Title: Jeopardy
Hunger in America
Hunger in the classroom
How Big is Hunger?
Ways to make a difference
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Q 500
2100 Question from Hunger in America
Which is not a symptom of hunger 1. Obesity
2. Stomachaches 3. Leg Cramps
3100 Answer from Hunger in America
3. Leg cramps
Leg cramps are not a symptom of hunger. Hungry
kids are more likely to have a variety of
illnesses, including stomachaches, and are more
likely to be overweight as children and adults.
4200 Question from Hunger in America
Are the amount of children who are hungry greater
in suburban or urban areas?
5200 Answer from Hunger in America
1 in 4 children who live in urban areas suffer
from hunger. But remember, hunger happens
everywhere. While it is most common in cities,
hungry kids can be found in rural areas near
farms and in the suburbs.
6300 Question from Hunger in America
Hunger affects 16.2 million kids in America.
Thats 1 in __. 1 in what?
7300 Answer from Hunger in America
1 in 5 children are affected by hunger in
America. 22 of children are living below the
poverty line. Thats 15.7 million children in
America who are live in poverty.
8400 Question from Hunger in America
Out of all of the people in America who
participate in SNAP (formally known as food
stamps), what percentage of these participants
are children (anyone under 18 years old)?
- Only 15
- Nearly 50
- Almost 90
9400 Answer from Hunger in America
B. Nearly 50
SNAP helps 46.2 million Americans each year!
Nearly half of those who participate are
children. This means that cuts to SNAP will
greatly affect children in America!
10500 Question from Hunger in America
True or False Low income families eat fast food
an average of 4 nights per week.
11500 Answer from Hunger in America
8 out of 10 low income families make food at home
5 times a week! Nutrition is still a top priority
in low income households!
12100 Question from Hunger in the Classroom
True or False Teachers never buy food for their
students using their own money.
13100 Answer from Hunger in the Classroom
4 in 10 teachers spend an average of 25 per
month of their own money on extra food for the
14200 Question from Hunger in the Classroom
True or False Children who regularly do not get
enough nutritious food to eat have significantly
higher levels of behavioral, emotional and
academic problems and are more aggressive and
15200 Answer from Hunger in the Classroom
Lack of enough nutritious food impairs a childs
ability to concentrate and perform well in
school. Children who struggle with hunger are
sick more often, recover more slowly, and are
even more likely to be hospitalized.
16300 Question from Hunger in the Classroom
True or False Sometimes meals at school are the
only meals that children will eat all day!
17300 Answer from Hunger in the Classroom
Some students will only have the opportunity to
eat free breakfasts and free lunches at school.
Think about what happens when school is out?
18400 Question from Hunger in the Classroom
True of False Almost every child who
participates in the free or reduced school lunch
program also participates in the free or reduced
school breakfast program.
19400 Answer from Hunger in the Classroom
20 million kids get a free/reduced lunch on an
average day, but only 10.5 million kids eating a
free/reduced price lunch do not participate in
school breakfast program. This can be for many
reasons. Some kids dont know about it, some
cant get to school on time, and some kids are
just embarrassed.
20500 Question from Hunger in the Classroom
There are many barriers that make it difficult
for children to participate in the free or
reduced breakfast program. What is one of these
21500 Answer from Hunger in the Classroom
- Stigma Kids dont want to appear poor
- Facilities Difficult to get to breakfast at
school - Transportation Buses get there late
- Awareness Kids dont know about it
- Busy Kids have things to do before class
22100 Question from Ways to Make a Difference
If you donate 1 to end childhood hunger, how
many meals does that provide for one child?
23100 Answer from Ways to Make a Difference
When you donate just 1, you can help connect
kids facing hunger with 10 healthy meals.
24200 Question from Ways to Make a Difference
Having everyone in your classroom wear the same
color on a specific day can help raise awareness
about childhood hunger in America. What color
should you all wear to show support and create
25200 Answer from Ways to Make a Difference
Orange is the color that signifies hunger
awareness. In addition, September is National
Hunger Action Month. Get a No Kid Hungry 2
t-shirt to show your support for ending hunger!
26300 Question from Ways to Make a Difference
You can put on a bake sale to raise money to help
end childhood hunger. What is the bake sale
program called?
27300 Answer from Ways to Make a Difference
Great American Bake Sale
You can put on a bake sale in you community
during anytime of the year. To learn more visit
28400 Question from Ways to Make a Difference
During the SNAP challenge, you live off the
amount of money a participant of SNAP would live
off of! How much money a day would you be able
to spend?
29400 Answer from Ways to Make a Difference
Thats right. On average, SNAP participants only
receive 4.00 a day! Try to complete the
challenge for an entire week.
30500 Question from Ways to Make a Difference
No Kid Hungry 2 has many items you can buy to
help raise awareness and raise funds. What are
two of these items that you could wear to school?
31500 Answer from Ways to Make a Difference
1. Twistband 2. Wristband 3. Sunglasses 4.
Temporary Tattoo 5. Lapel Pin 6. T-shirt
32100 Question from How Big is Hunger.
46.2 million Americans live in poverty, thats
the entire population of which country? A.
India B. Spain C. Japan D. El Salvador
33100 Answer from How Big is Hunger.
B. Spain
46.2 million Americans live in poverty. Thats
22 of children in America. Its also the entire
population of Spain.
