Lab Safety - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lab Safety


Title: Lab Safety Author: Pflugerville I.S.D. Last modified by: sowright Created Date: 7/17/2001 6:14:36 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: head | lab | open | safety | wound


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lab Safety

Lab Safety
General Safety Rules
  • 1. Listen to and or read instructions carefully
    before attempting to do anything.
  • Wear safety goggles to protect your
    eyes from chemicals, heated materials, or things
    that might be able to shatter.
  • (chemicals, heat glass or sharp objects)
  • Notify your teacher if any spills or
    accidents occur.

General Safety Rules
  • After handling chemicals, always wash your hands
    with soap and water.
  • Washes off any chemical residue.
  • During lab work, keep your hands away from your
  • Keeps chemicals out of eyes and mouth.

General Safety Rules
  • 6. Tie back long hair.
  • Helps protect from spills and
    fire hazards.
  • Loose long hair can swing into a flame and catch
    on fire.
  • Roll up loose sleeves.
  • Reduces fire spill hazard.

General Safety Rules
  • 7. Wear long pants or skirts and closed toe
    shoes when using chemicals, heat or glassware.

General Safety Rules
  • 8. Know the location of the
  • fire extinguisher,
  • fire blanket,
  • eyewash station,
  • Safety Shower and
  • first aid kit.

Who is the Dressed for a Lab?
  • Long pants or skirts and closed toed shoes
    protect your legs and feet from spills and sharp

Safety Equipment Locations in Room
H a l l w a y
Fume Hood Switch
Eye Wash
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Blanket
9. Fire Blanket
  • Yank the blanket out of the wall holder.
  • Wrap it around the victim to smother the fire.
  • Wrap
  • Drop
  • Patty Roll

10. 11. Eye Wash Station
  • If you get something from the lab in your eye
  • Don't wait until lunch or the last of the class
  • Retract your eyelid (hold it open)
  • Dont squint your eyes
  • this restricts water access.
  • Run fresh water over your eye for several
  • Go to the school nurse immediately afterward.

12. Safety Shower
  • Shower should be used for dire EMERGENCY only!
  • If you (or a lab mate) is ON FIRE, position
    yourself (or your lab mate) under the safety
  • Pull the handlea deluge of water will result.
  • Flames will be rapidly extinguished.
  • Chemical spills will be washed off. Contaminated
    clothing will need to be removed to protect your

Safety Shower
13. Fire Extinguisher
13. Fire Extinguisher
  • Should you use a fire extinguisher?
  • No - If the teacher is present and conscious.
  • No - if the fire big!
  • No - if there is lots of smoke (smoke kills)
  • No - if fire spreads quickly
  • No - if you have doubts
  • ONLY IF all these apply. . . .
  • Yes - the teacher is not present or conscious,
  • Yes - if you are trained, and
  • Yes - if a safe exit is nearby

How to Use a Fire Extinguisher
14. 15. If We Must Evacuate the Room
  • Know your primary and secondary means of egress
  • Know your fire alarm pull station
  • Located at stairwells exits
  • Know your assembly area
  • Across road next to library by fence
  • Close the doors behind you

General Safety Rules
  • 16. Keep your work area uncluttered and the
    walkways free of backpacks.
  • Take to the lab station only what is necessary.
  • 17. Clean up your lab area at the conclusion
    of the laboratory period.

General Safety Rules
  • 18. It is suggested that you wear glasses
    rather than contact lenses.
  • Chemicals can ooze behind contacts and weld the
    contact to the eye.
  • 19. Never put anything into your mouth during a
    lab experiment.
  • You can accidently poison yourself from chemical

General Safety Rules
  • Never horse around or play practical jokes
    in the laboratory.
  • Horse play leads to serious accidents.

General Safety Rules
  • Lab activities are an important part of your
    chemistry experience and grade
  • Students who do not follow safety rules will NOT
    be allowed to participate in lab activities.
  • You will set out the lab and take a zero.

Glassware Safety
  • Chipped or cracked glassware should not be used.
    Show it to the teacher.
  • Broken glassware should not be disposed of in
    a classroom trashcan. There is a special glass
    disposal container for it.
  • If a piece of glassware gets broken, do not try
    to clean it up by yourself. Notify the teacher.

