1 2- Adalah suatu proses yg digunakan utk membentuk
- thermoplastic sheet dimana sheet
- dipanaskan kemudian ditekan dalam
- suatu mold
3- Memberikan pemanasan sebuah thermoplastic sheet
sampai lunak dan kemudian menekan material panas
lunak tersebut pada kontur mold secara mekanik,
tekanan udara atau tekanan vakum. - Diberikan penahanan pd mold didinginkan, shg
plastik akan membentuk sesuai dg kontur mold - Perbedaan utama proses thermoforming dg proses
lain - - material thermoplastik dipanaskan tidak sampai
- mencair, hanya sampai kondisi lunak
- - tekanan yg digunakan utk membentuk rendah
4 5- Proses Thermoforming
- Vacuum Forming
- Merupakan proses termoforming yg paling sederhana
umum - Proses meliputi pemanasan plastic sheet sampai
lunak dan kmd dilitakkan diatas mold. - Tekanan vakum diberikan untuk menghisap sheet
pada mold. - Produk didinginkan dikeluarkan dari mold.
6ClampingThe clamp frame ensures the plastic
sheet is held firmly in place during the forming
process.HeatingRadiant heaters are normally
used to heat the sheet which has been positioned
over the aperture of the vacuum forming machine.
For thicker sheet both surfaces may need to be
heated and more sophisticated machines allow
this. Heaters move into position both above and
below the sheet.Pre-stretchIs used to achieve
"even" wall thickness. Air is introduced to blow
a small "bubble" and the mould is then raised
into the pre-stretched sheet.VacuumA vacuum is
applied, the sheet is drawn into intimate contact
with the mould and the mould detail is picked
up.Plug AssistWhere a deep draw is required a
top "plug" may be used to push material into the
mould during the forming process.Cooling and
ReleaseThe material is allowed to cool. The
cooling process may be shortened with blown air
or even a fine water spray. The moulding may then
be released from the mould by introducing a small
air pressure.FinishingAfter moulding, any
mould finishing may be performed, trimming,
cutting, drilling, polishing, decorating etc.
7- Material utk Vaccum Forming
8 9 10 11- Proses-Proses Thermoforming
- Vacuum Forming
- Pressure Forming
- Plug-Assist Forming
- Reverse Draw Forming
- Free Forming
- Drape Forming
- Snap-Back Formimg
- Matched Die Forming
- Mechanical Forming
- Blister Pack Skin Pack