ARTICLE 8 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ARTICLE 8


  • Scenario 1
  • Carrier A is not on the OTDL, management
    determines that 1 hour of overtime or auxiliary
    assistance is necessary. Carrier B is on the
    OTDL and is scheduled for 8 hours that day. Must
    management provide auxiliary assistance?

  • Carrier A is not on the OTDL, management
    determines that 1 hour of overtime or auxiliary
    assistance is necessary. Carrier B is on the OTDL
    and is scheduled for 8 hours that day. Must
    management provide auxiliary assistance?
  • Yes.
  • JCAM Page 8-14
  • the requirement to seek to use auxiliary
  • before requiring letter carriers not on the ODL
    or work assignment list
  • to work overtime on their own route on a
    regularly scheduled day.
  • Management must seek to use all of the following
    to provide auxiliary
  • assistance
  • casuals
  • part-time flexibles at the straight-time or
    regular overtime rate
  • transitional employees at the straight-time or
    regular overtime rate
  • available full-time regular employees such as
    unassigned or reserve
  • regulars at the straight time rate
  • full-time carriers from the overtime desired
    list at the regular overtime
  • rate

  • Scenario 2
  • Carrier A is not on the OTDL, management
    determines that 30 minutes of overtime or
    auxiliary assistance is necessary. Carrier B is
    the only OTDL carrier available and travel time
    to and from carrier As route will take 25
    minutes each way. Must management provide
    auxiliary assistance?

  • Carrier A is not on the OTDL, management
    determines that 30 minutes of overtime or
    auxiliary assistance is necessary. Carrier B is
    the only OTDL carrier available and travel time
    to and from carrier As route will take 25
    minutes each way. Must management provide
    auxiliary assistance?
  • No.
  • JCAM page 8-15
  • The memo goes on to state that the
    determination of whether management must use a
    carrier from the ODL to provide auxiliary
    assistance must be made on the basis of the rule
    of reason. For example, management is not
    required to use a carrier from the ODL when the
    travel time would be excessive for the amount of
    assistance being given.

  • Scenario 3
  • Carrier A is not on the OTDL, management
    determines that 1 hour of overtime or auxiliary
    assistance is necessary. All OTDL carriers are
    scheduled to work up to 10 hours that day. Must
    management provide auxiliary assistance?

  • Carrier A is not on the OTDL, management
    determines that 1 hour of overtime or auxiliary
    assistance is necessary. All OTDL carriers are
    scheduled to work up to 10 hours that day. Must
    management provide auxiliary assistance?
  • No.
  • JCAM page 8-14
  • However, the memo states that management does not
    have to use ODL carriers to provide auxiliary
    assistance if such an assignment would mean that
    the ODL carriers would be working penalty
    overtime. In that limited situationif no
    auxiliary assistance is available without going
    into penalty overtimemanagement can require
    full-time regular carriers not on the overtime
    desired list to work overtime on their own routes
    on a regularly scheduled day.

  • Scenario 4
  • All OTDL carriers have been scheduled to work 10
    hours. There are still 4 hours of assistance
    needed to cover all assignments. At this point
    may management assign the Non-OTDL carriers to
    work overtime off their assignments, or ask the
    Non-OTDL carriers to volunteer to work overtime?

  • Scenario 4
  • All OTDL carriers have been scheduled to work 10
    hours. There are still 4 hours of assistance
    needed to cover all assignments. At this point
    may management assign the Non-OTDL carriers to
    work overtime off of their assignments, or ask
    the Non-OTDL carriers to volunteer to work the
  • No.
  • JCAM Page 8-14
  • Before requiring a non-ODL carrier to work
    overtime on a non-scheduled day or off his/her
    own assignment, management must seek to use a
    carrier from the ODL, even if the ODL carrier
    would be working penalty overtime. See Article

  • Scenario 5
  • All OTDL carriers have been scheduled to work 12
    hours, and PTF carriers up to 11.5 hours. There
    are still 4 hours of assistance needed to cover
    all assignments. At this point may management
    assign the overtime to Non-OTDL carriers, or ask
    Non-OTDL carriers to volunteer to work the

