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Picosat System Design Course -


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Picosat System Design Course -

  • Picosat System Design Course -
  • Satellite Thermal Control Design Introduction
  • ???(J.D. Huang)
  • ?????????????
  • October 16, 2008

  • Space Environments
  • Satellite Thermal Control Requirements
  • Satellite Thermal Design Philosophy
  • Satellite Thermal Control Design Strategy
  • Satellite Thermal Design Parameters
  • Typical Satellite Thermal Control Hardware
  • Design Example
  • Satellite Thermal Control System Verification
  • Satellite Thermal Balance Test
  • Satellite Thermal Vacuum Test
  • Comments and Conclusions

Space Environments - Satellite Thermal Radiation
Space Environments Distinguished environmental
  • Thermal Cycling Conditions
  • Extremely hot on satellite surface (gt150oC) in
    the daytime because of facing the environmental
    heat sink and sources in an orbit
  • Extremely cold on satellite surface (lt-150oC) in
    the eclipse because of facing the environmental
    heat sink and sources in an orbit
  • (Approximate) Vacuum Condition
  • Almost no medium and the convection heat transfer
    can be neglected
  • Outgassing effect must be avoided or may cause
    contamination on some thermal control and optical
  • Micro-gravity Condition
  • Any unit design with flow inside being different
    from ground use

Satellite Thermal Control Requirements
  • The purpose of thermal control system is to
    maintain all the elements of a satellite system
    within their temperature limits (operating and
    non-operating) for all mission phases.
  • Two top level thermal requirements, i.e., unit
    temperature limits and design margins should be
    defined before starting to develop a satellite
    thermal control for the sake of predictions and
  • Unit Temperature Limits
  • (1) Operating limits
  • unit operating ranges (ex. electronics -10oC to
    40oC battery-5oC to 25oC hydrazine
    propellant elements 10oC to 50oC solar array
    panels -100oC to 110oC etc.)
  • (2) Non-operating limits
  • unit non-operating ranges (ex. electronics -20oC
    to 50oC most others same as operating limits)

Satellite Thermal Control Requirements
  • Design Margins
  • (1) Uncertainty thermal design margin
  • applied on the region where there is no thermal
    control or only passive thermal control
  • 11oC for military and 5oC for other commercial
    and scientific satellites
  • (2) Heater margin
  • applied on the region where there is a heater
  • 11oC for military and 5oC for other commercial
    and scientific satellites
  • 25 excess heater control authority (or duty
    cycle lt 80)
  • (3) Unit design margin
  • temperature difference between acceptance and
    qualification test levels, usually 10oC

Requirements of Satellite Thermal Control
Predictions and Tests
Satellite Thermal Design Philosophy
Radiation Property
Radiation Execution Factors
Radiation Computer Program TRASYS, TSS
Orientation Attitude
External Heater Flux
View Factors
Electrical Power Dissipation
Thermal Analyzer Program SINDA
Selection of Thermal Control Materials and
Hardware Elements
Thermo-physical Property
Predicted Thermal Performance
System-level Test
Satellite Thermal Control Design Strategy
  • The satellite or spacecraft thermal control is
    quite unique and its design strategy is listed in
    the following
  • Predictions for Worst Hot and Cold Temperatures
  • Temperatures predicted from the thermal
    mathematical model by considering extreme (worst
    hot and cold) thermal environmental effects
    including equipment operation, internal power
    dissipation, satellite attitudes, environmental
    heating (direct solar, earth infrared, and albedo
    radiation), etc.
  • Cold-Bias Design Method
  • Passive thermal control (ex. SSM / white paint
    and MLI) used first to lower all unit
    temperatures under their allowable upper limits
  • Heaters used to raise some unit temperatures if
    they are lower than their allowable lower limits
  • Active thermal control (ex. heat pipe and louver)
    used if cold-bias does not work

