Title: Drawing the structure of polymer chains
16. Electronic structure of conjugated polymers
This chapter is based on notes prepared by
Jean-Luc Brédas, Professor at the University of
Georgia. 6.1. From molecules to conjugated
polymers Evolution of the electronic
structure 6.2. Electronic structure of systems
with a degenerate ground state
Trans-polyacetylene 6.3. Electronic structure of
systems with a non-degenerate ground state 6.4.
Doping of conjugated polymers
Drawing the structure of polymer chains
shorthand notation
26.1. From molecules to conjugated polymers
Evolution of the electronic structure
6.1.1. Electronic structure of dihydrogen H2
The zero in energy e- and p are 8ly
separated In the H atom, e- is bound to p with
13.6 eV 1 Rydberg (unit of energy)
- When 2 hydrogen atoms approach one another, the
?1s wavefunctions start overlapping the 1s
electrons start interacting. - To describe the molecular orbitals (MOs), an
easy way is to base the description on the atomic
orbitals (AOs) of the atoms forming the molecule - ? Linear combination of atomic orbitals LCAO
- Note from N AOs, one gets N MOs
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46.1.2. The polyene series
- Planar Molecule
- One unpair electron in a 2pz atomic arbital ?
5- B. Methylene molecule
- Planar molecule
- Due to symmetry reason, the p-levels do not mix
with the s levels (requires planarity)
- First optical transition ? HOMO ? LUMO ? 7 eV
6C. Butadiene
- From the point of view of the p-levels the
situation corresponds to the interaction between
two ethylene subunits
- First optical transition ? 5.4 eV
3 nodes
2 nodes
1 node
0 nodes
7Frontier molecular orbitals and structure 1.
The bonding-antibonding character of the HOMO
wavefunction translates the double-bond/single-bon
d character of the geometry in the groundstate
2. The bonding-antibonding character is completly
reversed in the LUMO
The first optical transition (? HOMO to LUMO)
will deeply change the structure of the molecule
D. Hexatriene 3 interacting ethylene
subunits ? 3 occupied p-levels and 3 unoccupied
85 nodes
4 nodes
3 nodes
4.7 eV
2 nodes
1 node
0 nodes
- Remarks
- The energy of the p-molecular orbitals goes up as
a function of the number of nodes - ? This is related to the kinetic energy term in
the Schrödinger equation this is related to the
curvature of the wavefunction
9 In a bonding situation, the wavefunction evolves
in a much smoother fashion than in an antibonding
2) Geometry wise ? In the absence of
p-electrons (for alkanes)
1.52 Å All the C-C bond lengths would be nearly
? When the p-electrons are throuwn in the
p-electron density distributes unevently over the
Apparition of a bond-length alternation
? 1.34 Å ? 1.47 Å
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185.2. Electronic structure of systems with a
degenerate ground state Trans-polyacetylene
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The Soliton
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29III. Electronic structure of systems with a
non-degenerate ground state
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33IV. Doping of conjugated polymers
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37Both the charged soliton and the polaron
participate to the conduction. Based on that,
Sven Stafström will explain the metallic state of
the trans-polyacetylene
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