1-Dimensional Kinematics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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1-Dimensional Kinematics


Title: 1-Dimensional Kinematics Average vs. Instantaneous Speed Author: Hafit Last modified by: Hafit Created Date: 6/10/2004 7:51:45 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 1-Dimensional Kinematics

1-Dimensional Kinematics
Average vs. Instantaneous Speed
  • The speedometer of a car reveals information
    about the instantaneous speed of your car that
    is, it shows your speed at a particular instant
    in time.
  • Average speed is a measure of the distance
    traveled in a given period of time it is
    sometimes refered to as the distance per time

The Stoplight
  • A blue car moving at a constant speed of 10 m/s
    passes a red car that is at rest. This occurs at
    a stoplight the moment that the light turns
    green. The clock is reset to 0 seconds and the
    velocity-time data for both cars are collected
    and plotted. The red car accelerates from rest at
    4 m/s/s for three seconds and then maintains a
    constant speed. The blue car maintains a constant
    speed of 10 m/s for the entire 12 seconds.
    Observe the motion and make meaning of the
    accompanying graphs to answer the following
  • What is the final velocity of a car that
    accelerates from rest at 4 m/s/s for three
  • What is the displacement of each individual car
    after three seconds (consider a kinematic
    equation or the area of the velocity-time graph)?
  • What is the slope of the line for the red car for
    the first three seconds?
  • What is the displacement of each individual car
    after nine seconds (use the area of the
    velocity-time graph)?
  • Does the red car pass the blue car at three
    seconds? If not, then when does the red car pass
    the blue car?
  • When lines on a velocity-time graph intersect,
    does this mean that the two cars are passing by
    each other? If not, what does it mean?

Positive Velocity and Positive Acceleration
  • An object which moves in the positive direction
    has a positive velocity. If the object is
    speeding up, then its acceleration vector is
    directed in the same direction as its motion (in
    this case, a positive acceleration).
  • The "ticker tape" shows that each consecutive dot
    is not the same distance apart (i.e., a changing
  • The position-time graph shows that the slope is
    changing (meaning a changing velocity) and
    positive (meaning a positive velocity). The
    velocity-time graph shows a line with a positive
    (upward) slope (meaning that there is a positive
    acceleration) the line is located in the
    positive region of the graph (corresponding to a
    positive velocity). The acceleration-time graph
    shows a horizontal line in the positive region of
    the graph (meaning a positive acceleration).

The Passing Lane
  • Observe the two cars below. The blue car starts
    "ahead of" the red car (which actually starts
    "off the screen"). Since the red car is moving
    faster, it eventually catches up with and passes
    the blue car. Observe the velocity-time graphs
    for these two cars. Each car's motion is
    represented by a horizontal line, indicating a
    constant velocity. Observe that even though the
    cars pass each other, the lines on the
    velocity-time graphs do not intersect. Since the
    cars never have the same velocity, the lines on
    the velocity-time graph never cross. The lines
    would intersect for a position vs. time graph
    the fact that the red car passes the blue car
    means that there is an instant in which they
    occupy the same position. The two cars have the
    same position at seven seconds yet they never
    have the same velocity at any instant in time.

Negative Velocity and Negative Acceleration
  • Observe that the object below moves in the
    negative direction with a changing velocity. An
    object which moves in the negative direction has
    a negative velocity. If the object is speeding up
    then its acceleration vector is directed in the
    same direction as its motion (in this case, a
    negative acceleration). The "ticker tape" shows
    that each consecutive dot is not the same
    distance apart (i.e., a changing velocity). The
    position-time graph shows that the slope is
    changing (meaning a changing velocity) and
    negative (meaning a negative velocity). The
    velocity-time graph shows a line with a negative
    (downward) slope (meaning that there is a
    negative acceleration) the line is located in
    the negative region of the graph (corresponding
    to a negative velocity). The acceleration-time
    graph shows a horizontal line in the negative
    region of the graph (meaning a negative

Constant Positve Velocity
  • Observe that the object below moves with a
    constant velocity in the positive direction. The
    "ticker tape" shows that each consecutive dot is
    the same distance apart (i.e., a constant
    velocity). The position-time graph shows that the
    slope is both constant (meaning a constant
    velocity) and positive (meaning a positive
    velocity). The velocity-time graph shows a
    horizontal line with zero slope (meaning that
    there is zero acceleration) the line is located
    in the positive region of the graph
    (corresponding to a positive velocity). The
    acceleration-time graph shows a horizontal line
    at the zero mark (meaning zero acceleration).

