Title: Human Research
1Human Research
For historical perspective, click image, watch
two minutes of life at The Knickerbocker Hospital
in NYC
2Human Research Only a Utilitarian Could Love?
- Nazi experimentation on prisoners and civilians
- US Public Health Service study of syphilis using
poor black men from Macon County, AL - US government Cold War studies of radiation
effects on thousands of human subjects from
1944-74 - Willowbrook State Hospital in NY study of
hepatitis, infecting mentally retarded children - Negative public reaction to the above events, and
others, produced
- The Nuremburg Code (guidelines for ethical
research), 1947 - Declaration of Helsinki, embraced by the World
Medical Association (WMA) in 1964 - Belmont Report, 1979, of the National Commission
for the protection of Human Subjects of
Biomedical and Behavioral Research - 1993 guidelines from World Health Organization
(WHO), and Council for International
Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) - Prompted President Bill Clintons public apology,
3Clinical Trials
- Clinical Trial a scientific study designed
to test a medical intervention in humans ...
Vaughn, 194 - Clinical trials
- exist to determine whether a given drug or
procedure is safe and effective - are the best available method to determine that
- Vaughn mentions 3 virtues of clinical trials
- maximize objectivity
- minimize bias
- avoid errors
- What kinds of value to 1 - 3 have?
- Intrinsic?
- Instrumental?
- Combination?
4Clinical Trials
- Composition
- Experimental group
- the group getting the new treatment
- Control group
- the group(s) not getting the new treatment
Placebo control group gets a sugar pill or
equivalent Active control group gets a
standard treatment already known to work (to some
5Clinical Trials
- Blinding keeping experimental and control group
membership secret - single-blind study test subjects are kept in
the dark regarding group membership - double-blind study both test subjects and
researchers are kept in the dark as to who is in
which group
- Randomization assigning experimental and
control group membership randomly - to ensure the variety of test subjects are evenly
distributed between groups - eliminate researcher bias
6Clinical Trials
- Phases I
- small group
- adverse reactions
- safe doses
- non-therapeutic / no testing for efficacy
- Phase II
- medium group
- safety
- preliminary effectiveness study
- Phases III
- large group (thousands)
- therapeutic (hopefully, to those in experimental
group) - success here qualifies the drug or procedure for
widespread use - Phase IV
- not universally used
- done after procedure or drug is marketed
- long-term effects
7Beneficence, Science, and Placebos
- Beneficence doing good for others
- in the context of medical science (treatment of
patients and test subjects), - beneficence the duty to help others
- non-malfeasance the duty not to harm others
Science in Vaughn, science is presented as in
occasional conflict with the duties of
beneficence and non-malfeasance Question why
present the conflict this way, rather than
between duties to present and future patients?
8Beneficence, Science, and Placebos
- Beneficence vs. Science
- conflict with the aim of doing science.
-para2, p197 - treated merely as a means to the end of
scientific knowledge. para3, p197 - beneficence and science collide. last
paragraph, p198 - Is this a trumped up conflict?
- Is it really some abstract love of science
researchers are motivated by when researching
drugs and procedures? (See previous slide for
another possible motive can you think of still
Watch this melodrama between Dr. Crusher (seated)
Utilitarian researcher When Dr. Crusher says
you take shortcuts cant the shamed
researcher respond, Yeah, because slow research
kills people?