Satellite Thermal Design Parameters
Description Input Source Thermal Output
Orbit characteristic Altitude, inclination, beta angle SYS External heater flux, radiator allocations
Environmental heat sources on satellite Orientation, attitude, operation scenario SYS External heater flux, radiator allocations
Design life Max. operation time after launch SYS Thermal-optical characteristics(ELO BOL)
Thermal margin Uncertainty margins, thermal design margins, heater margins TCS Allowable predicted temperature limits
Thermal range Temperature limits (Operating/non-operating), Power dissipations(Max/Min) Optics, EE, SMS Allowable predicted temperature limits
Selection of thermal control materials Outgassing and degradation criteria TCS, Optics Material characteristics
Minimize the temperature gradients Temperature stability requirements Optics, SMS Temperature control set-points
Satellite Thermal Design Parameters(cont)
Description Input Source Thermal Output
Thermal-physical property, coating Conductivity (k), emissivity (?), absorptivity (?) Optics, EE, SMS Conductance, emittance, absorptance
Geometry layout Locations, dimensions, mass SMS View factors, thermal capacity, allocations for radiators, heaters, and thermistors
Power budget Available heater power EPS SYS Required heater power for thermal controls
Allocated numbers of heater line Available numbers for applying heater lines EE Allocations of heaters
Typical Thermal Control Hardware
  • Multi-layered Insulation (MLI) to keep satellite
    warm by reducing conduction and radiation leaks
  • (i.e., clothes of spacecraft)
  • Second-surface Mirror (SSM) to reflect incident
    solar radiation (with low as) and radiate
    satellite excessive internal heat (with high e)
    into the space (i.e., radiator)

Typical Satellite Thermal Control Hardware
  • Heater to keep satellite units warm and make up
    heat loss from the radiator during eclipse
  • Heat Pipe to transfer heat efficiently by using
    phase change between gas and liquid flow in a
    pipe container

Resistance element
Kapton insulation
Lead wire
Design Example - Thermal Analysis Concepts
GdsPAS Hsu
  • ? gray body interchange factor
  • er earth reflected
  • et earth thermal
  • sp space
  • sc spacecraft
  • su sun
  • ds direct solar
  • a albedo
  • ? solar absorptivity
  • ? IR emissivity
  • s Stefan-Boltzmann
  • 5.67x10-8 W/m2K4
  • Gds direct solar
  • Ger earth-reflected solar energy
  • Get earth-emitted thermal energy

s(sun vector)
  • Energy balance
  • Qabsorbed Qpower generation Qemitted
  • Qds Qer Qet Qinternal s?sc,spAscTsc4
  • ? Gds ? Ger ? Get Qinternal

Design Example - Thermal Analysis Concepts(Cont)
  • External energy
  • Direct solar
  • GdsPAS Hsu , PAS is the projected area in the
    direction of the sun vector, Hsu is the solar
    constant (1300 1400 W/m2/oC)
  • Earth-Emitted Thermal Energy
  • GetFetAscHet , Fet is the configuration factor
    to the Earth, Asc is the satellite area, Het is
    the Earth constant (198 274 W/m2/oC)
  • Earth-Reflected Solar Energy
  • GeraFerAscHsu , albedo a ( 0.2 0.4) is the
    average fraction of the solar energy that is
    reflected by the earth, Fer is the configuration
    factor to sunlit part of the Earth
  • Internal Energy
  • Internal heat input
  • Qinternal is the energy generated internally as
    heat and conducted and radiated to the external

Design Example- Thermal Parameters
  • Descriptions
  • Box shaped satellite with the - Z side always
    facing nadir (down)
  • Dimension 2 x 2 x 1 (L x W x H) m3
  • Top and bottom are covered with insulations (MLI)
    and sides may be considered isothermal
  • Maximum power 90 W
  • Minimum power 45 W
  • Hsu 1306 1400 W/m2
  • Het 209 224 W/m2
  • Albedo a 0.36

