 2012 (1 text 20 question) Choose either 1 or 2
Part B (Section 2) e.g., 2012 ( 2 texts 33 questions)
5- Candidates who choose the more difficult section
to answer will be able attain a full range of
possible levels(5) - while Level 4 will be the highest level
attainable by candidates attempting the easier
6Paper 2 Writing 25
- This paper contains
- Part A, which is compulsory (10)
- Part 2, which is a section with a choice of 8
questions, and students have to choose one out of
the eight questions (15) - Part A guided composition (about 200 words)
- Part B open-ended topics based on one of the
eight elective modules (about 400 words)
7Paper 2 (Writing) (25) Time 2 hours
Part A (10) Guided composition 200 words
Part B (15) Choose 1 question out of 8 400 words (based on one of elective)
- Non-language arts
- Learning English through sports communication
- Learning English through debating
- Learning English through social issues (S6)
- Learning English English through workplace
- Language arts
- Learning English through short stories (S5)
- Learning English through drama (S4)
- Learning English through songs and poems
- Learning English through popular culture
9Paper 3 Listening and Integrated skills 30
- This paper contains 2 parts, each part worth 15.
- Part A is compulsory
- Part A consists of a variety of listening tasks,
including form-filling, note-taking, labelling
diagrams etc. - Part B - students have to choose either part B1
or B2. - Part B comprises tasks requiring integrated
skills listening, reading and writing to
complete a few tasks, including memo,
report-writing, letter-writing etc.
10Paper 3 (Listening) (30) Time 2 hours
Part A (compulsory) (e.g., 2012 4 tasks 53 marks) form-filling, note-taking, labelling diagrams
Part B1 (e.g., 2012 3 tasks 48 marks) listening, reading and writing to complete a few tasks, including memo, report-writing, letter-writing
Part B2 (e.g., 2012 3 tasks 54 marks) (choose either B1 or B2)
11Paper 3
- Candidates attempting Part A and B2 (the more
difficult section), will be able to attain the
full range of possible levels (5) - while Level 4 will be the highest level
attainable by candidates attempting Part A and B1
(the easier section).
12Paper 4 Speaking 10
- This paper contains 2 parts
- Part A Group interaction (preparation time 10
minutes discussion time per group of 4
candidates 8 minutes) - Candidates have to read a short text, like
advertisements, book synopses, short news,
letters, film reviews etc. - They will be given a short discussion task to
make suggestions, give advice, make and explain a
choice, argue for or against a position, or
discuss the pros and cons of a proposal based on
the notes taken during the preparation time.
13- Part B Individual Response
- Each candidate will respond individually to an
examiners question(s), which will be based on
the group discussion task, e.g. justify a choice,
decide on and explain a course of action, argue
for or against a position.
14Paper 3 (Speaking) (10)
Part A Group Interaction Preparation time 10 mins Discussion time 8 mins / a group of 4 candidates read a short text will be given a short discussion task to make suggestions
Part B - Individual Response Time 1 minute - respond individually to an examiners question(s), which will be based on the group discussion task
- Part A (10)
- Students have to read or view four texts over a
three-year course on the following categories - Print fiction,
- Print non-fiction,
- Non-print fiction, e.g. films
- Non-print non-fiction, e.g. documentaries
16Task for SBA Part A (10)
- Students have to write up some comments and
personal reflections, and then take part in a
discussion with classmates - OR
- Make an individual presentation and respond to
their teachers questions, which will be derived
from their written personal comments. - 2 assessments will be conducted in S5 and S6,
and 2 marks, with one mark based on group
interaction and one on an individual presentation.
17SBA Part B (5)
- This part consists of a group interaction or an
individual presentation based on the modules in
the Elective Part of the curriculum. - The task focuses on the ability of students to
reflect on, make use of and speak about the
knowledge, skills and experience gained in the
Elective Module(s), i.e. students oral
Part A (10) Individual Presentation or Group Discussion 2 assessments (in S5 and S6 respectively)
Part B (5) Individual Presentation or Group Discussion (elective module) 1 assessment