Materials Design and Development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Materials Design and Development


Materials Design and Development Week 11 Reviewing Grellet Receptive Skills Framework Homework for Next Week Start thinking about the kind of lesson you want to do ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Materials Design and Development

Materials Design and Development
  • Week 11
  • Reviewing Grellet
  • Receptive Skills Framework

Homework for Next Week
  • Start thinking about the kind of lesson you want
    to do Reading or Listening and begin searching
    for the appropriate text
  • Reflection on Homework
  • Discuss in small groups or with a partner, your
    answers to the homework. Add details and

Processing Questions
  • Is teacher translation of the text an effective
    and efficient way to have Ss demonstrate their
    understanding? Why or why not?
  • How does this quote relate to the above question
    Give a man a fish feed him for a day. Teach a
    man to fish and feed him for a lifetime.

Background Knowledge
  • Choosing a text that Ss already knows something
    about helps Ss learn English faster
  • Helps learners understand new and unfamiliar
  • Allows Ss to comprehend more of the text at a
    faster rate

In Receptive Skill Lessons Which Is More
  • Vocabulary is more important than grammar in
    receptive skill lessons
  • Grammar helps us use language, vocabulary helps
    us understand language

Task Sequencing in Receptive Skill Lessons
  • General ? Specific
  • Easy ? Difficult
  • Concrete ? Abstract

The PDP Framework
  • Is it for productive or receptive skills?
  • What skills can we teach using the PDP framework?
  • What framework do we use to teach productive

What happens in each stage?
  • When does it happen in the lesson?
  • What happens in this stage?
  • Why?

Schema Theory Schema Activation
What needs to be activated and assessed prior to
reading or listening?
  • General world knowledge about social
    relationships and casual structures
  • Specific knowledge about topic of the text
  • Knowledge about the texts organization (genre)

Good readers and listener use prior knowledge to
  • make predictions
  • visualize
  • ask questions to monitor comprehension
  • draw inferences
  • confirm hypothesis thats what I expected
  • determine what is important in the text
  • demonstrate to others that they have understood
    what they have read

During Stage
  • When in the lesson does it happen?
  • What happens in this stage of the lesson?
  • When are the tasks given to Ss? Why are the task
    given at that time?
  • What is the purpose of a reading lesson? If we
    give tasks after the Ss watch, listen or read,
    what are we assessing memory or comprehension?
  • How does it happen i.e., how are the activities

Sequencing of Tasks
  • Task are given before learners read or listen
  • Tasks are sequenced from
  • General to specific
  • Easy to Difficult
  • Concrete to abstract

During Stage
  • What happens first Skimming activities or
    scanning activities? Why?
  • What are some example of skimming activities?
  • What are some example of some scanning
  • Where in the PDP lesson is the SLO achieved?
  • What kind of activity do we need to assess Ss
    comprehension of the listen/reading text?
  • Can you give me some example of these kinds of

Skimming Activities
  • ordering/numbering items of main ideas
  • making a list of main or significant events
  • reading or listening for the mood, feeling or
    tone of the text or passage
  • outline the main or fill in an outline where the
    details are provided but not the main ideas
  • ranking the importance of the main ideas or
    significant events
  • checking off relevant information from a text or
  • select the correct response such as whats the
    best title for this passage
  • label pictures, graph, or graphic organizer
  • matching picture with description
  • matching two general pieces of information
  • writing summary statements

Scanning Activities
  • checking off relevant information from a text or
  • ordering/numbering items
  • label pictures or parts of pictures
  • matching two pieces of information
  • select the correct response fill in graph, or
    graphic organizer
  • fill in the blanks
  • ranking
  • true/false
  • multiple choice
  • writing short answers

A list of Comprehensive Assessment Activities
  • Summary
  • Retelling
  • Sequencing a summary
  • Sequencing pictures
  • Using pictures to retell the text
  • Synthesis such as making inferences, drawing
    conclusion or reading/listening between the lines
  • Application of new knowledge e.g. using what
    they have learned to identify the technique being
  • Discussion
  • Debate

During Stage
  • A cloze activity checks Ss comprehension at the
    word/sentence level. Is this a good final
    assessment activity of a listening or reading
    text? Why or why not?
  • Why do we need to check Ss comprehension at the
    text/discourse level?
  • Is the whole meaning of a text stated directly?
    When we listen or read something and understand
    more than was said or written what are we doing?
    Is this an easier or harder task?
  • Where in the reading lesson should Ss be
    reading/listening between lines, making
    inferences and drawing conclusions? Why?

