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Title: LAYTIME AND DEMURRAGE RECENT CASES Author: Lawfirm Last modified by: Lawfirm Created Date: 9/24/2006 7:21:18 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • TokyoMay 12, 2009
  • William J. Honan
  • Holland Knight LLP

Clause 5, Part II, ASBATANKVOY
  • 5. LAYDAYS. Laytime shall not commence before
    the date stipulated in Part I, except with
    Charterer's sanction . . .

Clause 6, Part II, ASBATANKVOY
  • 6. NOTICE OF READINESS. Upon arrival at
    customary anchorage at each port of loading or
    discharge, the Master or his agent shall give the
    Charterer or his agent notice by letter,
    telegraph, wireless or telephone that the vessel
    is ready to load or discharge cargo, berth or no
    berth, and laytime, as hereinafter provided,
    shall commence upon the expiration of six (6)
    hours after receipt of such notice, or upon the
    vessel's arrival in berth . . . whichever first
    occurs. However, irrespective of whether the
    berth is reachable on arrival or not where delay
    is caused to Vessel getting into berth after
    giving notice of readiness for any reason over
    which Charterer has no control, such a delay
    shall not count as used laytime or demurrage. In
    any event, Charterer shall be entitled to six
    hours notice of readiness at loading and
    discharging ports, even if the vessel is on

Issue No. 1
  • 1. If a vessel arrives prior to commencement of
    the laydays and is ready to load, is the vessel
    under an obligation to give its notice of

Issue No. 2
  • 2. If the vessel gives its notice of readiness
    prior to the commencement of laydays, does the
    six hour free period begin running upon the
    giving of the notice of readiness or at midnight
    of the first layday?

Issue No. 3
  • 3. Does the giving of an early notice of
    readiness require the charterer to commence
    loading immediately (or at least 6 hours

Issue No. 4
  • 4. If the charterer upon receipt of the early
    notice of readiness, orders the vessel to a
    berth, can the vessel refuse?

Issue No. 5
  • 5. If the charterer orders the vessel to its
    berth upon receipt of the early notice of
    readiness and begins loading the vessel, all
    before the commencement of the laydays, does the
    time used prior to the first layday count as

Mr. Justice Langleys Holding
  • 1. "Laytime never started at all, with the
    consequence not only that the owners have earned
    no demurrage, but also that they are obliged to
    pay the charterers despatch money for the whole
    of the laytime."
  • 2. Charterers awareness that discharge had
    commenced without protesting or reserving its
    rights was not itself a sufficient happening to
    cause laytime start.

Northgate Clause 6
  • Vessel is to give its NOR upon arrival at the
    inner anchorage at Sepetiba but may give its NOR
    at the outer anchorage if space is unavailable in
    the inner anchorage.

Judge Siberry said
  • . . . , I consider that is a matter of
    commercial practicality, such an intended
    recipient of the NOR must have implied authority
    to waive a condition as to the commencement of

He continued
  • . . . if Charterer did not communicate the
    Northgate charter terms to the Terminal/MBR
    and/or give specific instructions that NOR was
    not to be accepted from the other anchorage
    unless the vessel was compelled to wait there
    because the inner anchorage was congested, it
    seems to me that they i.e., the Charterer took
    the risk that the Terminal/MBR would accept a NOR
    that could have been rejected under the Northgate
    Charter and thereby waive Charterers' right to
    invoke the invalidity of that NOR.

Clause 6, Part II, ASATANKBOY
  • Upon arrival at customary anchorage at each port
    of . . . discharge, the Master shall give the
    Charterer . . . notice . . . that the Vessel is
    ready to discharge . . . .

The arbitrators said
  • In the tribunal's view "anchorage" in clause 6
    could not be read too literally. The situation
    in the waters off Lagos was notorious . . . . To
    deprive an owner of the right to give a valid
    notice of readiness under the Asbatankvoy form of
    charter in such circumstances seemed to the
    tribunal wholly unreasonable and not what the
    parties could have intended.

Agios Dimitrios Clauses 23(b) and 25
  • Clause 23(b)
  • At loading port(s) when tendering notice of
    readiness, Vessel's cargo holds and hatch covers
    shall be clean, dry of loose rust and otherwise
    ready and suitable to receive the intended cargo.
  • Clause 25
  • Crew and mechanical failure time lost at
    loading and/discharging port(s) which can be
    reasonably attributed to crew and/or ship's
    mechanical failure, shall not be counted as
    laytime or time on demurrage.

Nikmary Facts Summary
  • The vessel arrived at the port of Sikka to load a
    cargo of gasoil on December 2 and proceeded
    immediately to its berth.
  • The vessel's tanks were inspected on December 3rd
    by an independent surveyor appointed by the
    charterer and were rejected.
  • The supplier, Reliance Petroleum Limited, was
    prepared to supply the cargo on December 3rd.
  • The vessel's crew cleaned the holds and, on
    December 5, the two surveyors, one appointed by
    the owner and the other appointed by the
    charterer passed the holds and the vessel gave
    its valid NOR to the receiver.
  • No cargo was forthcoming and, on December 9,
    Reliance notified the charterer that due to its
    other commitments, the Nikmary would not be
    loaded until the end of the month.
  • Loading in fact did not commence until January 3.

Nikmary Clause 30(c)(v)
  • Owner shall indemnify Charter for all direct
    and/or indirect costs and consequences as a
    result of the Vessel not being clean to the
    satisfaction of jointly appointed inspector and .
    . . all time until connection of hoses, after the
    Vessel has been passed as clean to the
    satisfaction of jointly appointed inspector shall
    not count as laytime or, if on demurrage, as time
    on demurrage.