Glassware Safety
  • When pouring liquids into glassware, make sure
    the container you are pouring into is resting
    on a table at least a hands breadth from the
  • Pour down a glass stirring rod sometimes is used
    to prevent liquids from splattering.

Glassware Safety
  • 24. When inserting glass tubing into a rubber
    stopper, apply a lubricant like glycerin to the
    glass and use a twisting motion.

Glassware Safety
  • 25. Do not place hot glassware in water. Rapid
    cooling will make it shatter.
  • Sometimes explosively

Chemical Safety
  • 26. Wear protective goggles, and have your feet
    and legs covered whenever heating or pouring
    hazardous chemicals.
  • 27. Never mix chemicals together unless you are
    told to do so (and then only in the manner
  • Never taste any chemicals (you should never
    taste anything in the lab).
  • Common sense - many are hazardous.
  • This is true at home too.

Chemical Safety
  • 29. If you need to smell the odor of a chemical,
    waft the fumes toward your nose with one hand.
    Do not put your nose over the container and
    inhale the fumes.
  • 30. Never pour water into a concentrated acid.
  • ALWAYS pour acids should be (slowly) into water.

Chemical Safety
  • 31. Follow the instructions of your teacher
    when disposing of all chemicals.
  • 32. Wash your hands after handling hazardous
  • 33. NEVER remove any chemical from the lab.

Electrical Safety
  • 34. Lay electrical cords where no one can trip
    on them or get caught in them.
  • Be sure your hands and your lab area are dry
    before using electrical equipment.
  • Never poke anything into electrical outlets.

Electrical Safety
  • Unplug cords by pulling the plug and not the
  • Unplug all electrical equipment at the end of
    the lab period.

Heating Safety
  • Let burners and hotplates cool down before
    touching them. Test to see if they are cool
    enough by bringing the back of your hand close
    to them.
  • 35. Use tongs and/or protective gloves to
    handle hot objects.
  • 36. Never reach across an open flame or burner.

Heating Safety
  • 37. The only type of glassware that may safely
    be heated is either Kimax or

Heating Safety
  • When heating a test tube, move it around slowly
    over the flame to distribute the heat evenly.
  • 39. While heating a test tube ALWAYS hold it an
    angle with the mouth pointed away from people.

What is wrong here?
38. cont. Heating Safety
  • Only glassware that is thoroughly dry should be
  • Wet glassware can crack or shatter
  • Heat glassware (such as beakers) by placing it on
    a wire gauze platform on a ring stand
    Or or hotplate.
  • Do not hold it in your hand.

Heating Safety
  • 40. When lighting a burner, wait until the
    striker is in place before you turn on the
    gas. Otherwise a gas cloud may build up and you
    have an explosion.
  • The amount of air can be adjusted by the air
    supply valve below the tube of the burner.
  • This regulates the flame temperature and color.
  • 41. Never leave a burner or
    hotplate unattended.

First Aid
  • Injury Burns
  • What To Do Immediately flush with cold
    water until burning sensation is lessened.
  • Alert the teacher immediately!

First Aid
  • Injury Cuts, bruises
  • What To Do Do not touch an open wound
    without safety gloves. Pressing
    directly on minor cuts will stop bleeding in
    a few minutes. Apply cold compress to
    bruises to reduce swelling.
  • Alert the teacher immediately!

First Aid
  • Injury Fainting
  • To Do Provide fresh air and have the person
    recline so that their head is lower than the
    rest of their body.
  • Alert the teacher immediately!

First Aid
  • Injury Eyes
  • What To Do Flush eyes immediately with plenty
    of water for several minutes. If a
    foreign object is lodged in the eye, do
    not allow the eye to be rubbed.
  • Alert the teacher immediately!

First Aid
  • Injury Poisoning
  • What To Do Find out what substance was
    responsible for the poisoning and alert the
    teacher immediately!
  • Alert the teacher immediately!

First Aid
  • Injury Spills on the skin
  • What To Do Flush with large quantities
    of water. For acid spills, apply baking
    soda solution. For base spills, apply
    vinegar or boric acid.
  • Alert the teacher immediately!

First Aid
  • Injury Electrical shock
  • What To Do Shut off the current at the
    source. Remove wire with rubber gloves.
    Alert the teacher immediately!
  • Alert the teacher immediately!

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