Lesson One - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lesson One


Lesson One TSWBAT: CO 1. Summarize three main reasons why you eat. CO 2. Analyze the information contained on food labels. LO 1. Give examples of how the factors ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lesson One

Lesson One
TSWBAT CO 1. Summarize three main reasons why
you eat. CO 2. Analyze the information contained
on food labels.
LO 1. Give examples of how the factors influence
food choices. Personal preference Cultural
background Time and convenience Friends The media
Critical Vocabulary
Hunger Appetite
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Daily Values
Choosing Food Wisely
  • You eat for several reasons to meet you
    nutritional needs, to satisfy your appetite, and
    to supply your body with energy. Hunger is a
    feeling of physical discomfort that is caused by
    your bodys need for nutrients. Appetite is a
    desire for food that is based on emotional and
    other factors rather than nutritional need for
    food that is based on emotional and other factors
    rather than nutritional need.
  • Your bodys nutritional needs are related to your
    basal metabolic rate. Basal metabolic rate (BMR)
    is the rate at which you use energy when your
    body is at rest. Your level of activity also
    affects your calorie.

Factors influencing food choices
  • Your food choices are based on many factors.
    These factors include personal preferences,
    cultural background, time and convenience,
    friends, and the media.
  • When choosing foods, it is important to read
    and evaluate the information on the food label.
    The information includes nutrition facts,
    nutrient and health claims, Daily Values, and
    freshness date. The United States Food and Drug
    Administration (FDA) requires that food labels
    list specific nutrition facts about a food. These
    facts include calorie and nutrient content and
    health claims that can be printed on a food

  • Nutritionists have developed a tool called
    Daily Values to help people make good food
    choices. Daily Values are recommendations that
    specify the amounts of certain nutrients that the
    average person should obtain each year. Food
    labels list the percent Daily Values for each
    nutrient in the food. Labels on prepared foods
    also include open dates that give consumers an
    idea of how long the food will be fresh and safe
    to eat. Three kinds of dates are the sell-by
    date, the best-if-used-by date, and the
    do-not-use-after date.

Warm Up
  • Quick quiz How many of these statements are true
    for you?
  • Writing Look over your responses. What did you
    learn about your eating patterns?

Why You Eat
  • Complete the graphic organizer about why you eat.

Main Idea You eat for several reasons to meet you nutritional needs, to satisfy your appetite, and to supply you body with energy
Hunger is
Basal Metabolic Rate
a. _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________
c. _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________
Appetite is
b. _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________
Evaluating Food Choices
2. Give an example of how each of the following
factors affects your food choices.
  1. Personal preference ______________________________
  2. Cultural background ______________________________
  3. Time and convenience _____________________________
  4. Friends __________________________________________
  5. The media ________________________________________

Evaluating Food Choices
3. Complete the outline by adding details about
the information that is available on food
  • Evaluating Food Choices __________________________
  • A. Food Labels ______________________________
  • B. Nutrient and health claims
  • C. Daily Values _____________________________
  • D. Open dates _______________________________

  • List three main reasons why people eat.
  • What is hunger? Distinguish hunger from appetite.
  • What is basal metabolic rate? How does your basal
    metabolic rate affect your calorie needs?
  • List three types of information included on a
    food label to help you evaluate the food.
  • What is meant by percent Daily Value? How are
    Daily Values useful as a guide to eating?
  • Critical Thinking
  • Evaluating how do time and convenience affect the
    food choices you make? Give two examples.

Lesson Quiz 1
  1. B
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. True
  7. False
  8. False
  9. True
  10. True

Lesson Two
CO 1. Examine how heredity, activity level, and
body composition influence a persons weight. CO
2. Calculate your body mass index. CO 3. Identify
health problems associated with being
overweight. CO 4. Summarize strategies for losing
or gaining weight. LO 2. Calculate your body
mass index.
Critical Vocabulary
Body Composition Body mass index Overweight
Obesity Underweight Fad diet
Safely Managing Your Weight
  • A persons weight is determined by various
    factors, including heredity, level of activity,
    and body composition. Based on your family
    history, you may have a natural tendency toward a
    certain weight. Your activity level influences
    your weight the more active you are, the more
    calories you burn. Body composition is a measure
    of how much body fat you have, as compared to
    muscle and bone. Sex and age affect your body
  • One simple way to assess whether your weight
    falls within a healthy range is to calculate your
    body mass index. Body mass index (BMI) is a ratio
    of your weight to your height.
  • The number of people in the United States who
    are overweight is increasing. Being overweight
    can lead to serious health problems, including
    heart disease and diabetes. Overweight describes
    a person who is heavier than the standard for the
    persons height. Obesity (oh bee sih tee) refers
    specifically to adults who have a BMI of 30 of