  • All OTDL carriers have been scheduled to work 12
    hours, and PTF carriers up to 11.5 hours. There
    are still 4 hours of assistance needed to cover
    all assignments. At this point may management
    assign the overtime to Non-OTDL carriers, or ask
    Non-OTDL carriers to volunteer to work the
  • Yes.
  • JCAM page 8-15
  • Mandatory Overtime. One purpose of the Overtime
    Desired List is to excuse full-time carriers not
    wishing to work overtime from having to work
    overtime. Before requiring a non-ODL carrier to
    work overtime on a non-scheduled day or off
    his/her own assignment on a regularly scheduled
    day, management must seek to use a carrier from
    the ODL, even if the ODL carrier would be working
    penalty overtime. However, if the Overtime
    Desired List does not provide sufficient
    qualified fulltime regulars for required
    overtime, Article 8.5.D permits management to
    move off the list and require non-ODL carriers to
    work overtime on a rotating basis starting with
    the junior employee. Management may seek non-ODL
    volunteers rather than selecting nonvolunteers on
    the basis of juniority. Normally, carriers not on
    the Overtime Desired List may not grieve the fact
    that they were not selected to work overtime.

  • Scenario 6
  • On Wednesday all OTDL carriers are scheduled to
    work up to 12 hours, with one exception. Carrier
    B is on the 12 hours list and is only scheduled
    to work 8 hours. Carrier B worked 12 hours
    overtime on Saturday, 4 hours overtime on both
    Monday and Tuesday. There is still one route
    left uncovered for a total of 5 hours of
    auxiliary assistance still needed. Can
    management assign the overtime to Non-OTDL
    carriers, or ask Non-OTDL carriers to volunteer
    to work the overtime?

  • On Wednesday all OTDL carriers are scheduled to
    work up to 12 hours, with one exception. Carrier
    B is on the 12 hours list and is only scheduled
    to work 8 hours. Carrier B worked 12 hours
    overtime on Saturday, 4 hours overtime on both
    Monday and Tuesday. There is still one route
    left uncovered for a total of 5 hours of
    auxiliary assistance still needed. Can
    management assign the overtime to Non-OTDL
    carriers, or ask Non-OTDL carriers to volunteer
    to work the overtime?
  • Yes.
  • JCAM page 8-18
  • the parties agree that excluding December, once a
    full-time employee reaches 20 hours of overtime
    within a service week, the employee is no longer
    available for any additional overtime work.

  • Scenario 7
  • Carrier A is on the OTDL and has worked 20 hours
    of overtime for the week, All remaining OTDL
    carriers are working the maximum amount of hours
    available. management determines that 2 hours of
    overtime or auxiliary assistance is necessary.
    Carrier B is the T-6 for carrier As route and is
    on the work assignments list. Can management
    mandate a Non-OTDL carrier to work carrier As

  • Carrier A is on the OTDL and has worked 20 hours
    of overtime for the week, All remaining OTDL
    carriers are working the maximum amount of hours
    available. management determines that 2 hours of
    overtime or auxiliary assistance is necessary.
    Carrier B is the T-6 for carrier As route and is
    on the work assignments list. Can management
    mandate a Non-OTDL carrier to work carrier As
  • Yes.
  • JCAM page 8-18
  • the parties agree that excluding December, once a
    full-time employee reaches 20 hours of overtime
    within a service week, the employee is no longer
    available for any additional overtime work.

  • Scenario 8
  • On Thursday all OTDL carriers have worked up to
    20 hours of overtime. When scheduling for the
    following day management determines that there is
    an insufficient number of carriers to cover all
    available assignments. Can management mandate
    Non-OTDL carriers to work their SDOs to cover
    the vacant assignments?

  • On Thursday all OTDL carriers have worked up to
    20 hours of overtime. When scheduling for the
    following day management determines that there is
    an insufficient number of carriers to cover all
    available assignments. Can management mandate
    Non-OTDL carriers to work their SDOs to cover
    the vacant assignments?
  • Yes.
  • JCAM pages 8-15, 8-18 8-24
  • However, if the Overtime Desired List does not
    provide sufficient qualified fulltime regulars
    for required overtime, Article 8.5.D permits
    management to move off the list and require
    non-ODL carriers to work overtime on a rotating
    basis starting with the junior employee.
    Management may seek non-ODL volunteers rather
    than selecting nonvolunteers on the basis of
    juniority. Normally, carriers not on the Overtime
    Desired List may not grieve the fact that they
    were not selected to work overtime.
  • the parties agree that excluding December, once a
    full-time employee reaches 20 hours of overtime
    within a service week, the employee is no longer
    available for any additional overtime work.
  • Waiving guarantees. The Step 4 settlement
    H4N-2D-C 40885, November 14, 1988 (M-00879)
    provides that Management may not solicit
    employees to work less than their call in
    guarantee, nor may employees be scheduled to work
    if they are not available to work the entire
    guarantee. However, an employee may waive a
    guarantee in case of illness or personal
    emergency. This procedure is addressed in the
    ELM, Section 432.63.

