Soil Testing for Phosphorus and Potassium - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Soil Testing for Phosphorus and Potassium


Title: Slide 1 Author: Rob Mikkelsen Last modified by: Katherine Griffin Created Date: 6/19/2006 9:29:29 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Soil Testing for Phosphorus and Potassium

Soil Testing for Phosphorus and Potassium
Routine Soil Testing goals
  • Rapid
  • Affordable
  • Predictive
  • Reproducible
  • Widely applicable
  • Track changes in fertility
  • Develop nutrientmanagement plan

Soil Testing basics
Soil testing starts with collecting a good sample
Soil testing is not useful without meaningful
Taking a Good Soil Sample
  • Decide on samplingequipment, soil depth,
    numberof samples, and location
  • Have a clean plastic pail formixing the
    individual cores
  • A light coat on the interiorof the sampling
    probe of aspray lubricant (such as WD 40)can
    help with removal of the sample
  • A field map or GPS unit to record where the
    samples came from
  • Clearly labeled soil bags or boxes for sending to
    the laboratory

Taking a Good Soil Sample
  • Divide the field or managementarea into areas
    depending ontopography, soils,
    managementhistory. A soil map will be
    helpfulfor this
  • Take 15 to 20 individual soil coresand mix well
    into one compositesample to be analyzed by
  • Clearly label the sample container and completely
    fill out the information sheet from the soil
    testing lab, so proper recommendations can be
    made for the specific field area and the crop to
    be grown

Where to Avoid Sampling
  • Field borders, especially if closeto a gravel
    road with crushedlimestone
  • Where there have been brushpiles, straw or
    haystacks, manurepiles, lime piles, etc. in the
  • Trouble spots, such as due toerosion or
    salinity, unlesssampled separately
  • Old fertilizer bands in row crops
  • Injection knife tracks
  • Old fence rows, roads, or buildings
  • Animal excretion or congregating spots

Sampling Depth
General recommendations are based on previous
crop, tillage system, and fertilization
practices. Follow the recommendations of your
soil testing laboratory
  • Plow/ Disc/ Chisel tillage
  • Most frequently sampled to depth of 6 in., but
    may be
  • 7, 8, or 12 in. in some areas (depending on
    cropping system)
  • Ridge-tillage
  • Sampled to a depth of 6 in., taken 6 in. from the
  • No-tillage or minimum tillage
  • Sampled to a depth of 4 in., but may be 3 or 6
  • (sometimes the surface 1 or 2 in. is sampled for
    soil pH)
  • Established pasture and turf
  • Sampled to depth of 3 or 4 in. Remove heavy
    thatch before sampling

General Recommendations for Depth of Sampling
Depth and Location of Cores Impact Variability
Depth in.
37 in.
37 in.
Robbins and Voss, 1991 (IA)
Sampling in Ridge-Till Systemswith Residual
Fertilizer Bands
  • Sample to 6 in. depth6 in. from the row
  • Avoid high P and K zones thatmay have been
    band-appliednear the row

6 in.
6 in.
Sampling Soils with Banded Fertilizer
  • In soils with residual fertilizer bands
  • The general recommendation is to double the
    number of cores in a composite sample sent to the
    lab to get a representative analysis
  • If the location of the P fertilizer band is
  • 30-in. row spacing Sample once in-the-band for
    every 20between-the-band samples (120 ratio)
  • 12-in. row spacing Sample once in the band for
    every eight between-the-band samples (18 ratio)
  • If the location of the P fertilizer band is
  • If lt20 subsamples (cores) are taken, paired
    sampling in the field consisting of
  • 1. A completely random set of samples and
  • 2. A second set of samples, collected at half the
    fertilizer band spacing, perpendicular to the row
  • The greatest deviation from the "true" P soil
    test occurs when inadequate sampling includes
    rather than excludes the band

Soil Sampling Orchards
  • Leaf sampling is usually more accurate than soil
    analysis to monitor nutrient status of perennial
    crops, but soil testing still provides useful
  • Before planting, obtain a soil map and take
    samples according to soil type and field

Soil Sampling Orchards
  • Irrigated Orchards
  • Sample in area wetted by irrigation
  • Take soil cores under the drip-line for sprinkler
    or basin irrigation
  • With drip or micro-sprinkler irrigation, take
    cores 1/2 to 2/3 of the way out from emitter
    towards wetted edge
  • Non-irrigated Orchards
  • Sample in active rooting area
  • Take multiple cores around drip-line for a
    composite soil sample
  • One-foot depth is generally adequate