(No Transcript)
Building SchemataBuilding Connections
  • Text to Self
  • choose texts with characters the same age as the
    students, or had similar problems and experiences
  • let learners share connections from past

? ? ? ? ? ?
Building SchemataBuilding Connections
  • Text to Text
  • compare characters, their personalities, and
  • compare story events and plot lines
  • compare lessons, themes, or messages in stories
  • find common themes, writing style, or
    perspectives in the work of a single author
  • compare treatment of common themes by different
  • compare different versions of familiar stories

Building SchemataBuilding Connections
  • Text to World
  • create posters and ads
  • write in a reading or listening response journals
  • complete projects about the topic or theme
  • perform role plays or skits

Post Stage
  • When does it happen in the lesson?
  • What happens at this stage of the lesson?
  • Why?
  • If the POST stage is extra icing on the cake
    why do I believe it is essential to include in
    any reading or listening lesson?
  • How does the POST stage relate to Tomlinsons
    aspects of good materials?

Why the diamond?
Look at these two SLOs.How are they different?
  • By the end of the lesson SWBAT ask and answer
    questions using frequency adverbs (always,
    usually, sometimes, seldom, never) in the dialog
    (A How often do you ___? B I _____ _____.) BY
    doing a classroom survey.
  • By the end of the lesson SWBAT demonstrate their
    comprehension of the text, Thats Her Problem
    BY retelling the story with picture support.

Receptive Skills SLO Formula
  • By the end of the lesson, SWBAT demonstrate their
    understanding/comprehension of the __________
    c.),_________ (title of text) BY ______(doing

  • By the end of the lesson, SWBAT demonstrate their
    understanding of the conversations, Problems at
    the Airport BY describing the inferred
    conclusions about what each speaker will do.

You Try
  • Write and SLO for the following
  • fable The Hungry Father-in-Law
  • debate Should We Build the New Library
  • public service announcement What to Do in Case
    of a Fire

Compare Yours to Mine
  • By the end of the lesson, SWBAT demonstrate their
    understanding of the fairytale, The Hungry
    Father-in-Law BY inferring the moral that we can
    learn form the story.
  • By the end of the lesson, SWBAT demonstrate their
    understanding of the public service announcement,
    Should We Build the New Library BY summarizing
    the debate using a graphic organizer.
  • By the end of the lesson, SWBAT demonstrate their
    understanding of the debate, What to Do in Case
    of a Fire BY drawing a diagram or making a
    poster that shows the sequence described in the

Look at these tasks. Put them in correct order
using PDP framework
  1. Give task a series of T/F statements, let Ss read
    statements, then Ss listen to text. Ss check
    answers together, T elicits correct answers from
  2. Give Task Why is the older lady worried?
    What suggestion will the clerk make. Ss read
    Qs. Ss listen to text. Ss check answers together,
    T elicits correct answers from group
  3. Give Ss a bus schedule and a map of the US. Ask
    Ss to plan a trip to some place in the US. Ss
    will describe what bus/buses they will take. How
    long it will take and the cost of the travel.
  4. Show picture of bus station. Elicit background
    knowledge by using guiding Qs Where do you
    think this is? Whats happening? Etc
  5. Give task How many people are speaking? Where
    are they? Let Ss read Qs. Ss listen to the text.
    Ss check answers together, T elicits correct
    answers from group
  6. Introduce topic Long distance travel by bus.
    Ask Ss if they have every gone a long distance by
    bus? Ask if theyve traveled by bus in an English
    speaking country?
  7. Give task Each Ss gets a bus ticket with a
    destination. Ss must listen and find their bus
    number. Different Destination for each Ss. When
    Ss hear their bus number they should stand up. T
    play tape several time until most/all Ss can
    stand up when their bus number is called.

What order did you come up with?
  • Pre
  • 4 Assess Ss prior knowledge
  • 6 Intros topic and allows Ss to share past
    experience to create interest and relevance
  • During
  • 5 It a general listening task
  • 1 It a easy specific listening task.
  • 7 Its a more difficult specific listening task
  • 2 Its the most difficult listening task because
    it requires Ss to use inference and draw
    conclusion which assess Ss knowledge at the
    text/discourse level
  • Post
  • 3 Ss do a task that moves beyond the text that
    allows personalization of topic/theme and gives
    them a chance to connect topic theme to their own

Role of Grammar vs. Role of Vocabulary in the
Language Classroom
  • Lets start by looking at some statements.
  • Give me a thumbs up if you agree
  • Give me a thumbs down if you disagree

  • That vocabulary is more important than grammar
    is not true. If you know a bunch of words and
    dont know how to put them together, there are
    very few chances for you to be understood.

  • You dont really need to teach grammar
    explicitly, saying things like, this is the past
    perfect tense and you form it like this. Thats
    unnecessary. I think its better to teach
    learners to communicate, to practice as much
    English as possible in class with real language.
    Grammar will look after itself.

  • I get really annoyed when I teach a grammar
    point and then a few minutes later they make a
    mistake with it.

  • For students to use grammar correctly it should
    be presented in a context, its meaning and use
    should be clarified, and then they should
    practice using it.

  • Without grammar, little can be said without
    vocabulary, nothing can be said.

