Title: HMMY ?e???????a ????s
1HMMY ?e???????a ????sµ??????d?s?????sta?
???t??????????ap?. ?a????t??, ?.?.?
- ????p?st?a ????sµ????
- ?? e??a? ? a???p?st?a s?st?µ?t?? ????sµ?????
- ?as???? a????
- ???t??a
3????p?st?a ????sµ???? ???sµ?? - ???s?
- ? a???p?st?a e??? s?st?µat?? ????sµ???? ????eta?
sa? ? p??a??t?ta P(t) ?t? t? s?st?µa de? ?a
ast???se? st? d??st?µa ??p???? s???e???µ????
?????? ?e?t?????a? t?? t, ?a? ded?µ???? ?t? t?
s?st?µa ?e?t????e? se ??p??? pe??ß????? e - ? a???p?st?a e??? s?st?µat?? ????sµ????
ep??e??eta? ?at? t? p?e?st?? ap? t? d?ad??as?a
p??d?a??af?? / s?ed?as?? / ???p???s?? / e??????
?a? ??? ap? t? ????? ???s?? t?? (se a?t??es? µe
???a f?s??? s?st?µata p.?. µ?a µ??a??) - ? ?????a t?? a???p?st?a? e??? s?st?µat??
????sµ???? ???s?µ?p??e?ta? ?? - ??a?e???s? ????? e?µaste ?t??µ?? ??a t? ??a
??d?s? t?? s?st?µat??? ??e?a??µaste pe??ss?te??
??e??? (testing)? - ?p?????sµ? e????? a??a??? ?a? ep??tas?? ??
a??a??? st?? ??d??a µp??e? ?a µe??s??? t??
a???p?st?a t?? s?st?µat?? - ???t???? ??a t?? a???????s? ??p??a? µe??d?????a?
? te???????a? ?atas?e??? ????sµ????
lity http//www.stsc.hill.af.mil/crosstalk/1996/06
/reliabil.asp /
4?as???? ?????
- ?st???a S?st?µat??, Sf??µa, ???tt?µa
- ???tt?µa (fault) ??p??? e??tt?µa st?? ??d??a p??
µp??e? ?a ?d???se? t? s?st?µa se ast???a. ??
e??tt?µa µp??e? ?a e??a? ep??e?t??µ??? se ??a
s?µe?? ? ?a e??a? d??spa?t? (a????ep?d?as? ap?
d?af??et????? pa?????te?). ?? e??tt?µa µp??e? ?a
?d???se? se sf??µa ? ??? - Sf??µa (error) ? d?af???p???s? t?? es?te?????
?at?stas?? (state) t?? s?st?µat?? ?a??? a?t?
?e?t????e? ap? t?? p??d?a?e??aµµ??? es?te????
?at?stas? p?? ?a ?p?epe ?a ß??s?eta? t? s?st?µa
?at? t? ?e?t?????a t??. ?? sf??µa µp??e? ?a
?d???se? se ast???a ? ??? - ?st???a S?st?µat?? (failure) ? d?af???p???s? t??
pa?at????µe??? s?µpe??f???? t?? s?st?µat?? ap?
a?t? p?? ??e? p??d?a??afe? - ??????
- ?????? e?t??es?? (se ????? µ??a??? CPU time) (t)
- ?µe??????a??? ?????? e?t??es?? - Calendar time
(t) - ? ?????a t?? ast???a? t?? s?st?µat?? se s??s? µe
t?? ?????a t?? ?????? - ? ast???a e??a? st??µ?a?a
- ???s?µ? µet???? e??a? ? ?????? a??µesa se d??
ast???e? - Time between failures) - ???? ???s?µ? µet???? e??a? ? s???????? a???µ??
ast????? µ???? ??p??? s???e???µ??? ?????
