Title: Software Processes
1CmpE 104 Lesson 4
Requirements Analysis Overview FUNDAMENTALS OF
- Fundamentals of Object Technology
- Instance object
- Class
- Association
- Aggregation and Composition
- Generalization
- Class Object
- Guided Tutorial in Analysis Modeling (ref.
separate set of slides) - Problem Statements for Case Studies
3Fundamentals of OT
- Object has
- State
- Behavior
- Identity
- Objects and natural systems
4Underprintings of Requirements Analysis
- The emphasis in this book is on object-oriented
software production. This does Not come cheaply
as the object-oriented development demands a good
understanding of object technology. -
- There is not a top-down or bottom-up learning
approach that we know of. -
- This chapter aims at gauging the right level of
information to provide to the reader before
diving into the subject. This chapter covers the
prerequisites for requirements analysis in two
parallel ways. Firstly, we explain the
fundamentals of object technology. Secondly, we
teach-by-example and provide a guided tutorial
in analysis modeling using a familiar application
domain OnLine Shopping via the Internet.
5I. Instance object
- Class
- Instance object
- Class object
6 - A generic description of a thing is called a
class. Hence, an object is an instance of a
class. But, as we will see in section2.1.6, a
class itself may also need to be instantiated
it may be an object. For this reason, we need to
distinguish between an instance object and a
class object. -
- A class is a template for objects with the same
attributes and operations, but a class itself can
be instantiated as an object
7Instance ObjectHow objects collaborate?
8How do objects collaborate?
- For example, to order products a collaboration
may need to be established between a Stock object
and a Purchase object. - System tasks are performed by sets of objects
that invoke operations (behavior) on each other.
We say that they exchange messages. The messages
trigger operations on objects that can result in
the change of objects states and can invoke
other operations. - The brackets after the message names indicate
that a message can take parameters. The object
Order requests the object Shipment to ship the
order. To do so, Shipment instructs the object
Stock to subtract an appropriate quantity of
products. The object Stock is then analyzing the
new inventory levels and if the stock is low, it
requests the object Purchase to record more
products. - Even numbered the messages, in general the flow
of messages does not impose a strict temporal
order on the activation of objects. For these
reasons, we shall abandon the numbering of
messages when discussing the object collaboration
at the design level (Section 6.2)
9Instance Object How objects identify each other?
- OID links
- Object longevity
- Persistent object
- Transient object
- Object communication via
- Persistent OIDs
- Transient OIDs
10- The question is how an object knows the identity
of another object to which it wants to send a
message. - The answer is that each object is given an object
identifier (OID) when it is created. The OID is
an object handle a unique number that remains
with the object for its entire life. - There are two practical solutions to establishing
OID links between objects. The solutions involve - Persistent OID links and
- Transient OID links.
- They are created by the program and destroyed
during the program execution or when the program
finishes its execution. Transient objects Other
objects outlive the execution of the program
they are sorted in the persistent disk storage
when the program finishes and they are available
for the next execution of the program. These are
persistent objects.
11Instance ObjectPersistent link implementation
- A persistent link one object in persistent
storage that links that object to another object
in persistent storage. - The OID of object c1 is marked here as Ref)(.
The object contains a link attribute named
teacher. The type of this attribute is identity.
Its value is a magic number Ref_at_ - the disk
address where the object Teacher is persistently
stored. - Figure 2.3 illustrates how persistence links are
typically implemented. However, in the UML
modeling, the links between objects are drawn as
in Figure 2.4. The links are represented as
instances of an association between the objects
Course and Teacher. - For example, a message sent by an object Teacher
to find the name of an object Course could look
like -
Crs_ref.getCourseName(out crs_name) - In the example, the specific object of class
Course that will execute getCourseName is pointed
to by the current value of the link variable
13Instance ObjectPersistent links in UML
14Instance ObjectTransient link
- How does an object know the OID of another object
if there is no persistent link? - Search on the database
- A map object
- Creating a new object
- Pointer swizzling
15II. Class
- A class is the description for a set of objects
with the same attributes and operations. It
serves as a template for object creation. Each
object created from the template contains the
attribute values that conform to attribute types
defined in the class. - Three compartments
- The top compartment holds the class name. The
middle compartment declares all attributes for
the class. The bottom compartment contains
definitions of operations.
17II. Class Attribute
- An attribute is the type-value pair. Classes
define attribute types. Objects contain attribute
19II. ClassAttribute type designating a class
- An attribute type can also designate a class.
Particular object of the class, such an attribute
contains an object identifier (OID) value
pointing to an object of another class. In UML
analysis models, attributes with class-based
types (rather than primitive types) are not
listed in the middle class compartment. Instead,
the associations between classes represent them. - The two names on the association line
(the_shipment and the_order) represent so called
rolenames. A rolename identifies the meaning for
the association end and it is used to navigate to
an object of the other class in the association.
21II. Class Attribute visibility
- In a pure object-oriented system most operations
are public but most attributes are private.
Attribute values are hidden from other classes.
Objects of one class can only request the
services (operations) published in the public
interface of another class. They are not allowed
to directly manipulate other objects attributes. - We say that operations encapsulate attributes.
