Do you know - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Do you know


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Do you know

Do you know World History?
WHII Review 1
  • Identify the numbered locations on the map.

WHII Review 2
  • Identify the numbered locations on the map.

WHII Review 3
  • Identify the numbered locations on the map.

WHII Review 4
  • What does Renaissance mean?
  • The Renaissance spread from Italy to where?
  • What is the philosophy which emphasized classical
    knowledge and a worldly life
  • What marks the beginning of the modern world?
  • Who were the main painters of the Renaissance?
  • What knowledge was reborn during the
  • Who wrote sonnets and plays during the

WHII Review 5
  • Who helped to spread the idea of humanism?
  • Where did the Renaissance begin?
  • What are the 5 major world religions?
  • In what hemisphere did they begin?
  • Where was Judaism concentrated?
  • Where was Christianity concentrated?
  • Where was Islam concentrated?
  • Where was Hinduism concentrated?
  • Where was Buddhism concentrated?

WHII Review 6
  • By 1500, trade linked what continents?
  • What was the trade route between Asia and the
    Mediterranean Basin?
  • What was the trade route across North Africa?
  • Why were these trade routes important?
  • Name 3 products from China.
  • Name 2 advancements from India and the Middle
  • What scientific advancements were transferred
    along the trade routes?

WHII Review 7
  • What was the main Christian church in Europe in
  • Which Christian church refused to change bringing
    on the Reformation?
  • The practice of lending money at a high rate of
    interest is called what?
  • The nobles of what 2 countries disliked Italian
    domination of the Church?
  • The Church had not only religious power, but also
    _?_ power.

WHII Review 8
  • Name 2 problems in the Catholic Church which
    helped to cause the Reformation.
  • What was sold by the Catholic Church to release a
    soul from Purgatory?
  • Who began the Lutheran Church?
  • Name 2 beliefs of the Lutheran church.
  • Whose actions began the Reformation?
  • These were posted on the door of the church at

WHII Review 9
  • Name 2 beliefs of John Calvin.
  • This is the belief that God knows who will be
    saved and who will not.
  • Who expanded the Protestant Movement?
  • Who began the Anglican Church in England?
  • Who broke with the Catholic Church because he
    wanted a divorce/
  • (True)(False) The Reformation led to political
    and economic changes in Europe.
  • What is a Protestant?

WHII Review 10
  • Name 2 actions of Henry VIII against the Catholic
  • What was the ruling dynasty of the Holy Roman
  • What church did they support?
  • In what area of Germany did the princes support
    the Reformation?
  • Why did they do this?
  • The conflict in Germany between the Catholics and
    Protestants became what war?

WHII Review 11
  • What is the national church of England?
  • Under whose reign did this occur?
  • The Reformation contributed to the rise of what
    economic system?
  • What religion were the French kings?
  • A French Protestant is called what?
  • The Edict of Nantes granted what?
  • A series of reforms in the Catholic Church is
    known as what?
  • The Society of Jesus is also known as what?

WHII Review 12
  • Who changed the focus of the Thirty Years War
    from religious to political?
  • What was the purpose of the Society of Jesus?
  • What was established to reinforce Catholic
  • T/F The Reformation only changed religious
    beliefs in Europe.
  • The movement to enjoy life on earth and its
    rewards is called what?
  • The movement which believes every person is
    important is called what?

WHII Review 13
  • This invention spread the ideas of the
    Renaissance and Reformation.
  • What did Johannes Gutenberg invent?
  • Literacy was stimulated by what invention?
  • Was there always religious toleration in Europe?
  • Who had the power in most European states?
  • The Bible was first printed in what 3 languages?
  • The loss of what city in 1453 encouraged the
    search for new trade routes?
  • Name 2 Spanish explorers.