  • Scenario 9
  • Carrier A is not on the OTDL, management
    determines that 45 minutes of overtime or
    auxiliary assistance is necessary. Carrier B is
    the T-6 for carrier As route and is on the work
    assignments list. Who should be assigned to work
    the overtime for carrier A?

  • Carrier A is not on the OTDL, management
    determines that 45 minutes of overtime or
    auxiliary assistance is necessary. Carrier B is
    the T-6 for carrier As route and is on the work
    assignments list. Who should be assigned to
    overtime for carrier A?
  • Carrier B.
  • JCAM page 8-20
  • Carrier Technicians on the Work Assignment List
    are considered available for overtime on any of
    the routes on their string. Subject to the
    penalty overtime exceptions discussed above, this
    provision should be applied as follows
  • A Carrier Technician who has signed for work
    assignment overtime has both a right and an
    obligation to work any overtime that occurs on
    any of the five component routes on a regularly
    scheduled day.

  • Scenario 10
  • Carrier A is on the OTDL, management determines
    that 45 minutes of overtime or auxiliary
    assistance is necessary. Carrier B is the T-6 for
    carrier As route and is on the work assignments
    list. Who should be assigned to overtime for

  • Carrier A is on the OTDL, management determines
    that 45 minutes of overtime or auxiliary
    assistance is necessary. Carrier B is the T-6 for
    carrier As route and is on the work assignments
    list. Who should be assigned to overtime for
    carrier A?
  • Carrier B.
  • JCAM page 8-20
  • When overtime is required on the regularly
    scheduled day of the route of a carrier who is on
    the ODL and whose Carrier Technician is on the
    work assignment list, the Carrier Technician is
    entitled to work the overtime.

  • You are in an office that has 10 routes, and is
    staffed with 12 full time regulars, 2 PTFs and
    one casual. 2 of the 12 full time regulars are on
    the 12 hour OTDL, and 2 are on work assignment.
    One of the carriers on the work assignment list
    is the T-6 for routes 1, 2, 3, 4 5. The
    remaining work assignment carrier is on route 3.
    You must assign the overtime for the next
    scenarios in accordance with Article 8.

  • It is Saturday the first day in the new pay
    period. You determine that a total of 19 hours
    of overtime is needed to cover the duty
    assignments for the day. One OTDL carrier is on
    their SDO, and the other is on a regularly
    scheduled day The PTF is on AL for the day. The
    carrier on their SDO is taking 8 of the 19 hours
    leaving 10 hours remaining to cover. 8 of those
    10 hours are due to a vacant assignment. 2 hours
    are for routes on which the carrier is not on
    any overtime desired list.
  • Route 1 OTDL carrier on SDO 10 hours OT
    Route 6 R needs 2 OT
  • Route 2 R Route 7 T-6 needs 2 OT
  • Route 3 R Route 8 R needs 3 OT
  • Route 4 casual Route 9 R
    needs 1 hour OT
  • Route 5 T-6 Route 10 R needs 1
    hours OT
  • How do you schedule the overtime?

  • Schedule the T-6 on work assignment for 2 hours
    overtime on route 1. The casual can be scheduled
    to carry the 3 hours from route 8. The remaining
    OTDL carrier will carry 2 hours from either route
    6 or 7. All other remaining OT will be carried
    by the regular carriers who are on their
    regularly scheduled day on routes 9 10 , and
    either route 6 or 7 depending on who received the
    auxiliary assistance. The OTDL is unable to
    provide any further assistance as they would be
    in a penalty situation. As long as the remaining
    overtime can be completed by the regular carrier
    on their regularly scheduled route on their
    regularly scheduled day no violation occurred.
  • The casual is limited by the time restrictions
    contained in the ELM.
  • ELM 432.32 Maximum Hours Allowed
  • Except as designated in labor agreements for
    bargaining unit employees or in
  • emergency situations as determined by the
    postmaster general (or
  • designee), employees may not be required to work
    more than 12 hours in 1
  • service day. In addition, the total hours of
    daily service, including scheduled
  • workhours, overtime, and mealtime, may not be
    extended over a period
  • longer than 12 consecutive hours. Postmasters and
    exempt employees are
  • excluded from these provisions.

