Ancient Roman Mythology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ancient Roman Mythology


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Title: Ancient Roman Mythology

Ancient Roman Mythology
  • By Kristyn, Misha, and Selina

How did the Gods come to be?
  • In the begining there was a deep nothingness
    known as Chaos. The out of this dark, empty
    space, two powerful beings slowly emerged
  • Gaia (motherly goddes of earth)
  • Tartarus (Ruler of the underground)
  • Eros (god of love) emerged next and created a
    hunsband for Gaia Uranus
  • Gaia and Uranus had many children
  • 12 3 Cyclopes, 3 monsters

How did the Gods come to be?
  • Uranus hated the sight of his children
  • Cronus one of the 12 titans overthrew him and
    beame the new ruler of the earth and sky
  • Cronus married Rhea
  • He had been told that of of his children would
    kill him so he decided to kill all of his
    children at birth
  • Rhea asked her mother Gaia for help
  • Gaia took Rhea and to the island of crete where
    the baby was born

  • Rhea gave Cronus a bundle of rocks which he ate
    convinced it was his last child, Jupiter.

How did the Gods come to be?
  • Jupiter learned of his father and when old enough
    decided to take revenge
  • Jupiter posioned him
  • Cronus began to choke then clutched his stomach
    and roared
  • He vomited up first a massive stone, then the
    rest of his children
  • Poseidon, Pluto, Juno, Vesta, and ceres (the new
    gods with zeus as their leader)
  • Jupiter created a kingdom on top of Mount
    Olympus. The olympians also included gods
    Apollo, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Diana and Venus

The Gods of Rome
  • Jupiter
  • Master of the gods
  • God of the sky (thunder and lightning)
  • Symbols Thunderbolt, Eagle, Oak

The Gods of Rome
  • Juno
  • Queen of the Gods
  • Goddess of women and childbirth
  • Symbols Pomegrante, Peacock

The Gods of Rome
  • Mars
  • God of war
  • Agricultural guardian
  • Second in command to Zeus
  • Symbol

The Gods of Rome
  • Venus
  • Goddess of love and beauty
  • Mother of Cupid
  • Symbol

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The First Humans
  • Zeus tried to make humans 4 times
  • The Golden Age Did absolutely nothing,
    eventually died but spirits live on
  • The Silver age Men more like animals --gt
    destroyed by Jupiter
  • The Bronze age Smart but loved fighting. Killed
    each other off

The First Humans
  • The Heroic Age SUCESSFUL!
  • Jupiter refused to humans them fire in fear they
    would become too powerful
  • Prometheus worked on the side of the humans
    Fire, Animal Sacrifice
  • He was punished for these deeds with endless
  • Humans punished with the creation of The Women

Pandoras Box
  • Jupiter gave pandora a golden box and told her
    never to open it since she has given everything
    that she could possibly need
  • Epimetheus was Pandoras husband and was given
    the key to the box
  • One night Pandora stole the key and opend the box
  • Out of it came all the things that make people
  • Sickness, hatred, greed, poverty, jealousy, and
  • Pandora did not let hope out, making life
    bearable for humans

The Ultimate Holiday- New Years!
  • The month of March, named after the Roman God of
    War, Mars, was filled with festivals,
    celebrations fasts, and even bloodletting!
  • One of the biggest festivals was THE FESTIVAL OF
    ANNA PERNNA to celebrate the news years!
  • The festival occurs on the Ides of March.
  • The identity of Anna Pernna is unknown, however
    many speculate that she is a personification of
    the new year.
  • The festival includes drunk-ness and sexual and
    verbal freedoms typical of carnivalesque holidays
    like Lupercalia.
  • An example is the inversion of gender role
  • The Romans even needed a holiday just to rest
    from all the activities in march!

The Mundus is Opened October 5
  • One of three times a year when the Mundus (gate
    to the underwolrd is opened)
  • The dead may communicate with the living
  • No public business could be preformed,
  • No battle fought
  • No ships set sail
  • No marraiges

  • Roman rituals and festivals are often longer than
    a single day and could last up to a week.
  • Through out the year Romans dedicated days to
    honor each god.During festivals slaves were
    excused from laws and restrictions

Rituals - Lupercalia (February 15)
  • Lupericalia has roots to pre-Roman traditions
  • In Rome the ritual was used to purify the people
    from curses, bad luck, and infertility
  • The fesival begins with the sacrifice of goats
    and dogs by two chosen young men.
  • After the sacrifice, the men wipe the blood on
    their forehead(to symbolize human sacrifice) then
    wipe themselves clean with wool dipped in milk.
  • The young men dressed themself in the skin of the
    sacrificed goat and proceeded to run around the
    city walls striking woman with the thong wolf
  • A strike was said to prevent infertility in women

The objective was to secure the fruitfulnes of
the land, the increase of the flock and the
prosperity of the whole people
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  • December 17
  • Like the Christian Christmas it was a serious day
    in that it honored saturn
  • However also like Christmas, it was filled with
    celebration that lasted for a week!

  • Every Roman house had a sacred fire.
  • It was believed that the lit fire protected the
    family and if the fire went out, terrible things
    could happen to them.
  • Fire had to stay pure no bad thing could be done
    in the presence of the sacred fire.
  • Believed it to have the power to bring them good
    health as well as protection.
  • In return, the Romans made offerings of flowers,
    wine, victims, and fruit.