One object cannot hide (encapsulate) anything
from another object of the same class. - for public visibility
- - for private visibility.
23II. Class Operation
- An operation (or the method, to be precise) is
invoked by a message sent to it. The name of the
message and the name of the operation are the
same. -
25Operations support object collaboration
- To accomplish a task many objects may need to
collaborate. Objects collaborate by invoking
operations in other objects (see Section -
- Figure 2.10 shows operations in classes necessary
to support the object collaboration demonstrated
in figure 2.2
26Operation visibility and scope
- The visibility of an operation defines whether
the operation is visible to objects of classes
other than a class that defines the operation. If
it is visible then its visibility is public. It
is private, otherwise.
27III. Association
28- An association is one kind of relationship
between classes. Other kinds of relationships
include generalization, aggregation, dependency
and a few more. - The association relationship provides a linkage
between objects of given classes. Typically,
messages between objects are sent along
association relationships. - Figure 2.11 shows the relationship named OrdShip
between classes Order and Shipment. The
relationship allows for an Order object to be
shipped (to be linked to) more than one Shipment
object (asterisk ).
29III. Association Association degree
- Binary
- Unary (singular)
- Ternary
30- Association degree defines the number of classes
connected by an association. The most frequent
association is of degree two. This is called a
binary association. -
- Association can also be defined on a single
class. This is called a unary (or singular)
31III. Association Association multiplicity
32- The multiplicity states how many objects of a
target class (pointed to by the rolename) can
associated with a single object of the source
class. - The multiplicity is shown as a range of integers
n1.n2. the integer n1 defines the minimum
number of connected objects, and n2 the maximum
number(the maximum number can be an asterisk if
we do not know the precise maximum integer
value). If we do not want to specify the minimum
number, but we know that it could be many
connected objects then we do not specify the
minimum number at all.The most frequent
multiplicities are - 0..1
- 0..
- 1..1
- 1..
33III. Association Association link and extent
- Link association instance
- Extent set of association instances
- The association link is an instance of the
association. The extent is a set of links. -
- Figure 2.14 is a particular instantiation of the
association OrdShip in Figure 2.11. there are
five links in Figure2.14. hence the extent of the
association is five.
35III. Association Association class
36- Sometimes an association has attributes (and/or
operations) of its own. Such an association must
be modeled as a class. Each object of an
association class has attribute values and links
to the objects of associated classes. Because an
associationclass is a class, it can be associated
with other classes in the model in the normal
way. -
- Figure 2.15 shows the association class
Assessment. An object of the class Assessment
stores a list of marks, a total mark and a grade
obtained by a Student in a ClassOffering.
37IV. Composition and aggregation
- Composition aggregation by value
- Aggregation aggregation by reference
- Properties
- Transitivity
- Asymmetry
- Existence dependency
38Aggregation and composition
- Aggregation is a whole-part relationship between
a class representing an assembly of components
(superset class) and the classes representing
the components (subset classes). - The containment property can be strong
(aggregation by value) or weak (aggregation by
reference). In UML, the aggregation by value is
called composition, and the aggregation by
reference is simply called aggregation. - Composition has an addition property of
existence dependency. An object of a subset class
cannot exist without being linked to an object of
the superset class. -
39V. Generalization
40- Generalization is a kind-of relationship between
a more generic class (superclass or parent) and
a more specialized kind of that class (subclass
or child). - The attributes and operations already defined for
a superclass may be reused in a subclass. A
subclass is said to inherit the attributes and
methods of its parent class. - The inherited properties are not visibility shown
in the subclass box - the generalization
relationship forces the inheritance in the
background. - Note that inheritence applies to classes, not to
objects. It applies to types, not to values.
41V. Generalization Polymorphism
The same signature (operation name and the number
and type of arguments)
- A method inherited by a subclass is frequently
used as is in that subclass. The operation age()
works identically for the objects of classes
Person and Employee. However, there are times
when an operation needs to be overridden
(modified ) in a subclass. - Employee.remainingLeave() is computed by
subtracting leave_taken from leave_entitlement.
The operation Manager.remainingLeave() would
override the operation Employee.reaminingLeave().
- We can now send the message remainingLeave() to
an Employee object or to a Manager object and we
will get a different method executed. The
operation remainingLeave() is polymorphic.
43V. Generalization Multiple inheritance
44- Inheritance permits incremental description of a
subclass by reusing and then extending the
superclass descriptions. -
- Multiple classes in an inheritance hierarchy may
declare the same operation. Such an operation has
many implementations (methods) but the same
signature. The polymorphic behavior relies on
45Multiple inheritance
A subclass can inherit from more than one
superclass. Multiple inheritance can lead to
inheritance conflicts that have to be explicitly
resolved by the programmer.
46V. Generalization Multiple classification
- Multiple inheritance
- A class may have many superclasses, but a single
class must be defined for each object
- Multiple classification
- An object is simultaneously the instance of two
or more classes
- The problem arises if Person is specialized in
few orthogonal hierarchies - Person can be Employee or Student, Male or
Female, Child or Adult, etc. - Without multiple classification
- need to define classes for each legal combination
between the orthogonal hierarchies - ChildFemaleStudent etc.