Health Risks
  • The health risks associated with being
    overweight include high blood pressure, excess
    cholesterol in the blood, excess glucose in the
    blood, heart disease, stroke, and certain
    cancers. Managing your weight can help prevent
    these health risks.
  • Underweight describe a person who is lighter
    than the standard for the persons height. Being
    underweight can be linked to health problems such
    as anemia, heart irregularities, and trouble
    regulating body temperature.
  • Sensible weight management involves avoiding
    dangerous diet plans, choosing nutritionally
    balanced meals and snacks, and getting regular
    exercise. Fad diets, diet aids, and fasting are
    unsafe ways to lose of gain weight. A fad diet is
    a popular diet that may help a person lose of
    gain weight without proper regard for nutrition
    and other health issues. Fad diets can place the
    dieters health at risk.

Weight Loss Strategies
  • Some strategies for safe and sensible weight
    loss include recognizing your eating patterns,
    planning helpful weight-loss strategies, and
    exercise. Strategies for sensible and safe weight
    gain include increasing your calorie intake by
    choosing nutrient-dense foods and exercising

Warm Up
  • Health Stats What health trend do these
    statistics reveal?
  • Writing What changes might help reverse this
    trend? How successful do you think the changes
    would be?

What Weight is Right for You?
  • List three factors that play a role in
    determining your weight.
  • a. __________________________________________
  • b. __________________________________________
  • c. __________________________________________

Body Mass Index
2. Complete the flowchart with steps you should
follow to calculate your body mass index
Step 1 a. ___________________
Step 2 b. ____________________
Step 3 c. ____________________
Overweight and Obesity
3. List four health problems associated with
being overweight. a. ________________________
__________________________ b.
c. _________________________________________
_________ d. ________________________________
Underweight 4. List three health problems that
can be linked to being underweight. a.
b. _________________________________________
_________ c. ________________________________
Healthy Weight Management
  • 5. For each of the strategies listed
    below,decide whether it is sensible and safe
    approach for losing or gaining weight. Write
    weight loss, weight gain, both, or neither in the
    space provided.
  • Fad diet _________________________________________
  • Regular exercise _________________________________
  • Balanced diet ____________________________________
  • Skipping meals ___________________________________

  • On the next slide are descriptions of several
    teens facing different weight management issues.
    For each person, make a recommendation about what
    the person should do in the situation described.
    Be sure to consider all of the factors that could
    influence the persons decision before making
    your recommendation.

  • 1.Joshs doctor has told Josh that he needs to
    lose some weight. But Joshs friends always go
    out to fast food restaurants. How can Josh eat
    healthy when out with friends?
  • 2. Teresa leads a busy life-shes on Student
    Counsel, sings in the school chorus, and has a
    lead in the school play. She doesnt have time to
    exercise or eat right, although she knows she
    should. What can she do?
  • 3. Hector is tall and thin, like the rest of his
    family. He wants to put on some weight and hopes
    to make the football team next year. Hectors
    family ha never been concerned about health
    eating, but now, Hector thinks he should be.
  • 4. Sophia and her best friends have challenged
    each other to a weight loss competition. Sophia
    is planning to go on the new low-carb diet she
    has heard a lot of people talking about. What
    advise would you give Sophia?

  • Briefly describe how heredity, activity level,
    and body composition can affect a persons
  • What is the formula for calculating body mass
    index? What does it mean for someone to have a
    healthy body mass index?
  • What are two diseases associated with being
    overweight? What health risks are associated with
    being underweight?
  • What is a fad diet? Describe two problems
    associated with fad diets.
  • Why is exercise an important part of a
    weight-loss program? Why is exercise also
    important for gaining weight?
  • Critical Thinking
  • Evaluating Being overweight is more common in the
    United States than in many other countries. Why
    do you think that is in the case?

Lesson Quiz 2
  1. C
  2. F
  3. B
  4. E
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. D
  10. C

Lesson Three
CO 1. Examine how diabetics, vegetarians, people
with food sensitivities, and athletes can meet
their nutritional needs. LO 3. Complete a list
of health concerns and give diet tips for
diabetics, vegetarians, people with food
sensitivities and athletes, that will meet their
nutritional needs.
Critical Vocabulary
Vegetarian Vegan
Food Allergy Food Intolerance
Carbohydrate Loading
Warm Up
  • Dear Advice Line,
  • Writing Write a response to this teen to help
    solve the problem.

