2Ne zaman SRM Gerekir
3SRM Serisi
- SRM Serisi nedir?
- SRM bir tasinabilir spektrum analizöründen
beklenen tüm özellikleri içeren, tam tesekküllü
bir spektrum analizörü cihazidir - Yüksek çözünürlük ve kararlilik
- Yüksek dinamik
- Genis frekans araligi
- Yüksek ölçüm dogrulugu
- Bunun ötesinde EMF ölçümü için özellikler
- Bir PCye bagli olmadan izotropik elektromanyetik
alan ölçümleri - EMFye özgü özel ölçüm fonksiyonlari
- Bir spektrum analizörünü HERKESIN
kullanabilmesine olanak saglayan kumanda
özellikleri !
4Spektrum Analizi nedir ?
Alan siddeti
- Spektrum Analizi
- Tüm spektrumu tarar ve size her frekansin
karsiligindaki alan siddeti degerini verir
5Genis bantli ve selektif ölçümler arasindaki
temel fark nedir ?
- Genisbantli cihaz, bütün servislerin emisyon
degerinin toplamini ölçer
- Spektrum analizörü her servisin emisyonunu ayri
ayri ölçer
NBM ve EF-0691 Prob SRM-3006Spektrum Analizörü
Bant genisligi 100 kHz 6 GHz (dolayisiyla 5.9999 GHz sabit) 100 Hz 20 MHz arasinda degisken
Bant ortasi frekansi 2.99995 GHz sabit 9 kHz 6 GHz arasinda degisken
6SRM-3006 Genel Çalisma Özellikleri
7SRM-3006 Genel Çalisma Özellikleri
8SRM-3006 Genel Çalisma Özellikleri
9SRM-3006 Genel Çalisma Özellikleri
10SRM-3006 Genel Çalisma Özellikleri
11SRM-3006 Genel Çalisma Özellikleri
12SRM-3006 Genel Çalisma Özellikleri
13SRM-3006 Genel Çalisma Özellikleri
Istege bagli konfigürasyon (Anten, Kablo, Servis
Tablosu, Standart, Kurulum)
Bölge ortalamasi
GPS / sesli kayit
Olaylarin kaydi (Sartli ve zaman kontrollü kayit)
Otomatik ölçüm rutinleri
Güvenlik Ölçümü
Spektrum Analizi
Seviye Kayit
Gerçek zamanli Analiz için sinyallerinzaman
Sinyallerin zaman egrisi üzerinde
tanimlanma amaciyla sunumu
Elektromanyetik alanintoplu görünümü Grafik
veya tablo ile
P-CPICH ve UMTS demodülasyonu
Elektromanyetik alandetaylari Grafik veya tablo
Toplam Dagilim
Darbe sekilleri
Tepe Degerler Tablo
Tahmin (Ekstrapolasyon)
Genisbantli deger (Entegrasyon / Channel Power
14- Güvenlik önemliyse SRM
- Detaylar önemliyse SRM
- Hiz önemliyse SRM
15Güvenlik önemliyse
- Neden SRM?
- Iste Narda, tek ve yegane EMF Güvenlik Kurulusu
16Güvenlik Önemliyse
- Güvenlik Önemliyse
- During the last decades Narda provided frequently
new instruments and accessories to keep you up to
date - For Narda, EMF is core business not a flash in
the pan - Narda is on-time regarding standardization
17Güvenlik Önemliyse
Tüm yeni standartlarin geregi
100 kHz 6 GHz arasi izotropik ölçümler SRM-3006 ?
Isotropic Antennas 9kHz to 6 GHz
18Güvenlik Önemliyse
Tüm yeni standartlarin geregi
100 kHz 6 GHz arasi izotropik ölçümler SRM-3006 ?
Bölge ortalamasi SRM-3006 ?
Continuous Spatial Averaging to measure over a
specific distance.
Discrete Spatial Averaging to measure at
specific heights
19Güvenlik Önemliyse
Tüm yeni standartlarin geregi
Isotropic measurements 100 kHz to 6 GHz SRM-3006 ?
Bölge ortalamasi SRM-3006 ?
6 dakika ortalamasi SRM-3006 ?
20Güvenlik Önemliyse
Tüm yeni standartlarin geregi
Isotropic measurements 100 kHz to 6 GHz SRM-3006 ?
Bölge ortalamasi SRM-3006 ?
6 dakika ortalamasi SRM-3006 ?
Uluslar arasi standartlara bagil degerlerin gösterilmesi IEEE, IEC, EN, ICNIRP, FCC, ARPANSA, SRM-3006 ?
