Why Study It? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Why Study It?


Why Study It? Three very good reasons to learn the history of oceanography: 1. 2. 3. The history of oceanography can be divided into four stages: 1. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Why Study It?

Why Study It?
  • Three very good reasons to learn the historyof
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.

  • The history of oceanography can be dividedinto
    four stages
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.

Prehistory and the Rise of Seafaring
  • Three primary reasons for early civilization to
    interact with the ocean
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • The earliest recorded sea voyage appears to be
    3200 B.C. under the auspices of Egyptian Pharaoh

Ancient Polynesian Explorations and Discoveries
  • The significance of Polynesian seafaring is that
    it is the earliest known regular, long-distance,
    open-ocean sailing beyond sight of land.
  • Spreading eastward from Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa,
    Polynesianssettled islands in an area of about
    26 million square kilometers (10 million square

Ancient Phoenician Explorations and Discoveries
Ancient Greek Explorations and Discoveries
  • The Greeks used references on shore to navigate.
    This is called piloting.
  • As seafaring advanced they learned to use the
    sun, constellations, the North Star and sea
    conditions to navigate in the open ocean.
  • The Greeks knew the Earth was a sphere, not flat.
  • Pytheas (314 B.C.) noted that he could predict
    tides in the Atlantic based on the phases of the
  • He could determine how far North or South one was
    from the North Star by measuring the angle
    between the horizon and the North Star. This was
    a significant improvement in navigation.
  • Eratosthenes (264-194 B.C.) is credited with two
  • 1. He calculated the Earths circumference.
  • 2. He invented the first latitude/longitude

The Greeks Excelled at Mapmaking
  • In 127 B.C., Hipparchus improved Eratosthenes
    mapsby inventing the regular grid system.
  • In 450 B.C., Herodotus published a detailed
    history ofGreeces struggles with the Persian
    Empire. This workwas significant because it was
    one of the earliest publishedmaps of the world
    the Greeks knew.
  • In 63 B.C.-24 A.D., Strabo published a 17-book
    workcalled Geographic that contained a map
    expandingknowledge/accuracy about the world.
  • In c. 100-168 A.D., Ptolemy developed the first
    knownmap to show a portion of the Earth as a
    sphere onflat paper.
  • It showed latitude/longitude by dividing the grid
    intodegrees, minutes, and seconds of the arc.

Latitude/Longitude System
  • The purpose of the latitude and longitude mapping
    systemis to identify specific locations on the
    Earths surface.
  • Latitude Lines
  • Longitude Lines
  • Further Accuracy
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