Z, Up
MLI(top bottom)
1 m
X, Velocity
Figure 2.100 Sun
Figure 1. Minimum Sun
Design Example- Thermal Parameters(Cont)
  • External Heat Inputs
  • Direct solar energy
  • Qds ?PAS Hsu , where PAS
  • Minimum sun, sun vector parallel to orbit
    plane(Fig. 1)
  • PASAa
  • 0.478
  • By symmetry, PASAa PASAb , Hsu 1306 (W/m2)
  • Qds (PASAa PASAb) ?PAS Hsu 1250 ? (W)
  • Maximum sun, sun perpendicular to the orbit
    plane(Fig. 2), the sun is perpendicular to the Y
    side, Hsu 1400 (W/m2)
  • Qds ? PAS Hsu 2 x 1400 ? 2800 ? (W)

? cos-1 (Re/ReZ) ? ? - 90
Z 1000 Km Re 6371 Km ? 30.2 A 2m2
Design Example- Thermal Parameters(Cont)
  • Earth thermal energy
  • Qet ? Het A Fet , for a vertical plate at Z/Re
    1000/63710.157, Fet 0.192
  • Minimum sun, (4 surfaces X, -X, Y, -Y)
  • Qet ? x 209 x (4 x2) x 0.192 321 ? (W)
  • Maximum sun, (4 surfaces X, -X, Y, -Y)
  • Qet ? x 224 x (4 x2) x 0.192 344.1 ? (W)
  • Earth reflected solar energy
  • Qer ? Hsu a A Fer , the approximation Fer ? Fet
    cos? will be used
  • cos?
  • 0.318
  • Minimum sun, (4 sides, top and bottom surfaces
    are insulated))
  • Qer ? x 1306 x 0.36 x (4 x2) x 0.192 x 0.318
    229.6 ? (W)
  • Maximum sun, ? 90, cos? 0
  • Qer 0 (W)

Design Example- Thermal Parameters(Cont)
  • Summary
  • Minimum sun
  • Qenv Qds Qet Qer 1250 ? 321 ? 229.6 ?
    1479.6 ? 321 ?
  • Maximum sun
  • Qenv Qds Qet Qer 2800 ? 344.1 ?

Design Example- Worst Case Temperature
  • Worst case cold
  • Consider the satellite to be an isothermal body
    with minimum power dissipation, minimum sun,
    undegraded thermal control surface (white paint,
    ? 0.21, ? 0.85)
  • Qds Qer Qet Qinternal Qenv Qinternal
    seFsc,spAscTsc4 , Fsc,sp1.0
  • Tsc
  • Tsc 201.0 K or 72.0 C, at minimum sun and
    minimum power, 45W
  • For comparison at maximum power and minimum sun,
    the temperature is
  • Tsc
  • Tsc 204.0 K or 68.6 C, at minimum sun and
    maximum power, 90 W

Design Example- Worst Case Temperature
  • Worst case hot
  • The worst case hot consists of maximum power,
    maximum solar input, and degraded thermal control
    coatings. The degraded solar absorptivity, ?, is
    0.4 and the emissivity, ?, is unchanged.
  • Tsc
  • Tsc 250 K or 23.0 C, at maximum sun, degraded
    coatings, and maximum power, 90 W
  • For comparison at maximum sun and minimum power,
    the temperature is
  • Tsc
  • Tsc 248 K or 25 C, at maximum sun, degraded
    coatings, and minimum power, 45 W

Design Example- Temperature Change for Power
  • Temperature change for a change in power
  • ?T/ ?Q-23-(-25)/(90-45)0.044 ?/W in the hot
  • ?T/ ?Q0.076 ?/W in the cold case
  • In this case the design is not very sensitive to
    change in power, because the environmental inputs
    are much larger than the internal power