47- In most current object-oriented programming
environments, an object can belong to only one
class. - Multiple classification is different from
multiple inheritance. In multiple classification
an object is simultaneously the instance of two
or more classes. In multiple inheritance a class
may have many superclasses, but a single class
must be defined for each object. - The problem arises if Person is specialized in a
few orthogonal hierarchies. For example, a Person
can be an Employee or Student, Male or Female,
Child or Adult, etc. without multiple
classification, we would need to define classes
for each legal combination between the orthogonal
hierarchies to have, for example, a class for a
Person object who is a child female student (i.e.
the class that could be called ChildFemaleStudent)
48V. Generalization Dynamic classification
- An object does not only belong to multiple
classes but it can gain or lose classes over its
lifetime - A Person object can be just an employee one day
and a manager (and employee) another day - In most current object-oriented programming
environments, an object cannot change its class
after it has been instantiated (created)
49- In most current object-oriented programming
environments, an object cannot change its class
after it has been instantiated (created). This is
another troublesome restriction because in
reality objects do change classes dynamically. - Dynamic classification is a direct consequence of
multiple classification. An object does not only
belong to multiple classes but it can gain or
lose classes over its lifetime. - Under the dynamic classification schema, a Person
object can be just an employee one day and a
manager (and employee) another day. Without
dynamic classification, the business changes such
as promotion of employees are hard (or even
impossible) to model declaratively in the class
diagram. They would have to be modeled
procedurally in state diagrams or similar
modeling techniques.
50V. Generalization Abstract class
- Parent class that will not have direct instance
objects - Abstract class cannot instantiate objects
because it has at least one abstract operation
51- Abstract class is an important modeling
concept that follows the notation of inheritance.
An abstract class is a parent class that will not
have direct instance objects. Only subclasses of
the abstract parent class can be instantiated. - In a typical scenario, a class is abstract
because at least one of its operations is
abstract. An abstract operation has its signature
(the name and the list of normal arguments)
defined in the abstract parent class, but the
implementation of the operation (the method) is
deferred to concrete child classes. - Figure 2.20 shows the abstract class Video
(in UML, the name of the abstract class is shown
in italics). The class contains the abstract
operation rentalCharge(). Understandably, rental
charges are calculated differently for video
tapes and for video disks. There will be two
different implementations of rentalCharge() in
classes VideoTape and VideoDisk.
52VI. Class object
- Object with
- Class-scope attributes and/or
- Class-scope operations
53A class object is an object with class-scope
attributes and/or class-scope operations. The
class-scope implies here a global attribute or
operation that applies to the class itself, not
to any instance object. The most common
class-scope attributes are attributes that hold
default values or aggregation values. The most
common class-scope operations are operations to
create and destroy instance objects and
operations that calculate aggregate values.
54Guided tutorial in analysis modeling
- This section presents a quick tutorial in UML
visual modeling using a simple example. The
purpose is to demonstrate various UML diagrams
and to show they fit together. Each UML diagram
emphasizes a particular view on the system. To
understand the system in its entirety, multiple
UML diagrams, representing different views, have
to be developed and integrated. - At the most generic level, we can distinguish
three kinds of UML models each with its own set
of diagrams and related constructs - The state model, which represents the static view
of the system it models data requirements. The
state model represents data structures and their
relationships. The main visualization technique
for state modeling is the class diagram. - The behavior model, which represents the
operational view of the system it models
function requirements. The behavior model
represents business transactions, operations and
algorithms on data. There are several
visualization techniques for behavior modeling
use case diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration
diagram, and activity diagram. - The state change model, which represents the
dynamic view of the system it models object
evolution over time. The state change model
represents possible changes to object states
(where the state is defined by the current values
of an objects attributes and associations with
other objects). The main visualization technique
for state change modeling is the state chart
55Statements for case studies
- University Enrolment
- Video Store
- Contact Management
- Telemarketing
56University Enrolment
- The university offers
- Undergraduate and postgraduate degrees
- To full-time and part-time students
- The university structure
- Divisions containing departments
- Single division administers each degree
- Degree may include courses from other divisions
- University enrolment system
- Individually tailored programs of study
- Prerequisite courses
- Compulsory courses
- Restrictions
- Timetable clashes
- Maximum class sizes, etc.
57University Enrolment (cont)
- The system is required to
- Assist in pre-enrolment activities
- Handle the enrolment procedures
- Pre-enrolment activities
- Mail-outs of
- Last semester's examination grades to students
- Enrolment instructions
- During enrolment
- Accept students' proposed programs of study
- Validate for prerequisites, timetable clashes,
class sizes, special approvals, etc. - Resolutions to some of the problems may require
consultation with academic advisers or academics
in charge of course offerings
58Video Store
- The video store
- Rentals of video tapes and disks to customers
- All video tapes and disks bar-coded
- Customer membership also be bar-coded.