?e?t?????a? (p.?. ?p? t? ????? a?????? ??d?s? t??
s?st?µat??) - Cumulative failures) - ????? µ?a ???? µet???? e??a? ? a???µ?? ast?????
se ??p??? s???e???µ??? ??????? ???? (p.?. ?eta??
500 ?a? 700 CPU hours) - Failures in a time
5????p?st?a ????sµ????
- ?as??? ???t?s? ??? µp????µe ?a ?p?????s??µe t??
a???s? t?? a???p?st?a? e??? s?st?µat?? ????sµ????
?s? afa????µe e?att?µata ap? t?? ??d??a? - S?µe?a ???ß??µat?sµ??
- ??e???? - (??s? p??pe? ?a e??????µe? ??te
µp????µe ?a staµat?s??µe t? ??e????) - ?at? t? ?e?t?????a ( ??s?? ??e?????ta? ??a t??
?p?st????? t?? s?st?µat???)
- ????t??? µ??t??a a???p?st?a? ????sµ???? (S/W
reliability growth models) ?a?at????µe t?
s?µpe??f??? ast???a? t?? s?st?µat?? ap? ?st?????
ded?µ??a ?a? ?p????????µe t? µe????t??? t??
s?µpe??f??? (se s??s? µe p??ta µe t??
a?aµe??µe?e? ast???e?). St? ß?ß?????af?a ?????
p??ta?e? pe??p?? 40 d?af??et??? µ??t??a.
???a? st?? ??d??a... (bug)
???tt?µa (Fault)
?p??e? ?a p???a??se?
?s?te???? ?at?stas? t?? s?st?µat??
Sf??µa (Error)
?p??e? ?a p???a??se?
?st???a (Failure)
7?as???? ????? S??µat???
S?st?µa ????sµ????
???a?a ep????? e?t??es?? ?? s?st?µa e?te?e?ta?
K f???? µe d?af??et??? ded?µ??a e?s?d?? ???e
f??? se ??a ? pe??ss?te???? (?d????) ?p?????st??
?a?at????µe?e? ?st???e?
- ?? µet??µe
- ??s? s??????? a???µ? ast????? (Average Total
Number of Failures) µ(t), - ??tas? ast????? (Failure Intensity) ????µ??
ast????? st? µ???da t?? ?????? ?(t) - S???????? µ?s?? ?????? a??µesa se d?ad??????
ast???e? t?? s?st?µat?? - (Mean Time to Failure) 1/?(t)
8????p?st?a ?a? ??a?es?µ?t?ta
- ??a ap?? µet???? t?? ?????a? t?? a???p?st?a?
(reliability) e??a? ?
MTBF S???????? µ?s?? ?????? a??µesa se d?ad??????
ast???e? t?? s?st?µat?? MTTF µ?s?? ??????
a??µesa se d?ad?????? ast???e? t?? s?st?µat??
MTTR µ?s?? ?????? ap??at?stas?? e?att?µat?? ?
MTBF e??a? ?a??te??? e?t?µ?t?? t?? a???p?st?a?
ap? ?t? ? µet???? e?att?µata/KLOC
9????p?st?a ?a? ??a?es?µ?t?ta
- ??a?es?µ?t?ta (Availability) ????eta? sa? ?
p??a??t?ta t? s?st?µa ?a s?µpe??fe??e? s?µf??a µe
t?? p??d?a??af?? t?? ?ta? ??t??e? ? ?e?t?????a
t?? se ??p??a s???e???µ??? ??????? st??µ?.
- Ge????, ? µet???? t?? ?????a? t?? d?a?es?µ?t?ta?
e??a? ?a? ?a??te??? e?t?µ?t?? t??
s??t???s?µ?t?ta? e??? s?st?µat?? ap? t? µet????
10??tas? ?st????? se f?s??? S?st?µata ?a?
11??tas? ?st????? se S?st?µata ????sµ????
12?e??d?????e? ?p?????sµ?? ????p?st?a? ????sµ????
