Mexico, Latin America, South America - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mexico, Latin America, South America


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mexico, Latin America, South America

Mexico, Latin America, South America
The Ancient Civilizations
All clipart pictures taken from Microsoft Clips
and Microsoft Clips Online
Teaching Studying the Ancient Civilizations
of Mexico, Central, and
South America
Ms. Beth Houseman 6th Grade Social
Studies Owensville Middle School
General Objective Students will identify and
discuss causes and effects of the historical
developments in the Mayan, Incan, and Aztec
civilizations and create a travel brochure that
takes the reader to their ancient ruins.
DESE Missouri State GLEs
Page 21 of 52 of Missouri GLEs
Gasconade County R-II Curriculum
See Curriculum 6th Grade Social Studies General
Objective 6-6 6-7
  • Excellent 100 90
  • Brochure is complete, aligned properly, and
  • Full color brochure
  • Colorful cover page w/graphics
  • All Mayan, Aztec Incan cultural facts are
    included with graphics
  • Good 90 80
  • Brochure is complete, aligned, and tri- folded
  • Colorful
  • Cover page w/graphics
  • Facts included
  • Fair 80 70
  • Brochure is mostly complete
  • Various color is used
  • Cover page w/some graphics
  • Minimal facts used
  • Poor 60 Below
  • Incomplete brochure Little color with little
    or no graphics
  • Few facts listed

Social Studies Rubric Travel Guide
Ancient Civilizations
Video found _at_ Ancient_civiliza
The Mayas
Video found _at_ The_Mayas
The Aztecs
Video found _at_ The_Aztecs
The Inca
Video found _at_ Bolivia_s_Histor
y_Rich and Varied
Map of Latin America 1
Map of Latin America 2
  • What river cuts through the desert and forms a
    border between Mexico and the United States?
  • What mountains in the western portion of South
    America home to many ancient civilizations
    run roughly parallel
  • to the Pacific coast for more than 5,
    000 miles?
  • What is the main mountain range in western Mexico
    that runs roughly parallel to the Pacific coast?
  • What is the huge plateau that covers most of
    central Mexico and is surrounded by mountains?
  • What are the highlands in the northern portion of
    South America that separate Venezuela, Suriname,
  • French Guiana from Brazil?
  • What is the large lake in the northern tip of the
    South American continent that has a small opening
    into the
  • the Atlantic Ocean?
  • What is the major river in the northern portion
    of South America that winds from the Guiana
    Highlands to the
  • Atlantic Ocean?
  • What is the large peninsula in Mexico much of
    which is covered by rain forest that extends
    into the Gulf

  • What is the grassy plateau located in southern
    Argentina, Paraguay, and southern Bolivia?
  • What is the fertile plain that covers most of
    central Argentina?
  • What is the desert located in northern Chile that
    is bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west and
    the Andes
  • Mountains to the east?
  • What is the vast river basin that covers most of
    northern Brazil and parts of Bolivia, Peru,
    Ecuador, Colombia,
  • and Venezuela?

Questions taken Sited from Version 1.1 of
Teachers Curriculum Institute /
of the Americas
  • What river cuts through the desert and forms a
    border between Mexico and the United States? Rio
  • What mountains in the western portion of South
    America home to many ancient civilizations
    run roughly parallel
  • to the Pacific coast for more than 5,
    000 miles? Andes Mountains
  • What is the main mountain range in western Mexico
    that runs roughly parallel to the Pacific coast?
    Sierra Madre Occidential
  • What is the huge plateau that covers most of
    central Mexico and is surrounded by mountains?
    Plateau of Mexico
  • What are the highlands in the northern portion of
    South America that separate Venezuela, Suriname,
  • French Guiana from Brazil? Guinea
  • What is the large lake in the northern tip of the
    South American continent that has a small opening
    into the
  • the Atlantic Ocean? Lake Maracaibo
  • What is the major river in the northern portion
    of South America that winds from the Guiana
    Highlands to the
  • Atlantic Ocean? Orinoco River
  • What is the large peninsula in Mexico much of
    which is covered by rain forest that extends
    into the Gulf

  • What is the grassy plateau located in southern
    Argentina, Paraguay, and southern Bolivia?
  • What is the fertile plain that covers most of
    central Argentina? Pampas
  • What is the desert located in northern Chile that
    is bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west and
    the Andes
  • Mountains to the east? Atacama
  • What is the vast river basin that covers most of
    northern Brazil and parts of Bolivia, Peru,
    Ecuador, Colombia,
  • and Venezuela? Amazon River

Questions taken Sited from Version 1.1 of
Teachers Curriculum Institute /
of the Americas
The Mayans, Incas Aztecs
Religion Art Writings
Calendars Math Food
Warfare Royalty / Govt. Architecture
Microsoft Clipart
Great Mayan Cities Tikal
Copan Palenque
Lies deep in the jungle in the Peten province of Guatemala. Situated on high ground surrounded by large, swampy depressions which protected it from neighboring cities. Lies along the Copan River in a low tropical mountain valley in what is now Honduras. Lies a few miles from the great Usumacinta River and low in the foothills of nearby mountains. Overlooks a vast lowland plain and delta region. Smaller than Copan.
A city-state governed by kings. One of the largest of all Mayan cities. An independent city-state governed by its own line of kings. An independent city-state, ruled by a line of kings. Pacal or Shield lived into his 80s ruled over 60 years.
No local source of water. Depended on artificial reservoirs during the dry season. Labor to maintain. Ceremonial center of a rich agricultural area, and its art and buildings are famous for their high quality. Its architecture is considered by many to be the most beautiful of any Mayan city.
Tenochtitlan The Great City of the
  • Built before Columbus arrived in the Americas
  • One of the most advanced civilizations in the
    western hemisphere
  • An Aztec capital with a population of over
    200,000 people
  • Built on an island in Lake Texcoco now the site
    of Mexico City
  • Enclosed by tropical rain forests high latitude
    it enjoys a mild climate
  • 3 major city-states Tenochtitlan, Texaco, and
    Tlatelolco which
    became the Aztec Empire

