Title: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development
1E81 CSE 532S Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software
Concurrency Patterns and the Monitor Object
Chris Gill, Venkita Subramonian, Olcan
Sercinoglu, Thomas Shepherd, Jim
Luo Department of Computer Science and
Engineering Washington University, St.
Louis cdgill_at_cse.wustl.edu
2Concurrency Patterns
- Key issue sharing resources across threads
- Thread Specific Storage Pattern
- Separates resource access to avoid contention
among them - Monitor Object Pattern
- One thread at a time can access the objects
resources - Active Object Pattern
- One worker thread owns the objects resources
- Half-Sync/Half-Async (HSHA) Pattern
- A thread collects asynchronous requests and works
on the requests synchronously (similar to Active
Object) - Leader/Followers Pattern
- Optimize HSHA for independent messages/threads
3Design Forces
- Need to prevent race conditions but allow
incremental progress of threads within the object - Methods define (intuitive) synchronization
boundaries - But, may need to check state etc. before
proceeding - A refinement only one method at a time is active
within object - Synchronization must be transparent to caller
- Client must not be concerned with
synchronization - The executing method must be able to give up
control - Other clients can access the object
- Allows controlled concurrency
- Object must be left stable during control
4Desired Internal Behavior
Queue empty - wait
5Solution (Passive) Monitor Object
- Make object a Monitor Object
- Methods run in callers threads
- Condition variables arbitrate use of a common
shared lock - E.g., using a stdmutex, a stdunique_lock
(must be able to unlock and re-lock it) and a
stdcondition_variable - Ensures incremental progress while avoiding race
conditions - Thread waits on condition
- Condition variable performs thread-safe
lock/sleep and unlock/release operations - Thread released when it can proceed
- E.g., when queue isnt empty/full
- Blocks caller until request can be handled,
coordinates callers
Client Proxy List (Monitor Object)
6A Few Variations
- Can notify_one() or notify_all()
- If it doesnt matter which thread, just wake one
up - If all need to see if its their turn, wake all
of them - Can limit waiting time
- Use wait_for() to return after a specified
interval - Use wait_until() to return at a specified time
- Can pass a predicate to wait (or wait_)
method(s) - Wont return until predicate is satisfied (or
call times out) - Helps to avoid spurious wake cases