Title: Rethink Your Waste in Regional
1Rethink Your Waste in Regional Municipal
Implementing a Source Separated Organics Program
3Halton Regional Centre
- Started SSO program in 2008, shortly after single
family roll-out - 750 employees
- Full service cafeteria
- On-site daycare
- Police headquarters
4Baseline Data
March 2011
Overall Waste Diversion 47
Recycle Capture Rate 65
Organic Capture Rate 48
5The Program
- Launch a new cubicle and office waste collection
system - Implement an internal education campaign
- Reach a diversion rate of 70
- Increase capture rate of organic and recycling
material - Make recycling and composting as convenient as
garbage - Encourage participation
- Ensure cafeteria is fully participating in waste
programs - Train all staff handling waste
9Waste Changes
- Change internal collection system
- Cleaning contractor will no longer collect waste
from cubicles - Existing garbage bins will be removed
- New waste bins delivered (including mini garbage
bin, compost bin, and if necessary a recycling
bin) - Staff will bring all waste to a centralized area
10Communication Plan
- Very detailed communication plan, focusing on
educating staff
11Communication Tools
cafeteria display
Ask Sprout Kirby
online Q A
information package
cubicle reminders
- Sunday delivery
- 4 teams of three
- Took away cubicle garbage bins
- Delivered new bins
Mini garbage can
Compost bin
Recycling bin
16Waste Audits
Overall Waste Diversion 77.96
Recycle Capture Rate 92.7
Recycle Contamination 3.8
Organic Capture Rate 81.5
Organic Contamination 1.5
17Best Practices
- Make organics and recycling as convenient as
garbage - Have staff dispose of all waste material
- Provide a good education and promotion program
- Be prepared for negative comments
- Deliver bins on a non work day
- Get upper management support
- Provide results to staff (how well are they
18Expanding the Program
19Additional Regional buildings
- Provide the same program changes to all satellite
facilities owned by Halton Region
20Municipal Facilities
21Municipal Facilities
- City of Burlington
- new internal waste receptacles
- compostable bags
- Halton Region
- assisted in the implementation and training of
staff - provided 360L Recycling and Organics bins for
external collection - education materials (posters, flyers, etc)
- Phase 1
- Implement SSO program for staff (behind the
scenes) - Staff offices, lunch rooms, staff washrooms,
behind concession stands - Phase 2
- Implement SSO program into Public Space areas
- Lobbies, public washrooms, party rooms
23Waste Stations
24Waste Stations
25Waste Audits
December 2012 Arena Com. Centre
Overall Waste Diversion 21 53
Potential Diversion 70 83
Recycle Capture Rate 67 78
Recycle Contamination 54 28
Organic Capture Rate 19 53
Organic Contamination 12 9
26Next Steps
- Working with the City of Burlington to decrease
contamination - Better education materials
- Better placement of bins
- More information sessions etc.
- Will not move forward with Public Space SSO
programs until contamination rates are lower
Nicole Watt GreenCart Program
Coordinator Halton Region 905-825-6000 x
8234 nicole.watt_at_halton.ca
_at_HaltonRecycles www.haltonrecycles.ca /HaltonRec
ycles /HaltonRecycles