- Existing customers can place reservations on
videos to be collected at specific date - Answering customer enquiries, including enquiries
about movies that the video store does not stock
(but may order on request)
59Contact Management
- The market research company with established
customer base of organizations that buy market
analysis reports - The company is constantly on the search for new
customers - Contact management system
- Prospective customers
- Actual customers
- Past customers
- The new contact management system to be developed
internally and be available to all employees in
the company, but with varying levels of access - Employees of Customer Services Department will
take the ownership of the system - The system to permit flexible scheduling and
re-scheduling of contact-related activities so
that the employees can successfully collaborate
to win new customers and foster existing
- The charitable society sells lottery tickets to
raise funds - Campaigns to support currently important
charitable causes - Past contributors (supporters) targeted through
telemarketing and/or direct mail-outs - Rewards (special bonus campaigns)
- For bulk buying
- For attracting new contributors
- The society does not randomly target potential
supporters by using telephone directories or
similar means
61Telemarketing (cont)
- Telemarketing application
- To support up to fifty telemarketers working
simultaneously - To schedule the phone calls according to
pre-specified priorities and other known
constraints To dial up the scheduled phone calls - To re-schedule unsuccessful connections
- To arrange other telephone callbacks to
supporters - To records the conversation outcomes, including
ticket orders and any changes to supporter
- Each object has a state, behavior and identity
- Class defines attributes and operations
- There are three kinds of relationships
association, aggregation, generalization - Generalization provides the basis for
polymorphism and inheritance - Multiple inheritance is likely to be supported
- Multiple and dynamic classification is still not
supported commercially - Abstract classes are important in modeling
- There are instance objects and class objects
- The OnLine Shopping guided tutorial (separate
Lecture Notes) - Four case studies
63OnLine Shopping - Tutorial
Tutorial Guided Tutorial in Analysis
ModelingOnLine Shopping
- Online Shopping Tutorial Statement
- Use Case Modeling
- Activity Modeling
- Class Modeling
- Interaction Modeling
- Statechart Modeling
65Online Shopping
- Our quick tutorial refers to an online shopping
application. We are mostly concerned with the
back end of the application accepting a
customers online order, the processing and
filling of the order, invoicing, and the shipment
of goods to a customer. -
- The sequence of activities must not be
interpreted as the recommended process. In
reality, the process is iterative and
66OnLine Shopping Order Processing
- Buying computers via Internet
- The customer can select a standard configuration
or can build a desired configuration online - To place an order, the customer must fill out the
shipment and payment information - The customer can check online at any time the
order status - The ordered configuration is shipped to the
customer together with the invoice
67Customer order processing
A computer manufacturer offers the possibility of
purchasing computers via the internet. The
customer can select a computer on the
manufacturers web page. The computers are
classified into servers, desktops and portables.
The customer can select a standard configuration
or can build a desired configuration online. The
configurable components (such as memory) are
presented as picklists of available options. For
each new configuration, the system can calculate
price. To place an order, the customer must fill
out the shipment and payment information.
Acceptable payment methods are credit cards and
checks. Once the order has been entered, the
system sends a confirmation e-mail message to the
customer with details of the order. While waiting
for the arrival of the computer, the customer can
check the order status online at any time. The
back end order processing consists of the steps
needed to verify the customers credentials and
payment method, request the order configuration
from the warehouse, to print an invoice, and to
request the warehouse to ship the computer to the
68Use case modeling
- Use case - outwardly visible and testable system
behavior - Actor - whoever or whatever (person, machine,
etc.) that interacts with a use case - Actor receives a useful result
- Use case represents a complete unit of
functionality of value to an actor - There may be some use cases that do not directly
interact with actors - In many instances, a function requirement maps
directly to a use case - Use Case Diagram is a visual representation of
actors and use cases together with any additional
definitions and specifications - UML diagram is synonymous with UML model
69- System behavior is what a system does when
responding to external events. A use case
performs a business function that is outwardly
visible to an actor and that can be separately
testable later in the developed process. - An actor represents whoever or whatever (person,
machine, etc.) that interacts with a use case. - A use case diagram is not just a diagram but also
a fully documented model of the systems intended
behavior. The notation of UML diagram is
synonymous with UML model.
- Consider the requirementAfter customers order
has been entered into the system, the salesperson
sends an electronic request to the warehouse with
details of the ordered configuration
71- Actors and use cases are determined from the
analysis of function requirements. It is
immaterial whether the business analyst chooses
to first identify actors and then use cases or
the other way around. In this tutorial, we have
chosen first to identify the actors. -
- A typical graphical image for an actor is a
stick person. In general, an actor can be shown
as a class rectangular symbol. Like a normal
class, an actor can have attributes and
operations (events that it sends or receives).
