The Internet - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Internet


Title: Chapter 8 Author: dweberg Last modified by: Marquez Created Date: 8/23/2001 9:41:48 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Company – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Internet

The Internet
  • MCC - CIS105

  • Briefly describe the history of the Internet
  • Describe generally what an Internet service
    provider does
  • Describe various types techniques used by
    Internet search sites
  • Describe the various types of e-commerce
  • Describe how advertising is done on the Internet
  • Describe what an intranet is and how a business
    uses it

The Internet and Services
  • The Internet is a worldwide collection of
    networks used to provide services such as
  • World Wide Web (WWW) Websites
  • Email, Instant Messaging (IM)
  • Telephony Voice over IP (VoIP)
  • Social network, newsgroups, discussion boards
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
  • E-commerce business transactions
  • For an overview of Making Use of the Web, see
    pages 116-131 in the textbook Discovering
    Computers 2008.

Internet - many networks connected together
Quick Time Line
  • 1969 - ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency)
  • Government sponsored the creation of a network.
  • Scientists and military shared information.
  • Network needed to provide alternative paths in
    case part of the network was destroyed (war).
  • 1972 - E-mail capability added
  • 1973 The internet went international
  • 1986 - National Science Foundation (NFS)
    connected its large network, NSFnet,to ARPANET.
  • 1995 NFS transferred service providing role
    to private companies.

Number of Users
  • 2002 567 million users
  • 2003 780 million users after 34 years
    (1969-2003) Compare to
  • 2005 US population 295 million
  • Telephone took 91 years to reach 100 million
  • Television took 54 years to reach 100 million

Number of Sites
  • Another way to measure the growth is by the
    number websites
  • 1969 4 sites
  • 1971 20 sites
  • 1979 200 sites
  • 1989 100,000 sites
  • 2000 72,000,000 sites
  • Why did it grow so much faster between 1989 and
  • One reason was the number Personal Computers
  • The other was the introduction of the Graphical

Graphical Web Browser
  • A Browser is software used to navigate on the
    Internet (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.).
  • 1990 Dr. Berners-Lee from Geneva wanted to make
    the links from one website to another more
    dynamic and easy using hyperlinks .
  • HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the language
    used to create web pages.
  • He described the links like a spiders web.
  • Hence the name World Wide Web (WWW).
  • 1992 Marc Andreessen, college student at
    University of Illinois and Eric J. Bina developed
    Mosaic first graphical web browser for multiple
  • Graphical browser with hyperlinks and graphics.
  • 1993 Andreessen and Ken McCarthy developed

Internet Service Provider (ISP)
  • An Internet Service Provider (ISP) provides the
    server computer and connection software for
    companies and individuals to connect to the
    Internet from their home or business (Earthlink,
    Qwest, Cox, Hughes, etc).
  • Users at home need a modem to connect to their
  • Dialup over phone lines
  • DSL (digital subscriber line) - over phone lines
  • Cable coaxial and/or fiber optic
  • Fixed Wireless slow to catch on Tempe,
  • Mobile Wireless cell phones, PDAs, laptops
  • Satellite - Two modems (uplink and downlink)

  • TCP/IP is the communication standard (protocol)
    used on the Internet.
  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) determines
    how messages are managed
  • A message sent over the Internet is divided into
    uniformly sized packets.
  • Each packet is labeled with its destination
  • At the destination the message is reassembled
    using the sequencing information.
  • Internet Protocol (IP) determines how
    communications software and equipment transport

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
  • A URL is the complete and unique address of a
    Web page.
  • Web page URL begins with http
  • HyperText Transfer Protocol
  • Domain name address of sites host computer
  • Last part of domain name is called a top-level
  • Identifies country and/or purpose of organization
  • URL may include folder and specific filename.

Registering a Domain Name
  • Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
    Numbers (ICANN) is the group that assigns and
    controls top-level domain names.
  • Outside the United States, the domain name also
    includes a country code.
  • For example - Australia

Domain Name mapped to IP Address
  • An IP address is a unique Numeric Address for
    each device on the Internet.
  • An IP address consists of four groups of numbers
    separated with a period. IP Address
  • Domain names are mapped to IP Addresses by a
    Domain Name Server (DNS).
  • Domain names are meaningful and easier to
    remember for users. Domain
  • Search for IP Addresses (use WhoIs Lookup)
  • Error 404 If domain name is not found in DNS.

User called Helpdesk because their Internet
connection was not working.
  • Turns out the user had set the invalid URL as
    their homepage, so the error page was displayed
    every time they opened their browser ?.

