Title: Deceptive Speech
1Deceptive Speech
- Frank Enos April 19, 2006
2Defining Deception
- Deliberate choice to mislead a target without
prior notification (Ekman01) - Often to gain some advantage
- Excludes
- Self-deception
- Theater, etc.
- Falsehoods due to ignorance/error
- Pathological behaviors
3Why study deception?
- Law enforcement / Jurisprudence
- Intelligence / Military / Security
- Business
- Politics
- Mental health practitioners
- Social situations
- Is it ever good to lie?
4Why study deception?
- What makes speech believable?
- Recognizing deception means recognizing
intention. - How do people spot a liar?
- How does this relate to other subjective
phenomena in speech? E.g. emotion, charisma
5Problems in studying deception?
- Most people are terrible at detecting deception
50 accuracy (Ekman Osullivan 1991, Aamodt
2006, etc.) - People use subjective judgments emotion, etc.
- Recognizing emotion is hard
6People Are Terrible At This
Group Studies Subjects Accuracy
Criminals 1 52 65.40
Secret service 1 34 64.12
Psychologists 4 508 61.56
Judges 2 194 59.01
Cops 8 511 55.16
Federal officers 4 341 54.54
Students 122 8,876 54.20
Detectives 5 341 51.16
Parole officers 1 32 40.42
7Problems in studying deception?
- Hard to get good data
- Real world (example)
- Laboratory
- Ethical issues
- Privacy
- Subject rights
- Claims of success
- But also ethical imperatives
- Need for reliable methods
- Debunking faulty methods
- False confessions
820th Century Lie Detection
- Polygraph
- http//antipolygraph.org
- The Polygraph and Lie Detection (N.A.P. 2003)
- Voice Stress Analysis
- Microtremors 8-12Hz
- Universal Lie response
- http//www.love-detector.com/
- http//news-info.wustl.edu/news/page/normal/669.ht
ml - Reid
- Behavioral Analysis Interview
- Interrogation
9Frank Tells Some Lies
An Example
10Frank Tells Some Lies
- Maria Im buying tickets to Händels Messiah for
me and my friends would you like to join us? - Frank When is it?
- Maria December 19th.
- Frank Uh the 19th
- Maria My two friends from school are coming, and
Robin - Frank Id love to!
11How to Lie (Ekman01)
- Concealment
- Falsification
- Misdirecting
- Telling the truth falsely
- Half-concealment
- Incorrect inference dodge.
12Frank Tells Some Lies
- Maria Im buying tickets to Handels Messiah for
me and my friends would you like to join us? - Frank When is it?
- Maria December 19th.
- Frank Uh the 19th
- Maria My two friends from school are coming,
and Robin - Frank Id love to!
13Reasons To Lie (Frank92 )
- Self-preservation
- Self-presentation
- Gain
- Altruistic (social) lies
14How Not To Lie (Ekman01)
- Leakage
- Part of the truth comes out
- Liar shows inconsistent emotion
- Liar says something inconsistent with the lie
- Deception clues
- Indications that the speaker is deceiving
- Again, can be emotion
- Inconsistent story
15How Not To Lie (Ekman01)
- Bad lines
- Lying well is hard
- Fabrication means keeping story straight
- Concealment means remembering what is omitted
- All this creates cognitive load ? harder to hide
emotion - Detection apprehension (fear)
- Target is hard to fool
- Target is suspicious
- Stakes are high
- Serious rewards and/or punishments are at stake
- Punishment for being caught is great
16How Not To Lie (Ekman01)
- Deception guilt
- Stakes for the target are high
- Deceit is unauthorized
- Liar is not practiced at lying
- Liar and target are acquainted
- Target cant be faulted as mean or gullible
- Deception is unexpected by target
- Duping delight
- Target poses particular challenge
- Lie is a particular challenge
- Others can appreciate liars performance
17Features of Deception
- Cognitive
- Coherence, fluency
- Interpersonal
- Discourse features DA, turn-taking, etc.
