Title: Development company A Development
1Development company A Development
2Investment concept
- Investment purpose
- The investment purpose of development
company A Development is acquisition of stable
income from warehouse immovables rental revenues
and profit earnings at sale of properties due to
increase in their cost. - Investment strategy
- The warehouse immovables building of class A
and B on Moscow region territory is based on the
following principles - Good location, High quality
- Benefits for A Development partners
- Investment into booming market of warehouse
immovables - Annual investment income from warehouse
immovables rental revenues - Annual increase in building value hedge
against inflation
3Location of existing high quality warehouses on
Highway Allocation
1. Leningradskoe 32
2. Yaroslavskoe 10
3. Simferopolskoe 9
4. Novoryazanskoe 9
5. Kashirskoe 6
6. Other highways 31
4Classification of current projects and new high
quality warehouse development on highways, sq. m.
5Demand analysis on size of rented area
QI 2005
QI 2005
6Approximate rental rates for warehouses of class
A and B depending on the remoteness from MKAD
Remoteness from MKAD, km Rental rates, /sq. m/year
0 (MKAD) 140
from 5 to 10 125135
from 10 to 20 115135
from 20 to 30 105130
All rates are put without VAT (18) and
operation expenses.
7 Standard conditions of agreements
Class A Class B
Lease term 5-10 years 110-130/sq. m/ per year 3-5 years 90 110/sq. m/ per year
Base rate (abating operational expenses and municipal costs) (abating operational expenses and municipal costs)
Operation expenses 25-30/sq. m/ per year 25-30/sq. m/ per year
Municipal costs 8 -12/sq. m/ per year 6-10/sq. m/ per year
Insurance deposit 1-3 months 1 month
Prepayment 1-3 months 1 month
VAT 18 18
Other expenses can be partially included by the
owner in rental rate (for instance, heating).
8Property of investment
- Property selection criterion
- Property type warehouse immovables of class A
and B - Properties Property put in operation avoiding
development risk, with predictable income of
rent and industrial landed property (long lease)
with design documentation ready for warehouse
construction. - Location strategic highways of Moscow region.
- Target yield of project
- Current yield (lease) from 10 to 16 yearly
depending on property type - Increase in property value from 5 yearly.
- Transparent structure of property acquisition
agreement - Area from 8 to 100 thousand sq. m
- Property cost increase potential
- Cost
- minimum 5 million
- maximum 100 million