Title: 1920
11920s Experimentation Dada and Surrealism
A Young girl commits suicide. Because of What?
DADAThe spirits are telephoned. Who invented
it? DADASomeone walks on your feet. It's DADAIf
you have serious ideas about life,If you make
artistic discoveriesand if all of a sudden your
head begins to crackle with laughter,If you find
all your ideas useless and ridiculous, know
41920s Experimentation
5British Documentary Movement
John Grierson
6The Great Depression
Dorothea Lange
Dorothea Lange
Walker Evans
Ben Shahn
7Documenting the Depression
Pare Lorentz
Paul Strand
8Documentaries go to War Britain
Humphrey Jennings
9Documentaries go to War Spanish Civil War
Ernest Hemingway Joris Ivens
10Documentaries go to War Germany
11Documentaries go to War US
1.To foster a firm belief in the right for which
we fight. 2.To foster a realization that we are
up against a tough job. 3.To initiate a
determined confidence in our own ability and the
ability of our comrades and leaders to do the job
that has to be done 4.To instill a feeling of
confidence, insofar as is possible under the
circumstances, in the integrity and fighting
ability of our allies 5.To create resentment,
based on knowledge of the facts, against our
enemies who have made it necessary for us to
fight 6.To foster a belief that through military
victory, the political achievement of a better
world order is possible.
Frank Capra
12Post-War Documentary
Edward R. Murrow
Italian Neo-Realism
British Free Cinema
13Cinema Verite / Direct Cinema
Al Dave Maysles
Fred Wiseman
Ricky Leacock
Jean Rouch
Robert Drew
14War in Vietnam
- 1965 to 1968 Escalation of the war mass
protests at home. - 1968 Tet Offensive US embassy compound in
Saigon seized by NLF - 1968 Lyndon Johnson declines to run another
term Nixon elected. "The greatest honor history
can bestow is the tittle of 'peacemaker'. . .
after a period of confrontation we are entering
an era of negotiation." - 1969Draft lottery instituted
- 1969-72 Vietnamization program gradual
withdrawal of US troops military aid to South
Vietnam. US invasion of Cambodia and Laos
renewed bombing of North mass protests at home.
- 23 Jan 73 - President Nixon announced an
agreement "to end the war and bring peace with
honor in Vietnam and S.E. Asia."
15Feminist Documentary Reclaiming History