WHII Review 14
  • What goods were in high demand in Europe in the
    mid 15th century?
  • Who was the first European to discover the
    Western Hemisphere?
  • (True/False) New navigational inventions helped
    fuel the Age of Exploration.
  • What was the role of Prince Henry the Navigator?
  • Who was the first Englishman to sail around the
  • What were the 3 motives for exploration?

WHII Review 15
  • What was the first religion spread to the Western
  • Native Americans of the Western Hemisphere are
    often called _?_ people.
  • What religion was spread to Latin America and
  • Whose expedition was the first to circumnavigate
    the world?
  • What Portuguese explorer was the first to reach
    India by way of Africa?

WHII Review 16
  • Who were the European missionaries trying to
  • What Spanish explorer conquered the Aztecs?
  • What Spanish explorer conquered the Incas?
  • What explorer explored the St. Lawrence River and
    claimed Canada for France?
  • A major motive for exploration was to spread _?_.
  • What did colonists bring to the Americas?
  • Name 3 empires destroyed by the Spanish.
  • Name 2 legacies of Spanish rule in Latin America.

WHII Review 17
  • T/F Most colonies took on the social and cultural
    patterns of their parent country.
  • What racial group was forced into slavery?
  • Name 3 nations which established empires in the
    Western Hemisphere.
  • Europeans set up what on the coast of Africa?
  • What did Europeans want from Africa?
  • Throughout the world, what did Europeans want
    from their colonies?
  • What is another name for American Indians?

WHII Review 18
  • The Portuguese, Dutch and British all set up what
    to gain wealth in their colonies?
  • What was one of the first groups to colonize an
  • Where did this occur?
  • What was the exchange of products and resources
    between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres?
  • What did the Western Hemisphere give to Europe?
  • What was the result of these products?
  • What does indigenous mean?

WHII Review 19
  • What killed many American Indians?
  • What was the result of a labor shortage in the
    Western Hemisphere?
  • What European animals changed the lives of
    American Indians?
  • Where was the plantation system strongest?
  • What were 2 results of the plantation system?
  • Why were large numbers of laborers needed in the
  • Western Hemisphere slavery was based on what?

WHII Review 20
  • Who was the triangular trade between?
  • What products were involved?
  • Where did the gold and silver of the Americas go?
  • What was the result of this trade?
  • What empire conquered Constantinople?
  • What areas did they conquer?
  • Where was the Ottoman Empire originally located?
  • What was Constantinople renamed?

WHII Review 21
  • What was the unifying forcein the Ottoman Empire
  • (True/False) The Ottoman Empire did not accept
    other monotheistic religions.
  • What were 2 trade items of the Ottoman Empire?
  • Where was the Mughal Empire located?
  • What religion did the Mughals spread to India?
  • What is the architectural gem of Mughal India?
  • During the Mughal Empire, who arrived and set up
    trading posts in India?

WHII Review 22
  • How did Indian textiles affect the British
    textile industry?
  • What 3 European nations traded in India?
  • What 2 nations tried to limit the influence of
    European merchants?
  • What country established foreign enclaves to
    control trade?
  • What Chinese goods were in high demand in Europe?
  • The military leader of Japan was the_?_.

WHII Review 23
  • What Chinese leader tried to limit foreign
    influences and trade?
  • What country used isolationism to limit foreign
  • How much power did the Japanese emperor have?
  • Who really had the power in Japan?
  • What were the main African exports in the 1600s?
  • What did Africa import from Europe?
  • What were 2 new foods imported into Africa from

WHII Review 24
  • What theory stated that colonies existed for the
    benefit of the mother country?
  • An economic practice adopted by European colonial
    powers was_?_.
  • What does maritime mean?
  • Name 2 things European maritime nations were
    competing for.
  • A new economic system which included new money
    and banking systems was the what?
  • Who developed the heliocentric theory?

WHII Review 25
  • The economic needs of the mother country limited
    the success of what?.
  • Why did the European colonial powers adopt
  • Who discovered planetary motion?
  • (True/False) The Scientific Revolution changed
    how people saw the world and their place in it.
  • Who used a telescope to prove the heliocentric
  • Who discovered the Laws of Gravity?
  • Who discovered circulation of the blood?