Charterers Duty to Provide Cargo
  • A voyage charterer owes an absolute and
    non-delegable duty to provide cargo for loading
  • Charter exceptions will normally be read as
    protecting a charterer only in respect of its
    duty to load, and not as covering its duty to
    provide a cargo.

Clause 23
  • 23. Charterers shall be discharged and
    released from all liability in respect of any
    claim for demurrage which Owners may have under
    this Charter unless a claim in writing has been
    presented to Charterers together with supporting
    documentation substantiating each and every
    constituent part of the claim within 90 days of
    the completion of discharge of the cargo carried

Owner argued
  • 1. the absence of the vessel officer's
    signature was of no relevance indeed, it was
    prepared to sign the pumping logs anytime.
  • 2. the Charterer was shown to have received
    pumping logs signed by its own representative
    within the 90 day period.
  • 3. even if the discharge port demurrage was
    time barred, due to the absence of a signed
    pumping log, the Owner should be able to recover
    the demurrage that it incurred at the load port.

Mrs. Justice Gloster held
  • 1. There as a significant commercial purpose in
    requiring a signature of a vessel's officer for
    someone should be identified that is willing to
    confirm its accuracy.
  • 2. The Charterer should have the documents in
    one package and should not have to review its own
    files or make its own investigation.
  • 3. Clause 23 refers to a single claim and there
    is no suggestion that part of a claim would be
    permitted if the Owner's submission was defective.

Mr. Justice Steel ruled
  • . . . I am not persuaded that . . . the failure
    to provide all "supporting documentation" . . .
    for one constituent part of the claim discharged
    liability for the entire demurrage claim.

Time Bar General Principles
  • 1. Contractual time bars are enforced.
  • 2. Arbitrators require strict compliance to
    satisfy contractual time bars. Substantial
    compliance probably is insufficient.
  • 3. Contractual time bars are enforced even if
    there is no dispute concerning the claim in
  • 4. Contractual time bars are construed strictly
    against the drafter.

Time Bar Practice Tips
  • 1. If the Owner
  • a) seek to eliminate altogether
  • b) make the clauses mutually applicable
  • c) provide as long a period as possible
  • d) provide training to the persons handling
  • 2. If the Charterer
  • a) include all claims not just demurrage and
  • b) draft the clause so as to avoid obvious

Eland S.M.A. 4027 (March 4, 2009)
  • The term "WVNS," coupled with a description of
    the cargo segregation system, exists primarily to
    protect owners . . . from being compelled to load
    different cargoes in such manner as to result in
    potential cargo claims. It is not a descriptive
    phrase that charterers . . . can waive in order
    to maximize the amount of cargo intake.
  • . . . Since the Owner did not have to follow the
    improper voyage orders, it could impose, within
    reason, any conditions it felt necessary to
    protect its contractual rights.

Elinda S.M.A. 4006 (May 30, 2008)
  • Should the vessel be off-hire for more than
    fifteen (15) days, charterer shall have the
    option to cancel the charter party provided there
    is no cargo onboard.

Clause 23
  • Charterer to give 30 days notice with 10 days
    notice laycan speed and Owners to nominate the
    vessel latest 10 days prior first day with
    complete itinerary of he vessel . . . .

Charterer instructed
  • "Baltimore/Constanza shipment 5 under the
    subject COA 5/14 Oct.
  • then
  • ". . . would like to move the laycan for
    shipment 5 to 21/30 Oct.

Charterer replied
  • Actually the stem 5/14 has moved to 22/30 by the
    shippers because of cargo availability in this
    port. Therefore requesting owners for this
    amendment .

Mr. Justice Steel held
  • ... , in my judgment, as soon as the notice is
    given the owners can rely on it. The idea that
    over the period of 20 days before the nomination
    of the vessel has to be made the charterers can
    change the lays on dates as frequently and as
    substantially as they see fit, or even thereafter
    up to the stage that an estoppel be clearly
    established, is commercially unreal and uncertain.

Redelivery Clause
  • . . . charterers are to give Owners not less
    than 30 days followed by 20/5/10/7 days notice of
    approximate redelivery date and intended port
    thereafter 5/3/2/1 days definite notice of
    redelivery date and port.

Charterer stated
  • approximate notice of redelivery for the MV
    Zenovia at DLOSP 1 sp China on about 04 Nov 2007
    basis agw, wp, wog, uce

Charterer revised instruction
  • Pls note that we hereby revise the date of
    redelivery to owners to about Nov. 20th within
    the range of redelivery.

Panel held
  • 1) the Owner had relied on Charterer's
    statement in refixing its vessel on the
    assumption that it would have the vessel back on
    about Nov. 4 (promissory estoppel).
  • 2) there was implied a term that, when an
    approximate date is given by the Charterer, the
    Charterer was obliged "not to do anything
    deliberately which prevents that approximate date
    being met."

Mr. Justice Tomlinson
  • 1) If the arbitrators believed the acronym "WP"
    stood for "without prejudice" those words should
    have put the Owner on notice that Charterer could
    change the approximate redelivery date.
  • 2) To imply a term in a negotiated contract,
    the term must be so obvious that the parties
    must have intended it for a part of the contract.
    Pointing to the notice periods (30/20/10/7
    approx 5/3/2/1 definite), the Court stated that
    "in my judgment the very structure of that
    regime militates against any argument that the
    parties must be bound to have agreed that the
    giving of the first notice constrained

For Promissory Estoppel
  • (i) a clear and equivocal representation by the
    charterers that they were giving up their rights
    (that is, giving up their right to retain the
    vessel until November 22) and
  • (ii) owner acted in reliance on that
    representation in a way that would make it
    inequitable to permit charterer to change its

  • TokyoMay 12, 2009
  • William J. Honan
  • Holland Knight LLP
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