How Many Cores are Needed?
  • One core is not adequate to represent field
  • The suggested number of cores depends on the
    degree of field variability
  • Taking 5 to 8 cores may be adequate, but 15-20
    cores may be required to get a representative

Franzen and Berglund , 1997
More Cores Improves Precision and Accuracy
Frequency (50 total)
Soil test P category upper limit, ppm
Soil Sampling Equipment
  • Sampling Tools
  • Shovel
  • Use clean tools
  • Sample from the proper depth and location
  • Place samples in clean bucket for mixing

Soil Sampling Equipment
  • Sampling Tools
  • Shovel
  • Use clean tools
  • Sample from the proper depth and location
  • Place samples in clean bucket for mixing
  • Push probe
  • One-inch diameter tube is most common
  • Convenient to use in soils without stones
  • Easy to clean tube and sample to aconsistent

Soil Sampling Equipment
  • Sampling Tools
  • Shovel
  • Use clean tools
  • Sample from the proper depth and location
  • Place samples in clean bucket for mixing
  • Push probe
  • One-inch diameter tube is most common
  • Convenient to use in soils without stones
  • Easy to clean tube and sample to aconsistent
  • Auger
  • More convenient in rocky, wet, and hard soils
  • Easier to sample to deeper depths
  • A variety of tips and designs are available
    fordifferent soil textures

Equipment-Mounted Sampling Equipment
Sample Handlingand Shipping
  • Once the individual cores have been collected in
    a bucket, break the lumps, remove stones, and mix
  • Mix the soil completely and fill the sample box
    or bag to the full mark (usually one to two
    cups of soil)
  • Avoid taking wet soil samples, but allow to air
    dry if the samples are too wet for shipping
  • Carefully label each sample container and make
    careful description on a field sketch or field
    notes of where the samples were taken
  • Accurately complete the field information sheet
    requested by the lab in order to get the most
    accurate recommendations possible

Practical Sampling Equipment Considerations
  • Probes and shovels do not work well in rocky
  • Bucket augers may work best in sandy-textured
  • Special tools are sometimes used in sampling turf
  • Use a tool that permits sampling to a consistent,
    accurate depth

Time and Frequency of Sample Collection
  • Seasonal variability does exist
  • But more for soil pH thanfor P or K
  • If possible, sample at the same time of year to
    reduce variability
  • If not possible to sample at the same time, the
    soil analysis will still be useful for making
    nutrient decisions and tracking trends

Natural and Man-Made Variability Impacts Soil
Map Courtesy of Kitchen, USDA - ARS
When to Take Directed Soil Samples?
  • Suspected Field Variability
  • Indirect Indicators
  • Topography
  • Aerial photos
  • Soils map
  • Yield map
  • Soil EC
  • Direct Indicators
  • Cropping history
  • Fertilizer history
  • Manure history
  • Old homesteads
  • Old feedlots

Map Courtesy of R. Koenig, Washington State
Sampling by Soil Type May Be Best Choice for
Some Fields
  • In highly variable landscapes, sampling by soil
    type (zone) is superior to a random sampling
  • Sampling by soil type and landscape position is
    frequently the best way to get accurate
    information on the fertility status of a field

Zone or Grid Sampling?
  • Zone sampling (Stratified sampling)
  • Uses farmer knowledge of field variation
  • Excellent if location of variation known
  • Use if there are regular or repeating patterns
  • Good for large sampling areas (gt 5 acres)
  • Grid sampling
  • Will help locate unknown sources of variation
  • Easy to manage fertilizer with field maps
  • Can increase knowledge of the field

Grid Sampling Different Approaches
  • Composite (or cell) system
  • More robust for large grid size
  • Requires more effort
  • Less variable grid
  • Grid point system
  • Assumes sampled areas can predictunsampled areas
  • Difficult on narrow fields
  • Superior if you can afford a small grid size

Grid or Zone-Based Soil Sampling
  • Easiest with the assistance of a GPS monitoring
    system to record sampling sites
  • Cores are collected and composited surrounding
    the pre-determined sampling site
  • Results from the soil analysis are processed with
    GIS data-handling software to make field maps

More Intensive Sampling Results in Better
Databut More Expense Too
- - - - - Soil P concentrations - - - - -
Map Courtesy of Kitchen, USDA - ARS
Examples of Sampling Strategies
  • Field Composite
  • Sampling representing the mean concentration of
    the field
  • Stratified/Zone Composite
  • Separate samples based on known or expected field
  • Grid
  • Samples taken based on pre-determined pattern and