WHII Review 26
  • What theory states the earth revolves around the
  • The Scientific Revolution was based on what?
  • What research method was developed during the
    Scientific Revolution?
  • During this Age, European monarchs increased the
    power of their central govt.
  • Name 2 characteristics of absolute monarchs.
  • Who was the king of France who built Versailles?

WHII Review 27
  • What is the theory that a rulers power comes
    directly from God and is only accountable to God?
  • What French palace became a symbol of royal
  • Who was the absolute ruler of Prussia?
  • Who was the absolute ruler of Russia?
  • How did Prussias rulers enforce its absolutism?
  • Democracy rests on the principle that power comes
    from where?

WHII Review 28
  • What did Peter the Great do for Russia?
  • Name 2 foundations of English democracy.
  • Name 2 events which furthered the development of
    English democracy.
  • Who led the Roundheads during the English Civil
  • Who was the king during the English Civil War?
  • What happened to the king during the English
    Civil War?
  • Who became king after Oliver Cromwell died?

WHII Review 29
  • Who became the rulers of England during the
    Glorious Revolution?
  • There was a shift in power during the Glorious
    Revolution. Who was it between?
  • What document was the result of the Glorious
  • What developed after the English Civil War to
    express political beliefs?
  • What document signed by William and Mary
    restricted royal power?

WHII Review 30
  • What movement believed progress was possible
    through the application of scientific knowledge
    reason to human problems?
  • Who wrote The Leviathan?
  • Who wrote Two Treatises on Government?
  • What movement helped spread democratic
    revolutions throughout the world?
  • What ideas influenced the American Revolution and
    Declaration of Independence?
  • Who wrote The Spirit of Laws?

WHII Review 31
  • What movement applied reason to the human world,
    not just the natural world?
  • What philosopher believed the state must have
    central authority to manage behavior?
  • What philosopher believed the people are
    sovereign and rulers are not chosen by God?
  • What movement encouraged religious tolerance?
  • What influenced the people of Latin America to
    establish independent nations?
  • Who wrote The Social Contract?

WHII Review 32
  • What philosopher believed the best form of
    government includes separation of powers?
  • What philosopher believed government is a
    contract between rulers and the people?
  • What 3 American documents were influenced by
    Enlightenment beliefs?
  • What event influenced the French people to view
    their govt in new ways?
  • What were the 2 causes of the French Revolution?

WHII Review 33
  • What American incorporated Enlightenment beliefs
    into the Declaration of Independence?
  • Who was the king at the beginning of the French
  • What fortress was attacked marking the official
    beginning of the French Revolution?
  • The most extreme period of the French Revln when
    thousands were executed was what?
  • What were 2 results of the French Revolution?
  • Who led the rebellion in Haiti?

WHII Review 34
  • The Latin American colonies of what 3 nations
    rebelled as a result of the American and French
  • Who led the revolutions in South America?
  • What is another name for the Enlightenment?
  • Name 2 composers of the period after the
  • Who was a painter of the period after the
  • Name 3 subjects of art after the Enlightenment.

WHII Review 35
  • What philosophe believed in religious toleration
    and separation of church and state?
  • What new technology improved year round
    transportation and trade?
  • New designs in what increased agricultural
  • Improvements in what lowered the cost of overseas
  • What influenced artists of the Enlightenment?
  • Who wrote Don Quixote?

WHII Review 36
  • What new form of literature appeared after the
  • Name 2 legacies of the French Revolution.
  • Who tried to unify Europe but was unsuccessful?
  • Who developed the law code on which many European
    law codes are based?
  • What event awakened feelings of national pride
    and the growth of nationalism?
  • What is the political philosophy that promotes
    social change and individual freedoms?