Design Example- Improving the Temperature Control
  • For minimum power the change in temperature due
    to the environment and thermal control surface
    degradation is 72-2547 ?.
  • The change due to degradation alone by
    calculating the maximum sun case with new
    (undegraded a0.21) coatings.
  • Tsc
  • The result is Tsc -52 ? and by difference the
    change due to surface degradation is 27
    ?(-2552). So the environmental changes alone,
    are 20 ?.
  • To find the a needed in the minimum sun case, at
    minimum power, the heat balance is solved for a
    with the same temperature as maximum sun, minimum
    power, undegraded(-52 ?)
  • (-52273)4x5.67x10-8x2x4x0.851479.6
  • a 0.407

Design Example - Internal Mass to External
Radiator Resistance
  • Based on a two-node model consisting of an outer
    shell and an inner electronics mass, we can
    calculate the required effective thermal
    resistance to raise the inner mass to the desired
    temperature. The effective thermal resistance is
    defined as
  • Qint RTe-Tsc
  • The required thermal resistance in the cold
    case(Te at least 0 ?) is
  • R0-(-52)/45
    1.16 ?/W
  • The maximum temperature for the hot degraded case
    would be
  • Te,max90x1.16(-23) 81.4 ?
  • The maximum temperature is much higher than is

Design Example - Internal Mass to External
Radiator Resistance
  • We increase the a further so that the minimum-sun
    minimum-power temperature is the same as the
    maximum-sun maximum-power degraded coatings case
  • (-25273)4x5.67x10-8x2x4x0.851479.6
  • a 0.771
  • The effective thermal resistance required in this
    case for a minimum temperature of 0 ? is
  • R0-(-25)/45 0.56 ?/W
  • and the maximum temperature is
  • Te,max90x0.56(-25) 25.4 ?
  • This is a considerable improvement over either of
    the other cases.

Example of FORMOSAT-2 Thermal Design
RSI Housing / FPA - MLI and radiator (outside) -
heater (inside) - black paint (inside)
IRU - radiator and MLI - heater
radiator and MLI - heater
Star-Tracker - radiator and MLI
Payload Platform - MLI - thermal isolation
Bus Panel with Components - radiator and MLI
(outside) - heater (inside) - black Kapton
Solar Array - backside with Carbon
Adapter Cone - MLI
Satellite Thermal Control System Verification
  • The satellite thermal system verification
    usually consists of thermal balance test and
    thermal vacuum test
  • Thermal Balance Test
  • To verify satellite thermal control system design
    adequacy by a simulated hot/cold space thermal
  • To obtain thermal data for the correlation and
    correction of the thermal analytical models
  • Thermal Vacuum Test
  • To demonstrate the ability to meet system design
    requirements under the specified hot/cold
    temperature extremes in a vacuum condition
  • To demonstrate the system-level workmanship

Thermal Balance / Thermal Vacuum Test
Temperature Profile
Thermal Balance and Performance Cycle
Pump Down Cold Wall Fill
Thermal Cycling
Return To Ambient

Chamber Environments Cold Wall Temp. ? -173oC,
Pressure ? 1.0 x 10-5 Torr
2 hrs Soak
Hot Proto-flight
Hot Acceptance
Hot Balance

Hot Performance Test gt 24 hrs Dwell

Transient Cool-Down
Cold Performance Test gt 24 hrs Dwell
Cold Acceptance
Cold Balance
Heater Check
Cold Proto-flight
2 hrs Soak
Example of FORMOSAT-2 Thermal Vacuum / Balance
Test at NSPO
Satellite Thermal Balance Test
  • Hot and cold balance phases
  • Objective
  • To achieve thermal equilibrium states in test
    article under simulated space hot and cold
    conditions to verify G (conductance) and Gr
    (radiation conductance) values assumed in TMM
  • Conditions
  • Maximum and minimum orbit-averaged power
    dissipation of each unit applied for hot and cold
    balance phases, respectively
  • Heating sources (for test) set to simulate hot
    and cold orbit-averaged heating loads on test
    articles surface for hot and cold balance
    phases, respectively

Satellite Thermal Balance Test (Continued)
  • Model correlation
  • TMM for test predictions in hot and cold
    steady-state conditions should be correlated to
    test results in hot and cold balance phases,
  • The errors should be identified and corrected
    either from TMM or test itself if pre-test
    predictions are significantly deviated from the
    test results.
  • The correlated predictions should agree within
    3oC of test data in general before the
    correlated TMM is used to make final temperature
    predictions for various satellite mission phases
    during the flight.

