Title: A Practical Introduction to Stellar Nonradial Oscillations
1A Practical Introduction to Stellar Nonradial
- Rich Townsend
- University of Delaware
ESO Chile ? November 2006
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- Historical Perspective
- Radial pulsators
- Nonradial pulsators
- Waves in stars
- Global oscillations
- Surface variations
- Rotation effects
- Driving mechanisms
4? Cephei
John Goodricke (1784)
5(No Transcript)
6Cepheids in the HR Diagram
7Henrietta Leavitt (1868-1921)
SMC Stars Mv -2.76 log(P) - 1.4
8Period-Luminosity Relation
9Origin of the P-L Relation
- Constant L evolution
- L / M3
- Constant T instability
- L / R2
- Dynamical timescale
- ? / R3/2 M-1/2
- Combine
- ? / L0.6
- Compare
- ? / L0.9
10Extragalactic Distance Scale
11Paul Ledoux (1914-1988)
- ? mechanism
- Secular instability
- Semiconvection
- Nonradial pulsation
12? Canis Majoris
- Struve (1950)
- P1 0.25002 d
- P2 0.25130 d
- P3 49.1236 d
13Analogy Hydrogen Spectrum
14Nonradial Oscillations
15Global Standing Waves
16NROs in the HR Diagram
17Types of Wave
Acoustic (pressure)
Gravity (buoyancy)
18Linearized Hydrodynamics
??/?t r(?v) 0
??v/?t -rp - g?
? p/? t vrp a2(??/? t vr?)
19Wave Equation
?2v/?t2 a2r(rv) (a2rv)rln ?1
(?1 - 1)(rv)g r(gv)
?1 (?ln p/?ln ?)s a2?/p
20Waves in Isothermal Atmosphere
?2v/?t2 a2r(rv) (? - 1)(rv)g r(gv)
Trial solutions v / expi(kr - ?t) z/2H
E ½ ? v2 ½ ?0 exp-z/H v02 expz/H
½ ?0 v02
21Dispersion Relation
?4 - ?ac2 a2 k2 ?2 N2 a2 kh2 0
Acoustic cutoff frequency ?ac ?/2 g/a
Buoyancy frequency N (?-1)1/2 g/a
22Limit No Stratification (g!0)
?4 - ?ac2 a2 k2 ?2 N2 a2 kh2 0
? a k
Acoustic waves
23Limit Vertical Propagation (kh!0)
?4 - ?ac2 a2 k2 ?2 N2 a2 kh2 0
? (a2 k2 ?ac2)1/2 gt ?ac
Modified acoustic waves
24Limit Incompressible (a!1)
?4 - ?ac2 a2 k2 ?2 N2 a2 kh2 0
? N kh/k N sin ? lt N
Gravity waves
25Gravity Waves in a Liquid
26Vertical Wavenumber
?4 - ?ac2 a2 k2 ?2 N2 a2 kh2 0
kz2 (?2 - ?ac2)/a2 (N2 - ?2) kh2/?2
kz2 gt 0 ! Propagating (wave) kz2 lt 0 ! Evanescent
27Isothermal Diagnostic Diagram
Acoustic waves
Gravity waves
28WKBJ Diagnostic Diagram
Acoustic waves
Gravity waves
29Spherical Harmonics
kh2 l(l1)/r2
30Propagation Diagram ? Polytrope
l2 modes
31Wave Trapping ? Modes
l2 modes
32Propagation Diagram ? 5 M
33Mode Frequencies
rb - ra n ?/2 n? / kr
Limit of large n kr ¼ k ra - rb
¼ R
! R ¼ n? / k
34p-mode Frequencies
Trapping R ¼ n? / k
Dispersion ? ¼ a k
? ¼ n? a/R
? n? s a-1 dr-1
35g-mode Frequencies
Trapping R ¼ n? / k
Dispersion ? ¼ N kh / k l(l1)1/2 / kR
? ¼ l(l1)1/2/n? N
? l(l1)1/2/n? s N/r dr
36Frequency Spectra
5 M
37p-mode Surface Variations
38g-mode Surface Variations
39p modes vs. g modes