WHII Review 37
  • What is the political philosophy wants to keep
    things the way they are and not change?
  • What was the meeting which attempted to restore
    Europe to what it had been before the French
    Revolution and Napoleon?
  • What is the belief that no one country should be
    more powerful than others?
  • Name 2 influences on the growth of nationalism.
  • What event led to political discontent in Europe
    in the 1800s?

WHII Review 38
  • What was the most important force behind European
    politics in the 1800s?
  • What group tried to redraw the map of Europe
    after the French Revolution?
  • There were unsuccessful revolutions in Europe in
    what year?
  • What was the result of these revolutions?
  • What 2 actions occurred in Great Britain in the
  • What 2 areas became nations much later than the
    rest of Europe?

WHII Review 39
  • Who unified northern Italy?
  • Who joined southern Italy to northern Italy?
  • What was the last area to unify with the rest of
  • Who led the unification of Germany?
  • What state did Otto von Bismarck lead?
  • How did Bismarck achieve Germanys unification?
  • What philosophy justifies using all means to
    achieve and hold power?

WHII Review 40
  • What war led to the creation of the German state?
  • Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?
  • Why did it begin here?
  • Name 2 resources of England.
  • What invention helped begin the Industrial
  • Where did the Industrial Revolution spread first?
  • Name2 industries which were important during the
    Industrial Revolution?

WHII Review 41
  • What product was needed from the Americas, Asia
    and Africa?
  • What system began during the Industrial
  • What system ended because of the Industrial
  • How did the British Enclosure movement influence
    the Industrial Revolution?
  • What did industrial nations want to control

WHII Review 42
  • Who invented the steam engine?
  • Who invented the cotton gin?
  • Who invented a new process for making steel?
  • Who developed the vaccine for smallpox?
  • Who discovered bacteria?
  • What is the term for the growth of cities?
  • Name 3 positive impacts of the Ind. Revln on
    industrialized nations.
  • Name 2 negative impact of the Ind Revln on
    industrialized nations.

WHII Review 43
  • Who wrote Wealth of Nations?
  • What class grew because of the Industrial
  • Why did the standard of living increase for many
  • What is the economic philosophy which believes
    in a free market economy, profit motive, and the
    ability of entrepreneurs?
  • Was there an equal distribution of wealth during
    the Industrial Revolution?

WHII Review 44
  • What is an entrepreneur?
  • What class was dissatisfied with the Industrial
  • Who wrote The Communist Manifesto?
  • Who wrote Das Kapital?
  • What economic philosophy believed in a classless
    society with no private property?
  • What philosophy believes that society as a whole
    should control the means of production?
  • Agricultural economies were based on what unit?

WHII Review 45
  • What do communists believe should happen to
    unequal distribution of wealth?
  • What philosophy developed because of the
    injustices of capitalism?
  • What groups competed with men for jobs during the
    Industrial Revln?
  • What organization fought for improved working
    conditions and workers rights?
  • What were working conditions like during the
    Industrial Revolution?

WHII Review 46
  • Whose labor helped to keep profits high and cost
    of production low?
  • Who controlled the lives of factory and mine
  • What invention increased the demand for slave
    labor in America?
  • What 2 countries outlawed the slave trade and
    later slavery?
  • Who were seen as cheap labor during the
    Industrial Revolution?
  • What does suffrage mean?

WHII Review 47
  • Because women worked, they increased their demand
    for what?
  • Name 3 effects of the Industrial Revolution on
  • Reforms were made to end the labor of whom?
  • Why did workers strike?
  • The dialogue between labor and management to
    prevent a strike is called what?
  • Labor unions wanted laws to improve what?
  • To exert influence on lawmakers is to ..