  • On Monday the casual and 2 full time regular
    carriers, which includes the T-6 who is on the
    work assignment list call in sick leaving 2
    assignments vacant. You determine that a total
    of 21 hours of overtime to cover the vacant
    assignment and to complete the remaining approved
    overtime. How should the overtime be assigned?
  • Route 1 R OTDL needs 2 hours OT Route 6
    (sick) needs 8 OT
  • Route 2 R OTDL Route 7 R
  • Route 3 R Route 8 T-6 needs 2
    hours OT
  • Route 4 (sick) needs 8 hours OT Route 9
    R needs 1 hour OT
  • Route 5 PTF Route 10 R

  • The PTF on route 5 should be assigned to work to
    11.5 hours. The OTDL carrier on route 1 should
    be assigned an additional 2 hours of overtime.
    The remaining OTDL carrier on route 2 should be
    assigned an additional 4 hours of overtime.
    There are 9 hours of overtime remaining after
    utilizing all available auxiliary assistance. By
    juniority management should mandate carriers to
    cover the remaining overtime. The regulars on
    routes 8 9 will work their own overtime.
    Carriers on routes 3, 7 10 should be mandated
    to work 2 hours overtime each and the carrier on
    route 9 should be mandated to work the remaining
    ½ hour of overtime. Even though the carrier on
    route 9 is already working overtime on their own
    assignment the remaining carriers not on the OTDL
    are all working 10 hours. In accordance with
    Article 8.5. F
  • 8.5.F F. Excluding December, no full-time regular
    employee will be required
  • to work overtime on more than four (4) of the
    employees five (5)
  • scheduled days in a service week or work over ten
    (10) hours on a regularly
  • scheduled day, over eight (8) hours on a
    non-scheduled day, or
  • over six (6) days in a service week.

  • On Tuesday the regular carrier on route 6 calls
    in sick. The casual and PTF carriers are being
    used to cover routes 4 5 who are on annual
    leave for the day . You determine that a total
    of 15 hours of overtime or assistance is needed
    to cover the vacant assignment and to complete
    delivery of the remaining assignments. The PTF
    and casual each need an additional 3.5 hours to
    complete their assigned duties. How should the
    overtime be assigned?
  • Route 1 R OTDL Route 6
    (sick) needs 8 OT
  • Route 2 R OTDL Route 7 R
  • Route 3 T-6 Route 8 R
  • Route 4 casual needs 3.5 hours to complete
    Route 9 R
  • Route 5 PTF needs 3.5 hours OT
    Route 10 T-6

  • The two carriers on the OTDL split route 6 and
    work up to 12 hours. The casual and PTF are
    assigned to carry the extra 3 ½ hours on the
    route that they are carrying for that day.

  • On Wednesday the carrier on route 4 calls in sick
    after his day of annual. The PTF is scheduled
    for route 6 and the casual is scheduled for route
    9. You determine that a total of 16.75 hours of
    additional time is necessary to cover all the
    assignments for the day. How should the
    overtime be assigned?
  • Route 1 R OTDL Route 6 PTF
    needs 1.5 hours
  • Route 2 R OTDL Route 7 R
  • Route 3 R needs 2 hours OT Route 8 T-6
    needs 2 hours OT
  • Route 4 (sick) needs 8 hours OT Route 9
    casual needs 1.25 hours
  • Route 5 T-6 Route 10 R needs 2
    hours OT

  • The T-6 scheduled for route 5 should be assigned
    to provide the 2 hours of assistance to route 3.
    The two OTDL carriers split route 4 and work up
    to 12 hours. The PTF is assigned to 2 hours on
    route 8 and the casual is assigned the 2 hours on
    route 10 in addition to the time it will require
    them to complete their respective assignments.

