ACRONYM Spell Out Full Name - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ACRONYM Spell Out Full Name


Title: ACRONYM Spell Out Full Name Author: lkrosenf Last modified by: aguest Created Date: 7/2/2002 5:08:49 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ACRONYM Spell Out Full Name

Tide Models
The Navy sometimes uses the term tide models to
designate those numerical ocean models being run
primarily for the purpose of predicting tidal
heights and/or currents. At this time, the tide
models used by the Navy are run in a 2D mode (no
variation in the vertical dimension). By
definition these models must include tidal
forcing, but they may also include other types of
forcing, just as other ocean circulation models
used by the Navy may include tidal forcing.
  • The GFMPL Tide Prediction program is not an ocean
    model in the sense of the other models discussed
    in this course.
  • TP can predict hourly tidal heights at a fixed
    number of reference stations by using tidal
    constants (amplitude and phase) previously
    calculated from measurements made at those
  • Additionally, it can predict tidal heights at a
    set of secondary stations, by applying known
    corrections to the reference stations.

  • Tidal heights may only be forecast at locations
    for which historical tidal data are available
    (i.e., tide stations provided by the data base).
  • This method does not account for sea level
    variations due to changes in atmospheric
    pressure, nor those due to wind forcing.
  • Tidal currents are not predicted.

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ADCIRCAdvanced Circulation model
  • Primary contacts Cheryl Ann Blain (NRL-SSC),
    Steve Haeger (NAVO)
  • ADCIRC was developed in the late 1980s to early
    1990s by Rick Luettich (Univ. of N. Carolina)
    and Joannes Westerink (Univ. of Notre Dame) in
    conjunction with the Coastal Engineering Research
    Center (now called the Engineering Research and
    Development Center) of the Army Corps of
    Engineers. It is currently used in a 2D mode by
    NAVO for tidal and surge current and height
    predictions in littoral areas, although in the
    future, tidal currents may only be shown for
    those areas where the currents are dominated by
    tides. A 3D version, though still barotropic, is
    available and a baroclinic version is under

ADCIRC is a finite element, free surface
barotropic ocean circulation model. NAVO runs
the 2D version with tidal and wind forcing, for
the primary purpose of predicting sea level
height. While sea level is not strongly
influenced by density structure, currents may be,
so tidal current forecasts are likely to be best
where the water is well-mixed top to bottom.
  • Shallow water equations, including non-linear
  • The equations have been formulated using the
    traditional hydrostatic pressure and Boussinesq
    approximations. A quadratic form of bottom
    friction is used. Although the drag coefficient
    may vary in space, it is generally specified as

  • Due to the complications in designing and
    implementing an efficient and accurate grid, NAVO
    runs ADCIRC only in a limited number of domains.
    It is technically feasible, but
  • NRL and others are working to implement an
    automated grid generation program so that ADCIRC
    can be rapidly relocated to new geographic areas.
    It is presently being used in a research,
    although not an operational, setting.
  • NAVO is currently running ADCIRC for three
    geographic regions the Yellow Sea and Sea of
    Japan the Arabian Gulf and Gulf of Oman and the
    western North Atlantic Ocean including the
    Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico and US Eastern Seaboard.

Operational ADCIRC Domains
Grid and Coordinate System
  • ADCIRC uses a finite element grid in the
  • ADCIRC may be run in either Cartesian or
    spherical coordinates. NAVO uses spherical
  • Since it is 2D, there is no vertical coordinate.
    The velocities are a depth-average.

Spatial and Temporal Resolution
  • One of the advantages of a finite element grid,
    is that the spatial resolution is continuously
    variable over the domain. Generally it varies
    from a few 10s of meters to several kilometers.
  • The model as implemented at NAVO uses a time step
    of 30 seconds.

Yellow Sea and Sea of Japan
South Korea
Mississippi River Delta
Realistic coastline morphology
Large domains with remote boundaries
Fine-scale resolution of inter-tidal zones
Western North Atlantic
Courtesy of Cheryl Ann Blain
Boundary Conditions
  • Open boundaries are in water depths gt 1000 m.
  • Tidal elevations from the Grenoble tide model (Le
    Provost et al. 1994) are applied on the open
  • While it is an option in ADCIRC, wetting and
    drying along land-sea boundaries is not included
    in the NAVO implementation.
  • The condition at the land-sea boundary is no
    normal flow.

Tidal constituents
  • In addition to the tidal elevations applied on
    the open boundaries, astronomical tide generating
    forces are applied over the whole domain.
  • Atmospheric pressure and wind stress forcing from
    either NOGAPS (the western North Atlantic Ocean),
    COAMPSTM (the Yellow Sea and Sea of Japan) or a
    combination of the two (Arabian Gulf and Gulf of
    Oman) is used.