- ?a p?? ???st? µ??t??a / µe??d?????e? ?p?????sµ??
a???p?st?a? s?st?µ?t?? ????sµ???? eµp?pt??? se
d?? ßas???? ?µ?de? - ???t??a sp???? e?att?µ?t?? (error seeding)
- ????t??? µ??t??a a???p?st?a? (reliability growth
- error seeding ???a? µ???d?? ?p?????sµ?? t??
a???µ?? t?? e?att?µ?t?? p?? ß??s???ta? st??
??d??a. Se a?t? t? µe??d?????a ta e?att?µata
eµp?pt??? se d?? ?at?????e? a?t? p?? ?p??????
st?? ??d??a ?a? a?t? p?? eµe?? ??e??µ??a
t?p??et??µe (?a? f?s??? ????????µe p?sa e??a?). ?
a???µ?? t?? e?att?µ?t?? p?? ?p?????? st?? ??d??a
?p??????eta? ap? t?? (?e????µe?? sta?e??) ????
t?? t?? a???µ?? t?? d?? t?p?? e?att?µ?t??, ?p??
a?t? a?a?a??pt??ta? ?at? t?? ??e??? (testing) t??
13?e??d?????e? ?p?????sµ?? ????p?st?a? ????sµ????
- ????t??? ???t??a
- ??t? ta µ??t??a ?p????????? t? ße?t??s? t??
a???p?st?a? e??? s?st?µat?? ?a??? e?att?µata
a?a?a??pt??ta? ?a? d????????ta? sa? ap?t??esµa
t?? d?ad??as?a? e?????? (testing) ???s?µ?p????ta?
µ?a s????t?s? ße?t??s?? (growth function). - ?? e?e??e?e? µetaß??t?? (µetaß??t?? e?s?d??)
e??a? ? ?????? (time) ?a? ?? desµe?µ??e?
µetaß??t?? (ap?t??esµa) e??a? ? a???p?st?a
(reliability), ? ???µ?? ast???a? t?? s?st?µat??
(system failure rate),? ? a????st???? a???µ??
e?att?µ?t?? p?? ????? e?t?p?ste? µ???? ??p??a
??????? st??µ?
14?et??se?? ????p?st?a? sta ????t??? ???t??a
- ??a t?p??? µ?t??s? ??a t?? ?p?????sµ? t??
a???p?st?a? e??? s?st?µat?? (a???µ?? ast????? st?
µ???da t?? ??????) e??a? ? ??tas? ast?????
(failure intensity) p?? ????eta? ap? t?? ???µ?
- ?p?? ? ?????? CPU (se ??a multitasking
µ?????µa) ? ? p?a?µat???? ?????? se ??p???
embedded s?st?µa).
15????t??? ???t??a ????p?st?a?
- ????? µ??t??a ????? p??ta?e? st? ß?ß?????af?a
a??? ta p???? ???st? e??a? ta -         G?aµµ??? (ßas???) ???t??? Musa (Musa
Basic model) - ???a???µ??? ???t??? Musa/Okomoto (Musa/Okomoto
Logarithmic model)
16?as???? ?p???se?? t?? ???t???? ????p?st?a?
????sµ???? Musa
- ?a e?att?µata st?? ??d??a e??a? a?e???t?ta t? ??a
ap? t? ???? ?a? ?ata??µ??ta? µe ??a sta?e?? ???µ?
eµf???s??. - ? ?????? e?t??es?? t?? s?st?µat?? e??a?
µe?a??te??? ap? t? ????? e?t??es?? µ?a? e?t????
t?? p?????µµat??. - ? ??e???? t?? ?e?t?????a? t?? s?st?µat?? ?a??pte?
??e? t?? ?e?t?????e? p?? t? s?st?µa ?a p??sf??e?
?at? t?? ???s? t?? (test space covers use
space). - ?a ded?µ??a e?s?d?? ?a? ?? pe??pt?se?? e??????