Web Browser Limitation
  • Browsers can process and display several formats
    such as HTML, gif, jpeg, JavaScript, etc.
  • However, browsers cannot handle everything.
  • Functionally is increased by using
  • Plug-ins
  • Helpers
  • Web Programming
  • See next few slides

Plug-ins / Helpers
  • Software that increases browser functionality
  • Most downloaded from their own Web sites
  • Once downloaded and installed, it appears as if
    the browser can handle the new features.
  • The features are being processed by the plug-ins.
  • Most enhance a sites audio/visual experience
  • Flash and QuickTime Players permit viewing sites
    that include quality animation
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader displays and prints
    documents created in Portable Document Format
    (PDF) format

Web Page Programs
  • Small programs can be downloaded to run in your
  • Allow dynamic interaction and dynamic data
  • Scripting languages (Client Side)
  • Instructions to be interpreted and executed by
    your browser
  • JavaScript and VBScript are most common
  • Programming Languages (Client and Server Side)
  • Java applets and ActiveX controls are most common
  • Scripting languages that can call programs stored
    on the server include ASP, JSP, PHP, Perl, and
  • May require additional software be installed such
    as Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
  • Cookies information that a program stores on
    your hard disk so that it can remember something
    about you or your process at a later time.

Searching the Internet
  • Search Engine
  • Lets a user specify simple or complex search
  • Search engine then searches the entries in its
    database and returns a list of sites that matches
    the criteria.
  • Uses spider software to build database.
  • Spiders crawl throughout websites collecting
    information can even find hidden files.
  • Trivia - Google was supposed to be Googol, the
    number 1 followed by 100 zeros
  • Internet directory list is developed by humans
    rather than a spider, so entries are very
    selective (yellowpages).

Evaluating the Information
  • Author
  • Sources
  • Server (who provides)
  • Objectivity (balanced?)
  • Purpose
  • Accuracy
  • Currency

  • Basic Electronic Mail (email) needs
  • A server with email services
  • Users need an account
  • Need a client application to access the server
  • SPAM is unsolicited e-mail.
  • The term spam is said to derive from a famous
    Monty Python sketch.
  • SPAM is a trademarked Hormel meat product.
  • Phishing is e-mail fraud where the perpetrator
    sends out legitimate-looking e-mails that appear
    to come from well known and trustworthy Web sites
    in an attempt to gather personal and financial
    information from the recipient (see next slide).

Phishing Examples
Other Communication Services
  • Social Networks myspace, facebook
  • NewsGroups allows posting and reading of
    messages to a group for everyone to read
    (discussion board).
  • IRC Internet Relay Chat
  • Text Chatting in Real Time to a group, like a
    party line
  • Instant Messaging to one person
  • Internet Telephony Real-Time Voice and
    VideoVoIP Voice over IP (Internet Protocol)
  • Internet Phone Services (Vonage)

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
  • Allows for upload and download of files.
  • Anonymous FTP
  • No username or password required.
  • Uploading will most likely require a username and
  • Some files are compressed into an archive using a
    program like WinZip, so the files need to be
    expanded or extracted after downloading.
  • Self-extracting is an executable that is
    double-clicked to begin file extraction.
  • If not self-extracting, will need a compatible
    program to extract files.

Homepage / Portal
  • Homepage is the first page displayed when the
    browser is opened
  • A portal is a website that is supposed to be set
    as your homepage.
  • Webpage can be personalized so information you
    are interested in is displayed stock market,
    sports, weather
  • May advertise referrals to businesses
  • Yahoo, Google, MySpace, etc.

Internet Advertising
  • Many advertisements on Web sites are banner ads
  • Pop-over ads open a new window on top of your
    current window
  • Pop-under ads open a new window underneath your
    current window
  • All this advertising is to increase electronic

Electronic Commerce
  • B2B (Business to Business)
  • B2C (Business to Consumer)
  • C2C (Consumer to Consumer)
  • watch for fraud
  • Free classified ads
  • Payments SSL Secure Sockets Layer
  • ePal is a 3rd party that handles payments.
  • Internet Taxes Freedom Act
  • No sales tax on out-of-state sales
  • But usually need to pay shipping
  • Privacy companies must provide you their
    privacy policy.

Intranets Extranets
  • An Intranet is a private Internet-like network.
  • Uses the same technology as used for an Internet
  • Internal only computers on the same network may
    access services ie Employee Information
  • Extranets allow selected customers and suppliers
    to have access to a companys intranet.
  • EDI Electronic Data Interchange
  • Standard format to exchange data (ie College
    transcripts, financial data)
  • Can usually identify an Intranet/Extranet when a
    username and password is required to enter.
  • Access can be restricted using firewalls and IP
  • Firewalls hardware and software

Want to Learn More?
  • CIS133DA Internet / Web Dev
  • CIS235 e-commerce
  • Certificate of Completion or Two-Year Degree in
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