Chapter 36 Early Effects of Radiation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 36 Early Effects of Radiation


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 36 Early Effects of Radiation

Chapter 36 Early Effects of Radiation
  • In the 1920s 1930s if was not uncommon for
    radiologic technologist to get hematologic exams
  • Blood work was used to monitor the worker for
    over exposure before dosimeters were available.
  • In the 1960s blood work was done quarterly and
    dosimeters were worn.

Early Effects of Radiation
  • In humans, a response to radiation that occurs
    within months of the exposure is called Early
  • Death is the most devastating human response to
    radiation. No deaths immediately after diagnostic
    radiography have ever been reported.

Early Effects of Radiation
  • Many of the pioneers in radiology died from long
    term effects of exposure.
  • Diagnostic x-ray beams always result in partial
    body exposure, which is much less effective at
    producing a response than whole body exposure.

Major Lethal Exposures in Humans
  • 1945 Atomic Bombs in WW2
  • 1979 Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant
    Accident killed one person.
  • 1986 Chernobyl Russia nuclear reactor melt down
    killed 30 people (official) 500,000 reported.
  • Military accidents have also killed humans.

Early Effects
Death Whole Body 200 rad/ 2GyT
Hematolic Depression Whole Body 25 rad/ 0.25 GyT
Skin Erythema Small Field 200 rad/ 2GyT
Epilation Small Field 300 rad/ 3GyT
Early Effects
Chromosome aberration Whole Body 5 rad
Gonadal Dysfunction Local Tissue 10 rad
Acute Radiation Syndrome
  • 1. Prodormal period acute symptoms within hours
    of exposure.
  • 2. Latent period time free of any visible
  • 3. Manifest illness
  • Hematologic syndrome
  • Gastrointestinal syndrome
  • Central Nervous System Syndrome
  • 4. Recovery or Death

Prodromal Period
  • Prodromal period may last for a few hours or a
    couple of days.
  • Symptoms include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Severity of symptoms are dose related.
  • For extremely high exposure it is hard to
    distinguish Prodromal from manifest illness

Latent Period
  • After prodormal radiation sickness there is a
    period of apparent well-being called the Latent
  • With very high exposure, it may last only a few
    hours. For lower exposures, it may last for
  • May be mistakenly thought to be recovery from
    moderate exposure.

Latent Period
  • Biologic and physiologic changes are occurring
    even though they give no indication of the
    response yet to follow.
  • Responses are extremely variable relative to
  • High exposure will skip the latent period while
    low exposure may not have the Prodromal period.

Manifest Illness
  • Manifest Illness is a dose related period
    characterized by three separate syndromes.
  • Hematologic Syndrome
  • Gastrointestinal Syndrome
  • Central Nervous System Syndrome

Hematologic Syndrome
  • The hematologic syndrome is produced with
    exposures of 200 to 1000 rads.
  • The prodormal period will be rather mild lasting
    for a few hours to a couple of days. The latent
    period may last for a month.

Hematologic Syndrome
  • There are no obvious signs of illness, although
    the number of cells in the peripheral blood is
  • Manifest illness is characterized by vomiting,
    mild diarrhea, malaise, lethargy and fever. All
    types of blood cells are depleted.

Hematologic Syndrome
  • If the patient recovers, recovery will begin in
    two to four weeks.
  • If the exposure is severe, the cell depletion
    will continue until the body no longer has any
    defense from infection.
  • Just before death, infections and dehydration
    will be pronounced.

Gastrointestinal Syndrome
  • After radiation exposures of 1000 to 5000 rads,
    the GI syndrome occurs.
  • The Prodromal symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea
    occur within hours and may last for days.
  • A latent period of 3 to 5 days follows with no
    apparent symptoms.

Gastrointestinal Syndrome
  • The manifest illness phase begins with a second
    wave of nausea and vomiting followed by diarrhea.
  • Patient my loose appetite and become lethargic.
    Diarrhea increases to watery and then bloody
  • Death occur occurs in 4 to 10 days.