72Analysis tutorial Step 1 (Online Shopping)
- Refer to the tutorial statement above and
consider the following extended requirements to
find actors in the OnLine Shopping application - 1. The customer uses the manufacturers
online shopping web page to view the standard
configuration of the chosen server, desktop or
portable computer. The price is also shown. - 2. The customer chooses to view the details
of the configuration, perhaps with the intention
of buying it as is or to build a more suitable
configuration. The price for each configuration
can be computed at the customers request. - 3. The customer may choose to order the
computer online or may request that the
salesperson contact him/her to explain order
details, negotiate the price, etc. before the
order is actually placed. - 4. To place the order, the customer must
fill out an online form with shipment and invoice
address, and with payment details (credit card or
check). - 5. After the customers order has been
entered into the system, the salesperson sends an
electronic request to the warehouse with details
of the ordered configuration. - 6. The details of the transaction, including
an order number and customer account number, are
e-mailed to the customer, so that the customer
can check the status of the order online. - 7. The warehouse obtains the invoice form
the salesperson and ships the computer to the
customer. -
- Figure 2.22 shows the three actors that are
manifestly present in the specifications. -
73Use cases
- The customer uses the manufacturers online
shopping Web page to view the standard
configuration of the chosen server, desktop or
portable computer - The customer chooses to view the details of the
configuration, perhaps with the intention to buy
it as is or to build a more suitable
74- A use case represents a complete unit of
functionality of value to an actor. An actor who
does not communicate with a case is meaningless,
but the converse is not necessarily true (i.e. a
use case that does not communicate with an actor
is allowed). - Use cases can be derived from the identification
of tasks of the actor. The question to ask is
What are the actors responsibilities towards
the system and expectations from the system? Use
cases can also be determined from direct analysis
of function requirements. In many instances, a
function requirement maps directly to a use
case. - Analysis tutorial Step 2 (OnLine Shopping)
- Refer to Step 1 of the tutorial and find use
cases in the online shopping application. -
- To address this tutorial problem, we can
construct a table that assigns the function
requirements to the actors and the use cases.
Table 2.1 assigns the function requirements
listed in Step 1 of the tutorial to the actors
and the use cases. A use case is drawn as an
ellipse with the name inside the ellipse or below
75Use Case Diagram
The ltltextendgtgt relationship - the use case Order
Configured Computer can be extended by Customer
with the use case Request Salesperson Contact
76- The use case diagram assigns use cases to actors.
It also allows the user to establish
relationships between use cases, if any. The use
case diagram is the principal visualization
technique for a behavioral model of the system.
The diagram elements (use cases and actors) need
to be further described to provide a complete use
case model (see Section - Analysis tutorial Step 3 (OnLine Shopping)
- Refer to previous steps of the tutorial and draw
a use case diagram for the online shopping
application. - The meaning of the ltltextendgtgt relationship is
that the use case Order Configured Computer can
be extended by Customer with the use case Request
Salesperson Contact.
77Documenting use cases
- Brief Description
- Actors involved
- Preconditions necessary for the use case to start
- Detailed Description of flow of events that
includes - Main Flow of events, that can be broken down to
show - Subflows of events (subflows can be further
divided into smaller subflows to improve document
readability) - Alternative Flows to define exceptional
situations - Postconditions that define the state of the
system after the use case ends
78- Each use case has to be described in a flow of
events document. This textual document defines
what the system has to do when the actor
activities a use case. The structure of a use
case document can vary, but a typical description
would contain - The use case document evolves with the
development progress. In the early stage stage of
requirements determination, only a brief
description is written. Other parts of the
document are written gradually and iteratively. A
complete document emerges at the end of the
requirements specification phase. At the stage,
the prototypes of GUI screens can be added to the
document. Later on, the use case document will be
used to produce the user documentation for the
implemented system. - Analysis tutorial Step 4 (OnLine Shopping)
- Refer to the previous tutorial steps and write a
use case document for the use case Order
Configured Computer. Use your general knowledge
of typical order processing tasks to derive
details not stated in the requirements. - The solution to this tutorial step is presented
in a tabular form. This is not the usual way of
documenting use cases. Use case documents can
contain many pages (ten or so on average) and a
normal document structure, complete with a table
of contents, would be the norm.
79Narrative use case specification
Use Case Order Configured Computer
Brief Description This use case allows a Customer to enter a purchase order.
Actors Customer
Preconditions The page displays the details of a configured computer together with its price.
Main Flow The system assigns a unique order number and a customer account number to the purchase order and it stores the order information in the database.
Alternative Flows The Customer activates the Purchase function before providing all mandatory information.
Postconditions If the use case was successful, the purchase order is recorded in the systems database.
80Activity Modeling
- Activity model
- Can graphically represent the flow of events of a
use case - Can be used to understand a business process at a
high-level of abstraction before any use cases
are produced - Shows the steps of a computation
- Each step is a state of doing something
- Execution steps are called activity states
- Depicts which steps are executed in sequence and
which can be executed concurrently - Transition the flow of control from one
activity state to the next - Use case descriptions are (usually) written from
an outside actors perspective - Activity models take an inside systems viewpoint
81- The activity model can graphically represent the
flow of events of a use case. The activity models
fill a gap between a high-level representation of
system behavior in use case models and much
lower-level representation of behavior in
interaction models (sequence and collaboration
diagrams). - The activity diagram shows the steps of a
computation. Each step is a state of doing
something. For that reason, the execution steps
are called activity states. The diagram depicts
which steps are executed in sequence and which
can be executed concurrently. The flow of control
from one activity state to the next is called a
transition. - If a use case document has been completed then
activity states can be discovered from the
description of the main and alternative flows.