  • The model is started from rest.
  • The density is constant and uniform.
  • NAVO generally uses a spin-up time of 3 days
    before results are used.
  • A longer spin-up time is desirable. In the
    future, this might be accomplished by changes in
    the implementation, and/or taking advantage of a
    warm start capability after a long initial

Data Assimilation
  • No data is assimilated into this model.

  • Can be executed on all super-computer and
    workstation platforms.
  • Computationally efficient.

  • Tidal heights and currents are output at 30-min
    intervals for a 48-hr forecast.
  • The numerical output is post-processed to produce
    a graphical format. The graphics generally do
    not show the whole domain, but rather are focused
    on predetermined areas of the grid. This may
    affect how the results are interpreted.

Following example is from Shatt Al Arab.
NAVO Product Information
  • Spatial resolution variable
  • Forcing 27 km COAMPS_SW_ASIA winds and
    atmospheric pressure and tidal forcing
  • Output available through MVL sea level relative
    to MSL (mean sea level) depth-averaged current
    speed and direction
  • Temporal resolution and forecast duration 30
    min. out to 48 h
  • Product update cycle 12 h

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Arabian GulfYellow Sea
  • Blain, C.A., R.H. Preller, and A.P. Rivera, Tidal
    prediction using the Advanced Circulation Model
    (ADCIRC) and a relocatable PC-based system,
    Oceanography, 15 (1), 77-87, 2002.
  • Luettich, R., and J. Westerink, Users Manual
    ADCIRC, A (Parallel) Advanced Circulation Model
    for Oceanic, Coastal and Estuarine Waters,
    http//, 2000.

  • Primary contacts Ruth Preller, NRL-SSC
  • Over the past 3 years, NRL has developed a
    globally relocatable tide/surge prediction
    capability, designed for use on or near
    continental shelves.
  • The capability is utilized for locations where
    neither observations nor a regularly run
    operational tide prediction model, such as
    ADCIRC, exists. (Blain et al. 2002).

  • PCTides is the NRLs globally relocatable
    tide/surge forecast system used for the rapid
    prediction of tidal amplitude and phase, as well
    as barotropic ocean currents.
  • There are 2D and 3D versions, both based on the
    shallow water equations. Normally the 2D version
    is used.
  • All databases, except for the wind forcing, are
    internal to the PCTides system.
  • (All quotations in this section are taken from
    the web site listed above, unless otherwise

  • PCTides includes 2 tide/surge models the Global
    Environmental Modeling Services (GEMS) Coastal
    Ocean Model (GCOM2D and GCOM3D).
  • GCOM2D is a depth-integrated, barotropic
    hydrodynamic model. It solves for SSH and mean
    current structure (i.e. no vertical variation).
  • GCOM3D allows for vertical variations in the
    currents. It can be run in either barotropic mode
    (no thermal or density variation), or baroclinic
    mode (solves for temperature and salinity). The
    baroclinic mode is not generally available, and
    will not be discussed here.
  • A wetting and drying algorithm for simulation of
    coastal flooding is included.

  • Selected by the user, using a rubber-banding
    method through the GUI or by entering
    latitude/longitude limits.
  • Domains may be nested within one another to
    achieve higher spatial resolution in the inner

Grid and Coordinate System
  • The version most commonly used by Navy METOC is
    2D, so has no vertical coordinate.
  • The 3D version uses a z-coordinate system in the
  • A Cartesian grid is used in the horizontal plane,
    with C type finite differencing.
  • Grid arrays are constructed such that there are
    no more than 40,000 grid points (e.g. 200 x 200).
    This keeps simulations fast, while still allowing
    for large enough regions with fine enough

Spatial Resolution
  • Selected by the user through the GUI
  • Generally from 1 to 10 km
  • Bathymetry and open boundary conditions are
    automatically interpolated to the domain and grid
    selected by the user.

Temporal resolution
  • To optimize efficiency, different time steps are
    used to solve different aspects of the equations.
  • The continuity equation and gravity wave and
    Coriolis terms use the shortest time step.
  • The nonlinear advection terms use an intermediate
    time step.
  • The surface and bottom stress terms are solved
    using the longest time step.

