Title: Z-TOWN
Cameron Jett, Ryan Southard, Drew Switzer, Ben
Department of Computer Science and
Engineering The Ohio State University
In the not too distant future, the world has been
ravaged by the undead. You are one of the few
humans lucky enough to be immune to the zombie
disease. Most cities were leveled by world
governments after the initial zombie outbreak.
Z-town was targeted for nuclear extermination,
however the nuke never detonated. Did Z-Town
survive for a reason, or is it your duty to
finish the job. You decide, Z-Town is your town.
A third-person top down zombie survival game with
tower defense aspects set during the zombie
apocalypse. Search a massive city for powerful
weapons and items to defend yourself against
hordes of the undead. But be careful, the city
may seem safe during the day, but at night the
dead come out to play. Can you find a way to
eliminate the zombie threat? Or will you be
eaten like so many others in Z-TOWN?
- Traverse the city during the day, and fight an
increasing horde of zombies at night. - Be strategic about when you fight and when you
need to run. - Try to find the nuke or just see how long you can
- Rescue survivors to help you defeat the undead.
- Search indoor areas for better weapons and
defense items. - Use defense items to outsmart and overpower the