The Haunted Mansion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Haunted Mansion


Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Beth Albury Last modified by: Beth Albury Created Date: 4/23/2002 1:37:21 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: BethA73
Tags: hand | haunted | mansion | shake


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Haunted Mansion

The Haunted Mansion By Sarah P.
Hurray! Hurray! You exclaim when your mom
tells you youre going to live in a mansion for a
week because you won a contest. You call James
and Angelica to ask if they can come too. What
should you pack? Should your clothing be warm or
cold, light or dark?        Drive on over to the
mansion on page 2.
Back to Main Menu
Wow! It even looks good on the outside, James
exclaims, I cant imagine it inside! Mom says
they even have an indoor pool, a Jacuzzi, and
even a weight room. Angelica tells you she
feels like shes standing in front of the White
House and about to meet the president.         To
go to the door, go to page 3. To go in the back
yard, go to page 18.
Before you even touch the doorbell, a lady
answers the door wearing old worn-out clothing.
To you she looks kind of scary. You also notice
she has carved dragons head on top of her
cane. James whispers, Run. Then the lady
says, Hang on. I barely got to meet you, in a
nice voice.     To run, go to page 7. To go in
and meet the lady, go to page 9.
You walk down the hall, and every so often you
hear a dripping sound coming from
ahead. Finally! you shout when you see a
door. You suddenly hear two voices arguing
          Go to page 5.
You creep down the hall and open the door the
door a tiny bit. You trip on a board and kick
James so hard that he falls with you. You keep
falling down, and down, and down, and
down           The End!
Start Over
Go back
Sorry James, you say, but its too dangerous
down there. First I have to find Angelica. Ill
be right back. Then you carefully set off to
the door in search of a lost friend.          Go
to page 23!
You and your friends then run down the street,
and James looks back. The lady pounds her cane on
the ground and disappears into dust clouds,
sweeping on the ground. But youre still running.
Something appears in front of you. Its the witch
(lady). She grabs you and takes you back to the
mansion. (More like a dungeon, you think).
        Go to page 11.
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You and your friends then walk in and introduce
yourselves. The lady doesnt even talk to you
until James says. Who are you? Shes so busy
dusting that she doesnt hear you. Angelica then
walks down the hall and meets another lady
dressed just like the one you just saw at the
door. Of course she doesnt talk either. Angelica
keeps walking. You call for her, but there was no
answer.         Go to page 16.
As soon as you take one-step forward a piece of
the bridge falls in front of you. To yourself
you exclaim, Its ok! Youll be fine! All of
the creaking coming from underneath you makes you
very nervous, so you decide to think abut happy
things. Before you know it, the cement is beneath
you. Cool! you say.        Go to page 4.
Ahhhhhhhh! Help me, you and Angelica yell.
Suddenly before your eyes, a dark hole appears
in front of you, and the witch troughs you
in      The End
Start Over
Go back
You suddenly think of a plan. All you have to do
is step on the ground, then jump immediately.
Go to page 17.
  Ouch, ouch, ouch, James yells, as the fire
burns his fingers. Then he falls, but the floor
reapers with half of his body underneath it and
half of it on top. You are very worried and you
want to rescue him but the floor might fall again
when you step on it. On the other hand, if you
dont save him, youll have to go through the
mansion on your own. To leave James and look for
Angelica, go to page 20.
To run for the door, go to page 6 Or to risk
your life and help James, go to page 12
Here goes nothing, you scream, (You take a
deep breath.) You climb on the rope and push
off with your feet. Just as your hands are about
to slip, you feel the ground your feet. Yes!
you exclaim with excitement. But just as you
think youre safe, you hear a loud rumbling
sound. Looking ahead you see a big boulder
rolling your way The End!
Start Over
Go back
You see two shadows on the wall. One of them
reaches out and grabs the other. You see the door
close with the shadows beyond it, and again you
call out for her. Again, theres no
answer.             To risk your life and try to
save James, go to page 5. If you go in the door
next go to page 25.
Cool, it worked, you say Now you just have to
get James out. After pulling and pulling on his
arm, he yells, Youd better stop before my arms
fall off! All of a sudden the floor starts to
shake. Oh no, its falling, you yell over all
the noise. You pull once more on James, but still
he wont budge. you bolt for the door in safety.
When you turn around, James is gone.  
The End!
Start Over
Go back
As youre walking, everything turns foggy. You
cant see anything except black vampire bats.
Its too late! The End!
Start Over
Go back
As you almost have the door handle but it broke
and fell into the hole and pulled you with it.
      The End!
Start Over
Go back
You turn around to find a place to step down then
all of a sudden your hand slip and you fall head
first on the ground  The End!
Start Over
Go back
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Around the corner you and James run, but the door
isnt there. It is just a long hallway with a
wall at the end. You speed down looking for some
sort of secret passage or something. Suddenly
from behind you a brick door flys open. Its
Angelica , but behind her is the shadow.    The
Start Over
Go back
Whoa! you exclaim. You walk out the door and
see nothing but lava and a rickety old bridge
leading to a dark and narrow walk way. Also on
the ceiling is a rope that looks like its been
to the war and back. It has so many places that
looked like they are just about to break.     To
go on the bridge, tip toe to page 10. If you
decide to take the rope, swing on over to page
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Past the door is a room full of candles. Each one
is glowing with brightness. Suddenly a piece of
floor falls out from underneath you. You jump
back, and another piece falls. Now youre smashed
against 2 walls with cups flaming fire hanging
above you. With only a one hand grip, and the
floor is disappearing beneath you in to pure
darkness. You suddenly notice that on the other
side theres a ledge that says step ledge, on
it.     To try and get over there, carefully tip
toe over to page 13. Or to go back outside, go to
page 19.
(No Transcript)
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