  • 2' global bathymetry developed by NRL from the
    following bathymetry data bases
  • This bathymetry provides an improved coastline
    and improved matching of bathymetry data near the

Database Spatial resolution
DBDBV 5' / 2' / 1' / 0.5 '
DAMEE (North Atlantic) 2.5 '
Gulf of Mexico 0.01
CHOI (Yellow Sea) 1.0 '
GTOPO2 (Sandwell) 2.0 '
IBCAO (Arctic) 2.5 km
Boundary Conditions
  • Included in PCTides are the Finite Element
    Solutions 95.1/2.1 (Shum et al. 1997) from the
    Grenoble global tide model (the same as those
    used for ADCIRC). These are used to provide sea
    surface displacements at the open boundaries of
    the ocean model.
  • The same 8 tidal constituents as used for ADCIRC
    are used for PCTides.
  • Atmospheric barometric displacement (change in
    sea level due to atmospheric pressure) is also
    specified at the open boundaries.

User must make sure there is global tidal data
along all the open boundaries of the chosen
Grenoble Model M2 Tide Amplitude and Phase
  • White areas indicate where there are no tidal
    solutions from global tidal model

  • The model may be driven by astronomical tidal
    forcing (through the open boundaries) and / or
    surface winds and pressures.
  • Winds and pressures may be entered manually (in
    which case they are uniform over the domain), or
    obtained from NOGAPS, COAMPSTM, or DAMPS through

  • All velocities are set to zero initially.
  • The initial elevation field is obtained by
    interpolating the FES 95.1/2.1 elevation field to
    the model grid.
  • It is customary to allow about 12 hrs for spin-up
    of the model. This allows spurious waves and
    boundary forcing to propagate out of the
    computational domain.
  • The program is set up to automatically start the
    simulation 12 hrs before the user-chosen start
    time (or the start of the wind file if one is
    being used).
  • With wind forcing, a longer spin-up time ( 24
    hrs) is used.

Data Assimilation
  • Sea level variations from measurements made at
    the 4500 International Hydrographic Office tidal
    stations are included in a PCTides database, and
    are used to constrain the solutions by using a
    weighted nudging approach described in Hubbert et
    al. 2001 (Blain et al. 2002).

  • Can be run on PCs and UNIX systems.
  • The average PCTides 48 hour forecast takes
    anywhere from 3 to 10 minutes of run time on a
    500 MHz PC. (Blain et al. 2002)

The PCTides System
NRL combined Bathymetry
Winds/pressures from NOGAPS, COAMPS, DAMPS
IHO Coastal Tide Station Data
Boundary Conditions FES95.1/.2
2-D Ocean Model (Barotropic)
Tidal Heights and Barotropic Ocean Currents
  • Results may be output in graphical or text
  • Time series, with a time step typically of 10-12
    min, of sea level and currents are output at
    user-specified station locations.
  • Spatial fields of velocity and sea level are
    output at a user-specified time interval (the
    minimum interval is 30 min).
  • The length of the forecast is determined by the
    user, or the length of the wind forecast if one
    is being used.
  • The sea level deviations output must be added to
    a specified reference level (such as mean sea
    level) to get actual water depths.

Adapted from Harding et al.s 2001 GRC poster
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  • Both ADCIRC and PCTides generally produce sea
    level predictions that are within 10 cm and 30
    minutes of observed values.
  • There are some areas of the world, such as off
    the U.S. West Coast, where results may be worse
    than quoted above due to reduced accuracy of the
    boundary conditions from the global tidal model.
  • The following images are from the PCTides OPTEST.

Chesapeake Bay Region4.4 km resolution
Chesapeake Stationdepth 8 m
PCTides Evaluation in the Yellow Sea
PCTides currents were evaluated against observed
currents from 4 bottom-mounted current profilers
from Sept. 1-30,1995 Current data were
not assimilated into the model.
Courtesy of Ruth Preller
PCTides versus measured currents Sept. 25-30, 1995
Courtesy of Ruth Preller
  • Blaine, C.A., R.H. Preller, and A.P. Rivera,
    Tidal prediction using the Advanced Circulation
    Model (ADCIRC) and a relocatable PC-based system,
    Oceanography, 15 (1), 77-87, 2002.
  • Hubbert, G.D., R.H. Preller, P.G. Posey, and S.N.
    Carroll, Software design description for the
    globally relocateable Navy time/atmosphere
    modeling system (PCTides), pp. 97, Naval Research
    Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, MS, 2001.
  • Preller, R.H., P.G. Posey, G.D. Hubbert, S.N.
    Carroll, and L. Orsi, User's manual for the
    globally relocatable Navy tide/atmosphere
    modeling system (PCTides), pp. 68, Naval Research
    Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, MS, 2001.
  • Preller, R, P. Posey, G. Dawson, K. Miles, M.
    Escarra, J. Ganong (2002) http//

  • Get tidal height prediction for the same location
    using ADCIRC, PCTides, and GFMPL. Go to
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