Title: Optimal Capital Allocation Strategy
1Optimal Capital Allocation Strategy
Eric Falkenstein Moodys downloadable at
www.efalken.com ICBI Risk Management
Conference Geneva, 11/30/99
2- Big Picture Behind Enterprise-Wide Capital
Allocation - Main Objectives
- Performance Measurement Within the Firm
- pricing
- incentive compensation
- exit/entry strategies
- securitizations
- planning
- Risk Management
- Informs top-down capital strategy
3Why Economic Equity?
Without a true equity allocation within the
corporation, Net Income, ROA and ROE information
is ambiguous What we generally call profits,
the money left to service equity, is usually not
profits at all. Until a business returns a
profit that is greater than the cost of capital,
it operates at a loss. Peter Drucker
4Internal Profitability Measure EVATM
Economic Profit (EP) Economic Value Added(
EVATM) Net Income after Capital Charge( NIACC)
After Tax Profit - Capital Charge Yield on
Asset () 8.00 loan 100 debt 100 Funding Cost
(-) -6.25 cash 6 equity 6 Option Cost
(-) -0.25 Provision (-) -0.25 Net
Spread 1.25 Fees () 0.50 Non-interest
Expense (-) -0.50 Equity Credit
() 0.30 Pre-Tax Net Income 1.55 Tax
35 (-) -0.54 Net Income 1.01 Capital
Charge (-) -0.75 New Idea!! (cap) (cost
of cap) Economic Value Added (EVA) 0.26
5What About Status Quo Equity Levels?
- Regulatory risk-weightings do not recognize
different loss rates for different loan types.
Aaa and B rated obligors should not both get 8
capital. - Maintaining the minimum ratios does not even
fully satisfy regulators they require
comparability to peer bank capital levels for
their ratings.
6Risk Management Impact of Economic Capital
- risk capital is a number that allows
apples-to-apples comparison of most risks - encourages empirical validation
- moves risk management from an audit function to a
real part of the business, as output affects
pricing models, incentive compensation, etc.
7Top Down Target Considerations
- Avoid regulatory constraints
- Avoid costs of future
- financial distress
- Keep ability to make
- acquisitions
- Maximize EPS in most
- likely and current scenario
Highly Capitalized
Thinly Capitalized
8Top Down Rule of Thumb
- Regulatory Minimums for well-capitalized banks
(6.0) - capital for potential acquisitions (0.5
Assets) - cushion for bad times (1.5 Assets)
- 8.0 Tier 1 ratio
- Or look at peer equity levels for target debt
rating, stay near median - ignore if earnings are poor (EPS target is 1
9Reconciling Regulatory and Economic Capital
- Well-capitalized minimums Tier 1 - 6.00
Tier 1 Leverage - 5.00 Total - 10.00 - When you cant reconcile to these (EPS woes), use
adequate minimums - Tier 1 - 4.00 Tier 1 Leverage -
4.00 Total - 8.00 - Ways of Reconciling
- Use economic or regulatory regardless
- Economic grossed up/down to top-down target which
looks at regulatory and peer requirements
10Gross Up/Down Bottom-up Capital Allocations To
The Top-down Optimal Capital Target
Other Intangible Asset Risk
Other Intangible Asset Risk
Operational Risk
Operational Risk
Interest Rate/ Market Risk
Interest Rate/ Market Risk
Credit Risk
Credit Risk
Bottom-Up Allocation (First-Cut)
Optimal Capitalization Level (Final Capital
11Basic Idea Underlying the Economic Approach to
Earnings Cushion, sometimes mentioned
Probability of Loss
Risk Coverage Level 99.97Aa
Potential Unexpected Losses Against Which It
Would be too Expensive to Hold Capital
Zero Losses
Potential Unexpected Losses for Which Capital
Should be Held
Expected Level of Loss
Loss Rate
12Basic Equation of Capital Allocation
- This sort of language can give the impression
capital is a messy but straightforward technical
13In practice these only represent intuition for
how to approach the problem
- Graph is ambiguous about flows and stocks. If
mark-to-market is used on commercial loans, what
about consumer? If cash flow, what about future
cash flows? - Cushion available for unexpected losses book
capital, cash flow and franchise value (i.e.,
rents from new business not currently on books,
which is positively related to access to outside
funding) - Marginal addition to firm-wide capital is the
real target, very difficult to calculate and
often very low (much LOB volatility is
diversifiable within the firm) - At the 99.95 level, different reasonable
assumptions can lead to very different capital
levels--too much precision counterproductive
14Literature is Ahead of Practice, as Usual
- The problem is to construct a system of
information, accounting, economic indices and
stimuli which permit local decision-making organs
to valuate the advantage of their decisions from
the point of view of the whole (firm)objective
just like capital allocation! - The hard thing in a model realization is to
receive and often to construct necessary data
which in many cases have considerable errors and
sometimes are completely absent, since none
needed them previously. quite an
understatement - Lenoid V. Kantorovich, U.S.S.R.