Direction of Acceleration and Velocity
  • Consider the motion of a Hot Wheels car down an
    incline, across a level, straight section of
    track, around a 180-degree curve, and finally
    along a final straight section of track. Such a
    motion is depicted in the animation below. The
    car gains speed while moving down the incline -
    that is, it accelerates. Along the straight
    sections of track, the car slows down slightly
    (due to air resistance forces) again the car
    could be described as having an acceleration (or
    perhaps you prefer deceleration). Finally, along
    the 180-degree curve, the car is changing its
    direction once more the car is said to have an
    acceleration due to the change in the direction.
    Accelerating objects have a changing velocity -
    either due to a speed change (speeding up or
    slowing down) or a direction change.

  • Observe the animation of the three cars below.
    Which car or cars (red, green, and/or blue) are
    undergoing an acceleration? Study each car
    individually in order to determine the answer. If
    necessary, review the definition of acceleration.

As a final test of your understanding, consider
the position-time graph at the right. Each one of
the three lines on the position-time graph
corresponds to the motion of one of the three
cars. Match the appropriate line to the
particular color of car.
Negative Velocity and Positive Acceleration
  • Observe that the object below moves in the
    negative direction with a changing velocity. An
    object which moves in the negative direction has
    a negative velocity. If the object is slowing
    down then its acceleration vector is directed in
    the opposite direction as its motion (in this
    case, a positive acceleration). The "ticker tape"
    shows that each consecutive dot is not the same
    distance apart (i.e., a changing velocity). The
    position-time graph shows that the slope is
    changing (meaning a changing velocity) and
    negative (meaning a negative velocity). The
    velocity-time graph shows a line with a positive
    (upward) slope (meaning that there is a positive
    acceleration) the line is located in the
    negative region of the graph (corresponding to a
    negative velocity). The acceleration-time graph
    shows a horizontal line in the positive region of
    the graph (meaning a positive acceleration).

Positive Velocity and Negative Acceleration
  • Observe that the object below moves in the
    positive direction with a changing velocity. An
    object which moves in the positive direction has
    a positive velocity. If the object is slowing
    down then its acceleration vector is directed in
    the opposite direction as its motion (in this
    case, a negative acceleration). The "ticker tape"
    shows that each consecutive dot is not the same
    distance apart (i.e., a changing velocity). The
    position-time graph shows that the slope is
    changing (meaning a changing velocity) and
    positive (meaning a positive velocity). The
    velocity-time graph shows a line with a negative
    (downward) slope (meaning that there is a
    negative acceleration) the line is located in
    the positive region of the graph (corresponding
    to a positive velocity). The acceleration-time
    graph shows a horizontal line in the negative
    region of the graph (meaning a negative

Constant Negative Velocity
  • Observe that the object below moves with a
    constant velocity in the negative direction. The
    "ticker tape" shows that each consecutive dot is
    the same distance apart (i.e., a constant
    velocity). The position-time graph shows that the
    slope is both constant (meaning a constant
    velocity) and negative (meaning a negative
    velocity). The velocity-time graph shows a
    horizontal line with zero slope (meaning that
    there is zero acceleration) the line is located
    in the negative region of the graph
    (corresponding to a negative velocity). The
    acceleration-time graph shows a horizontal line
    at the zero mark (meaning zero acceleration).

Two-Stage Rocket
  • Observe the motion of the two-stage rocket and
    the corresponding velocity-time graph below. The
    rocket has two consecutive fuel stages followed
    by a free-fall motion (no fuel). In the two fuel
    stages, the rocket experiences an upward
    acceleration of 10 m/s/s and 4.29 m/s/s
    respectively. This acceleration is depicted by
    the slope on the velocity-time graph. After ten
    seconds, the second fuel stage ends and the
    rocket is acted upon only by the force of
    gravity. It subsequently experiences a downward
    acceleration of -10 m/s/s. Note however, that
    from 10 to 16 seconds, the rocket continues
    moving upward (the velocity values are positive).
    During these six seconds, the rocket is moving
    upward but slowing down (the acceleration is
    downwards or negative as denoted by the
    negatively-sloped line). It is not until after
    t16 seconds that the rocket begins to move

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