Title: Cancer Registration and its Role on Cancer Epidemiology
1Cancer Registration and its Role on Cancer
2Cancer Registration and its Role on Cancer
- Outline
- Cancer in World Latin America
- Population Based Cancer Registries
- Cancer Epidemiology
3Cancer Registration and its Role on Cancer
- Cancer is a leading cause of death around the
world. - WHO estimates that 84 million people will die of
cancer between 2005 and 2015 without
intervention. - Approximately 15-20 of cancers worldwide have
been attributed to infectious agents. However,
this proportion is higher in low-resource
countries (26) than in the developed world (8).
- http//www.uicc. org/index
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6Cancer Registration and its Role on Cancer
- Population Based Cancer Registries-PBCRs
- Are essential part of any rational programme of
cancer control ranging from etiological research,
through primary and secondary prevention to
health- care planning and patient care, so
benefiting individuals and society. - JensenStorm,1991
7Cancer Registration and its Role on Cancer
- Population Based Cancer Registries-PBCRs
- Aims
- To collect and classify information on all cancer
cases in order to produce statistics on the
occurrence of cancer in a defined population and
to provide a framework for assessing and
controlling the impact of cancer in the
community. - Jensen Storm,1991
8Cancer Registration in Low and Middle Resources
- Cancer registration aims
- To produce data on cancer Incidence .
- Validate data on cancer Mortality
- Time Trends
- Outcomes in Cancer Survival
- Pathway to cancer Research .
- Support Cancer Control.
9Population Based Cancer Registry
- Sources of cases.
- Hospital, Hospital cancer registries,
- Haematological, Bone marrow centres
- Pathology labs
- Image clinics.
- Private clinics (chemotherapy, radiotherapy)
- General practitioners
- Screening programmes
- Death certificates
- Trials/Research Projects
10Variables recorded
Standard (Obligatory)
- Patient
- Identification number
- Name
- Sex
- Birth date
- Age
- Address
- Age at diagnosis
- Tumor
- Incidence date
- Most valid basis of diagnosis
- Topography (ICDO-3)
- Morphology (ICDO-3)
- Multiple primary flag (IARC, 2004 rules)
From Curado MP, Voti L, Sortino-Rachou AM.
Cancer registration data and quality indicators
in low and middle income countries their
interpretation and potential use for the
improvement of cancer care. Cancer Causes Control
11Population based Cancer Registry
- All cases in a DEFINED population are
registered - True (unbiased) profile of cancer in the
community - incidence, stage distribution, survival, etc.
- Calculation of incidence rates ( because
population at risk is quantified )
12Population Based Cancer Registry
- Population denominators
- The availability of accurate and regularly
published population data. - Population figures by sex and five years age
group. Except for Childhood cancer. - The population cancer registry must use de
definitions of populations groups, geographical
areas as they are presented by the official vital
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14Large populations
Korea National cancer Registry population 48
Small populations
1999-2002-Number of cases Male 241.155 Female183
Hiroshima 1,13milion
1996-2000-Number of cases Male14.450 Female10.26
15Intermediate population
Size of the population 5.340.000 million
19982002 Number of cases Male61.586 Female66.53
16Cancer Registration
- If the population from which the cases come
(population at risk) is known - the INCIDENCE RATE can be calculated
- If the population is unknown
- only the PERCENTAGE FREQUENCY of different
cancers in the series can be calculated
17Cancer Registration and its Role on Cancer
18Cancer Registration and its Role on Cancer
- Epidemiology
- Epidemiology has been defined as the study of the
distribution and determinants of health- related
states or eventus in specific populations and the
application of this study to the control of
health problems. - To identify risks factors that may lead to early
introduction of effective preventive measures - Last,1988.
19Epidemiology (Study designs)
- Intervention Studies (experiments)
- Cohort Studies
- Case-Control Studies
- Cross sectional (Prevalence) studies
- Ecological Studies
20Purposes and Uses of Cancer Registration Data
- Epidemiological Research
- Descriptive Epidemiology
- Analytic Epidemiology
- Health Care Planning and Monitoring
- Patient Care
- Survival
- Screening
- Prevention
- Descriptive epidemiology
- Describes distribution of disease according to
personal characteristics, place, or time - Hypothesis generating
- Analytic epidemiology
- Investigates determinants (causes) of disease
- Hypothesis testing
22Cancer Registration and its Role on Cancer
- Descriptive studies/comparisons
- Number of cases
- ASR (W)/ Crude rates
- Age specific incidence curves
- Ratio by gender
- Rates ethnic groups and migrants
- Times trends
- Survival
23Analysis of cancer registry data
- Geographical variations
- Time trends
- Analyses by sex and ethnic group
- Analysis of other risk factors
- occupation
- place of birth
- civil status
- religion
24Cancer Registration and its Role on Cancer
- Analytics Studies
- Associations of statistical nature from
descriptive studies rarely imply in causality and
hypothesis from such observations must be
subjected to in depth studies. - Record linkage.
- Case control-(completeness/representativeness).
- End point for cohort studies.
- Outcomes intervention trials.
25We found that HPV testing was the most objective
and reproducible of all cervical screening tests
and was less demanding in terms of training and
quality assurance. In low-resource settings with
no capacity for colposcopy and histopathological
analysis (e.g., many countries in sub-Saharan
Africa), HPV-positive women without clinical
evidence of invasive cancer could receive
immediate treatment, such as cryotherapy.14
However, since most HPV infections in young women
regress rapidly without causing clinically
significant disease, such an approach raises a
legitimate concern. Hence, HPV testing should not
be used for primary screening of women under 30
years of age.
Sankaranarayanan R, Nene BM, Shastri SS, Jayant
K, Muwonge R, Budukh AM, Hingmire S, Malvi SG,
Thorat R, Kothari A, Chinoy R, Kelkar R, Kane S,
Desai S, Keskar VR, Rajeshwarkar R, Panse N,
Dinshaw KA. HPV screening for cervical cancer in
rural India. N Engl J Med. 2009 Apr
2360(14)1385-94. PubMed PMID 19339719.
26Cancer Registration and its Role on Cancer
- Health care planking and monitoring
- Statistical information on from the cancer
registry on the number of cases this may be used
for the planning and establishment of cancer
treatment and care facilities. - Geographical differences in cancer occurrence
- Knowledge in trends can be used to project
treatments and prevention
28Breast Cancer
29Cancer Registration and its Role on Cancer
- Health care planing and monitoring
- Patient care Cancer registries contribute
indirectly to the patient care by describing
pathways of referral or assisting in the follow
up. - Survival Many cancer registries do the follow up
of each patient for death and information in
cause of death. - Screening registries can monitor effectiveness
on cancer screening by collecting non invasive
cases make possible to compare the decrease of
the invasive neoplasias.
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