(test cases) ep??????ta? t??a?a. - ??e? ?? ast???e? pa?at?????ta?.
- ?a e?att?µata p?? d?µ???????? t?? ast???a
ep?d????????ta? aµ?s??. ? eµf???s? t?? ?d???
e?att?µat?? de? p??sµet?e?ta? d?? f????.
17?as??? ???t??? Musa
- ? ??tas? ?st???a? (Failure Intensity) - (FI)
????eta? ?p?? e?paµe sa? ? a???µ?? ast????? st?
µ???da t?? ??????. - ?? ?as??? ???t??? Musa ?e??e? ?t? ? e??tt?s? t??
??tas?? ?st???a? (pa??????? se s??s? µe t?
s??????? a???µ? ast????? µ) e??a? sta?e??. - ??t? s??ep??eta? ?t? ? ??tas? ?st???a? e??a? µ?a
s????t?s? t?? µ?s?? s???????? a???µ?? ast?????
p?? ????µe pa?at???se? µ???? ??p??a ???????
st??µ? (CPU time ? calendar time).
Reference Musa, Iannino, Okumoto, Software
Reliability Measurement, Prediction,
Application, McGraw-Hill, 1987.
18?as??? ???t??? Musa
- ? ??tas? ?st???a? ????eta? ??
- ?p?? ?0 e??a? ? a????? ??tas? ?st???a? st?? a???
e?t??es?? t?? s?st?µat?? (p??? ???e? ?p??ad?p?te
d?????s? e?att?µ?t??). - ? e??a? ? (µ?s??) s???????? a???µ?? ast?????
µ???? ??p??a s???e???µ??? st??µ? - ?0 e??a? ? s???????? a???µ?? ast????? p??
pe??µ????µe ?a ????µe se ape?????st? ?????
e?t??es?? t?? p?????µµat??
- ??t?st???a, ? µ?s?? s???????? a???µ?? ast?????
sa? s????t?s? t?? ?????? e?t??es?? e??a?
19- ?a??de??µa
- ?? ?e???s??µe ?t? ??a p????aµµa ?a ??e? 100
ast???e? se ??? t? ?e?t??????? t?? ???, ?a? ?t?
µ???? st??µ?? ????µe pa?at???se? 50 ast???e?, ?a?
?t? ? a????? ??tas? ast???a? e??a? 10 ast???e?
a?? CPU hour. - ??te ? ?p???????µe?? pa???sa ??tas? ast???a?
- ? (µ?s??) s???????? a???µ?? ast????? µet? ap? 10
cpu ??e? ?e?t?????a? ?a e??a?
- ?a? ??a 100 CPU ??e? ?e?t?????a?
20???a???µ??? ???t???
- ? e??tt?s? t?? ??tas?? ?st???a? ???eta?
µ????te?? (e??et??? µe??s?) ?s? e?att?µata st??
??d??a a?a?a??pt??ta? ?a? d????????ta?.
- ?(?) ?0 exp( -?? )
- ?p?? ? e??a? µ?a pa??µet??? e?as????s?? t??
??tas?? ?st???a? - ??t?st???a ? (µ?s??) s???????? a???µ?? ast?????
se ??p??a ??????? st??µ? t e??a?
21- ?a??de??µa a? ?e???s??µe ?t? ?0 10
failures/cpu hour, ? 0.02/failure, ?a? ?t?
µ???? t??a ????µe pa?at???se? 50 ast???e?. - ??te
- Smaller than the Basic model
(pe??ss?te?e? ast???e? ap? t? ?as??? ???t???)
22?a ???t??a Musa - S???pt???
?as??? ???t???
???a???µ??? ???t???
m(t) v01 exp(-l0t/v0)
m(t) (1/q).ln(l0qt 1)
l(t) l0/(l0qt 1)
l(t) l0exp(-l0t/v0)
??. ?? ?e???s??µe ?t? ??a s?st?µa ?a ??e? 100
ast???e? se ??? t? ?e?t??????? ??? ???. ??