Stratified composite
Field composite
Choosing a Soil Sampling Strategy
  • First consider the sources and degree of field
    variability (both natural and man-made)
  • Whole field (random) sampling most appropriate
  • the existing fertility is high and/or variability
    is low
  • Field-zone sampling (by soil type or landscape
    position) may be most appropriate when
  • location of variation is known
  • sampling areas are large
  • resources are limited
  • Grid sampling may be most appropriate when the
    location of variation is unknown and future
    management can address the spatial variability

What is the Right Soil Extractant?
  • Chemical solutions are added to soil samples that
    mimic root and soil processes- estimating both
    current and future nutrient availability
  • The nutrient extracting solution should simulate
    the natural processes found in different types of
  • Some extractants and methods are better suited
    for particular soils and the lab results must be
    calibrated with local field research

Nutrient Extraction Process Theory
  • Measure what is currently available and
    predictwhat will soon become available to the
  • Not a prediction of the total quantity of
    nutrientsin the soil

Provides an Index of Availability
Soil Surface
Selecting a Soil P Extractant
  • The extracting solution should remove
    plant-available P from the soil through at least
    one of these reactions
  • Dissolving action of acid
  • Anion replacement to enhance P desorption
  • Complex the cations that bind P
  • Hydrolysis of cations that bind P

Selecting a Soil Extractant
  • Select a soil extracting solution that has been
    previously calibrated for the soils in a specific
    region. Commonly used extracts include
  • Potassium
  • Ammonium Acetate
  • Modified Morgan
  • Sodium Acetate
  • Mehlich 1 or Mehlich 3

Phosphorus Bray 1 Mehlich 1 Mehlich 3 Modified
Kelowna Modified Morgan Sodium-Bicarbonate (Olsen)
Ion Exchange Membranes and Resins
  • Membranes are designed to simulate a plant root
    by attracting anions (on cation resin) or cations
    (on anion resin)
  • Exchange membranes estimate nutrient availability
    without soil disturbance
  • Sequential measurement can provide an estimate of
    the nutrient availability rate

Choose a Well-Established Soil Testing Labthat
Uses Appropriate Techniques and Participates in a
Quality-Assurance Program
Steps to Sampling Success
  • Good Field Sampling is the First Step
  • Accurate Chemical Analysis is the Second Step
  • Data Interpretation is the Third Step
  • Analytical accuracy is essential but of little
    value in the field without relating these lab
    numbers to actual crop response
  • Are the fertilizer response predictions accurate
    for your soil types, crops, and management

Two Essential Parts of a Soil Test Report
Analytical results
Examples of Relationships between
  • Soil Test Values
  • Crop Response
  • P and K Fertilizer Recommendations

Sampling pastures and Fields Receiving manure
  • Accurate assessment of nutrients in fields
    receiving animal waste is important for nutrient
    management planning
  • Highly variable fertility levels across the field
    make it difficult to collect an accurate soil
  • Careful soil sampling allows better decisions to
    be made and efficient use of essential plant

Sampling manure-Amended Soils
  • Poor estimates of soil nutrient status makes it
    difficult to have an accurate nutrient management
  • Poor agronomic results
  • Unwanted environmental impacts
  • Non-uniform manure application makes it difficult
    to get a field average of nutrient content
  • A large number of cores is necessary to represent
    both high soil test areas and low soil test areas

Sampling Pastures
  • Avoid sampling in areas that arenot
    representative of the area consider that
    animal activities area huge source of variation
    such asaround feeders, water, shade trees
  • Avoid sampling near fresh manurepiles or recent
    urine spots sincethey may not be representative
    of the field
  • Use a random zig-zag pattern to collect 15 to 20
    individual cores for each field (less than 20
  • Remove plant and manure debris, break the cores,
    and thoroughly mix the samples before submitting
    for analysis

Sampling pastures Guidelines
  • Divide fields into smaller management zones
    (usually less than 20 acres)
  • Avoid sampling adjacent to roads, fence lines and
    congregation spots
  • Take at least 15 20 cores at random points
    along a zig-zag pattern

  • Before sampling, decide on the purpose of soil
    testing and how the information will be used
  • Choose an appropriate sampling strategy for your
    individual situation
  • Take appropriate number of cores, using
    appropriate equipment to get accurate results
  • Thoroughly mix the cores and send samples to a
    well-respected laboratory that uses appropriate
    analytical techniques for your situation
  • Review the results and recommendations to verify
    that they fit with your field experience

International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI)
655 Engineering Drive, Suite 110Norcross, GA
30092-2837Phone 770-447-0335 Fax
Reference 06128
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