The Genus Homo Biocultural Challenges - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Genus Homo Biocultural Challenges


Title: Part 3, Evolution of the Genus Homo Development of Early Human Culture Author: stacy Last modified by: Stacy SCHOOLFIELD Created Date: 7/23/2002 5:49:15 PM – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Genus Homo Biocultural Challenges

Part 3
  • The Genus Homo Biocultural Challenges

Part Outline
  • Chapter 7 Homo habilis and Cultural Origins
  • Chapter 8 Homo erectus and the Emergence of
    Hunting and Gathering
  • Chapter 9 Archaic Homo sapiens and the Middle
  • Chapter 10 Homo sapiens and the Upper Paleolithic

Chapter 7
  • Homo habilis and Cultural Origins

Chapter Outline
  • When, Where, and How Did the Genus Homo Develop?
  • When Did Reorganization and Expansion of the
    Human Brain Begin?
  • Why Is the Relationship Between Biological Change
    and Cultural Change in Early Homo?

Development of Human Culture
  • Some populations of early hominines began making
    stone tools to butcher animals for their meat.
  • The earliest stone tools and evidence of
    significant meat eating date to about 2.6 m.y.a.

Reorganization And Expansion Of The Human Brain
  • Began at least 1.5 million years after the
    development of bipedal locomotion.
  • Began in conjunction with scavenging and the
    making of stone tools.
  • Marks the appearance of the genus Homo, an
    evolutionary offshoot of Australopithecus.

Reorganization And Expansion Of The Human Brain
  • Australopithecus relied on a vegetarian diet
    while developing a massive chewing apparatus.
  • Homo ate more meat and became brainier.

Early Representatives of the Genus Homo
  • Since 1960 a number of fossils have been found in
    East Africa, and in South Africa, which have been
    attributed to Homo habilis.
  • From the neck down, the skeleton of Homo habilis
    differs little from Australopithecus.
  • Skull shows a significant increase in brain size
    and some reorganization of its structure.

Hand bones
Comparison of Partial Foot Skelton
  • Homo habilis (center) compared with a chimpanzee
    (left) and modern human (right).

Premolars (left) and molars (right) of
Australopithecus and Homo habilis
Homo habilis and Other Early Hominins
Tool Use
  • Lower Paleolithic artifacts from Olduvai Gorge,
    Lake Turkana, and sites in Ethiopia required
    skill and knowledge for their manufacture.
  • The oldest Lower Paleolithic tools found at
    Olduvai are in the Oldowan tool tradition.
  • Oldowan choppers and flakes made the regular
    addition of meat to the diet possible.

Brain Structure and Tool Use
  • Tool making favored the development of a more
    complex brain
  • Requires a vision of the tool to be made.
  • Ability to recognize the kind of stone that can
    be worked.
  • Requires steps to transform the raw material into
    a useful tool.

Alternate Views of Early Human Evolution
Sex, Gender and the Behavior of Early Homo
  • Males supplied much of the meat, while females
    gathered other foods.
  • Females shared a portion of what they gathered in
    exchange for meat.
  • Sharing required planning and problem solving.

Tools, Food, and Brain Expansion
  • Increased consumption of meat, beginning about
    2.5 m.y.a. made new demands on coordination and
  • Procuring meat depended on the ability to
    outthink more predators and scavengers.
  • Eaters of high-protein foods do not have to eat
    as often as vegetarians, leaving time to explore
    and experiment with their environment.

Language Origins
  • There is a growing consensus that all great apes
    share an ability to develop language skills to
    the level of a 2- to 3-year-old human.
  • In the wild apes display language skills through

Language Origins
  • Regions of the human brain that control language
    lie adjacent to regions involved in precise hand
  • Oldowan toolmakers, like modern humans, were
    overwhelmingly right-handed.
  • In making tools, they gripped the core in the
    left hand, striking flakes off with the right.

Language Origins
  • Handedness is associated with lateralization of
    brain functions and lateralization is associated
    with language.
  • Tool making appears to have been associated with
    changes in the brain necessary for language
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