Title: E-business Security and Control
1E-business Security and Control
2Opening Case Visa
- 10 commandments for online merchants
- Maintaining a network firewall
- Keeping security patches up to date
- Encrypting stored data
- Restricting data access on the basis of need to
know - Using updated antivirus software, etc.
3Threat of Accidents and Malfunctions
4Figure 13.1
5- Operator error
- Hardware malfunction
- Software bugs
- Data errors
- Accidental disclosure of information
- Damage to physical facilities
- Inadequate system performance
- Liability for system failure
6Threat of Computer Crime
7Figure 13.2
- Theft of software and equipment
- Unauthorized use of access codes and financial
passwords - Theft by entering fraudulent transaction data
- Theft by stealing or modifying data
- Internet hoaxes for illegal gain
- Theft by modifying software
9Sabotage and Vandalism
- Trap door
- A set of instructions that permits a user to
bypass the computer systems security measures - Trojan horse
- A program that appears to be valid but contains
hidden instructions that can cause damage
10- Logic bomb
- A type of Trojan horse set to activate when a
particular condition occurs - Virus
- A special type of Trojan horse that can replicate
itself and spread - Denial of service attack
- Sabotaging a Web site by flooding it with
incoming messages
11Factors that Increase the Risks
- The nature of complex systems
- Human limitations
- Pressures in the business environment
12Methods for Minimizing Risks
- Controlling system development and modifications
- Software change control systems
- Providing security training
- Physical access controls
13Controlling Access to Data, Computers, and
- Guidelines for manual data handling
- Access privileges
- Access control based on what you know
- Password schemes
- Access control based on what you have
- Access control based on where you are
- Access control based on who you are
14- Controlling incoming data flowing through
networks and other media - Commercially available virus protection products
- Firewall software that inspects each incoming
data packet, and decides whether it is acceptable
based on its IP address
15Figure 13.7
16Making the Data Meaningless to Unauthorized Users
- Public key encryption encryption method based
on two related keys, a public key and a private
(secret) key - Also used to transmit the secret key used by the
Data Encryption Standard (DES) - Digital signatures use public key encryption to
authenticate the sender of a message and the
message content
17Figure 13.8
18Controlling Traditional Transaction Processing
- Data preparation and authorization
- Data validation
- Error correction
- Backup and recovery
19Maintaining Security in Web-Based Transactions
- Public key infrastructure (PKI)
- Certification authority (CA) a company that
issues digital certificates - Computer-based records that identify the CA,
identify the sender that is being verified,
contain the senders public key, an is digitally
signed by the CA
20Transaction Privacy, Authentication, Integrity,
and Nonrepudiation
- Web transactions are encrypted using the Secure
Socket Layer (SSL) protocol - Encrypts the transmission using a temporary key
generated automatically based on session
information - Transaction authentication the process of
verifying the identity of the participants in a
21- Transaction integrity ensuring that information
is not changed after the transaction is completed - Nonrepudiation ensuring that neither party can
deny that the transaction occurred
22Difficulties With Security Methods for Web
- Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) method
- Proposed by a consortium of credit card companies
- More secure than SSL
- Costly, and very slow adoption rate
23Motivating Efficient and Effective Operation
- Monitoring information system usage
- Business process performance
- Information system performance
- Unusual activity
- Charging users to encourage efficiency
- Chargeback systems try to motivate efficient
usage by assigning the cost of information
systems to the user departments
24Auditing the Information System
- Auditing ensures that financial operations are
neither misrepresented nor threatened due to
defective procedures or accounting systems - Auditing around the computer vs. auditing
through the computer
25Preparing for Disasters
- Disaster plan a plan of action to recover from
occurrences that shut down or harm major
information systems
26Major categories of security exposures within
IT/IS environment
- - Acts of God? Such as fire, floods, hurricanes
and - other natural catastrophes etc
- Mechanical failure as when the H/W, S/W corrupts
- data, disc/tape is damaged etc.
- Human carelessness data entry errors, accident
during testing, mislaid/physical damage disc/tape
27Major categories of security exposures within
IT/IS environment (Contd)
- Malicious damage such as sabotage, a malicious
user or programmer etc. - Crime embezzlement, industrial espionage,
employees selling secrets etc. - Invasion of privacy may be due to casual
curiosity, - malicious invasion of privacy, Obtaining data by
a competing org. etc.
- The fundamental hurdles to overcome when planning
for - disaster recovery is to realize that the
seemingly large - variety of possible disasters can actually be
reduced to a - manageable number.
- In point of fact, all disasters can be grouped
into one or - more of only THREE categories. These are
- - loss of information,
- - loss of access
- - loss of personnel.
29Introduction to Risk Analysis
- There are a number of distinct approaches to risk
- analysis.
- However, these essentially break down into two
- types
- quantitative Risk Analysis
- Qualitative Risk Analysis
30Quantitative Risk Analysis
- this approach employs two fundamental elements
- the probability of an event occurring and
- the likely loss should it occur.
- it also uses a single figure produced from these
elements - - This is called the 'Annual Loss Expectancy
(ALE)' or the 'Estimated Annual Cost (EAC)'. - This is calculated for an event by simply
multiplying the potential loss by the
31Qualitative Risk Analysis (The relational model)
32Qualitative Risk Analysis
- This is by far the most widely used approach to
risk analysis. Probability data is not required
and only estimated potential loss is used. - Most qualitative risk analysis methodologies make
use of a number of interrelated elements - a) THREATS
- These are things that can go wrong or that can
'attack' the system. Examples might include fire
or fraud. Threats are ever present for every
33Introducing Risk Analysis
- These make a system more prone to attack by a
threat or make an attack more likely to have some
success or impact. For example, for fire a
vulnerability would be the presence of
inflammable materials (e.g. paper). - c) CONTROLS
- These are the countermeasures for
vulnerabilities. There are four types - Deterrent controls reduce the likelihood of a
deliberate attack
34Introducing Risk Analysis (Contd..)
- CONTROLS (Continued from the previous page)
- Preventative controls protect vulnerabilities and
make an attack unsuccessful or reduce its impact - Corrective controls reduce the effect of an
attack - Detective controls discover attacks and trigger
preventative or corrective controls
35(The Information Security Process)
36Information Security Architecture