Sacred Round Calculations Using the Mayan Calendar
________ ________ ________ ________ ________
________ Day 1 Day 2
Day 3 Day 4
Day 5 Day 6 ________
________ ________ ________ ________ ________
Day 7 Day 8
Day 9 Day 10 Day
11 Day 12 ________ ________
________ ________ ________ ________ Day
13 Day 14 Day 15
Day 16 Day 17
Day 18 _______ ________ ________ ________
________ ________ Day 19
Day 20 Day 21 Day 22
Day 23 Day
24 ________ ________ ________ ________
________ ________ Day 25
Day 26 Day 27 Day 28
Day 29 Day
30 ________ ________ ________ ________
________ ________ Day 31
Day 32 Day 33 Day 34
Day 35 Day
36 ________ ________ ________ ________
________ ________ Day 37
Day 38 Day 39 Day 40
Day 41 Day
42 ________ ________ ________ ________
________ ________ Day 43
Day 44 Day 45 Day 46
Day 47 Day 48
Mayan Math
represented the number 0 zero
represented the number 1 one
represented the number 5 five
Example .. is 7

Tribes Everyday Life Food Religion Social Organization Achievements Fall of the Empire
Maya Hard work Slash Burn Planting Building / Architecture Irrigation Birds, Rabbits, Monkeys, Deer Wild fruits Nuts Vegetables corn, squash, beans, etc. Many different gods 13 layers of heavens above the earth 9 underworlds Sacrifices Worship Dead Lord Nobles Priests Merchants / Artisans Peasants Slaves Legends Architecture Hieroglyphics Ball Game Calendars Astronomy Mathematics Irrigation Raised fields Abandoned their cities and just walked away / left Natural Disaster Disease
Inca Large Empire Roads Terrace farming Hard work Planting Andes Mts., rain forests, coastal deserts Potatoes Corn Tomatoes Avocados Peppers Strawberries Nuts Beans Chocolate Many gods and goddesses God of nature Viracocha Sun god Inti Daily prayers Festivals Sapa Inca descendant of the Sun god wife Coya Nobles Govt Officials Little contact with the Mayans Aztecs Roads Terrace Farming Irrigation Tamed llamas Counting system/quipus Spanish arrived and conquered
Aztec Steambath Large households Farming Crafting Trade Maize (corn) Beans Squash Chili Peppers Tomatoes Wild game Gods Goddesses A Patron God for each village Royal Family/Upper class nobles Commoners Serfs Slaves Architecture Calendars Trade / Canals Markets Sculptures Weaving (Spanish) Cortes Conquistadors
Mayans Incas Aztecs
The Mayans worshipped many different gods. Believed their rulers were living gods. The Inca worshipped many gods and goddesses. Worshiped many gods and goddesses.
Believed there were 13 layers of heavens above the earth and 9 underworlds below. The major Incan god was the god of nature, Viracocha, the creator. Another Incan god was Inti the sun god. Gold was his symbol he was the father of Incan rulers. Each village occupation had its own patron god. A different god for each day watched over them.
Ceremonies of gifts and sacrifices, such as valuables, their own blood and human sacrifices. Believed in divining which is studying objects to find magic signs the gods wanted them to know. Had offerings and sacrifices as well. Human sacrifices, men women and sometimes children.
Lord Cacao-King of Tikal 18 Gopher-Ruler of Copan Pacal Ruler of Palenque Lord Was considered a god-king Responsible for political leadership Lords mostly men, but women had great influence on political decisions Pachacuti (1438-1463) Vision to use warfare to spread Inca culture Promise peace and gifts backed by threats Forced conquered peoples to obey leaders learn the language but could keep native language, leaders gods. Huyayna Capac Atahualpa gt Huscar gt His 2 sons Montezuma (1440-1468/9) Expanded the empire from the Atlantic to Pacific coasts to Central America to what is now Guatemala. Montezuma II his grandson became emperor in 1502. He ruled when the empire was at its peak.

Clipart picture taken from Microsoft clips online
Machu Picchu was rediscovered in 1911 by explorer
Hiram Bingham. It sits one and a half miles high
on a mountaintop in Peru once inhibited by the
Inca civilization. Bingham thought it must have
been a special religious city because of the
fine stonework, however archaeologists believe it
was some type of vacation resort for Inca nobles.
Over 3,000 steps connect the levels of the city
and farming terraces. It could only be reached
by a log bridge on a sheer cliff. If enemies
threatened the citizens there, they would simply
draw back the bridge.
  • Possible Causes of Collapse of Classic Mayan
  • Lack of Resources
    Enormous Population
  • Water - Food - Materials
    -Lack of modern

  • tools
    like the plow.
  • Revolution against the Government
    -Depletion of the soil
  • -Attack against the kings -Peasant uprising
    -Too many people to feed
  • Invasion
  • foreign - tribal Toltecs
  • Trade routes
  • Shifting toward the North - Increase use of
    water routes
  • Location
  • -Possible weather / climate concerns -
    Earthquakes, hurricanes
  • -Epidemics of disease
  • Calendar prophesies
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