  • On Thursday the casual carrier had an emergency
    and could not come to work. The carrier on route
    4 called in sick again. Additionally, you have
    determined that the OTDL carrier on route one has
    reached 20 hours of overtime for the week. You
    have determined that it will take 17.50
    additional hours to cover your assignments for
    the day. How should you assign the overtime?
  • Route 1 R OTDL needs 2 hours OT Route
    6 T-6
  • Route 2 R OTDL Route 7 R
  • Route 3 PTF needs 3.25 hours OT Route 8 R
    needs 2 hours OT
  • Route 4 (sick) needs 8 hours OT Route 9
    R needs 1 hour OT
  • Route 5 T-6 Route 10 R needs
    1.25 hours OT

  • The T-6 on route 5 should be assigned the 2 hours
    of overtime from OTDL carrier on route 1 as he is
    no longer available to work ANY overtime. 4
    hours of the vacant route 4 should be assigned to
    the remaining OTDL carrier bring his total to 12
    hours for the day. The PTF should be assigned to
    carry the 3.5 hours on his assignment for the
    day. The Non-OTDL carriers on routes 8, 9 10
    should be assigned to carry their own overtime.
    Then management will mandate by juniority the
    Non-OTDL carriers to cover the remaining 4 hours
    of the vacant assignment.

  • On Thursday afternoon you begin planning for the
    Friday schedule. You are already aware that one
    of your OTDL carriers has reached 20 hours of
    overtime. The remaining OTDL carrier will be at
    18 hours by the end of the day and Friday is
    his/her non-scheduled day. The casual carrier is
    still out with an emergency and the carrier on
    route 4 is still out sick. The carrier on route
    5 will be attending the NALC convention and will
    not be at work on Friday.
  • Route 1 R OTDL Route 6 T-6
  • Route 2 T-6 Route 7 R
  • Route 3 R Route 8 R
  • Route 4 (sick) Route 9 R
  • Route 5 PTF Route 10 R

  • Since the OTDL carrier has worked 18 hours of
    overtime they would not be available to work an 8
    hour shift and management is not required to
    bring them in. The Non-OTDL carrier on route 6
    should be mandated to work their non scheduled
    day as there is no other assistance available.

  • On Friday you mandated the non-OTDL carrier from
    route 6 to work the vacant route 4. However,
    there is still 15 hours of assistance needed to
    complete delivery of the mail and no carriers on
    the 10 or 12 hour list available to work
    overtime. How should you assign the overtime?
  • Route 1 R OTDL needs 2 hours Route 6
    T-6 needs 1 hour
  • Route 2 T-6 needs 2 hours Route 7 R
    needs 1 hour
  • Route 3 R needs 1 hour Route 8 R needs
    1 hour
  • Route 4 non-OTDL route 6 needs 9 hours Route
    9 R needs 1 hour
  • Route 5 PTF needs 3.5 hours Route 10 R
    needs 1 hour

  • The T-6 on route 2 should be scheduled to carry
    the 2 hours on route 1 for the unavailable OTDL
    carrier. Management will mandate by juniority one
    carrier to carry the 1 hour from the non-OTDL
    carrier on route 4 scheduled in on his SDO. All
    remaining overtime is carrier by the regular
    carriers on the route.

  • Remedies for violations of Article 8.
  • The following remedies were agreed to by the
    parties apply only to offices which do not have
    locally negotiated grievance settlements which
    require a higher monetary remedy.
  • Under no circumstances should any settlement be
    made which provide for a higher monetary remedy
    than is identified in the JCAM or has been agreed
    to the Area parties without first consulting with
    Labor Relations.

  • If for any reason, violations of the 12 and 60
    hour limits occur the appropriate remedy is an
    additional 50 of the regular straight time rate
    if a timely grievance is filed. The additional
    50 is the exclusive remedy for such violations
    and management under no circumstances should
    agree to anything is excess of that amount for
    these violations.
  • Reference JCAM page
  • The parties agree that with the exception of
    December, full-time
  • employees are prohibited from working more than
    12 hours in a single
  • work day or 60 hours within a service week. In
    those limited
  • instances where this provision is or has been
    violated and a timely
  • grievance filed, full-time employees will be
    compensated at an additional
  • premium of 50 percent of the base hourly straight
    time rate for
  • those hours worked beyond the 12 or 60 hour
  • National Arbitrator Snow held in A90N-4A-C
    94042668, November 30,
  • 1998 (C-18926) that the Memorandum of
    Understanding above (M-
  • 00859) provides the exclusive remedy for
    violations of the 12 and 60
  • hour work limits in Article 8.5.G.2.