WHII Review 48
  • The industrialized nations of Europe needed what
    to expand their economies?
  • What continents did Europe want to control?
  • The policy of building an empire to extend a
    nations power and territory is called what?
  • What motivated European nations to compete for
  • What policy spread the economic, political and
    social philosophies of Europe throughout the

WHII Review 49
  • How did Europe force their colonies to trade with
  • What did Europe trade with their colonies?
  • What effect did this trade have?
  • What is a settlement of people outside their
    homeland, linked with the parent country by trade
    and direct govt control?
  • A country whose policies are guided by a foreign
    nation is called a what?
  • An area in a country where a foreign power has
    exclusive rights to trade or invest is called a

WHII Review 50
  • Did European conflicts carry over to their
  • Name an area which had spheres of influence.
  • What nation opened Japan to trade?
  • What Company dominated India?
  • What effect did the efforts of Christian
    missionaries have on imperialism?
  • The Chinese revolted against western imperialism
    in what rebellion?

WHII Review 51
  • When was the first Indian nationalist party
  • The British built a link between the
    Mediterranean Sea and India called what?
  • What response did colonized people have to
  • What were the dates of WWI?
  • Name 4 causes of WWI.
  • A national policy based on military strength and
    glorification of war is called what?

WHII Review 52
  • What event began WWI?
  • Who was the heir to the throne of Austria
  • What event was the turning point of WWI?
  • Who was president of the U.S. during WWI?
  • Who was the leader of Germany during WWI?
  • Name 3 results of WWI.
  • What country left WWI because of the terrible
    conditions at home?
  • Name 3 terms in the Treaty of Versailles.

WHII Review 53
  • Who participated in the war and increased their
    demands for independence?
  • What did WWI cost?
  • What treaty ended WWI?
  • Name 3 empires which ended because of WWI.
  • What was the title of the leader of Russia?
  • What kind of monarchy did Russia have in 1914?
  • What were Russias social classes in 1914?
  • Who was the tsar of Russia in 1914?
  • Russia lost its war with whom in 1905?

WHII Review 54
  • Name 3 causes of the 1917 Revolution.
  • How many revolutions were there in Russia?
  • What revolution created the communist state?
  • Who led the Bolshevik Revolution?
  • What was Lenins economic policy called?
  • Who was Lenins successor?
  • What international organization was started after
  • Name 2 goals of the League of Nations.

WHII Review 55
  • What system was created to administer the
    colonies of defeated WWI powers on a temporary
  • What major nation was not a member of the League
    of Nations?
  • Why was the League a failure?
  • Who were the main powers in the Middle East
    mandate system?
  • What were characteristics of the 1920s?
  • What characterized the 1930s?

WHII Review 56
  • Name 4 causes of the worldwide depression in the
  • What event occurred in 1929 causing a worldwide
  • Name 3 impacts of the worldwide depression of the
  • What helped totalitarian governments gain power
    in the 1930s?
  • In the 1930s what political party was gaining
    importance in Germany?
  • What was the Great Purge?

WHII Review 57
  • In the 1930s, who was the communist leader of
  • What was the official name of communist Russia?
  • What kind of government did Lenin and Stalin
  • What country became a world power after WWI?
  • In what nations did dictators rise between the
  • Name 3 policies of Stalin.

WHII Review 58
  • Who was blamed for Germanys economic collapse in
    the 1930s?
  • Who led Germany in the 1930s?
  • (True/False) At the end of the 1930s, Germany
    began to take over other European nations.
  • This term means hatred of Jews.
  • What is another name for National Socialism in
  • Name 4 characteristics of Germany between the

WHII Review 59
  • Who led Italy during the Interwar Period?
  • What is the political philosophy based on
    nationalism and an all powerful state?
  • What was Mussolinis goal for Italy?
  • What country did Italy first invade?
  • Who was the emperor of Japan in the 1930s?
  • Who held the power in Japan in the 1930s?
  • Why did Japan want to invade other countries?
  • Who led the U.S. during WWII?.