There is, however, an important difference
between the use case description and the activity
model. Use case descriptions are written from an
outside actors perspective. Activity models take
an inside systems viewpoint. - They can be used to understand a business process
at a high level of abstraction before any use
cases are produced. Alternatively, they can be
used at a much lower level of abstraction to
design complex sequential algorithms or to design
concurrency in multi-threaded applications.
- Activity states can be established from the use
case document - Activities should be named from the systems
perspective, not the actors viewpoint - Activity takes time to complete
- Action is so quick that on our time scale it
is considered to take no time at all - UML uses the same same graphical symbol for
activity state and action state rounded
83- If the activity modeling is used to visualize the
sequencing of activities in a use case then
activity states can be established from the use
case document. An activity state is represented
in UML by a rounded rectangle. - Analysis tutorial Step 5 (OnLine Shopping)
- Refer to step 4 of the tutorial. Analyze the main
and alternative flows in the use case document.
Find activities for the use case Order Configured
Computer in the online shopping application. - Table 2.3 lists the statements in the main and
alternative flows of the use case document and
identifies activity states.
- The system assigns a unique order number and a
customer account number to the purchase order and
it stores the order information in the database.
85Activity Diagram
- Activity Diagram shows transitions between
activities - A solid filled circle represents the initial
state - The final state is shown using so called bulls
eye symbol - Transitions can branch and merge (diamond)
alternative computation threads - Transitions can fork and re-join (bar line)
concurrent (parallel) computation threads - Activity diagram without concurrent processes
resembles a conventional flowchart
86- The activity diagram shows transitions between
activities. The diagram will have an initial
activity state and one or more final activity
states. A solid filled circle represents the
initial state. The final state is shown using a
bulls eye symbol. - Transitions can branch and merge. This creates
alternative computation threads. A diamond box
shows the branch condition. - Transitions can also fork and rejoin. This
creates concurrent (parallel) computation
threads. The fork/join of transitions is
represented by a bar line. Note that an activity
diagram without concurrent processes resembles a
conventional flowchart. - Analysis tutorial Step 6 (OnLine Shopping)
- Refer to steps 4 and 5 of the tutorial and draw
an activity diagram for the use case Order
Configured Computer in online shopping
application. - Display Current Configuration is the
initial activity state.The recursive transition
on this state recognizes the fact that the
display is continuously refreshed until the next
transition fires (to Get Order Request). - When in the state Display Purchase Form,
the timeout condition finishes the execution of
the activity model. Alternatively, the state Get
Purchase Details is activated. If the purchase
details are incomplete, the system again enters
the state Display Purchase Form. Otherwise, the
system gets into the state Store Order, followed
by the state Email Order Details (the final
87Activity Diagram
Explicit branch condition (that appears on exit
from activity state)
Multiple exit transitions (branch condition that
is internal to activity state)
88Activity Diagram
89Class Modeling
- Captures system state the function of the
system's information content at a point in time - Class modeling elements
- classes themselves
- attributes and operations of classes
- Relationships associations, aggregation and
composition, generalization - Class Diagram combined visual representation
for class modeling elements - Class modeling and use case modeling are
typically conducted in parallel
90- The class modeling elements include classes
themselves, attributes and operations of classes,
associations , aggregation and composition, and
generalization. A class diagram provides a
combined visual representation for these modeling
elements. - We remind you again that although in the tutorial
we discuss modeling after use case modeling, in
practice these two activities are typically
conducted in parallel. The two models feed each
other with supplementary information. Use cases
facilitate class discovery and vice versa class
models can lead to the discovery of overlooked
use cases.
- So far, we have used classes to define "business
objects" - Called entity classes (model classes)
- Represent persistent database objects
- Other classes
- Classes that define GUI objects (such as screen
forms) boundary classes (view classes) - classes that control the program's logic
control classes - Boundary and control classes may or may not be
addressed in requirements analysis may be
delayed until the system design phase
92- Our class examples have all been long lived
(persistent) business entities, such as Order,
Shipment, Customer, Student, etc. these are the
classes that define the database model for an
application domain. For that reason, such classes
are frequently called entity classes (model
classes). They represent persistent database
objects. - Then entity classes define the essence of any
information system. Requirements analysis is
interested predominantly in entity classes.
However, for the system to function other classes
are needed as well. The system needs classes that
define GUI objects (such as screen forms)
called the boundary classes (view classes). The
system also needs classes that control the
programs logic the control classes (see
Section 5.2.3) - Analysis tutorial Step 7 (OnLine Shopping)
- Refer to the requirements defined in the tutorial
statement (Section 2.2.1) and in Step 1 of the
tutorial (Section find candidate entity
classes in the online shopping application. - Following the approach taken in finding
actors and use cases (see Table 2.1), we can
construct a table that assists in finding classes
from the analysis of function requirements. - Finding classes is an iterative task and
the initial list of candidate classes is likely
to change. Answering a few questions may help to
determine whether a concept in the requirements
is a candidate class.
- Is this a class?
- Is the concept a container for data?
- Does it have separate attributes that will take
on different values? - Would it have many instance objects?
- Is it in the scope of the application domain?
94- The questions are
- 1. Is the concept a container for data?
- 2. Does it have separate attributes that
will take on different values? - 3. Would it have many instance objects?
