Title: Causes and Development of Cancer
1Causes and Development of Cancer
2Causes and Developments of Cancer
- Many different agents can cause cancer
3Causes and Development of Cancer
- Cancer represents a breakdown of the processes
that regulate the growth of normal cells and
4Causes and Development of Cancer
- 1. Cancer involves the uncontrolled division of
body cells. - 2. Cell division is normally precisely regulated
5Causes and Development of Cancer
- 3. Cell cycle regulation is accomplished by two
major types of genes - 4. Proto-oncogenes are genes that encourage cell
6Causes and Development of Cancer
- 5. Tumor suppressor genes inhibit cell division
7Causes and Development of Cancer
- 6. Cancer-causing agents often damage genes.
- .
8Causes and Development of Cancer
- 7. When damage occurs to genes that regulate the
cell cycle, signals that inhibit cell division
can change leading the cell to divide more often
than it normally would
9Causes and Development of Cancer
- 8.Cancer develops from genetic damage to cells
across time
10Causes and Development of Cancer
- 9. Cancer research leads to understanding normal
cell cycle and new strategies for treating cancer.
11Vocabulary Help
12Stages of Tumor Development1. Mutation
- Makes a cell more likely to divide then it
normally would
13Stages of Tumor Development2. Hyperplasia
- Hyperplasia refers to tissue growth based on an
excessive rate of cell division, - Cell structure and the arrangement of cells
within the tissue remain normal - At some point one of these cells will have
another mutation (2) that makes it divide more
14Stages of Tumor Development2. Hyperplasia
- Hyperplasia can be a normal tissue response to
an irritating stimulus - Example Callus
- Condition is still reversable
15Stages of Tumor Development3. Dysplasia
- Noncancerous
- Divide excessively and look abnormal
- One of these cells will experience another
mutation (3)
16Stages of Tumor Development3. Dysplasia
- Often such cells revert back to normal behavior,
but occasionally they gradually become malignant - Potential for becoming malignant so these areas
should be closely monitored by a health
professional - Sometimes they need treatment
17Stages of Tumor Development4. In situ cancer
- Cell and its descendants are very abnormal in
both growth and appearance - In Latin, the term "in situ" means "in place," so
carcinoma in situ refers to an uncontrolled
growth of cells that remains in the original
18Stages of Tumor Development4. In situ cancer
- May remained contained indefinetely
- May develop into an invasive, metastatic
malignancy - Is usually removed surgically, if possible
19Stages of Tumor Development5. Invasive Cancer
- Happens if some cells experience more mutations
and invade neighboring tissues. - Sheds cells into blood and lymph
- Tumor is said to be malignant
- New tumors may metastasize to other locations in
the body
20The End