  • If you give students plenty of examples in
    different situations where the structure is used,
    they should be able to work out the rules for

How many words?
  • 500,000 to 1,000,000 words in English
  • Educated native English adult knows about 20,000
  • We learn about 1,000 a year
  • We use about 1,800 in everyday conversation

Threshold Levels
  • Everyday conversation learners need 1800 to 2000
    words for 80 comprehension.
  • For non-academic reading texts learners need
    about 5000 words for 90 comprehension.
  • For academic texts, the number of words needed
    for 80 comprehension varies dramatically by

Three Lessons to be Learned
  • Identify what the most frequent 2,000 to 5,000
    vocabulary items
  • Help learners learn how to learn vocabulary on
    their own
  • Dont begin reading instruction with low level
    learners until they have a threshold vocabulary
    level of at 1200 words.

Introduction to Blooms Taxonomy
  • Sequencing of tasks and questions in reading
    activities is not a new idea
  • Bloom introduced his taxonomy of reading
    questions in 1956
  • Bloom, like Grellet, believes that tasks should
    move from easier to more difficult, and from
    concrete to more abstract forms of thinking

Blooms Taxonomy
  • Knowledge
  • Comprehension
  • Application
  • Analysis
  • Synthesis
  • Evaluation

Warning This is more appropriate for Native
Speaker learners, so use this information
Useful Verbs Sample Question Stems Potential activities and products
telllistdescriberelatelocatewritefindstatename What happened after...?How many...?Who was it that...?Can you name the...?Describe what happened at...?Who spoke to...?Can you tell why...?Find the meaning of...?What is...?Which is true or false...? Make a list of the main events..Make a timeline of events.Make a facts chart.Write a list of any pieces of information you can remember. List all the .... in the story.Make a chart showing...Make an acrostic.Recite a poem.
Useful Verbs Sample Question Stems Potential activities and products
explaininterpretoutlinediscussdistinguishpredictrestatesummarizecomparedescribe Can you write in your own words...?Can you write a brief outline...?What do you think could of happened next...?Who do you think...?What was the main idea...?Who was the key character...?Can you distinguish between...?What differences exist between...? Cut out or draw pictures to show a particular event.Illustrate what you think the main idea was.Make a cartoon strip showing the sequence of events.Write and perform a play based on the story.Retell the story in your words.Paint a picture of some aspect you like. Write a summary report of an event.Prepare a flow chart to illustrate the sequence of events.
Useful Verbs Sample Question Stems Potential activities and products
solveshowuseillustrateconstructcompleteexamineclassify Do you know another instance where...?Could this have happened in...?Can you group by characteristics such as...?What factors would you change if...?Can you apply the method used to some experience of your own...?What questions would you ask of...?Would this information be useful if you had a ...? Construct a model to demonstrate how it will work.Make a diorama to illustrate an important event.Make a scrapbook about the areas of study.Make a paper-mache map to include relevant information about an event.Take a collection of photographs to demonstrate a particular point.Make up a puzzle game suing the ideas from the study area.Make a clay model of an item in the material.
Useful Verbs Sample Question Stems Potential activities and products
analyzedistinguishexaminecomparecontrastinvestigatecategorizeidentifyexplainseparateadvertise Which events could have happened...?If ... happened, what might the ending have been?How was this similar to...?What was the underlying theme of...?Why did ... changes occur?Can you explain what must have happened when...? Design a questionnaire to gather information.Write a commercial to sell a new product.Conduct an investigation to produce information to support a view.Make a flow chart to show the critical stages.Construct a graph to illustrate selected information.Make a family tree showing relationships.Put on a play about the study area.Write a biography of the study person.
Useful Verbs Sample Question Stems Potential activities and products
createinventcomposepredictplanconstructdesignimagineproposedeviseformulate Can you design a ... to ...?Why not compose a song about...?Can you see a possible solution to...?If you had access to all resources how would you deal with...?Why don't you devise your own way to deal with...?What would happen if...? Invent a machine to do a specific task.Design a building to house your study.Create a new product. Give it a name and plan a marketing campaign.Write about your feelings in relation to...Write a TV show, play, puppet show, role play, song or pantomime about...?Design a record, book, or magazine cover for...?Make up a new language code and write material suing it.Sell an idea.Devise a way to...Compose a rhythm or put new words to a known melody.
Useful Verbs Sample Question Stems Potential activities and products
judgeselectchoosedecidejustifydebateverifyarguerecommendassessdiscussrateprioritizedetermine Is there a better solution to...Judge the value of...Can you defend your position about...?Do you think ... is a good or a bad thing?How would you have handled...?What changes to ... would you recommend?Do you believe?Are you a ... person?How would you feel if...? Prepare a list of criteria to judge a ... show. Indicate priority and ratings.Conduct a debate about an issue of special interest.Make a booklet about 5 rules you see as important. Convince others.Form a panel to discuss views, eg "Learning at School."Write a letter to ... advising on changes needed at...Write a half yearly report.Prepare a case to present your view about...
  • PDP Framework read and answer Qs
  • Post entry and reply to two others on discussion
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