Gastrointestinal Syndrome
  • Intestinal cells are normally rapidly
    proliferating. Radiation kills the stem cells
    stopping repopulation.
  • At the level of exposure for GI syndrome,
    hematologic damage also occurs but the response
    is slower so the patient dies before the manifest
    symptoms occur.

Central Nervous System Syndrome
  • CNS Syndrome occurs with exposures greater than
    5000 rads.
  • A series of signs and symptoms occur that leads
    to death in a matter of hours to 3 days.
  • First is nausea and vomiting minutes after

Central Nervous System Syndrome
  • Within the first hour.
  • The person will become extremely nervous and
  • Complain of burning sensation in the skin.
  • Loss of vision and consciousness.
  • A latent period of about 12 hours follows with
    the symptoms subsiding.

Central Nervous System Syndrome
  • Manifest illness begins with the prodromal signs
    returning with increased intensity.
  • Person becomes
  • Disoriented
  • Looses muscle coordination
  • Difficulty breathing

Central Nervous System Syndrome
  • Person experiences
  • Loss of equilibrium
  • Convulsive seizures
  • Ataxia
  • Lethargy
  • Coma followed by death.
  • The ultimate cause of death is increased fluid
    content of the brain.

  • The LD50/60 is the dose of whole body radiation
    necessary to kill 50 of the population in 60
  • For humans the lethal dose is 350 rads. With
    medical support, humans can survive 850 rads.

LD50/60 of Various Species
Pig 250 rad
Human 350 rad
Monkey 475 rad
Gerbil 1050 rad
Armadillo 2000 rad
Cockroach 10,000 rad
Local Tissue Irradiation
  • When only a localized area is irradiated, higher
    dose is required to produce a response.
  • Every organ and part of the body can be affected
    by partial body irradiation. The affects of cell
    death is shrinkage or reduction in size or the
    tissue or organ. This is called atrophy.

Local Tissue Irradiation
  • If the dose is high enough, any tissue will have
    immediate response.
  • Tissue types that are commonly affected
    immediately are
  • Skin
  • Gonads
  • Bone Marrow

Effects on Skin
  • The skin is the tissue that we have the most
  • Normal skin consists of three layers
  • An outer layer (epidermis)
  • An intermediate layer of connective tissue
  • A subcutaneous layer of fat and connective tissue.

Effects on Skin
  • Additional accessory structures of the skin
  • Hair follicles
  • Sweat glands
  • Sensory Receptors
  • All skin layers and accessory structures
    participate in the response to irradiation.

Effects on Skin
  • Like intestinal cells, skin cells have a
    continuous cell renewal but at a much slower
  • The epidermis consists of several layers of cells
    with the inner most being basal cells.
  • Basal cells are stem cells that as the mature
    migrate to the surface.

Effects on Skin
  • One of the common responses of the skin during
    radiation therapy is a Erythema or a sun burn
    like reddening of the skin followed in a couple
    of weeks by desquamation or ulceration and
    denudation of the skin.

Skin Reaction to High Exposure
  • These are serial photographs on a patient that
    had multiple long fluoroscopic examination.
  • Last image is after skin graphs.

Effects on Skin
  • Many of the pioneers of radiography including
    Roentgen suffered from radiation induced skin
  • Patients were exposed for up to 30 minute
    exposures so burns were common
  • Low level exposures do not cause Erythema.

Effects on Skin
  • Intermediate exposures depend upon the
    individuals radiosensitivity, the dose rate and
    the size of the area of exposure.
  • High exposure will cause a response for all
  • The Skin Erythema Dose 50 would be a dose causing
    Erythema half the time.

Effects on Skin
  • Another skin response is hair loss or epilation.
  • For many years soft rays (10 to 20 kVp) called
    Genz rays were used to treat many skin diseases
    such as ring worms.
  • Tinea Capitis or ring worm in the scalp was
    successfully treated with Genz rays.
  • Often the hair would fall out for months.