21Güvenlik Önemliyse
- SRM dis mekanda kullanim için dizayn edilmistir.
Mevcut bir laboratuvar cihazinin disariya
adaptasyonu degildir. - Saglam
- Suya dayanikli
- Bataryasi sahada dagistirilebilir
22Güvenlik Önemliyse
- SRM can measure in environments up to 200V/m over
the entire frequency range. No other spectrum
analyzer can do so! - Wherever you are allowed to work, also SRM can do
(and more)
Field strength at ICNIRP-Level can damage
general purpose spectrum analyzer and PC But not
23Güvenlik Önemliyse
- How to make trustful reports, when your
measurement equipment is out of specifications? - Anyone can claim against your report!
- Only SRM series can fulfill this mandatory
ICNIRP versus Spectrum Analyzers
24Neden SRM-3006?
- Neden SRM-3006, 6 GHz?
- Çünkü 6 GHz Avrupada simdiden, dünyada gelecekte
zorunlu olacak - Avrupa EN 50492 (2009dan beri) Basic standard
for the in-situ measurement of electromagnetic
field strength related to human exposure in the
vicinity of base stationshttp//www.cenelec.eu/Ce
nelec/Homepage.htm -
- Dünya IEC 62232 (tahminen 2011)Determination
of RF fields in the vicinity of mobile
communication base stations for the purpose of
evaluating human exposure.http//www.iec.ch/
25Güvenlik Önemliyse
- Neden SRM-3006, 6 GHz?
- Çünkü WiMax (3.5 GHz) ve WiFi (5 GHz) karsiti
halk hareketleri de basladi ve bu freknslarda da
kurumlar/operatörler teknik uyumu kanitlamak
26Güvenlik Önemliyse
- Narda SRM standartlara uyumludur, örnek
- Bölge ortalamasi
- Örnek ICNIRP, EN 50492, IEC 62232
- 6-dakika ortalamasi
IEC 62232
27Güvenlik Önemliyse
- Servislerin bant genislikleri de hizla artiyor!
SRM-3006 gelecekteki servislerinbant
genisliklerine hazir
! 20MHz/32 MHz ! Bant genisligine kadar
28Güvenlik Önemliyse
- Narda Equipment is calibrated, on request also
29Güvenlik Önemliyse
- Statement of measurement uncertainty
- Of the complete instrument
- Including Antenna and Cable
- For the entire measurement range
- As required from all major standards
30Güvenlik Önemliyse
- Narda SRM is a standard all around the world,
More references you will find on our homepage
31- Güvenlik önemliyse SRM
- Detaylar önemliyse SRM
- Hiz önemliyse SRM
32Detaylar Önemliyse
The fast and easy modeSafety Evaluation
- The specialist modesSpectrum Analysis
Spectrum Analysis was yesterday, Safety
Evaluation is the Future Report at a Push of a
33Detaylar Önemliyse
- The fast and easy modeSafety Evaluation
- Safety evaluation mode for direct comparison of
services versus standard - No knowledge of frequencies and limit values
necessary - Direct indication in of Standard
- The specialist modesSpectrum Analysis
- Spectrum analysis, time analysis, Scope and
UMTS-P-CPICH demodulation mode for detailed
34Detaylar Önemliyse
From Overview -gt Change service table to
FM-Radio Change measurement mode to Spectrum
of FM
35Detaylar Önemliyse
- Representation of a result with different
approaches - e.g. DVB-T signal showing parallel Maximum,
Average and Minimum Level
- Up to 7 traces are possible
- Maximum
- Max Average
- Average
- Actual
- Minimum
- Min Average
- Standard
36Detaylar Önemliyse
- Scope Mode, the measurement of level versus time
- Extreme flexibility in terms of time resolution
- From long term surveys of a service up to 24
hours - Down to detailed investigation of a single radar
pulse with a resolution of 31ns
37Detaylar Önemliyse
- Complete solutioneverything you need in a case
(no accessories get lost)
38Detaylar Önemliyse
- Exchangeable Batteries
- During field strength measurements its not
allowed to connect charger - Grounding of instrument
- Pick-up by cable
- Field deformation
- Second antenna attached to instrument
- Means if batteries are not replaceable, work
ends when empty! - SRM batteries can bereplaced just by a coin
- SRM-3006 batteries and charger compatible with
39- Güvenlik önemliyse SRM
- Detaylar önemliyse SRM
- Hiz önemliyse SRM
40Hiz Önemliyse
Reports at a Push of a Button
41Hiz Önemliyse
Antenna and Cable in use
Selected Service Table
What is visible on the screen?
