Title: The Heroic Age of Ancient Greece
1The Heroic Age of Ancient Greece
- The History of the Hero and Helladic Greece
- Greece is located on the Balkan Peninsula.
- Surrounded by water on three sides, the most
important was the Aegean Sea - First society to not emerge on a river.
- Greece is mostly Mountains, early agriculture had
to adapt to it. - Most cities are located on hills, with homes in
the valleys.
Photo overlooking some mountains and the Aegean
- Most cities still developed on water, but they
were coastal communities, not river communities.
5Brief Overview
- The Greeks are known as the ?????e?, or Hellenes.
- The land of Greece, is actually called ?????, or
Hellas. - Greece, and Greek are both Latin names given to
them by the Romans.
6Brief Overview
- There are three distinct Greek time periods.
- The Helladic Age (1500 -700 BC)
- The Hellenic Age (700 - 300ish BC)
- The Hellenistic Age (300ish 100 BC)
7Why Greece?
- The lives of the Ancient Greeks have had the
largest impact on our lives today. - Without the Greeks, our culture couldnt exist as
we know it. - The Greeks made phenomenal advances in the areas
of math, art, science, and architecture as well
as numerous other fields of study.
8Early GreecePre-Heroic Age
- Pre-Greece Greeks are known as the Pelasgians.
- Migrated into the Balkans from the Asia Minor.
- Used the Aegean islands as stepping stones.
9Early GreecePre-Heroic Age
- The Pelasgians reached Crete, and got stuck.
- No islands to reach North Africa
- Reached the southern Balkans
- No islands in Ionian Sea to reach Italy
- Mountains to the north are to in-hospitable.
10Early GreecePre-Heroic Age
- The people had to settle and make the best of
what they had. - Only 17 of the land was farmable.
- Early Greeks developed terrace farming.
11Early GreecePre-Heroic Age
- How terrace farming worked.
12Early GreecePre-Heroic Age
- The Pelasgians built villages on hilltops made of
adobe mud and thatch roofs. - Farmed all day.
- Not much trade went on between different
villages. - With terrace farming, most villages were
13Early GreecePre-Heroic Age
- Around 1800 BC, a warrior tribe know as the
Achaeans invade the Balkan Peninsula. - Invade from Scythia (modern day Ukraine, North of
the Black Sea) - The Achaeans conquer the Pelasgians very easily
- Used bronze weapons and armor, and fought on
horse back. - This is why Early Greek History is also referred
to as the Bronze Age.
14Early GreecePre-Heroic Age
- This was the movement of the Achaeans.
15Early GreecePre-Heroic Age
- Pelasgians had no experience with war-fare, so
they were easily defeated. - So Achaeans Pelasgians Greeks or Hellenes.
16Early GreecePre-Heroic Age
- Achaeans were now in control, claimed majority of
the Balkans. - Valleys
- Coastal Plains
- Aegean Islands (90 of them)
- Achaeans declared Kingship over Balkans
17Early GreecePre-Heroic Age
- Pelasgians were forcibly relocated.
- Shops and homes are built
- Cities emerge in Greece
- Achaean kings rule from Megarons (Palace/
Fortress) - Enforce taxes and laws
18Early GreeceMinoan Civilization
- By 1800 BC, a
Bronze Age civilization
developed on the island of Crete. This became
known as the Minoan civilization after King
Minos. - The capital of this seafaring civilization was
19Early GreeceMinoan Civilization
- The Minoans grew wealthy from trade between Egypt
and Greece. - Around 1450 BC, the Minoan civilization was
destroyed by tidal wave from the volcanic
explosion of Thera, and by invasions of the
20Early GreeceHeroic Age
- 1800 1600 BC, period of economic expansion
- Crafts and Agriculture expand
- New skills and crafts are introduced
- Metalurgy weapons, armor, tools
- Greeks begin to build monumental architecture
- Stonework, carpentry, scultping, paiting.
- Shipbuilding becomes a popular trade
21Early GreeceHeroic Age
- Greeks begin to trade with one another.
- Eventually The Achaeans decide to conquer Crete
and Knossos. - They wanted wealth, power, and resources.
- This age of conquest begins the heroic era.
22The Heroic Age
- Called this because of this is the time of the
Heroes of Greece. - Achilles (Acillev)
- Jason (/Iason)
- Agamemnon (Agamemnon)
- Hector (/Ector)
- Paris (Pariv)
- Kratos was not an ancient Greek Hero!