- Emotion
18Describing Emotion
- Primary emotions
- Acceptance, anger, anticipation, disgust, joy,
fear, sadness, surprise - One approach continuous dim. model
(Cowie/Lang) - Activation evaluation space
- Add control/agency
- Primary Es differ on at least 2 dimensions of
this scale (Pereira)
19Problems With Emotion and Deception
- Relevant emotions may not differ much on these
scales - Othello error
- People are afraid of the police
- People are angry when wrongly accused
- People think pizza is funny
- Brokow hazard
- Failure to account for individual differences
20Bulk of extant deception research
- Not focused on verifying 20th century techniques
- Done by psychologists
- Considers primarily facial and physical cues
- Speech is hard
- Little focus on automatic detection of deception
21Modeling Deception in Speech
- Lexical
- Prosodic/Acoustic
- Discourse
22Deception in Speech (Depaulo 03)
- Positive Correlates
- Interrupted/repeated words
- References to external events
- Verbal/vocal uncertainty
- Vocal tension
- F0
23Deception in Speech (Depaulo 03)
- Negative Correlates
- Subject stays on topic
- Admitted uncertainties
- Verbal/vocal immediacy
- Admitted lack of memory
- Spontaneous corrections
24Problems, revisited
- Differences due to
- Gender
- Social Status
- Language
- Culture
- Personality
25Columbia/SRI/Colorado Corpus
- With Julia Hirschberg, Stefan Benus, and
colleagues from SRI/ICSI and U. C. Boulder - Goals
- Examine feasibility of automatic deception
detection using speech - Discover or verify acoustic/prosodic, lexical,
and discourse correlates of deception - Model a non-guilt scenario
- Create a clean corpus
26Columbia/SRI/Colorado Corpus
- Inflated-performance scenario
- Motivation financial gain and self-presentation
- 32 Subjects 16 women, 16 men
- Native speakers of Standard American English
- Subjects told study seeks to identify people who
match profile based on 25 Top Entrepreneurs
27Columbia/SRI/Colorado Corpus
- Subjects take test in six categories
- Interactive, music, survival, food, NYC
geography, civics - Questions manipulated ?
- 2 too high 2 too low 2 match
- Subjects told study also seeks people who can
convince interviewer they match profile - Self-presentation reward
- Subjects undergo recorded interview in booth
- Indicate veracity of factual content of each
utterance using pedals
28CSC Corpus Data
- 15.2 hrs. of interviews 7 hrs subject speech
- Lexically transcribed automatically aligned ?
lexical/discourse features - Lie conditions Global Lie / Local Lie
- Segmentations (LT/LL) slash units (5709/3782),
phrases (11,612/7108), turns (2230/1573) - Acoustic features ( recognizer output)
29(No Transcript)
30Columbia University SRI/ICSI University of
Colorado Deception Corpus An Example Segment
Breath Group
Obtained from subject pedal presses.
um i was visiting a friend in venezuela and we
went camping
max_corrected_pitch 5.7 mean_corrected_pitch 5.3 p
itch_change_1st_word -6.7
-11.5 normalized_mean_energy 0.2 unintelligible_w
ords 0.0
Produced using ASR output and other acoustic
Produced automatically using lexical transcriptio
has_filled_pause YES positive_emotion_word
YES uses_past_tense NO
negative_emotion_word NO contains_pronoun_i YES
verbs_in_gerund YES
31CSC Corpus Results
- Classification (Ripper rule induction,
randomized 5-fold cv) - Slash Units / Local Lies Baseline 60.2
- Lexical acoustic 62.8 subject dependent
66.4 - Phrases / Local Lies Baseline 59.9
- Lexical acoustic 61.1 subject dependent
67.1 - Other findings
- Positive emotion words? deception (LIWC)
- Pleasantness ? deception (DAL)
- Filled pauses ? truth
- Some pitch correlation varies with subject
32Example JRIP rules (cueLieToCueTruths gt 2)
and (TOPIC topic_newyork) and
(numSUwithFPtoNumSU lt 0) and (wu_ENERGY_NO_UV_STY
lt 5.846) gt PEDALL (231.0/61.0) (cueLieToCueTr
uths gt 2) and (numSUwithFPtoNumSU lt 1) and
Y_MIN__EG_ZNORM-D lt 5.68314) and
gt 8.41605) and (wu_F0_SLOPES_NOHD__LAST gt
-2.004) gt PEDALL (284.0/117.0) (cueLieToCueTru
ths gt 2) and (wu_F0_RAW_MAX gt 5.706379) and
(wu_DUR_PHONE_SPNN_AV lt 1.0661) gt PEDALL
33CSC Corpus A Perception Study
- With Julia Hirschberg, Stefan Benus, Robin Cautin
and colleagues from SRI/ICSI - 32 Judges
- Each judge rated 2 interviews
- Judge Labels
- Local Lie using Praat
- Global Lie on paper
- Takes pre- and post-test questionnaires
- Personality Inventory
- Judge receives training on one subject.
34By Judge 58.2 Acc.
By Interviewee
35Personality Measure NEO-FFI
- Costa McCrae (1992) Five-factor model
- Openness to Experience
- Conscientiousness
- Extraversion
- Agreeability
- Neuroticism
- Widely used in psychology literature
36Neuroticism, Openness Agreeableness correlate
with judge performance
WRT Global lies.
37These factors also provide strongly predictive
models for accuracy at global lies.
38Other Perception Findings
- No effect for training
- Judges post-test confidence did not correlate
with pre-test confidence - Judges who claimed experience had significantly
higher pre-test confidence - But not higher accuracy!
- Many subjects used disfluencies as cues to D.
- In this corpus, disfluencies correlate with
TRUTH! (Benus et al. 06)
39Our Future Work
- Individual differences
- Wizards of deception
- Predicting Global Lies
- Local lies as hotspots
- New paradigm
- Shorter
- Addition of personality test for speakers
- Addition of cognitive load