Title: Active Filters
1Active Filters
- Based on use of amplifiers to achieve
filter function - Frequently use op amps so filter may have
some gain as well. - Alternative to LRC-based filters
- Benefits
- Provide improved characteristics
- Smaller size and weight
- Monolithic integration in IC
- Implement without inductors
- Lower cost
- More reliable
- Less power dissipation
- Price
- Added complexity
- More design effort
Transfer Function
2Filter Types
- Four major filter types
- Low pass (blocks high frequencies)
- High pass (blocks low frequencies)
- Bandpass (blocks high and low
frequencies except in narrow band) - Bandstop (blocks frequencies in a
narrow band)
Low Pass
High Pass
3Filter Specifications
- Specifications - four parameters needed
- Example low pass filter Amin, Amax, Passband,
Stopband - Parameters specify the basic characteristics
of filter, e.g. low pass filtering - Specify limitations to its ability to
filter, e.g. nonuniform transmission in
passband, incomplete blocking of frequencies
in stopband
4Filter Transfer Function
- Any filter transfer function T(s) can be
written as a ratio of two polynomials in
s - Where M lt N and N is called the order
of the filter function - Higher N means better filter performance
- Higher N also means more complex circuit
implementation - Filter transfer function T(s) can be
rewritten as - where zs are zeros and ps are poles
of T(s) - where poles and zeroes can be real or
complex - Form of transfer function is similar to
low frequency function FL(s) seen previously
for amplifiers where A(s) AMFL(s)FH(s)
5First Order Filter Functions
First order filter functions are of the
general form
Low Pass
a1 0
High Pass
a0 0
6First Order Filter Functions
First order filter functions are of the
a1 ? 0, a2 ? 0
All Pass
7Example of First Order Filter - Passive
0 dB
8Example of First Order Filter - Active
I1 Io
V_ 0
Filter function
20 log (R2/R1)
9Second-Order Filter Functions
Second order filter functions are of the
form which we can rewrite as where
?o and Q determine the poles There
are seven second order filter types Low
pass, high pass, bandpass, notch, Low-pass
notch, High-pass notch and All-pass
This looks like the expression for the new
poles that we had for a feedback
amplifier with two poles.
10Second-Order Filter Functions
Low Pass
a1 0, a2 0
High Pass
a0 0, a1 0
a0 0, a2 0
11Second-Order Filter Functions
a1 0, ao ?o2
Low Pass Notch
a1 0, ao gt ?o2
High Pass Notch
a1 0, ao lt ?o2
12Passive Second Order Filter Functions
- Second order filter functions can be
implemented with simple RLC circuits - General form is that of a voltage divider
with a transfer function given by - Seven types of second order filters
- High pass
- Low pass
- Bandpass
- Notch at ?o
- General notch
- Low pass notch
- High pass notch
13Example - Passive Second Order Filter Function
0 dB
General form of transfer function
14Example - Passive Second Order Filter Function
0 dB
General form of transfer function
-3 dB
15Single-Amplifier Biquadratic Active Filters
- Generate a filter with second order
characteristics using amplifiers, Rs and
Cs, but no inductors. - Use op amps since readily available and
inexpensive - Use feedback amplifier configuration
- Will allow us to achieve filter-like
characteristics - Design feedback network of resistors and
capacitors to get the desired frequency form
for the filter, i.e. type of filter, e.g
bandpass. - Determine sizes of Rs and Cs to get
desired frequency characteristics
(?0 and Q), e.g. center frequency and
bandwidth. - Note The frequency characteristics for the
active filter will be independent of the
op amps frequency characteristics.
Example - Bandpass Filter
General form of transfer function
16Design of the Feedback Network
- General form of the transfer function for
feedback network is - Loop gain for feedback amplifier is
- Gain with feedback for feedback amplifier
is - Poles of feedback amplifier (filter) are
found from setting
Conclusion Poles of the filter are the
same as the zeros of the RC feedback
network ! Design Approach 1. Analyze RC
feedback network to find expressions
for zeros in terms Rs and Cs. 2. From
desired ?0 and Q for the filter, calculate
Rs and Cs. 3. Determine where to inject
input signal to get desired form of
filter, e.g. bandpass.
17Design of the Feedback Network
- Bridged-T networks (2 Rs and 2Cs) can be
used as feedback networks to implement
several of the second order filter
functions. - Need to analyze bridged-T network to get
transfer function t(s) of the feedback
network. We will show that - Zeros of this t(s) will give the pole
frequencies for the active filter..
Bridged T network
General form of filters transfer function
18Analysis of t(s) for Bridged-T Network
Analysis for t(s) Va / Vb
I3 (Vb-Va)/R3
I2 I3
Ia 0
19Analysis of Bridged-T Network
- Setting numerator of t(s) 0 gives zeroes
of t(s), which are also the poles of
filters transfer function T(s) since - Where the general form of filters T(s) is
- Then comparing the numerator of t(s) and
the denominator of T(s), ?o and Q are
related to the Rs and Cs by - so
- Given the desired filter characteristics
specified by ?o and Q, the Rs and Cs can
now be calculated to build the filter.
These have the same form a quadratic !