34200 Question from How Big is Hunger.
19 million American children get free or reduced
price school-lunch every day. That is the same
population as the state of A. Florida B.
Maryland C. Colorado D. Arizona
35200 Answer from How Big is Hunger.
A. Florida
19 million American children get free or reduced
school-lunch every day. However, 10.5 million
children who participate in the free lunch
program do not participate in the free breakfast
program, even if they qualify.
36300 Question from How Big is Hunger.
There are 16.2 million children in America facing
hunger. How many school buses would it take to
transport all of these children?
(Approximately) A.102 B. 5,000 C.
200,000 D. 1,000,000
37300 Answer from How Big is Hunger.
C. 200,000
Thats right. It would take 205,218 school buses
to transport all of the children facing hunger.
Thats 16.2 million children or 1 in 5 children
in America.
38400 Question from How Big is Hunger.
18.6 million American children get help from SNAP
(Formerly known as Food Stamps). Thats more
than twice the population of what major US
city? A. Miami, Florida B. New York City, New
York C. Los Angeles, California D. Boston,
39400 Answer from How Big is Hunger.
B. New York City, New York
Out of the 40 million Americans who receive help
from SNAP, 18.6 million are American children.
Thats almost half!
40500 Question from How Big is Hunger.
10.6 million kids who are eligible for free or
reduced-price school breakfast do not get it.
This is ___ times the number of football players
in the NFL? A. 1,580 B. 2,780 C.
6,250 D. 8,890
41500 Answer from How Big is Hunger.
C. 6,250
10.6 million kids who are eligible for free or
reduced-price school breakfast do not get it.
There are 1,265 players in the NFL. (10.6 million
divided by 1,265 is 6,250)
42100 Question from Definitions
Definition The uneasy or painful sensation
caused by a recurrent or involuntary lack of
access to food.
43100 Answer from Definitions
Hunger is defined as an uneasy or painful
sensation caused by a recurrent or involuntary
lack of access to food. Many scientists consider
hunger to be chronically inadequate nutritional
intake due to low incomes, not just lack of food.
This means that people can be hungry from a
nutritional perspective without experiencing
physical pain.
44200 Question from Definitions
Definition Not having enough money to pay for
the food you need to be healthy.
45200 Answer from Definitions
Food Insecurity
Food insecurity means you don't have access to
the food you need to be healthy. You may change
the kind of food you buy to save money or even
skip meals because you don't have enough money to
buy the food you need.
46300 Question from Definitions
Definition Local, non-profit organizations that
collect and distribute food to needy families.
47300 Answer from Definitions
Food Pantries
Support a local Food Pantry by having a canned
food drive at your school this holiday season!
48400 Question from Definitions
Currently a bill is going through Congress that
is attempting to cut almost 16.5 billion from
the SNAP program! This will eliminate the SNAP
program for 3 million Americans, most of which
are families with children! What is this bill
49400 Answer from Definitions
The Farm Bill
Thats right! The Farm Bill decision could be
harmful to 3 million Americans participating in
the SNAP program. Write or call your
Congressional Representatives and tell them why
ending childhood hunger is important to you!
50500 Question from Definitions
SNAP, formally known as Food Stamps, helps over
40 million Americans buy food each month. What
does SNAP stand for?
51500 Answer from Definitions
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Out of the 40 million Americans who receive help
from SNAP, 18.6 million are American children.
Thats almost half!
52Websites by name
- Strength.org
- Quiz http//nokidhungry2.org/quiz
- NKH2 Hunger Facts http//nokidhungry2.org/hunger-
facts - Take action http//nokidhungry2.org/leaders-tackl
e-hunger - Teachers facts http//www.strength.org/teachers/.
- Glossary http//www.strength.org/childhood_hunger
/hunger_glossary/ - Cooking Matters http//www.strength.org/cmstudy/
- Snap Infograph http//www.strength.org/blog/clay_
nfographic - Kid Fun Facts
- http//w4.nkcsd.k12.mo.us/trans/PDFs/School20Bus
20Capacity20Chart.pdf - http//solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/profile.cfm?Ob
jectEarthDisplayFactsSystemEnglish - http//data.worldbank.org/country/spain
- http//www.nyc.gov/html/dcp/html/census/popcur.sht
ml - http//www.universetoday.com/38128/distance-from-e
53Website by slide
In America 1. Strength.org 2.
http//nokidhungry2.org/quiz 3.
http//nokidhungry2.org/quiz 4.
m_mediumdlutm_campaignfarmbillinfographic 5.
http//nokidhungry2.org/hunger-facts In
school 1-5. http//www.strength.org/teachers/.
What you can do to help 1. http//gabs.strengt
h.org/site/PageServer?pagenameGABS_homepage 2-5.
http//nokidhungry2.org/leaders-tackle-hunger F
un Facts http//w4.nkcsd.k12.mo.us/trans/PDFs/Sc
http//data.worldbank.org/country/spain http//ww
w.nyc.gov/html/dcp/html/census/popcur.shtml http/
o-moon/ Continued
54By Slide Continued
Definitions 1. http//www.strength.org/childhood
_hunger/hunger_glossary/ 2. http//nokidhungry2.o
rg/quiz 3. http//nokidhungry2.org/quiz 4.
m_mediumdlutm_campaignfarmbillinfographic 5.