  • Without prejudice to our respective position on
    remedies, the undersigned agree that in those
    situations where a letter carrier is utilized for
    work that should have been assigned to an
    overtime desired list carrier or work assignment
    overtime desired list carrier, in violation of
    either the letter carrier paragraph of the
    National Memorandum of Understanding on Overtime
    or Article 8, Section 5.G of the National
    Agreement, normally the appropriate remedies will
    be to compensate the overtime desired list
    carrier at the appropriate rate for the missed
    opportunity and to compensate the inappropriately
    worked letter carrier an additional fifty per
    cent (50) of straight time for the amount of
    time inappropriately worked (we recognize that
    the National MOU, Re Article 8 provides
    normally no monetary remedy for a carrier
    improperly required to work overtime on his own
    route we have agreed that this exemption
    applies to circumstances that are not frequent
    and/or repetitive). We further agree that in such
    circumstances where such occurrences exist or
    have existed, the parties should normally apply
    these appropriate remedies at the earliest
    possible step of the grievance-arbitration
  • It is further understood that either Regional /
    Area party may unilaterally discontinue this
    agreement by notification to the other Party in
    writing at any time.
  • Connely / Hart Agreement 4-14-03


  • Article 3 gives management the exclusive right
  • To direct employees of the Employer in the
    performance of official
  • duties
  • B. To hire, promote, transfer, assign, and retain
    employees in positions
  • within the Postal Service and to suspend, demote,
    discharge, or take
  • other disciplinary action against such employees
  • C. To maintain the efficiency of the operations
    entrusted to it
  • D. To determine the methods, means, and personnel
    by which such
  • operations are to be conducted
  • E. To prescribe a uniform dress to be worn by
    letter carriers and other
  • designated employees and
  • F. To take whatever actions may be necessary to
    carry out its mission
  • in emergency situations, i.e., an unforeseen
    circumstance or a combination
  • of circumstances which calls for immediate action
    in a situation
  • which is not expected to be of a recurring

  • The language in the Memorandum of Understanding
    Re Article 8, provides language were management
    may move off of the list and use non OTDL
    carriers to work overtime off of their
    assignments when OTDL carriers are working at the
    same time.
  • JCAM page 8-26
  • The new provisions of Article 8 contain different
    restrictions than the old , the new language is
    not intended to change existing practices
    relating to use of employees not on the overtime
    desired list when there are insufficient
    employees on the list available to meet the
    overtime needs. For example, if there are five
    available employees on the overtime desired list
    and five not on it, and if 10 workhours are
    needed to get the mail out within the next hour,
    all ten employees may be required to work
    overtime. But if there are 2 hours within which
    to get the mail out, then only the five on the
    overtime desired list may be required to work.

  • Arbitral authority has held that management is
    within their right to establish an operational
    window so long as its creation is based on valid
    operational constraints, efficiency and service
    standards. The establishment of an operational
    window can not be done simply to circumvent
    Article 8.
  • For example if your last dispatch leaves your
    facility at 600 P.M. it would not be valid to
    establish the end of your operational window at
    430. A more supportable time frame to establish
    your window may be 530 P.M. or 545 P.M.

  • If attempting to argue an operational widow as
    part of a grievance you must supply all
    supporting documentation. At a minimum the truck
    schedules for the arrivals in the morning and
    departure in the evening of the transportation
    should be included. The pull down times for the
    clerks bringing the mail to the carriers should
    be included. Time records of the carriers showing
    their return times must also be included in the
    case file.

  • Management should be prepared to show that the
    window is based upon valid operational reasons
    such as the last dispatch of mail, that carriers
    consistently return by the close of he window and
    that all OTDL employees were gainfully employed
    during he same time frame. At a minimum at least
    every manager should know the time frame of the
    operational window in that facility, if all
    employees know it will improve your position in
    the case. If you are unable to document the
    basic evidence needed to be successful you will
    be unable to establish a valid window and will be
    unsuccessful in the grievance procedure.
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