Effects on Skin
  • Today the exposure of the skin is currently
    receiving more close attention because of high
    dose fluoroscopy. During interventional
    fluoroscopy, the patient may receive 20 R/ minute
    so hazards do exist.

Skin Responses to High Dose Fluoroscopy
Transient Erythema 200 Rad Onset Hours
Main Erythema 600 Rad Onset 10 days
Temporary Epilation 300 Rad Onset 3 weeks
Permanent Epilation 700 Rad Onset 3 weeks
Moist Desquamation 1500 Rad Onset 4 weeks
Effects on Gonads
  • Human gonads are critically important target
    organs because they are particularly sensitive to
  • Responses to exposures as low as 10 rads have
    been observed.
  • Since these organs produce germ cells that
    control fertility and heredity, their response is
    well studied.

Effects on Gonads
  • Cells from the testes and ovaries respond to
    radiation differently due to differences in the
    progression from stem cells to mature cells.
  • Germ cells are produced by both ovaries and
    testes but they develop at different rates and at
    different times.

Effects on Female Gonads
  • During the late fetal life, many primordial
    follicles grow to encapsulate the oogonia, which
    become oocytes.
  • These follicles remain suspended state of growth
    until puberty.

Effects on Female Gonads
  • At puberty, the follicles rupture with
    regularity, ejecting a mature germ cell called
    the ovum.
  • There will be only about 400 to 500 such ova
    available for fertilization during the next 30
    to 40 years.
  • Radiation effect on the ovaries are age

Effects on Female Gonads
  • During fetal life and into early childhood, the
    ovaries are especially radiosensitive.
  • They decline in sensitivity reaching a minimum
    between 20 and 30 years old.
  • After age 30, they increase in radiosensitivity
    with age.

Effects on Female Gonads
  • The most radiosensitive cell during female germ
    cell development is the oocyte in a mature
  • Doses as low as 10 rads have resulted in a delay
    or suppression of menses.
  • 200 Rads produce pronounced infertility.

Effects on Female Gonads
  • 500 rad will result in permanent sterility.
  • Doses of 25 to 50 rad are associated with
    measurable increases in genetic mutation.

Effects on Male Gonads
  • The testes like the ovaries will atrophy with
    high doses of radiation.
  • The earliest stage of cell development is the
    time of greatest radiosensitivity.
  • Therefore effects will not be apparent for 3 to 5

Effects on Male Gonads
  • Exposures of 10 rad have resulted in a reduction
    of sperm.
  • 200 rad will produce temporary sterility.
  • 500 rad produces permanent sterility.

Effects on Male Gonads
  • After an exposure of 10 rad, the male patient
    should refrain from procreation for two to four
    months so the irradiated cells have matured and
  • There will still be a possibility of genetic

Hematologic Effects
  • The Hemopoietic System consists of
  • Bone Marrow
  • Circulation Blood
  • Lymphoid Tissue
  • Lymph Nodes
  • Spleen
  • Thymus

Hematologic Effects
  • All tissue develop from the same stem cell called
    a pluripotential stem cell.
  • Although the spleen and thymus produce one type
    of leukocyte, the lymphocyte, most circulating
    lymphocytes are produced in the bone marrow.

Hematologic Effects
  • In children, bone marrow is rather evenly
    distributed through out the skeleton.
  • In adults, the active bone marrow is limited to
    the flat bones and the ends of long bones.

Hematologic Effects
  • From a single pluripotential stem cell, a number
    of cells are produced.
  • Lymphocytes used in the immune response.
  • Granulocytes scavenger cells used to fight
  • Thrombocytes or Platelets
  • Erythrocytes Red blood cells that carry oxygen.

Hematologic Effects
  • The principle response to irradiation is a
    depletion of all times of blood cells. Lethal
    exposure to the stem cells and other precursor
    cells cause the depletion.
  • Lymphocytes are the first cells to be affected.
    Almost immediately the numbers are reduced
    directly by the exposure.

