Title: Organophosphate Toxicity Lessons from Anuradhapura
1Organophosphate Toxicity Lessons from
- Andrew Dawson
- Program Director
- Sri Lanka
Wellcome Trust Australian National Health and
Medical Research Council International
Collaborative Capacity Building Research Grant
(GR071669MA )
2Organophosphate Poisoning
- Asia 300,000 deaths /year
- Sri Lanka
- 17000 admissions
- 35 ICU
- 10 Die (20 of symptomatic)
3Past Pivotal Points Pesticide Restriction
Personal Communication Gunnell D, Fernando R,
Heganawathna N et al
4Clinical Challenges
5Expensive Costs Anuradhapura General Hospital
Steel et al APAMT August 2006, Colombo.
6OP Case Fatality Rates
7Lesson 1Influence of Initial Care
8Gastric emptying what happens if you stop?
9The results of observational data on gastric
emptying (GE) in pesticide self-poisoning
10Lesson 2Variability of Toxicity
11Predictors of Death Case Fatality Rates of
pesticides in self-poisoning
12Lesson 3Predictors of Mortality
13Clinical Signs and Mortality
14Glasgow Coma Score Mortality
- Normal GCS 5
- GCS lt14 30
- GCS lt10 60
OP Type Mortality
- Chlorpyrifos 7
- Fenthion 14
- Dimethoate 21
15Review of OP Mechanism
16Normal Nerve Function
17Normal Nerve Function
18Normal Nerve Function
19How OP Work Reversible Aged Binding
20Nicotinic, Muscurinic Central Syndrome
21- Nicotinic
- Paralysis
- Sweating
- Mydriasis
- Hypertension
- Tachycardia
- Cardiovascular
- Arrhythmias
- Hypertension
- Tachycardia
- Tissue ischaemia
- Muscarinic
- Diarrhoea
- Urination
- Miosis
- Bronchospasm
- Emesis
- Lacrimation
- Salivation
- CNS depression, coma
- Respiratory Centre Dysfunction
- Seizures
22Lesson 4Use of Atropine
23How Atropine Works
24Range of times it would take to give adequate
doses of atropine (23mg and 75 mg) following the
expert advice from each text
25Scheme of atropinization (endpoints to be
- Eddleston M, Buckley NA, Mohamed F, Senarathna
L, Hittarage A, Dissanayake W, Azhar S, Sheriff
MHR, Dawson AH. Speed of initial atropinisation
in significant organophosphorus pesticide
poisoning - a comparison of recommended regimens.
Journal of Toxicology Clinical Toxicology
27Clinical Challenges
28Lesson 5Reasons for Variation
29Most common organophosphorus pesticides
30Clinical Variation Risk Relative human toxicity
of pesticides in self-poisoning
- Eddleston M, Eyer P, Worek F, Mohamed F, et al
Differences between organophosphorus insecticides
in human self-poisoning a prospective cohort
study. Lancet. 2005 Oct 22-28366(9495)1452-9
31Time to Death
32Chlorpyrifos Chlorpyrifos Dimethoate Fenthion
Median (IQR) Hours to Adm 4 (2 to 5) 4 (2 to 5) 3 (2 to 5) 4 (2 to 7)
Admission values Admission values Admission values
Mean OP (uM) Mean OP (uM) 1.28 355.5 4.86
Median BuChE (mU/ml) Median BuChE (mU/ml) 33.5 1129 0.0
Median AChE (mU/?mol Hb) Median AChE (mU/?mol Hb) 63.5 69.0 64.2
Median aged AChE Median aged AChE 19.4 71.9 70.3
33Effectiveness of 1 gram pralidoxime treatment
34OPs are different
- Differing Toxicity Kinetics
- Different Clinical Syndromes
- Different Response to Antidotes
- ? Need Different Treatment Responses
35Alternate Sites for Antidotes
- Protect AChE
- Supply AChE
- Reduce ACh
- Protect ACh Receptor
- Reduce OP Load
- Reduces acetylcholine release
- Blockage pre-synaptic calcium channels
- Central and Peripheral Nervous System
- Decrease toxicity in animal models
- Limited human studies
- Singh G. Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol.
1998107(2)140-8. - Magnesium sulfate in acute human OP poisoning
Pajoumand A et al Hum Exp Toxicol. 2004
37Lessons from Anuradhapura
- Influence of Initial Care on Mortality
- Risk of decontamination
- Variability of Toxicity
- Applied to regulatory decisions, pesticide
withdrawal - Predictors of Mortality
- Pesticide type Clinical Status
- Use of Atropine
- The doubling protocol
- Reasons for Variation
- Chemical and KineticOxime Failure
- Implications for where, how and what treatment is
- OP Poisoning remains a complex problem
- There are many reasons contributing to death
- Multiple Points of Intervention (Medical,
Regulatory Social) requires Research -