Title: Propositional Logic Predicate Logic
1Propositional LogicPredicate Logic
2Review of Propositional Logic
Propositional variables Propositional constants
T, F Logical connectives
Let P Today is Sunday Q We have guests P
? Q Today is Sunday and We have guests P ? Q
Today is Sunday or We have guests ?P
Today is not Sunday. P ? Q if today is Sunday
then we have guests. P ? Q Today is Sunday if
and only if we have guests.
Propositions and expressions have truth values
can be true or false. The truth value of an
expression is determined by truth tables,
e.g. P Q P v Q T T T T F
4Propositional Proof Theory
Propositional proof theory A set of axioms
(logical identities) and inference rules used to
manipulate expressions and to obtain true
expressions out of other true expressions.
Inference rules give a mechanical procedure to
obtain true expressions out of other true
expressions. Modus ponens P, P ? Q Q
A ? B, ?B ? C A ? C compare with B,
?B ? C C (B ?C ?B
? C) If B is true, then C must be true, if B is
false than A must be true. This means that
WHENEVER the conjunction (A ? B) ? (?B ? C) is
true, A ? C is also true.
6How resolution works
Eliminate opposite literals and rewrite two
expressions as one
?P1 v P2 ?P2
?P1 P1 v P3 v P4
P3 v P4
This is the conclusion
7Proof by refutation
Add the negation of the statement to be proved
P4 v ?P6 P6
P4 ?P4
8Predicate Logic
Represents properties and relations by using
predicates with arguments. likes(mary,apples) ?
?likes(mary,grapes) Quantifiers indicate the
scope of the predicate Universal quantifier ?
X likes ( mary , X) Mary likes everything Existen
tial quantifier ? X likes ( mary , X) there is
something which Mary likes.
9Proof Theory for Predicate Logic
Based on the resolution procedure. Unification
matching predicates with variables to atomic
sentences (matching variables to
constants.) Example Is Socrates mortal? ? X
(human(X) ? mortal(X)) human(socrates) human(plato
) alien(spock)
10Knowledge representation using predicate logic
Some books are interesting. ? x (book(x) ?
interesting(x)) Anybody that has a friend is not
lonely (If someone has a friend, they are not
lonely) ?x (? y friend(x,y) ? lonely(x))
11Prolog example
Predicate logic representation is used only on
paper. Computational implementation logic
programming languages In Logic and in Prolog ?
X ? Y (father(X,Y) v mother(X,Y) ?
parent(X,Y)) ? X ? Y( (? Z(parent(Z,X) ?
parent(Z,Y)) ? siblings(X,Y)) pare
nt(X,Y)- father(X,Y). parent(X,Y)-
mother(X,Y). siblings(X,Y)- parent(Z,X),parent(Z,