WHII Review 60
  • What philosophy guided Japanese politics before
  • Name 3 countries invaded by Japan before WWII
  • What were the 3 totalitarian powers before WWII?
  • Name 5 causes of WWII.
  • The policy of granting concessions to a potential
    enemy in order to maintain peace is called what?
  • The policy to have peace at all costs is what?

WHII Review 61
  • What treaty failed to solve the problems of
    Europe between the wars?
  • What event began WWII?
  • Victory in this aerial battle saved Britain from
    German invasion.
  • The continent of Europe was controlled by Germany
    after the fall of this nation.
  • This was the turning point in the European
    theater of WWII.
  • This caused the U.S. to enter WWII,.

WHII Review 62
  • On June 6, 1944, the Allies invaded Europe. This
    was called what?
  • Atomic bombs were dropped on these 2 Japanese
  • What was the result of this?
  • Who led the U.S. at the end of WWII?
  • Who was the leading U.S. general in the Pacific?
  • Who was the leading U.S. general in Europe?
  • Who was the British prime minister during WWII?

WHII Review 63
  • Who led the U.S. military from Washington, D.C.?
  • Who was the Soviet dictator of the USSR during
  • Who was the Nazi dictator of Germany?
  • Who was the head of the Japanese military during
  • Who was the emperor of Japan during WWII?
  • Hitler believed all Germans were members of what?

WHII Review 64
  • The systematic and purposeful destruction of a
    racial, political, religious, or cultural group
    is called what?
  • What did Hitler blame on Germanys Jews?
  • What was the Final Solution?
  • Name 4 steps which led to the Holocaust.
  • Who attempted to exterminate the Armenians?
  • Who did Stalin attempt to exterminate?
  • Who did Pol Pot attempt to exterminate in

WHII Review 65
  • Who did the Hutu try to exterminate in Rwanda?
  • Who did the Bosnian Serbs try to exterminate in
    the former Yugoslavia?
  • Name 4 results of WWII.
  • What nations became superpowers after WWII?
  • What happened to those accused of war crimes
    after WWII?
  • What did the Iron Curtain represent?
  • This was established by the U.S. to help Europe
    recover after WWII.

WHII Review 66
  • What was international organization was
    established after WWII?
  • What was its purpose?
  • What alliance was established after WWII between
    the democratic nations of western Europe?
  • What alliance was established after WWII between
    the communist nations of eastern Europe?
  • What part of Germany became democratic?
  • Between whom was Germany divided?
  • What happened to Berlin after WWII?

WHII Review 67
  • West Germany gained what kind of power after
  • Who administered the govt in Japan after WWII?
  • What kind of govt was started in Japan after
  • Who guarantees Japans security even today?
  • What happened to Japans military capabilities
    after WWII?
  • The competition between what 2 nations began the
    Cold War?

WHII Review 68
  • Japan gained what kind of power after WWII?
  • The presence of what weapons influenced national
    policies during the Cold War?
  • What conference gave the Soviet Union control of
    Eastern Europe?
  • What were the 2 opposing economic philosophies of
    the Cold War?
  • The US policy to prevent the spread of communism
    was called what?
  • When did the Cold War begin?

WHII Review 69
  • Who was the president that developed the policy
    of containment?
  • What were the 2 opposing political philosophies
    of the Cold War?
  • The first armed conflict of the Cold War was
  • The Cold War armed conflict fought in Southeast
    Asia was in what country?
  • Who won these 2 armed conflicts?

WHII Review 70
  • What 2 alliances opposed each other during the
    Cold War?
  • In what years was the Cold War?
  • What economic system has failed throughout the
  • What was the significance of the Berlin Wall?
  • President Kennedy confronted the Soviet Union
    over missiles where?
  • Name 3 causes for the collapse of the Soviet

WHII Review 71
  • When did the Soviet Union collapse and the Cold
    War end?
  • The occupation of Asian countries by what nation
    increased demands for independence after WWII?
  • What country developed regional alliances to stop
    communist aggression?
  • After WWI, China divided into what 2 nations?
  • Who led nationalist China?
  • Where was nationalist China located?

