Title: Variable-Time-Frame Gate-Level Abstraction
1Variable-Time-Frame Gate-Level Abstraction
- Alan Mishchenko Niklas Een Robert
Brayton -
- UC Berkeley
- Jason Baumgartner Hari Mony Pradeep Nalla
- Introduction
- Motivation
- Algorithm
- Experimental results
- Conclusion
- Finding a subset of logic gates of the miter,
large enough to complete the proof
4Taxonomy of Abstraction Methods
- Automatic vs. manual
- SAT-based vs. BDD-based vs. other
- Proof-based vs. CEX-based vs. hybrid
- Flop-level vs. gate-level
- Fixed time-frame vs. variable time-frame
5The Proposed Approach is
- Automatic
- SAT-based
- Hybrid
- Gate-level
- Variable time-frame
6Previous Work
- Flop-level abstraction
- N. Een, A. Mishchenko, and N. Amla, "A
single-instance incremental SAT formulation of
proof- and counterexample-based abstraction",
Proc. FMCAD'10. - Gate-level abstraction
- J. Baumgartner and H. Mony, Maximal Input
Reduction of Sequential Netlists via Synergistic
Reparameterization and Localization Strategies.
Proc. CHARME05, pp. 222-237.
- Flop-level abstraction is too crude
- Adds too much logic to the abstracted model
- (but refinement with external CEXes is
easier) - Gate-level abstraction is also too crude
- Includes all abstracted logic in each time-frame
- Solution Variable-time-frame gate-level
abstraction - Adds logic to each time-frames on demand
(a gate may be added in
one time-frame but not in others)
8Improved BMC
- In the classical BMC, in each timeframe, we add
the complete tent (bounded cone-of-influence) - experiments show that a small fraction of this
logic (typically, 5-20) is enough to prove the
problem UNSAT - This motivates a smarter approach
- add logic on-demand
- This may reduce the SAT solver size
substantially, resulting in a faster and more
scalable BMC
Frame 3
Frame 2
Frame 1
Frame 0
9Deciding What Logic to Add
- It is enough to add only logic in the UNSAT cores
- But we do not know what is the next UNSAT core
- We use previous cores
- Lift K previous UNSAT cores to the given level
- If the problem is still SAT, refine it by
selectively adding gates to time-frames - Use the rollback feature of SAT solver to include
the minimal amount of logic
UNSAT core of Frame 3
UNSAT core of Frame 2
UNSAT core of Frame 1
UNSAT core of Frame 0
10Improved Gate-Level Abstraction
- Use the variable-time-frame approach to BMC
- Then, build a gate-level abstraction, by taking
the union of all gates, present in any time-frame
11Improved Interpolation
- Interpolation-based model checking can benefit
from the variable-time-frame approach to BMC - When the transition relation is unrolled, there
is no need to add all logic in the COI of the
property - The proposed approach can be used to decide what
logic to include - As a result
- The SAT problem becomes simpler
- The intermediate interpolants becomes smaller
12Experimental Results
- abc 01gt read ex1.aig ps
- ex1 i/o 1570/ 1 lat 3113 and 16745 lev
31 - abc 02gt pdr
- Invariant F29 5033 clauses with 734 flops
(out of 3113) - Property proved. Time 808.01 sec
- abc 03gt read ex1.aig ps
- ex1 i/o 1570/ 1 lat 3113 and 16745 lev
31 - abc 04gt vta -S 5 -P 2 -F 45 -v
- Solver UNSAT 1.49 sec ( 14.50 )
- Solver SAT 2.57 sec ( 24.94 )
- Refinement 5.37 sec ( 52.17 )
- Other 0.86 sec ( 8.37 )
- TOTAL 10.29 sec (100.00 )
- SAT vars 36976. Clauses 92646. Confs 5074.
- Used 0.75 Mb for proof-logging.
- abc 05gt vta_gla ps gla_derive put pdr
- Gate-level abstraction PI 1 PPI 66 FF 143
(4.59 ) AND 505 (3.02 )
13- abc 02gt r ex1.aig ps
- abc 02gt vta -S 5 -P 2 -F 45 -v
- Frame Confl One Cex All
- 0 0 7 0 6
- 1 0 11 0 11
- 2 0 66 0 80
- 3 0 73 0 31
- 4 0 84 0 135
- 5 0 90 0 61
- 6 0 90 0 71
- 7 0 96 0 100
- 8 0 96 0 116
- 9 0 104 0 152
- 10 0 104 0 174
- 11 0 112 0 219
- 12 0 112 0 249
- 13 0 139 3 323
- 14 0 139 0 360
- 15 0 150 100 555
25 147 617 9 3783 26 2 617
0 3806 27 118 628 22 4581 28
2 628 0 4602 29 144 629 1
5259 30 2 629 0 5290 31 125
635 7 5851 32 2 635 0 5929 33
160 640 1 6549 34 3 640 0
6570 35 212 650 11 7274 36 2
650 0 7295 37 217 650 0 7931 38
3 650 0 7952 39 229 650 5
8519 40 2 650 0 8540 41 295
650 0 9087 42 3 650 0 9109 43
296 650 0 9694 44 2 650 0
9715 SAT completed 45 frames. Time 10.28
sec Solver UNSAT 1.49 sec ( 14.50 ) Solver
SAT 2.57 sec ( 24.94 ) Refinement
5.37 sec ( 52.17 ) Other 0.86 sec (
8.37 ) TOTAL 10.29 sec (100.00 ) SAT
vars 36976. Clauses 92646. Confs 5074. Used
0.75 Mb for proof-logging.
14ABCs vta vs. IBMs SixthSense
- Tried two SixthSense configurations
- Config2 automatic, SAT-based, counter-example-bas
ed, gate-level, fixed time-frame - Config5 automatic, SAT-based, hybrid,
gate-level, fixed time-frame - Used a suite of 58 model checking benchmarks
submitted to HWMCC11 by IBM - Result 1 Config5 produces abstractions that are
20 (16) smaller in terms of gates (flops) - Result 2 Config2 completed more timeframes in 5
minutes for 75 of benchmarks
- Reviewed abstraction algorithms
- Motivated an improvement to BMC
- Connected it with gate-level abstraction
- Showed preliminary experimental results
16Future Work
- Using coarser objects to abstract, refine, and
derive CNF - Adopting min-cut heuristics to decide what gates
to add to the abstraction - Performing the initialized unrolling with