- 4. Is it in the scope of the application
domain? - For the purpose of this tutorial, we have chosen
the list of classes as shown in Figure 2.27. Note
that the class Customer has already appeared as
an actor in the use case diagram hence the
annotation from use case view. -
- The warehouse obtains the invoice from the
salesperson and ships the computer to the
Do we need Shipment class? Is it in the scope?
Is Salesperson a class or an attribute of Order
and Invoice?
97- The structure of a class is defined by its
attributes. - Analysis tutorial Step 8 (OnLine Shopping)
- Refer to Steps 5, 6 and 7 of the tutorial. Think
about attributes for the classes in Figure 2.27.
consider only attributes with primitive type
(Section - Figure 2.28 shows the classes with primitive
attributes. Attributes of ConfigurationItem
warrant brief explanation. The attribute
item_type will have values such as processor,
memory, screen, hard drive, etc. the attribute
item_descry will further describe the item type.
For example, the processor in the configuration
may be an Intel 600MHz with 256 k cache. - Admittedly and understandably, there is a
significant amount of arbitrary decisions in
defining attributes in Figure 2.28.
- Associations between classes establish pathways
for easy object collaboration (Section 2.1.3). in
the implemented system, the associations will be
represented with attribute types that designate
associated classes. - Analysis tutorial Step 9 (OnLine Shopping)
- Refer to the previous steps of the tutorial.
Consider the classes in Figure 2.28. think what
access paths between these classes are required
by the use cases. Add associations to the class
model. - We made a few assumptions when determining
association multiplicities. Order is from a
single Customer, but Customer may place many
Orders. Order is not accepted unless the Payment
has been specified (hence, one-to-one
association). Order does not have to have an
associated Invoice, but Invoice is always related
to a single Order. An Order is for one or many
ConfiguredComputers. A ConfiguredComputer may be
ordered many times or not at all.
101- In a typical commercial programming environment,
aggregations and compositions are likely to be
implemented like associations with attribute
types that designate associated classes. - Analysis tutorial Step 10 (OnLine Shopping)
- Refer to the previous steps of the tutorial.
Consider the models in Figure 2.28 and 2.29. Add
aggregations to the class model. - Figure 2.30 adds two aggregation relationships to
the model. Computer has one or more
ConfigurationItems. Likewise, ConfiguredComputer
consists of one or many ConfigurationItems.
103- Can also greatly simplify and clarify the model.
The simplification in the model is semantic not
graphical. The simplification is achieved by the
added precision with which the existing classes
can be associated with the most applicable
classes in the generalization hierarchy. - Analysis tutorial Step 11 (OnLine Shopping)
- Refer to the previous steps of the tutorial.
Consider the models in Figure 2.28 and 2.30.
Think how you can extract any common attributes
in the existing classes into a higher-level
class. Add generalizations to the class model. - Figure 2.31 shows a modified model with the class
Computer changed to a generic abstract class for
two concrete subclass StandardComputer and
104Class Diagram
105- The class diagram is the heart and soul of an
object oriented system. In this tutorial, we
have only demonstrated the static modeling
ability of the class model. - We have not added as yet any operations to the
classes. The operations belong more to the design
than analysis realm. When operations are
eventually included in classes, the class model
implicitly defines the system dehavior. - Analysis tutorial Step 12 (OnLine Shopping)
- Refer to the previous steps of the tutorial.
Combine the models in Figures 2.28 and 2.31 to
show a complete class diagram. Modify attribute
content of classes as necessitated by the
introduction of the generalization hierarchy. -
106Interaction modeling
- Captures interactions between objects needed to
execute a use case - Shows the sequencing of events (messages) between
collaborating objects - Used in more advanced stages of requirements
analysis, when a basic class model is known, so
that the references to objects are backed by the
class model - Two kinds of interaction diagrams
- Sequence Diagram concentrate on time sequences
- Collaboration Diagram emphasize object
relationships - Prevailing IS development practice Sequence
Diagrams in requirements analysis and
Collaboration Diagrams in system design
107 Interaction modeling captures between
objects needed to execute a use case. Interaction
models are used in more advanced stages of
requirements analysis, when a basic class model
is known, so that the references to objects are
backed by the class model. The above
observation underprints the main distinction
between the activity modeling and the interaction
modeling. Both capture the behavior of a single
use case (usually). However, the activity
modeling is done at a higher level of abstraction
it shows the sequencing of events without
assigning the events to objects. The interaction
modeling shows the sequencing of events
(messages) between collaborating
objects. There are two kinds of
interaction diagram the sequence diagram and
the collaboration diagram. They can be used
interchangeably and, indeed, many CASE tools
support an automatic conversion from one model to
the other. The difference is in emphasis. The
sequence models concentrate on time sequences and
the collaboration models emphasize object
relationships. In this book, we elected
to use sequence diagrams in requirements analysis
and collaboration diagrams in system design.