?p???s??µe ?t? ? a????? ??tas? ?st???a? e??a? 10
ast???e? / CPU hour ?a? ?t? ? pa???sa ??tas?
?st???a? e??a? 3.68 ast???e? / CPU hour. ???
T????µe ?a pet????µe ??tas? ?st???a? t??
s?st?µat?? ?a e??a? 0.000454 ?st???e? / CPU hour.
??se? ??e? a??µ? ?a p??pe? ?a e??????µe t?
s?st?µa G?a ?a pet????µe t? ep???µ?t? ep?ped?
??tas?? ?st???a??
?p. ??? ?e???s??µe ?t? ????µe t? ?as???
???t???, t?te
l(t) l0exp(-l0t/v0)
St? ??????? st??µ? t1, l(t1) l0exp(-l0t1/v0)
St? ??????? st??µ? t2, l(t2) l0exp(-l0t2/v0)
t2 - t1 (v0/ l0).ln(lp/ lf)
v0 100 faults, l0 10 failures/CPU-hr
lp 3.68 failures/CPU-hr, lf 0.000454
(t2 - t1 ) 90 CPU-hr
S?µp????µat???? ?????? e??????
24?µe??????a??? ?????? ??t??es?? S?st?µat??
- ? ?µe??????a??? ?????? (calendar time)
?p??????eta? ????????ta? t?? t?µ? t?? ?????
- ?a? t? t?µ? t?? ?????? e?t??es?? t??
p?????µµat?? se CPU hours. - ? ?µe??????a??? ?????? e??a? ???s?µ?? ??a t??
?e???? p????aµµat?sµ? t?? p????? ??a t? d???es?
t?? s?st?µat?? st??? ???ste? t?? (p.?.
?p????????µe t?? ?µe??µ???a st?? ?p??a ?a ????µe
pet??e? ??p??a s???e???µ??? t?µ? st? ??tas?
25- ? ?µe??????a??? ?????? st? p?? s???et? t?? µ??f?
ßas??eta? ?a? st? d?ad??as?a p?? a??????e?ta?
??a t? d?????s? t?? e?att?µ?t?? ?a??? ?a? t??
pa?a??t? pa?aµ?t????
- ???? d?a??s?µ??? ?p?????st????? p?????
- ?? ßa?µ? µe t?? ?p??? ??a p???? ???s?µ?p??e?ta?
26- G?a pa??de??µa, st?? a??? t?? d?ad??as?a?
e?????? pa?at????µe p????? ast???e? se µ????
??????? d?ast?µata µeta?? t??? - ??te ? ??e???? staµat? ??a ?a d?????s??µe ta
e?att?µata st?? ??d??a. - ?s? ? ??e???? p??????,
- ?a ??????? d?ast?µata a??µesa se ast???e?
?????ta? µe?a??te?a, - St? µeta?? t? p??s?p??? p?? d??????e? ta
e?att?µata de? d???e?e? - ? ?µ?da e?????? e??a? t??a ? ?µ?da p??
d?µ??????e? t? µp?t??????sµa - ?e???? ?? ?p?????st???? p???? e??a? ? pa?????
p?? ?a?????e? t?? ap?d?t???t?ta t?? ????
27- ???s? ?????
- ? Musa ?de??e ?t? ? ???s? t?? p???? e??a?
??aµµ??? a?????? t?? ?????? e?t??es?? t??
s?st?µat?? ?a? t?? µ?s?? s???????? a???µ??
ast?????. - ??? ?e???s??µe ?t? ? µetaß??t? ?r ????e? t?
???s? (usage) ??p???? p???? r, t?te
?p?? ?r e??a? ? ?????? ???s? t?? p???? a?? CPU
hour ?a? ?r e??a? ? ?????? ???s?? t?? p???? a??