- Economics Nobel acceptance speech, 1975
- Academics often speak as if the problem is solved
when in fact it has simply been identified
15Basis Point Capital Attribution by Credit Grade
Survey Results
- Aa A Ba B
- Low 21 35 50 185
- Avg. 78 132 196 444
- High 120 240 364 700
- Demonstrates that capital still in Beta testing
- source First Manhattan Consulting Group, RMA
Winning the Credit Cycle Game A road Map for
Adding Shareholder Value Through Credit Portfolio
16How Not to Allocate Capital
- Precise portfolio algorithms just a small part of
the process (Credit Metrics, Credit Risk, etc.) - Allocating different LOBs with identical expected
losses different capital is a tough sell
internally, though a common implication - In practice applied to mark-to-market or large
corporate portfolios, which is a minority of most
banks business - In practice one jury-rigs models to generate the
capital implication previously thgought
appropriate, and then present it as if this
independently validates your capital assessment! - Monoline comparables (e.g. MBNA for credit card)
- The LOB in question is always materially
different. Stand-alones liquidity constrained
and not diversified. - Any number that comes from a black box
- You need statistical backup, anecdotes and a
transparent explanation to withstand LOB counter
17How to Allocate Capital
- 1) Bucket exposures into homogeneous risk
groupings - e.g., Product x Score x Collateral
- 2) Apply capital at the lowest level (e.g., to
grade/tenor buckets within Media lending). - - use loss curves on consumer to forecast
lifetime losses - - map commercial loans into agency ratings, use
historical volatility of public bond defaults and
internal experience to calculate expected losses - - capital is usually defined as a function of
expected lifetime losses, by product type - - allocate other capital on case-by-case basis
(intangibles, fixed assets, etc.) - 3) Add up across LOBs, compare to top-down target
- 4) Gross up/down to top-down target
- 5) Redo by LOB if capital greatly at odds with
current pricing
18Risk Bucketing First Steps Major Categories
- Credit Risk
- Commercial Lending
- On-Balance-Sheet Loans and Lease
- Unused Loan Commitments and Letters of Credit
- Consumer Lending
- Direct
- Indirect
- Residential Mortgage
- Securitizations
- Interest Rate and Market Risk
- Interest Rate Risk (ALCO)
- Market Risk (Trading)
- Equity/Mezzanine Investments
- Operating Risk
- Deposits
- Fiduciary Services
- Non-Interest Expense
- Other
- Intangible Asset Risk
- Investments in Subsidiaries
- Fixed Assets
- Goodwill
19Commercial Loan Products Lines
- Commercial loans
- Commercial Real Estate
- Mortgage
- Construction
- Corporate Commercial Loans
- Large Corporate
- Asset-Based Lending
- Other Specialty (e.g., Media, Health Care)
- Community Commercial Loans
- Middle Market
- Private Banking (MM lending secured by wealthy
customer assets) - Consumer Bank Commercial Loans
- Floor Plan (auto/marine/RV)
- Small Business
20Example of a bottom-up capital attribution
21Typical Consumer Breakdown
- Direct
- Closed-End Loans
- Auto
- Marine
- RV
- Mobile Home
- Second Mortgage
- Home Improvement
- High-LTV Home Equity
- Personal
- Open-End Loans and Lines
- Overdraft Protection
- Unsecured Lines of Credit
- Home Equity
- High-LTV Home Equity
- Indirect
- Auto
- Auto Leases
- Marine/RV
- Education Loans
- Credit Card
- Subprime Home Equity
- Subprime Auto
- Manufactured Housing
22Example of Consumer Risk Buckets
23Different Buckets for Different Lines of Business
24Next Step Turn Loss information into Capital,
usually through a function like the following
25Present Data to LOB with Validation and Outline
of Bottom-Up Algorithm for Maximum Effectiveness
26Capital for Fixed Assets
Thought Experiment traditional CRE limit is a
Loan-to-value 70--implies 30 equity on
property. This makes sense until one looks at
this from a top-down perspective if top-down
target is 8, fixed assets are going to get close
to 8.
For accountability purposes 100 seems optimal,
while for cushion purposes something lower is
probably appropriate.
28Operational Risk Categories
Fiduciary Asset number comes from study done by
First Manhattan for regulators, while noninterest
expense number makes sure everyones
covered. While important, operation risk is
almost impossible to measure by definition
solution pay valuable lip service, allocate for
noninterest expense, and ignore.
Is this really necessary? Either way capital
doesnt affect the high average and marginal ROE
for this segment. Usually between 0.25 and
30Market Risk
Balance Sheet or ALCO risk much higher than
trading risk, though not marked to market ALCO
risk usually 10 to 20 of book capital Use VaR in
conjunction with loss limits for trading books
31Capital is not a Panacea
- Capital doesnt eliminate disagreements, it
only makes them more explicit. People who expect
capital to allow them to optimize the balance
sheet from the top-down havent gotten their
fingers dirty. - Capital is a cost of doing business, and is as
important as other costs. Refining other
non-interest expenses, expected losses and
funds transfer pricing is still most useful.
32Biggest Blind Spots
- New businesses (artificially low current loss
rates) - Tax arbitrage business (e.g., cross-border
leases) - Business Cycle Uncertainties
- cross-sectional patterns much more stable (N gtgtT)
- small business, high LTV home equity,
equity-collateral asset-lending aggressively
increasing volume--recessionary performance
33Consultants are Key
- How consultants add value knowing the
appropriate risk buckets, benchmarks for capital
factors, how to construct the appropriate
management information system, and general
project management
34Quick ways to test depth of capital impact within
the firm
- If no concrete answers to the following, assume
they have not yet solved the problem, which in
some cases implies capital is still only an
academic exercise within the firm - How do you reconcile economic and regulatory
requirements? - What portion of your capital allocation is
allocated to credit? - Do you have historical loss rates and forecasts
by internal grade and LOB? - How is capital integrated with
- Planning?
- Profitability reporting?
- Pricing models?
- Incentive compensation?
- Capital is most relevant to internal
profitability measurements, not top-down capital
management - Validated, homogenous risk bucketing within the
firm is the key - Most firms overstate the extent capital affect
real decisions within the firm