Satellite Thermal Balance Test (Continued)
  • Transient heating (warm-up) and cooling
    (cool-down) phases
  • Objective
  • To achieve transient heating and cooling in test
    article under simulated space warm-up and
    cool-down conditions to verify C (thermal
    capacitance) values assumed in TMM
  • Conditions
  • Turning on and off all units in the test article
    for warm-up and cool-down phases, respectively,
    to speed heating and cooling rates
  • Maximum and minimum heating powers applied on the
    external surfaces of the test article for warm-up
    and cool-down phases, respectively

Satellite Thermal Balance Test (Continued)
  • Model correlation
  • TMM for test predictions in transient-state
    heating and cooling conditions should be
    correlated to test results in warm-up and
    cool-down phases, respectively.
  • In addition to the accuracy requirement same as
    hot and cold balance phases, the unit temperature
    curve from pre-test model should not cross or
    intercept with that from test result.

Example of Transient Cooling FORMOSAT-1
Thermal Vacuum Test Requirements
Satellite Thermal Vacuum Test
  • The satellite thermal vacuum test usually
    consists of ordinary and long thermal cycling
    phases in a vacuum condition
  • Ordinary Thermal Cycling Phase
  • Objective
  • To achieve unit hot and cold temperature extremes
    with hot and cold dwells, respectively, based on
    a specified test level for test article
  • Control Requirements
  • Heating and cooling of test article controlled by
    heating sources and cold wall of the T/V
    chamber, respectively
  • At least one component in each equipment zone
    reaching its specified hot and cold
    temperature limits then dwelling
  • Completion Criteria
  • Test article dwelling at hot and cold temperature
    limits (i.e.,unit temperature change is less than
    2oC/hr) for at least 2 hours

Satellite Thermal Vacuum Test(Continued)
  • Long Thermal Cycling Phase
  • Objective
  • To achieve unit hot and cold temperature extremes
    with hot and cold performance tests,
    respectively, during dwells based on a specified
    test level for test article
  • Control Requirements
  • Heating and cooling of test article controlled by
    heating sources and cold wall of the T/V
    chamber, respectively
  • At least one component in each equipment zone
    reaching its specified hot and cold
    temperature limits then dwelling
  • Completion Criteria
  • Test article dwelling at hot and cold temperature
    limits (i.e.,unit temperature change is less than
    2oC/hr), and hot and cold performance tests
    conducted for at least 24 hours

Comments and Conclusions
  • The satellite thermal control is an important
    task that can protect a satellite from a hostile
    thermal environments and keep it working well and
    surviving in all mission phases.
  • The goal of developing a satellite thermal
    control should be achieved by considering cost,
    schedule, and technical aspects simultaneously
    although the thermal control technology is only
    mentioned here. In other words, we need a cheap,
    fast developed, and capable thermal control
    system in a satellite program.
  • The thermal analysis work is usually going
    through the entire thermal control development
    from the beginning of design to the end of
    verification (by testing) phases. It is the most
    powerful supporting while developing a satellite
    thermal control system.
  • The verification (by thermal balance test and
    thermal vacuum test) is the most complex and
    formidable task during the entire satellite
    development process. The performance in the
    thermal verification is a good indication if a
    satellite has a good thermal control in the

TCS Homework
  • What kinds of thermal environments and thermal
    specifications should be considered during
    satellite design phase? Why?
  • Is there any thermal design difference between
    LEO satellites and GEO satellites? Why?
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