- Interaction set of messages in some behavior
that are exchanged between objects across links - Sequence Diagram
- Objects - horizontal dimension
- Message sequence - top to bottom on vertical
dimension - Each vertical line - the object's lifeline
- Arrow - message from a calling object (sender) to
an operation (method) in the called object
(target) - Actual argument can be
- input argument (from the sender to the target)
- output argument (from the target back to the
sender). - crs_ref.getCourseName(out crs_name)
- Showing the return of control from the target to
the sender is not necessary - Iteration marker an asterisk in front of the
message label indicates iterating over a
- An interaction is a set of messages in some
behavior that are exchanged between objects
across links. The sequence diagram is a two
dimensional graph. Objects are shown along the
horizontal dimension. Sequencing of messages is
shown top to bottom on the vertical dimension.
Each vertical line is called the objects
lifeline. - An arrow represents each message from a calling
object (sender) to an operation (method) in the
called object (target). As a minimum, the message
is named. Actual arguments of the message and
other control information can also be included.
The actual arguments correspond to the formal
arguments in the method of the target object. - The actual argument can be an input argument
(from the sender to the target) or an output
argument (from the target back to the sender).
The input argument may be identified by the
keyword in. the output argument is identified
with the keyword out. The message getCourseName
(see Section, sent to an object
identified by variable crs_ref, has one output
argument and no input arguments. - Showing the return of control from the target to
the sender object is not necessary. The message
arrow to the target object implies automatic
return of control to the sender. The target knows
the OID of the sender.
110- A message can be sent to a collection of objects.
This is frequently the case when a calling object
is linked to multiple receiver objects (because
the multiplicity of the association is
one-to-many or many-to-many). An iteration marker
an asterisk in front of the message label
indicates iterating over a collection. - Analysis tutorial Step 13 (OnLine Shopping)
- Refer to the activity diagram in Figure 2.26.
Consider the first step in the diagram, Display
Current Configuration. Construct a sequence
diagram for this step. - The outside actor (Customer) chooses to
display the configuration of a computer. The
message openNew is sent to an object ConfWin of
the class ConfigurationWindow. The message
results in creating (instantiating) a new
aConfWin object. (Configuration Window is a
boundaryclass (Section - The object aConfWin needs to display
itself with the configuration data. To this aim,
it sends a message to the object aComp
Computer. In reality, aComp is an object of the
class StandardComputer or ConfiguredComputer. - The object acomp uses the output
argument item_rec to compose itself from
ConfigurationItem objects. It then sends the
configuration items in bulk to aConfWin as an
argument I_recset of displayComputer message. The
object aConfWin can now display itself. The
screen display will be similar to Figure 2.34.
- Examining the interactions can lead to the
discovery of operations - Each message invokes an operation in the called
object - The operation has the same name as the message
- Similarly, the presence of a message in a
Sequence Diagram stipulates the need for an
association in the Class Diagram
114- Although the introduction of operations to
classes is frequently delayed to the design
phase, we will illustrate in this tutorial that
examining the interactions can lead to the
discovery of operations. The dependency between
interactions and operations is straightforward.
Each message invokes an operation in the called
object. The operation has the same name as the
message. - Of course, this one-to-one mapping between
messages in interaction models and methods in
implemented classes. - As an aside we observe that similar one-to-one
mapping exists between messages and associations,
when a message is sent between persistent (model)
objects. Therefore, the presence of a message in
a sequence diagram stipulates the need for an
association in the class diagram. - Analysis tutorial Step 14 (OnLine Shopping)
- Refer to the class diagram in Figure 2.32 and to
the sequence diagram in Figure 2.33. For each
interaction message in the sequence diagram add
an operation to a relevant class in the class
diagram. Do not redraw the whole class diagram
only show the classes extended with operations. - The solution to this simple tutorial step is
shown in Figure 2.35. Three affected classes are
shown. ConfigurationWindow is a boundary class.
Two other classes are entity classes representing
persistent database objects. The operation
openNew is stereotyped as a constructor
operation. This means that openNew will be
implemented as a constructor method that
instantiates objects of the class. - The class Computer is an abstract class. GetConf
is an abstract operation to be inherited by
subclasses (ConfiguredComputer and
StandardComputer). These subclasses provide their
own implementations of getConf.
116Sequence Diagram
117- As mentioned, a separate sequence diagram is
frequently constructed for each use case. Since
each use case is likely to be also expressed in
an activity diagram, a sequence diagram can be
built for each activity diagram. Providing
multiple correlated viewpoints on the same system
is the cornerstone of a good modeling. - Analysis tutorial Step 15 (OnLine Shopping)
- Refer to the activity diagram in Figure 2.26 and
construct a sequence diagram for it. To simplify
the diagram do not shown the exchange of messages
between Computer and ConfigurationItem objects. - Also, do not visualize subclass objects assume
that a Computer object is either a
StandardComputer or ConfiguredComputer. - Shown only activation messages. Returns and
implicit. There is no need to specify operation
arguments or other control information. - The sequence diagram has been split into two
parts for redability (Order and OrderWindow
lifelines are repeated in the two parts). - The sequence diagram is largely self-explanatory.
The message acceptConf results in the
prepareForOrder message sent to an Order
object. This creates a transient Order object
that is displayed in OrderWindow. - On the customers acceptance of the order details
(submitOrder), OrderWindow instigates