WHII Review 72
  • Who led communist China?
  • Where was communist China located?
  • In the 1950s, in what war did Communist China
  • Who controlled Vietnam before WWII?
  • After gaining their independence, what happened
    to Vietnam?
  • Who led the conflict against the French and US in

WHII Review 73
  • What happened to Vietnam after the Vietnam War?
  • What nation controlled India before WWII?
  • What was the previous name of Pakistan?
  • What was the previous name of Bangladesh?
  • What was the previous name of Sri Lanka?
  • Who led the Indian independence movement?
  • What 2 policies were used to gain independence in
  • Who fought a war for independence from France?

WHII Review 74
  • What 2 religions came into conflict in India?
  • What was the result of this conflict?
  • The right of a people to decide their own
    political status or govt is called what?
  • Where was this guaranteed?
  • What was the last continent to gain independence
    from European imperialism?
  • What European nation controlled Kenya?
  • Who led Kenyas independence struggle?

WHII Review 75
  • Name 3 characteristics of the independence
    movement in Africa.
  • Many nations in this part of Africa gained their
    independence peacefully.
  • Name 4 countries who lost their colonies in
  • The official policy of strict racial separation
    and discrimination practiced in South Africa was
    called what?
  • Name 3 monotheistic religions

WHII Review 76
  • Where was the mandate system most active after
  • What happened to the League of Nations mandates
    after WWII?
  • Conflicts in the Middle East are often based on
  • What 2 countries were French mandates after WWI?
  • What 2 countries were British mandates after WWI?

WHII Review 77
  • Palestine became a part of what country in 1948?
  • What are the 5 main world religions?
  • What is the moral and religious code of conduct
    for Judaism?
  • What is the written record and beliefs of Hebrews
  • What 2 religions are based on Judaism?
  • How do Christians view Jesus?
  • What tells of the life and teachings of Jesus?

WHII Review 78
  • Who established early Christian doctrine?
  • Who began the religion of Islam?
  • Who is The Prophet?
  • What is the holy book of Islam?
  • What are the basic beliefs of Islam?
  • Who founded Buddhism?
  • What are the 2 basic guiding principles of
  • What do Buddhists hope to achieve?
  • Who was Buddha?

WHII Review 79
  • Who sent missionaries to spread Buddhism?
  • Where did these missionaries spread Buddhism?
  • What is the national religion of India?
  • What was the social system of India called?
  • The rebirth of the soul or spirit in different
    bodies is called what?
  • The belief that future reincarnation is based on
    present behavior is called what?
  • What religion believes in many forms of one deity?

WHII Review 80
  • Where is Judaism concentrated today?
  • Where is Christianity concentrated today?
  • Where is Islam concentrated today?
  • Where is Hinduism concentrated today?
  • Where is Buddhism concentrated today?
  • Name 3 places where there are ethnic and
    religious conflicts today.
  • (True/False) The plight of refugees is not
    important in international conflicts today.

WHII Review 81
  • A highly industrialized nation is often called
    what kind of nation?
  • A nation which had little industry and a
    traditional economy is often seen as what kind of
  • What group is migrating to European cities today?
  • What is widening the gap between developed and
    developing nations today?
  • Name 3 distinguishing features between developed
    and developing nations today.

WHII Review 82
  • Name 2 things impacting the worlds envitonment.
  • Name 3 differences between developed and
    developing nations.
  • Name 2 environmental challenges in the world
  • Name 3 social challenges in the world today.
  • (True/False) There is no relationship between
    economic and political freedom.
  • Why are countries of the world today becoming
    more interdependent?

WHII Review 83
  • Name a country where political freedom has
    produced a rising standard of living and strong
    middle class.
  • What is an example of regional interaction in
  • What does NAFTA stand for?
  • What does it do?
  • What does WTO stand for?
  • Name 2 international organizations.
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