Title: FP2 (MEI) Inverse hyperbolic functions
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2FP2 (MEI)Inverse hyperbolic functions
- Let Maths take you Further
3Inverse hyperbolic functions
- Before you start
- You need to be confident in manipulating
exponential and logarithmic functions. - You need to have covered the work on Maclaurin
series from chapter 4. - You need to have covered Calculus from chapter 1
(integration using inverse trig functions) - When you have finishedYou should
- Understand and be able to use the definitions of
the inverse hyperbolic functions. - Be able to use the logarithmic forms of the
inverse hyperbolic functions. - Be able to integrate
- and and related functions.
trig. functions inverse trig. functions hyperbolic trig. functions inverse hyperbolic trig. functions
sin x arcsin x sinh x arsinh x
cos x arccos x cosh x arcosh x
tan x arctan x tanh x artanh x
cosec x arccosec x cosech x arcosech x
sec x arcsec x sech x arsech x
cot x arccot x coth x arcoth x
5Latin for arc
Use the graph of sinhx to sketch the graph of
Hint use the line yx to help!
Remember for a function to have an inverse it has
to be a one-to-one function
7Sketch the graph of arcoshx and state its domain
and range
The domain needs to be refined to ensure the
function is one to one
8Logarithmic form of the inverse hyperbolic
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11Differentiating inverse hyperbolic trig. functions
Note this can be done using the same technique
that was used for differentiating inverse trig.
yarcosh x
x cosh y
We can now integrate expressions of these forms!
We can also differentiate composite functions
involving inverse hyperbolic functions using the
chain rule e.g.
13Using the previous results, together with the
results we established by considering inverse
trig. Functions, we should now be able to
integrate functions of the form
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24Inverse hyperbolic functions
- When you have finishedYou should
- Understand and be able to use the definitions of
the inverse hyperbolic functions. - Be able to use the logarithmic forms of the
inverse hyperbolic functions. - Be able to integrate
- and and related functions.
25Independent study
- Using the MEI online resources complete the study
plan for Hyperbolic functions 2 - Do the online multiple choice test for this and
submit your answers online.