28 ????? ???s? a?? CPU hour ???s? a?? ast???a ??a??s?µ?? ????? ????p???s? ?????
???s?p??? ???es?? ??att?µ?t??
???s?p??? ??????s?? ??att?µ?t??
?p?????st???? ?????
- ??a d?ad??as?a ??e???? t???e? ??a 10 CPU hours
?a? a?a??????e? 34 ast???e? ??? ? p??sp??e?a
e?????? ??a ???e ??a e?t??es?? t?? s?st?µat??
e??a? 5 person hours, ?a? ???e ast???a apa?te? 2
hours ??a ?a e??e?e? t? a?t?st???? e??tt?µa,
t?te. - ??te ? s???????? ?????? e??es?? t?? e?att?µat??
5(10) 2(34) 118 person hr
30F?s? ?e?t?????a? t?? S?st?µat??
- ?ta? t? s?st?µa µpa??e? p???? st? ?e?t???????
t?? f?s? (released, operational phase), ?a? de?
????µe ??p??a a??a?? st?? ??d??a, t?te ? ??tas?
ast????? pa?aµ??e? sta?e??. - ?a? ta d?? µ??t??a p?? e?daµe ?a a???????s???
??a t?? ?p?????sµ? t?? a???p?st?a? t?? s?st?µat??
µ?a d?ad??as?a Poisson µe pa??µet?? t?? ??tas?
????p?st?a? ?.
31F?s? ?e?t?????a?
- ? ????p?st?a R ?a? ? ??tas? ????p?st?a?
s?et????ta? ap? t?? e??s?s? - R(?) exp( ???)
- ?p?? a?aµ????µe ? p??a??t?ta ?a µ??
pa?at???s??µe ast???a se ??p??a ??????? st??µ?
(a???p?st?a) e??a? ?aµ???te?? ??a µe?a??te?a
??????? d?ast?µata e?t??es?? t?? s?st?µat??.
32F?s? ?e?t?????a?
- Se p???? p?????ta ????sµ???? ? f?s? ?e?t?????a?
e??? s?st?µat?? ap?te?e?ta? ap? µ?a se???
e?d?se?? (releases)
33????p?st?a S?st?µ?t?? (?a??????a S?st?µata)
- ?? ?e???s??µe ?t? ????µe QP ?p?-s?st?µata/??f?de?
(components) µe sta?e?? de??t? ??tas?? ?st???a?
t? ?a???a ?a? ? a???p?st?a t??? ?p??????eta? se
????? ?µe??????a?? ?????. ?p???t??µe ep?s?? ?t?
??a ?a ?e?t?????se? s?st? t? s?st?µa, ??a ta
(pa??????a) ?p?-s?st?µata ?a p??pe? ?a
?e?t??????? s?st?. ??te ? ????? ??tas? ?st???a?
?p?? ?k e??a? ? ??tas? ?st???a? ???e
34????p?st?a S?st?µ?t?? (?a??????a S?st?µata)
- ?p?? ????µe de? R(?) exp( ???).
- ?p?te ??a ????? CPU (????? e?t??es??) ????µe
??? ? µ?s? a???p???s? t?? ?p?????st???? p????
st?? ?/? G?a t? s???e???µ??? s?st?µa e??a? ?c
Se ?µe??????a?? ?????
35- ?e???? ? a???p?st?a t?? s?st?µat?? (se s??s? µe
?µe??????a?? ?????) e??a?
36- ???a? ep?s?? p??a?? sta pa?ap??? µ??t??a ?a
?e???s??µe ?t? t? s?st?µa p?? ?t?e?e st?? ?/? 1
p?? ??e? ???µ? e?t??es?? e?t???? r1 µetaf??eta?
st?? ?/? 2 p?? ??e? ???µ? e?t??es?? e?t???? r2 - ??te ? ??tas? ast???a? st? µ??a?? 2 e??a?