Title: Green Bank Galactic HI Partial-Sky Drift Scan Survey
1First Science Results From
Green Bank Galactic HI Partial-Sky Drift Scan
Antonio Portas Kevin Blagrave Daniela
Goncalves Jason Boyles
Loren Anderson Crystal Anderson Bo Zhang
Jana Greenrich Dana Whitlow Monica Rodriguez
Ronald Maddalena Frank Ghigo Steven Gibson
2Goals 1) Determine the properties of HI in our
Galaxy. 2) Serendipitously detect OH maser and
recombination lines.
Parameters Frequency switched by 3 MHz 4
windows 1) 1420 MHz (HI recomb. line at 1424
MHz) 2) 1667 MHz (OH masers at 1667 and 1665
MHz) 3) 1612 MHz (OH maser) 4) 1720 MHz (OH
maser recomb. line at 1715 MHz) 12.5 MHz
bandpass with 8000 channels per window -gt
0.3 km/s resolution 5 minute scans read out
every 10 seconds -gt 3000 spectra 9' beam
3Sky Coverage
Bonn 408 MHz Continuum Survey
4Sky Coverage
IRAS 100 um
5Galactic recombination lines
- HI 156 _at_ 1.715 GHz
- too much RFI
- HI 166 _at_ 1.45 GHz
- rms noise about 0.4 K expected line at
0.2 K
6Galactic dynamic HI mass
VROT Vdop 220 Km s-1 sin (long) MHI V2ROT
R/G R 1.42 Kpc
7(No Transcript)
8OH Maser Super-Detection
Oblasti W3(OH) 8.9GHz (16.2.2002, National
Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank, West
Virginia). Credit NRAO/GBT
Frequency vs. Scan number
10RMS 0.005K
8 sigma detection
- IRAS 12 micron, 100 micron
- Bonn 408MHz
- H-alpha
- CO
- OH
Frequency vs. Scan number