Title: Chapter 10 Errors of Procedure
1Chapter 10Errors of Procedure
2Biased Consideration of Evidence
- Two forms of this error
- Only seeking evidence that confirms your bias
- Interpreting evidence that challenges your bias
in a way that supports your bias
3Double Standard
Using one standard of judgment for our ideas and
ideas compatible with our own but using an
entirely different standard for ideas that
disagree with ours
4Hasty Conclusion
A premature judgment made without sufficient
5Overgeneralization Stereotyping
Overgeneralization to ascribe to all the members
of a group what fits only some members Stereot
ype an overgeneralization that is especially
resistant to change
Multiple causes are reduced to just one or a few
7The Post Hoc Fallacy
Expresses the reasoning that when one thing
occurs after another, it must be the result of
the other