Software Project Management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Software Project Management


Software Project Management Lecture 14 Lecture Outline Remaining topics from Chapter 26 Software Reliability Software Failure Measures of Reliability & Availability ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Software Project Management

Software Project Management
  • Lecture 14

Lecture Outline
  • Remaining topics from Chapter 26
  • Software Reliability
  • Software Failure
  • Measures of Reliability Availability
  • Software Safety
  • Quality Standards
  • ISO 9000
  • CMM
  • SQA Plan

Software Reliability
  • Definition
  • The probability of failure free operation of a
    computer program in a specified environment for a
    specified time.
  • Reliability is the probability of not failing in
    a specified length of time

Software Reliability (Contd.)
  • Mathematical representation
  • F(n) 1 - R(n)
  • Where,
  • R(n) probability of reliability (i.e. not
  • n no. of time units,
  • if time unit is assumed in days then probability
    of not failing in 1 day is R(1)
  • F(n) probability of failing in a specified
    length of time

Software Reliability (Contd.)
  • It is a quality factor that can be directly
    measured and estimated using historical
    development data.
  • It measures how often s/w encounters a data input
    or other condition that it does not correctly
    process to produce correct answer
  • If programX has reliability of 0.96 (over 8
    processing hours) then it means, if programX runs
    100 times it will operate correctly 96 times

  • Non-conformance to s/w requirements leads to
  • Negative results or in worst case no output is
  • Some failures can be corrected in seconds, some
    in weeks and others in months
  • One failure may introduce other errors (in effect
    other failures)

Measures of Reliability Availability
  • Early work in software reliability attempted to
    extrapolate the mathematics of hardware
    reliability theory to prediction of software
    reliability. But,
  • Most hardware reliability models have predicted
    on failure occur due to physical wear (corrosion
    effects, shock, temperature, etc.) rather than
    design defects.
  • The opposite is true for softwares. All software
    failures can be traced to design or
    implementation problems.

Measures of Reliability Availability
  • Measure of Reliability
  • Consider a computer-based system.
  • A simple measure of reliability for such a system
    is mean-time-between-failure (MTBF)
  • MTTF Mean-time-to-failure
  • MTTR Mean-time-to-repair
  • Many researchers argue that MTBF is more useful
    term than defects/KLOC or defects/FP as user is
    more concerned with failure rate as compared to
    defect count.
  • Each defect does not have same failure rate and
    the total defect count gives little indication of
    the reliability of a system.

Measures of Reliability Availability
  • Measure of Availability
  • Software availability is the probability that a
    program is operating according to requirements at
    a given point in time.
  • It is defined as
  • Availability MTTF / (MTTF MTTR) 100
  • Availability measure is sensitive to MTTR

Software Safety
  • This SQA activity focuses on identification
    assessment of potential hazards that may affect
    software negatively cause an entire system to
  • Early identification of hazards can help to have
    design features that either eliminate or control
    potential hazards.
  • A modeling analysis process is conducted as
    part of s/w safety.
  • Initially hazards identified categorized by
    criticality risk
  • Next analysis techniques are used to assign
    severity probability of occurrence (similar to
    risk analysis methods but different as the
    emphasis in this case is on technology issues
    rather than project )

Software Safety (Contd.)
  • The following analysis techniques can be used
  • Fault tree analysis
  • Real-time logic
  • Petri Net model
  • After hazards identification analysis, the next
    step is to specify safety related requirements,
    i.e., to find
  • A list of undesirable events the desired system
    responses to these events
  • Role of s/w in managing undesirable events is
    then indicated

The ISO 9000 Quality Standard
  • A quality assurance system may be defined as the
    organizational structure, responsibilities,
    procedures, processes, resources for
    implementing quality management.
  • ISO 9000 describes a quality assurance system in
    generic terms that can be applied to any business
    regardless of the products services offered.

Getting Certified
  • To become registered to one of the quality
    assurance system models contained in ISO 9000, a
    companys quality system operations are
    scrutinized by third-party auditors for
    compliance to the standard for effective
  • Upon successful registration, the company is
    issued a certificate from a registration body
    represented by the auditors.
  • Semi-annual surveillance audits ensure continued
    compliance to the standard.

ISO 90012000
  • ISO 90012000 is the quality assurance standard
    that applies to software engineering.
  • The ISO 90012000 standard contains 20
  • For a software organization to become registered
    to this standard, it must establish policies
    procedures to address each of these requirements
  • As ISO 90012000 standard is applicable to all
    engg. disciplines, a special set of ISO
    guidelines (ISO 9000-3) have been developed for
    use in software process.

Capability Maturity Model
  • It is a model of the maturity of the capability
    of certain business processes.
  • A maturity model can be described as a
    structured collection of elements that
  • describe certain aspects of maturity in an
    organization, and
  • aids in the definition and understanding of an
    organization's processes.
  • CMM was originally developed as a tool for
    objectively assessing the ability of government
    contractors' processes (to perform a contracted
    software project).

Capability Maturity Model
  • The Capability Maturity Model is based on the
    Process Maturity Framework first described in the
    1989 book "Managing the Software Process" by
    Watts Humphrey.
  • Humphrey based this framework on the earlier
    Quality Maturity Grid developed by Phil Crosby in
    his book "Quality Is Free".
  • However, Humphrey's approach differed because of
    his unique insight that organizations mature
    their processes in stages based on solving
    process problems in a specific order.
  • Humphrey based his approach on the staged
    evolution of a system of software development
    practices within an organization, rather than
    measuring the maturity of each separate
    development process independently.

Capability Maturity Model
  • The model identifies 5-levels of process maturity
    for an organization
  • Level 1 - Ad hoc (Chaotic)
  • At this level, the processes are (typically)
    undocumented and in a state of dynamic change,
    tending to be driven in an ad hoc, uncontrolled
    and reactive manner by users or events. This
    provides a chaotic or unstable environment for
    the processes.
  • Level 2 - Repeatable
  • At this level, some processes are repeatable,
    possibly with consistent results. Process
    discipline is unlikely to be rigorous, but where
    it exists it may help to ensure that existing
    processes are maintained during times of stress.

Capability Maturity Model
  • Level 3 - Defined
  • At this level, there are sets of defined and
    documented standard processes established and
    subject to some degree of improvement over time.
    These standard processes are in place (i.e., they
    are the AS-IS processes) and used to establish
    consistency of process performance across the
  • Level 4 - Managed
  • At this level, using process metrics, management
    can effectively control the AS-IS process (e.g.,
    for software development ). In particular,
    management can identify ways to adjust and adapt
    the process to particular projects without
    measurable losses of quality or deviations from
    specifications. Process Capability is established
    from this level.
  • Level 5 - Optimizing
  • At this level the focus is on continually
    improving process performance through both
    incremental and innovative technological

  • Link to lecture14b
  • D\oldD\MyWorkPlace\Lectures_others\SPM\SPM2010\Le

The SQA Plan
  • Provides a roadmap for establishing SQA
  • Developed by SQA group (or software team if SQA
    group does not exist)
  • A standard structure for SQA plans by IEEE
    recommends the following
  • Scope purpose of the plan.
  • Description of all s/w engg. work products that
    fall within range of SQA.
  • All applicable standards practices that are
    applied during the software process.

The SQA Plan
  • SQA actions tasks (including reviews audits)
    and their placement throughout the software
  • Tools and methods that support SQA actions
  • Software configuration management procedures for
    managing change.
  • Methods for assembling, safeguarding, and
    maintaining all SQA-related records.
  • Organizational roles and responsibilities
    relative to product quality
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