Birth (dies lustricus ? day of purification)
  • Naming of baby is far more important than birth
    of baby.
  • Babies were given 3 names
  • Praenomen First/Personal name
  • Nomen Clan of Childs family
  • Cognomen Family Branch
  • Ex Marcus Tullius Cicero

  • Bulla locket that contained charms to ward off
    the power of evil.
  • Gold ? Wealthy, Leather ? Poor
  • Boys only to remove bulla after receiving a
  • Toga signifies Roman citizenship
  • Girls only to remove on wedding day.

  • Confarratio oldest and most sacred form of
  • Divorce was only an option for men incase of
    infertility or adultery.
  • Man is master of woman
  • Occurred in June-July
  • Sacrifices for gods and wedding feasts
  • Similar to any other festival of ancient roman

  • Once a member of a family died, they became one
    of the family deities.
  • The family made many offerings to them and asked
    them for protection.
  • Ancient Roman Law  if you stepped on a tomb of
    someone who wasn't in your family you must repent
    or the dead would haunt you. 
  • A funeral was a requirement, or the spirits
    ignored and punished families by causing pain and
    diseases until the funeral was established

What happens when one dies?
  • The soul begins the journey to the rivers styx.
  • There the dead would be met by Charon the
  • When someone died a coin would be placed in their
    mouth which would then be given to Charon.
  • After crossing the river, the dead passed
    Cerberus, a three headed dog owned by the god of
    the underworld,
  • The dog was believed to be a judge of character
  • He would become ferocious to people who had
    committed wrong doings in their lifetime.

What happens when one dies?
  • The next stage was judgment
  • There were three judges of life
  • Usually, one would be given water from the River
    Lethe which the Romans believed made a person
    forget their past life.
  • Souls were then sent to different places based on
    their good or bad deeds.
  • Elysian Fields. This was a place for warriors and
  • It was generally believed that good Emperors also
    met their final resting place here.

Resting Places Continued
  • The Plain of Asphodel
  • Good people lived as Shades.
  • Tartarus was reserved for the evil.
  • Punished until one had repaid their debt to
  • The Romans did not adhere to the idea of a Hell
    but this believe correlates with the dogma of
    Purgatory as adhered to by the Roman Catholic
  • Persephone, the Queen of the Underworld Acted as
    a reprieve .
  • She would bribe for a specific soul to be sent
    back across the Styx to life again
  • Reincarnation?

Rituals Parentalia
  • February 13-21 Romans remember their dead
  • On the 21 of February Romans visited cemeteries,
    placed flowers, milk, and wine on graves
  • On the 22 of February Family Reunions where
    offerings were made to household deities

  • Mithras was a Persian God from the Zoroastrian
  • Zoroastrianism is a Persian religion based on the
    balance of good and evil
  • Mithras was a helper and assistant to the power
    of good against the power of evil
  • Mithras was born from a rock
  • His main service in the fight against evil was
    the slay of a bull created by the evil lord.
  • He killed the bull in a cave, and from its blood
    sprang all life

Mithras in Rome
  • Mithraism came to Rome in the first century BCE
    and gained a following from
  • soldiers, public servants and merchants.
  • It peaked in the third century before being
    supressed along with every other non-christian
  • Little is known about Mithraism and it is
    considered a Mystery religion in which the
    meaning of its iconography and rituals was a
    secrete known only to initates

Mithraism - What we know
  • Member had to go through a seven step initiation
  • Ceremonies and rituals were held in caves similar
    to the one where Mithras was described killing
    the bull
  • Mithraism is known almost entirely from physical
    artifacts and dedicatory inscriptions.
  • It is also mentioned in works by Pultarch,
    Porphyry and Origen
  • This religion shows that the Romans interacted
    and shared with other cultures!

Cave Typically Used for Ceremonies
Mithras Slitting the Cow
Multiple Choice- Question 1
  • All of the following were names of Jupiters
    attempt to make humans EXCEPT
  • The Bronze Age
  • The Golden Age
  • The Glorious Age
  • The Heroic Age

Multiple Choice- Question 2
  • What remained in Pandoras Box
  • Evil
  • Hope
  • Success
  • Failure

Multiple Choice- Question 3
  • The Festival if Anna Pernna was held on
  • The Ides of December
  • The Ides of February
  • The Ides of March
  • The Ides of June

Multiple Choice- Question 4
  • According to the Romans the soul begins its
    journey to what river after death?
  • Styx
  • Mars
  • Charon
  • Stones

Multiple Choice- Question 5
  • In the Lupercalia ritual, what two animals are
  • Goat and Pig
  • Wolf and Dog
  • Bird and Cat
  • Goat and Dog

Works Cited
  1. Gill, N.S. "Roman Burial Practices."Ancient/Classi
    cal History. The New York Times Company, 2011.
    Web. 18 Sep 2011.
  2. Bassette, D. "Religion in Ancient Rome." N.p.,
    04/19/2000. Web. 18 Sep 2011.
  3. O'Connell, Amanda. "Paganism Past Present."
    Ancient Roman Religion. Oracle, Somerset College,
    1999. Web. 18 Sep. 2011.
  4. Bytes, Bizarre. "A Halloween History."Bizarre
    Bytes. Bizarre Bytes, 18/10/2010. Web. 18 Sep
  5. Stewart. Roman Mythology. New York Peter
    Bedrick, 1969. Print.
  6. Bingham, Jane. Classical Myth a Treasury of
    Greek and Roman Legends, Art, and History.
    Armonk, NY M.E. Sharpe, 2008. Print.
  7. Hunt, Jenni. "Major Holidays of Rome October
    (Mensis October)." Major Holidays of Rome
    October. A Druid Fellowship, Inc. Web. 18 Sep.
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