Title: Sapienza University of Rome a short presentation
1Sapienza University of Romea short presentation
Sapienza University of RomeEU Research
Programmes and visiting Professors
2EU Research Programmes and Visiting Professors
- EU Research Programmes
- 7FP in brief
- The Specific Programmes of 7FP
- The Sapienzas participation in 7FP
- The Activities of International Relation Office
- Visiting Professors
- Who can apply?
- Calls for proposals 2010
3EU Research Programmes FP7 in brief
- 7th Framework Programme for Research and
Technological Development (2007-2013) is the main
financial tool through which the European Union
supports research and development activities,
covering almost all scientific disciplines. - The overall amount for Community financial
participation in the 7FP is EUR 50 521 million
for the period 2007 - 2013 - FP7 is organised in four programmes corresponding
to four basic components of European research - COOPERATION
4EU Research Programmes FP7 in brief -
- Cooperation is the core of FP7, representing two
thirds of the overall budget. It fosters
collaborative research across Europe and other
partner countries through transnational projects
carried out in ten key thematic areas - Health
- Food, agriculture and fisheries, and
biotechnology - Information and communication technologies
- Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new
production techn. - Energy
- Environment (including climate change)
- Transport (including aeronautics)
- Socio-economic sciences and the humanities
- Space
- Security
5EU Research Programmes FP7 in brief - IDEAS
- Ideas programme supports frontier research on
the basis of scientific excellence. Research may
be carried out in any area of science or
technology and there is no obligation for
cross-border partnerships, including engineering,
socio-economic sciences and the humanities. - In contrast with the Cooperation programme, there
is no obligation for cross-border partnerships.
Projects are implemented by individual teams
around a principal investigator. -
- The programme is implemented via the new European
Research Council (ERC)
6EU Research Programmes FP7 in brief - PEOPLE
- The People programme provides support for
researcher mobility and career development for
researchers inside the European Union and
internationally. - It is implemented via a set of Marie Curie
actions, providing fellowships and other measures
to help researchers build their skills and
competences throughout their careers - Initial training of researchers - Marie Curie
Networks - Industry-academia partnerships
- Co-funding of regional, national and
international mobility programmes - Intra-European fellowships
- International dimension - outgoing and incoming
fellowships, - International cooperation scheme, reintegration
7EU Research Programmes FP7 in brief - CAPACITIES
- Capacities programme strengthens the research
capacities that Europe needs to become the most
dynamic competitive knowledge-based economy in
the world. - It covers the following activities
- Research infrastructures
- Research for the benefit of SMEs
- Regions of Knowledge
- Research Potential
- Science in Society
- Specific activities of international cooperation
8EU Research Programmes Sapienzas participation
in FP7
- Sapienzas participation in figures
- 118 projects (137 including projects in
negotiation) - 10 under IDEAS,
- 21 under PEOPLE
- 23 projects as Coordinator (28 including projects
in negotiation) - 33 Departments involved (49,2 )
- Computer Science and Systemics,
- Physics, Civil,
- Building and Environmental Engineering,etc
- 6 Research Centres involved
- Several thematic areas (ICT, Health, Transport)
- 92 Scientific Representatives
- More than 1.000 partners
9EU Research Programmes Sapienzas participation
in FP7
- The Regulation of the activities carried out
under European and International Programmes
(2009) provides how Faculties, Departments or
Research Centres can participate in 7FP or in
other programmes projects. - Faculties, Departments and Research Centres are
financially autonomous. They are in charge with
the administrative, financial and scientific
management of projects - Heads of Departments are allowed to sign Grant
Agreements and all other documents required (such
us Consortium Agreement or Cost Statement). They
manage projects and they are responsible for
their correct execution.
10EU Research Programmes Sapienzas participation
in FP7
- The Central Administration (and the International
Relations Office in particular) has the following
taskes - Supporting Faculties, Departments and Research
Centres - Disseminating informations about programmes or
new calls for proposals (F1RST, mailing list) - Being the correspondent towards the EU
institutions on all issues related to the legal
status of the entity (i.e LEAR, PIC, etc..) - Adopting the administrative and accounting
instructions for participation in EU programmes
(i.e. reporting and accounting rules) - Organizing meeting or training course for
Sapienzas staff about EU or International
programmes issues - Setting up of the 7FP projects data base
- Participating in national and international
networks and working groups (Unica, Apre, )
11EU Research Programmes FP7 in brief - CAPACITIES
12 13Visiting Professors a short presentation
- Sapienza University of Rome promotes incoming
mobility of foreign scholars as "visiting
professors - 2 Calls for proposals (teaching or researching
activities) per year - The applicants are Sapienzas teachers and
researchers interested in hosting a foreign
scholar - The monthly contribution, before taxes, amounts
to 3.000,00 , 4.000,00 or 5.000,00 and it
depends on the scientific quality of the
visiting professor and the type of his activity
(teaching or researching). 10 of the amount is
cofinanced by the Department of the applicant. - The applications are evaluated by a Committee
designed by the Rector on the basis of the
following criteria the CV of the visiting
professor, the rank of the institution, the
quality of activities and objectives foreseen,
the financing of previous applications
14Visiting Professors
- Calls for proposals 2010 in figures
- Date of pubblication 10 June 2010 (Teaching
Activities) and 19 July 2010 (Researching
Activities) - Deadline 16 September 2010 (T.A.) and 23
September 2010 (R.A.) - Budget EUR 95.000,00 (T.A.) and EUR 450.00,00
(R.A.) - Applicants 16 (T.A.) and 63 (R.A.)
- Proposals financed 8 (T.A.) and 42 (R.A.)
- For further information about visiting
professors, please visit http//www.uniroma1.it/i
15- Thank you for your attention!
- Emanuele Gennuso
- emanuele.gennuso_at_uniroma1.it
- http//www.uniroma1.it/internazionale/docenti/rice
rca/default.php - Sapienza Università di Roma
- Rip. IX - Relazioni Internazionali
- Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, nr. 244
- tel. 06 49910359 int. 20359