23The Heroic Age
- Also the age of Greek Myth.
- The Epics of Greece happened during this time
period. - Jason and the Argonauts, The Trojan War, The
Odyssey, etc. - Some Greek myths pre-date even this era.
- i.e. Pygmalion, Narcissus, Prometheus, etc.
24The Heroic AgeMycenae
- Eventually the Achaeans grew into the first city
state - Known as Mycenae
- The Mycenaean civilization thrived from 1600
-1100 BC. - The Mycenaean's were a confederation, a powerful
alliance of several monarchies.
25The Heroic AgeMycenae
- The most famous leader of Mycenae was Agamemnon.
- He was the son of King Atreus.
- His closest friend was Menelaus, King of Sparta.
- Together, they invaded and laid siege to the city
of Troy for ten years.
26The Heroic AgeMycenae
- Mycenae re-organized the way early Greeks lived.
- Government became more centralized from the
Megarons. - The kings became known as Wanaks (War-kings).
- Wanaks ruled all of the various cities of the
27The Heroic AgeMycenae
- The Mycenaes wrote a primitive pictograph form
of Greek, known as Linear B. - The war-kings commissioned a tholos, Which was a
bee-hive shaped tomb for the ruling family.
- A drawing of ancient Mycenae
? The View from Inside a Tholos
28The Siege of Troy
- The most famous war in all of western history
(excluding WWII) is the Trojan War. - The Hellenic era poet Homer, is most famous for
the telling of this story. - The story was given in the form of an Epic Poem.
29The Siege of Troy
- The city of Troy was located in Ionia, which is
in Asia Minor. - The Greek name for Troy is Ilium (Ilium)
- The Trojan War lasted for ten years
- Occurred around 1250 BC
- The war was between the Greeks and the Trojans.
- The Greeks wanted wealth, power, and the control
of trade.
30The Siege of Troy The mythos of the Trojan War
- How the war started Prince Paris of Troy was
asked to judge a beauty contest between the
goddesses. - Paris choose Aphrodite, and to reward him, she
promised him the heart of Helen (The most
beautiful woman in the world)
31The Siege of Troy The mythos of the Trojan War
- When Prince Hector and Paris went to Sparta as
peace envoys, Helen fell in love with Paris - She ran off with him to Troy
- Menelaus (King of Sparta) wanted his wife back,
so he asks Agamemnon to help him, by making war
with Troy.
32The Siege of Troy The mythos of the Trojan War
- Because of this, Helen is referred to as the
woman to launch 1000 ships. - The Greeks wage war with Troy.
- This is the myth, not the reality.
33The Siege of Troy The Reality of the Trojan War
- Agamemnon and Menelaus wanted to control the
trade routes that ran through Troy. - The Greeks sought wealth, fame, and honor with
the war. - Troy had never been conquered, and The Greeks
were the best soldiers in the world.
34The Siege of Troy The Reality of the Trojan War
- The Greeks invaded Troy, and for ten years they
couldnt break Troys defenses. - Achilles kills Hector in year 6 of the war, and
Achilles is killed in year 7. - After this the Greek war effort is weakened.
35The Siege of Troy The Reality of the Trojan War
- Odysseus, king of Ithaca, steps up to figure a
way into the city. - Develops the idea of a Trojan horse.
- Not an actual wooden horse, but a siege machine
disguised as a gift for King Priam.
36The Siege of Troy The Reality of the Trojan War
- Once inside the city walls, the Greeks slaughter
all of the Trojans. - The only member of the Trojan royal family to
escape was Aeneas. - His story is told in the Aeneid.
37The Siege of Troy The Reality of the Trojan War
- Following the fall of Troy, the kings of Greece
return home, while Odysseus gets lost at sea. - His story is told in the Odyssey.
- The Greeks live in relative peace until the
coming of the sea peoples.
38Greek Dark Ages
- Following the conquests of Troy, the Greek cities
fall into a period of Dark times - The Sea-Peoples invade Greece roughly 50 years
after the Trojan war. - They destroy all of the Greek Kingdoms.
39Greek Dark Ages
- The era is called the dark ages because no major
city/empire arises in 400 years. - They lose their ability to read and write on a
wide basis. - No cultural advances during the dark ages.
- To conclude, the Heroic Age of Greece, also known
as the Helladic Age, was the foundations for
everything that would eventually become Greek. - The heroes of this time became the role models of
all Greeks, once the dark ages came to an end.