9Beneficence, Science, and Placebos
- The main question of this section (Beneficence,
Science, and Placebos), is - How can a physician recommend a patient for
clinical trials over prescribing the best known
treatment? - Problem
- As a physician, she has an obligation to act in
the best interests of her patients, which
requires that she offer to them only those
treatments she judges to be the best. But in
clinical trials, patients are randomized into
experimental and control groups where they may
not receive the treatment that the physician
believes is best. para1, p198
10Beneficence, Science, and Placebos
- Reply to problem
- Physicians can recommend participation in
clinical trials because they dont know which
treatment is better they are in a state of
equipoise (rationally balanced between the
alternatives para2, p198), and so cannot be
recommending a treatment they know to be inferior - Defense of problem
- Physicians owe their patients their best
judgment, and if there is just a hunch that a
standard treatment is better than a new one,
physicians cannot recommend, they are not in a
state of equipoise
11Beneficence, Science, and Placebos
- Reply to Defense
- Equipoise is not subjective it is the state of
scientific knowledge where the relative merits of
2 or more treatments are unknown. When those are
unknown, including patients in randomized trials
is permissible - So, is there any conflict between 1, physicians
revealing their honest treatment preferences and
2, offering patients a chance to participate in
clinical trials? para2, p198 - Vaughn suggests that as long as full disclosure
is met and informed consent is gained, the answer
is no.
12Beneficence, Science, and Placebos
- Placebos raise another problem
- Can the deliberate nontreatment of patients be
justified? para1, p199 - The book says Yes, although
- No, if there is an effective treatment already
available, a placebo controlled human study is
unethical - Also, when lack of treatment is life-threatening,
the above rule is at its strongest - 3 Questions
- Did the AZT placebo-controlled trial violate
proviso 1? see quotation on p199 - If the lack of treatment results in minor harm,
is a placebo-controlled trial permissible under
any conditions, according to Vaughn? - Is equipoise possible in a placebo-controlled
13Science and Informed Consent
- Vaughn provides a checklist (from CIOMS and WHO)
of what research scientists owe clinical trial
participants (see p200-201) - Main worries about the possibility of getting
meaningful informed consent - subjects are not able to comprehend enough
science to give informed consent - subjects may, in some cases, consent out of
desperation, fear, or wishful thinking, all of
which threaten informed consent - subjects may be coerced or exploited by payments
for helping in the research - You should know Vaughns responses to these
objections (1 3 he gives no reply to 2)
14Research on the Vulnerable
- Problematic special cases involve clinical trials
that involve those who cannot give informed
consent and are at the mercy of others - children
- mentally disabled
- prisoners
- minorities
- people in developing countries
- To take children for example, Vaughn tells us
many effective therapies that help children could
only be developed by studies on children (as
their physiology and pathologies differ
substantially from adults)
15Research on the Vulnerable
- According to Vaughn, most official policies
follow these guidelines - research in children is morally acceptable if
it is conducted for their sake, if it is done to
generate the therapies they need. (individually,
or as a group?) - consent is required (age of consent is
controversial) - a proper balance of risk and reward for the
research subjects - the childs refusal to participate in research
must always be respected unless according to the
research protocol the child would receive therapy
for which there is no medically acceptable
alternative. p203, (Vaughn cites CIOMS and WHO)
16Research on the Vulnerable
- The previous slide is about the justification of
therapeutic research on children. - What about non-therapeutic research using
children? - Is that ever morally permissible?
- See Vaughns discussion on p203 as risk to the
research subject goes up, so do requirements for
- meaningful consent,
- better balance of reward vs. risk, and
- therapeutic benefit for the child undergoing the
17Research on the Vulnerable
- The guidelines for treatment of the mentally
disabled are similar as those for children, but
with special concern for susceptibility to
exploitation - conditioned to defer to authority figures
- fear punishment from caretakers for refusing to
participate - desperation for change of routine or special
attention might amount to coercion
18Research on the Vulnerable
- Vulnerable subjects in Third World countries
- Vaughn provides this scenario
- AZT is a drug that reduces HIV transmission from
women to their fetuses - The dose of the drug was too high to be
affordable in these countries (Thailand and some
African countries) - Placebo-controlled trials were conducted to
determine if a lower, cheaper dose would work - Because placebo-controlled trials guarantee some
women will not get the experimental dose, those
womens children are virtually guaranteed to get
HIV - The results of the trials were positive the
lower dose worked in reducing HIV transmission - Compare Marcia Angells condemnation of these
trials to Baruch Brodys defense of them
(p204-205) who is right?