Nutrition for Individual Needs
  • Diabetes is a disease with dietary requirements
    that can help people manage their condition. Poor
    nutritional habits and being overweight increases
    the risk of type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a
    condition in which the blood contains high levels
    of glucose. Eating balanced meals on a regular
    schedule, monitoring carbohydrate intake, and
    controlling weight are important for managing
  • A vegetarian is a person who does not eat meat.
    A vegan is a vegetarian who does not eat only
    food that comes from an animal source. Because
    vegetarians exclude certain foods from their
    diets, they need to plan their food choices
    carefully to avoid potential health risks.
    Benefits of a vegetarian diet can include a lower
    BMI and a lower risk of heart disease and type 2
    diabetes. Vegetarians must plan their diets
    carefully to make sure that they get all the
    amino acids their bodies need to build proteins
    as well as adequate supplies of vitamins and

  • People with food sensitivities, which include
    food allergies and food intolerances, may require
    special diets. A food allergy is a response by
    the immune system to the proteins in certain
    foods. Symptoms of food allergies appear suddenly
    and can be severe. People with allergies to
    certain foods should avoid those foods. A food
    intolerance is an inability to digest a
    particular food or food additives. Symptoms of
    food intolerance can be harder to recognize than
    symptoms of allergies.
  • Athletes need a well-balanced diet with the
    recommended amounts of carbohydrates, fats, and
    proteins. Athletes need to consume extra calories
    to fuel their higher level of physical activity.
    They should also drink plenty of fluids,
    preferably water, to replace fluids lost in
    perspiration during physical activity.
    Carbohydrate loading is the practice of greatly
    increasing carbohydrate intake and decreasing
    exercise on the days immediately before
    competition. This is not necessary for the
    average athlete.

Diets for Diabetics
  • Diets for Diabetics
  • List there eating tips that diabetics should
  • ________________________________________________
  • ________________________________________________
  • _________________________________________________

Vegetarian Diets
2. Complete the concept map about the health
benefits and health risks of vegetarian diets.
Vegetarian Diets
health benefits
health risks
that includes
that includes
Food Sensitivities
3. Complete the table with symptoms and causes of
food allergies and food intolerances.

Sensitivity Symptoms
Common Causes Food allergy a._________
e. ________
b._________ f. ________
c. _________ g. ________
d. _________ h.
________ Food intolerance I. _________
m. _______ j.
_________ n. _______
k._________ o. _______
l. _________ p.
Healthy Diets for Athletes
4. Where do most nutritionists think that the
extra calories an athlete needs should come
from? ________________________________
___ 5. What factors determine the amount of
water needed by and athlete in competition?
____ 6. What is carbohydrate loading and is it
necessary for the average athlete?
Group Activity Special Diets
  • Individuals with special dietary needs
    include diabetics, vegetarians, and people with
    food sensitivities, and athletes. Health meals
    for special diets should include the nutrients a
    person needs while minimizing or eliminating
    foods that cause problems. Work with three other
    students. After each student in you group has
    filled in the information on the slide, share
    your answers with the rest of your group. You may
    want to modify some of your answers as you
    discuss them.

  • Diabetics
  • Health Concerns __________________________________
  • Diet Tips ________________________________________
  • 2. Vegetarians
  • Health Concerns __________________________________
  • Diet Tips ________________________________________
  • 3. People with Food Sensitivities
  • Health Concerns __________________________________
  • Diet Tips ________________________________________
  • 4. Athletes
  • Health Concerns __________________________________
  • Diet Tips ________________________________________

  • How can diabetics control the amount of
    carbohydrates in their diets?
  • What recommendation would you make to a
    vegetarian about his or her diet?
  • Why is it important to identify any food
    sensitivities that you may have?
  • List three diet-related recommendations that
    athletes should follow.
  • What is carbohydrate loading? What do athletes
    hope to gain from this practice?
  • Critical Thinking
  • Comparing and contrasting How do food allergies
    differ from food intolerances? Why might it be
    difficult to distinguish the two?

Lesson Quiz 3
  1. B
  2. F
  3. E
  4. A
  5. D
  6. D
  7. B
  8. A
  9. C
  10. A

Chapter 9 Test
19. Any three of the following the Number of
calories and how many of those calories are from
fat the amount of saturated fat, trans fat,
cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates, and protein
the product contains the percentage of Daily
Values for different nutrients ingredients. 20.
Any two of the following heredity (there is a
link between weight and heredity), level of
activity (the more active you are, the more
calories you burn), body composition (a measure
of body fat compared to muscle and bone).
11. F 12. False 13. True 14. True 15. False 16.
Nutrient claim 17. Daily Values 18. Underweight
  1. C
  2. D
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. G
  8. E
  9. B
  10. A
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