Date Time
GPS Position
Selected Standard
Measurement results for each Service directly in
of Standard
A full measurement report at a glance
Total amount of not defined frequency bands
Not visible Voice comment to be recorded with
the measurement result
Total amount of full band
X-, Y- and Z-Axes results already added to
isotropic result
42Hiz Önemliyse
- Isotropic results without rotating antenna
- Plug and play no PC!
- Isotropic result within 200 ms
- Automatic transfer of calibration data of antenna
and cable by second connector
43Hiz Önemliyse
- Now
- Connect antenna to SRM(Narda Antennas and cables
automatically recognized) - Switch on SRM (Start-up time 20sec)
- Take a measurement
- Before
- Connect all components with various cables
- Start test equipment and PC
- Wait for Bill Gates Memorial Minute
- Start Application Software
- Take the measurement
44During Measurement
- Before
- Take three single axis measurements
- Correct it with the antenna and cable factors
- Add all three axis
- Compare the results for each frequency against
the standard and Integrate the results over
Services - Present the results in a table and show
compliance - Takes with the software on the PC minimum 2
hours, without PC nearly impossible.
45Hiz Önemliyse
- SRM-3006 is easy to handle
- Automatic recognition of antenna and cable
- Automatic application of calibration/antenna
factors - All settings can be predefined by set-ups
- Direct results in of Standard, V/m, mW/cm²,
46Hiz Önemliyse
- Simple transfer of results and graphics to PC
- Fast print out!
- Easy generation of reports
47Hiz Önemliyse
- SRM is an All-in-one
- SRM is a selective level meter plus
- Broadband level meter
- Spectrum Analyzer
- Protocol Analyzer
- Level Recorder
- Scope
48Hiz Önemliyse
- SRM-3006 can run routines for automated test
sequence at the push of a button
49Hiz Önemliyse
- Channel Power
- Integration over frequency is more than just
Channel Power, its Channel Power - Unlimited frequency band
- Multiple Channel Power by Safety Evaluation!
50Hiz Önemliyse
- Multiple Channel Power for easy distinction
between BCCH and traffic channels
51SRM ve Aksesuarlari
52SRM-3006nin bilesenlerine genel bakis
Calibration Repair
54SRM-3006 Bakim Paketleri
55SRM-3006 Bakim Paketleri
24 Month
36 Month
CarePackages are available only with purchase of
product !
56SRM-3006 Setleri
57SRM-3006 Setleri
Option Scope
Option UMTS
58SRM-3006 Antenleri
Broadcast FM TV
Mob. Rad
WiFi WiMax
60SRM Antenleri
Isotropic Isotropic Isotropic
H-Field E-Field E-Field
Application LF, FM, TV, Industry, Broadcasting Industry, GSM, UMTS Broadcasting GSM, UMTS, Wimax, WLan
Frequency Range 9 kHz 250 MHz 27 MHz 3 GHz 420 MHz 6 GHz
Feature Isotropic in Low frequency Range Isotropic Isotropic
Model 3581/02 3501/03 3502/01
61SRM Antenleri
Isotropic Single Axis Single Axis Single Axis
E-Field H-Field H-Field E-Field E-Field
Application LF, Broadcasting, Mobile Operations LF, FM, TV, Industry, Broadcasting LF, FM, TV, Industry, Broadcasting TV, FM, Mobile
Frequency Range 27 MHz - 3 GHz 420 MHz 6 GHz 9 kHz 250 MHz 9 kHz 300 MHz 9 kHz 300MHz 27 MHz 3 GHz
Feature Isotropic Low frequency range Low frequency range High sensitivity
Model 3551/01 3531/02 3531/01
62SRM-3006 TS(Transfer SW) and Tools
63SRM-3006 TS ve Tools karsilastirmasi
SRM-3006 TS
Configuration of SRM Download of
screenshots Export of measurement data to
CSV Firmware Update Activation of options
SRM-3006 Tools
Remote control Report / Documentation Live mode
64SRM-3006 PC Software
Quick access settings / default
Task orientated areas
Data view and Analysis options
Data on SRM
Graphical and numerical representation
Data on PC
66Anten konfigürasyonu
67Kablo konfigürasyonu
68Standartlar konfigürasyonu
69Servisler tablosu konfigürasyonu
70SRM-3006 Aksesuarlari
Bakiniz www.srm3006.com
72EMF hakkinda bazi yararli linklerNardawww.srm3
tml?langenStandart EN 50492j.saustingl_at_willtr
on.atNarda Ürünleri Dogu Avrupa
satisprotel_at_protelturkey.comNarda Ürünleri
Türkiye Satis
73Sorular ?Canli Gösterim