Hematologic Effects
  • Lymphopenia is the result and they are very slow
    to recover.
  • Granulocytes experience a rapid increase followed
    by a rapid decrease and then a gradual decrease.
    Recovery will take 2 months.
  • Thrombocytes depletion is slower and recover in 2

Hematologic Effects
  • Erythrocytes are less sensitive than the other
    blood cells.
  • Blood cell injury is dependent upon the mature
    life time of the cell and the time it takes to
    produce the mature cells.
  • Lymphocytes and Spermatogonia cells are the most
    radiosensitive cells in the body.

Cytogenetic Effects
  • Cytogenetics is the study of genetics of the cell
    and in particular, cell chromosomes.
  • Radiation induced chromosome aberrations follow a
    nonthreshold dose response relationship.

Cytogenetic Effects
  • Attempts to measure chromosome aberrations in
    patients after diagnostic x-rays examinations
    have been largely unsuccessful.
  • High dose fluoroscopy have shown radiation
    induced chromosome aberrations soon after

Cytogenesis Effects
  • High doses of radiation without question cause
    chromosome aberration.
  • Low doses of less than 5 rad can also cause
    damage but technically they cannot be observed.
  • Even more difficult is the identification of
    chromosome damage and latent illness or disease.

Cytogenetic Effects
  • When the body is irradiated, all cells can suffer
    Cytogenetic damage.
  • Such damage is an early response because if the
    cell survives, the damage will be manifested in
    the next mitosis.
  • Lymphocytes are often used for cytogenetic

Cytogenetic Effects
  • Chromosome damage takes three forms.
  • Chromatid Deletion or a severing of a portion of
    the chromatid from a single hit.
  • When the chromosome is hit twice, it may form a
    ring or dysenteric aberration.

Cytogenetic Effects
  • Another form of chromosome damage from multiple
    hits of the chromosome is called Reciprocal
  • In Dysenteric Aberrations, genetic material is
    lost. With Reciprocal Translocation, it is mixed

Chromosome Radiation Aberrations
  • Chromosome DNA Aberrations result from
  • Single hit Chromosome Aberrations
  • Multi-Hit Chromosome Aberrations
  • Reciprocal Translocations
  • A chromosome hit represents severe damage to the

Single Hit Aberrations
  • If a single hit happens during the G1 phase will
    fracture the chromatid called chromatid deletion.
    During the S phase, the remaining chromatid and
    the missing fragment is replicated.
  • At the metaphase there will be two sister
    chromatids with missing material and two acentric

Single Hit Aberrations
  • If it happens in the G2 phase, the chance that
    ionizing radiation will pass through the sister
    chromatid is low.
  • Usually the radiation produces a deletion of only
    one arm.

Multi-Hit Chromosome Aberration
  • A single chromosome can sustain more than one
  • In the G1 phase a ring chromosome is produced if
    the two hits are on the same chromosome.
  • Dicentrics are produced when adjacent chromosome
    each suffer one hit and recombine.

Reciprocal Translocation
  • The multi-hit chromosome aberration represents
    rather severe damage to the cell.
  • The acentric fragment is either lost or
    attracted to one of the daughter cells.
  • Consequently one or both daughter cell may be
    missing considerable genetic material.

Reciprocal Translocation
  • In reciprocal translations result in no loss of
    genetic material but simply a rearrangement of
    the material into an incorrect sequence.

Kinetics of Chromosome Aberrations
  • At very low doses, only single hit aberrations
  • When the radiation dose exceeds 100 rad, the
    frequency of multi-hit aberrations increase.
  • Single hit aberration follow a linear,
    non-threshold response.
  • Multi-hit aberrations produce a nonlinear,
    nonthreshold response.

End of Lecture
  • Return to Lecture Index
  • Return to LC-232 Physics Homepage
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